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<br /> �� G.ASSIGNMFIVT 0�LEASFS. Upan l.cndcr's rcqunst,8onmwer shaJl nsfi3ga to l.cnda alf Icases of thc
<br /> r��� : d sits mado in connadon with k,�ses of thc Property. U(x�n Ihr a5signmenl,Lendcr
<br /> .....�...�k,: properly and all sccurity cpo =-
<br /> shal!havc the ci�ht to modify.extend�r temilnau Iha cxisinn�Icases and ro wcecuta ncw lra.ses,in Lcnda's sok �=-
<br /> �' h d,the worA'Ic;ase" sh;nll mnc�► "sublr,�sc" if tht Sccurity Insw�ecnt is an a �•:�-
<br /> ' " 3 discrction.As used in lhis patt�grnP ��
<br /> -_ �. leasehold.
<br /> Harowu absoluteiy and uncondidonally assigns and uansferA w 1Gcnder all the ren�ts an:d«ver�ucs("Rents")of 1he ;=_
<br /> �� g�,nperty�cegardless of to whom�he Rcnts of the PropcnY r�r�%t�Yablr�i�w�uRt�7��a�d�er oc l.�i nde's ��
<br /> � agents a wlioct�be Ru►ts.and agro�s thae each unanc of Qxj PropertY -
<br /> agents,Howevu,Bamowu shall rcceiva the Rerua until(i)La�3dcr has givei►Bamwu nado�of default pursuu►t to
<br /> }. paragranh 21 of the Securiry Insuu„iu�t aatl(ie)Les�r t�s�ivcn inotia w tho ners�n.t(�J thac tP►a Rents are to be .-
<br /> � ' paid to I.e�s�er ar Lender's egenG 'IUis assigament of Reat� consdWUs en absolu�Na risssignmcrn and not an -
<br /> assignmer►t for edditi�nal sesiuity only.
<br /> If Lender Sives eaotiee of breach W Bottovrer.(i)ull Rente�rcx�eived by Borcowes ShstJ!be l�dd by Hotm�u as ..
<br /> ' wsta for the bernefit af Lendcr oniy.w ba appliad to the sume�sccured by tl�e Sacurtty Insuuma��(ii)I-eaAa'shall
<br /> be entitkd to colloct and roceive ail of�he Re.�ts of tha Fres(xsRY: {ilj)Borrower ag�'.s that each ta�►�of the
<br /> :,,1 ' propaty sh�1►paY all Rents due and unpaid to Leatkr ar I.eMcr's egents upo�n Le+►dex's written dat�nd to the
<br /> u�an�(iv) unks5 ePPlicobk i�w pmvides dhetwi9e,aU R�tt�coU�ect�d by I.enda or L�en�ia's agu�ts shail be
<br /> • ., applkd first to Ihe oosU of taking amtrol of end n�en�B�nB the Pn�rtY and oollocting tltie Rcats�including�but not
<br /> ' ' Waitod W�aUaneYs'fees,receiver's fees.Praniums on receivtsr's bonds�re,pair and m�inte�tarxe oosts.inswance
<br /> preminms�iaxes, assessma►ts and othu char�s on tho pon�xsriY.and then w 1he sums sixured by the Security -
<br />_ . , .. in��(v)j,��.L�;.�:'a�^�sp�s s..^;�• '�tly n;xx�intod t�eceiver shsll be liebb W aceount for only lhose
<br /> � _ -..
<br /> Rents actu�lly reaivod:and(vi?I�dar stiaU bo cn6tlod oo hzva a recciver appaintai w talro pASSession of anm
<br /> � ' • n�anage the propatY and wlkxt the RenLS�nd pc�nfits derive�l from the ProPa►Y witi�out any sRwwing as to thc
<br />,��= . �4�Y of the PmpatY ag securiry.
<br /> �.�"�:r�`' If the Rtnts of the PmpatY an not suTfiCiCnt W oover the costc of taYinB COntrol Of and Rean�in8 �1►�
<br /> _'"•''"".'"� b Len�ler Ea such st�all beoome it�dcblodtkss of
<br /> -.< « .-. pmq�C►sy aad of ooliocan�tha Rcnts aay funds exper�dod Y P�°
<br /> �`_:,�.•_,;, ° lnsuummt purstumt w Uaifam Cova�ant 7.
<br /> -_n:,-:.k��. Boano�vet W Las�de.�9eCUCed by the Secu�itY � t of the Rents Ancl l�a4
<br /> �'r�:.':-� � Bo�rowa represeats end waeranc�that Bcxmwa has not�acocutod any PQio� �
<br /> _--.::_4'�'
<br />�.i.�./._"..
<br /> -_=.ar'. not aod wlll aot ppfo�any act tdat would prevent I.endee fran axen:ising nts rights undsr th�s per. .
<br /> _�`,,•�-•� u�ddr�u I�ender's egeats a a judic's�ily epPointed mceivtr.stwll not be roquiral to a�sa u�pa►,qke contcul
<br /> �'°-:�.`�-• of or maintain the Pcoperiy befon cx efter giving notia of dafault�Borc+nwer.Howevu.Y.e�der. or L.u�dea's
<br /> � ''� egents�n judici�ily appointed rocxiva.rrnY do so at aay time whon a default oocurF My applic�tion of Rents
<br /> --�:���ti�±�
<br /> shali not cure a waive any defaaft ar invalidau a�►y otha right ar retnody of Le�der.'l1�is�x of Rrx►u nf
<br /> —=-�^�:�`�r� the propaty shall te�minate when all tl�e sums s,�cured by the Security Inswment�re paid in fuil.
<br /> °- -�`_�'�� Y.CAOSS-DE�AULT PROVI�IUN. Bo�mwu's defauit or brsa�h tu�sr ony.note a �oa�t un
<br /> ��`�a whirh L�ader hag an intaest sl�sl!be a breacti uada the Socurity InsuuTaeei►t and Lencla may invoke eny of the
<br /> _�,.:,;�;;,;, retnot9ies petmittod by the Se�t�ity IIns7umenG
<br /> �;;u:� BY SIGNING BBLOW.Bazsawa accepss end eg�.e u►aho tcra►s and provisions contained in►his 1�4 Family
<br /> "';;:� Ridct.
<br /> - ,=�
<br /> -- :..:A:�a�•�
<br /> ::.��-��:"� � ��� (Seal)
<br /> .=:,�:T�s -flanow�er
<br /> _---,;m,� J CB ASPBN -Borsoscr
<br /> � =_��w�.� (S�, �5��
<br /> "'Fti�.-*- -Sorrowtt
<br /> " . .'�i- -Boerawer
<br /> :y'^-
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