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<br /> APPL# 001-70218022
<br /> � ML# OOOOOOOU00
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<br /> _':� _� ILY ItIDER 97° 102�8'�'
<br /> :r, 1 � FA1M[
<br /> �"�r ,,, Aasignment of Renta
<br /> THIS 1�4 Fft.MILX RID�R i�n�riM�this leZ'H �y�f APRIL . 1Q9� end is ..
<br /> - � incoryorated into 7acl shmll ba deemad ta 1,';rt►end end supplement the Mortguge,Deed of Trust ar Security Deed(the _ _
<br /> , °gecurity Inswm�ec�t")o€the seme date�ven by Ihc undersigacd(the"Barrower")to sc�ure Bocrower's Note to _ __
<br /> . ���-�.---
<br /> ., .".;z.v
<br /> �` (the"I.ender") ��.'_
<br /> of it�e same daf��d coo•ering the Plcgerty dcscribed in the Security Insirument and locatal a4 _ ; ___.
<br /> `�::=
<br /> � --
<br /> , -Y asia W D3:'VSSION
<br /> ' OR]1NLl ISI.FIND, NFsB2LASPCA 6f�803 :�'�._...
<br /> (property Add�s��)
<br /> ��.�; . Ic addition w:he covenants and egreesnen�a���e in tha Sec►uity Instrumen4 `�_�
<br /> 1-4 FANa�.11 COVENAP7'i'S �;,;_--
<br /> gartpv,JCr and i,encica furtha c�vennnt r.•a�d ao ce as fo(lows: �t�;�
<br /> A.ADDITII(DAIAL PROP�6�7fY�UBJECT TO THE SECUitT['Y INSTRIJIIYENT. In addidon to the �_�ti;=�-
<br /> + Pinperty descritr:d in thc Securi�f L.wcnuncnt,the following items a�e�3Gd w the PropGrcy descdpYion.and shal! --
<br /> .;� also coasutute tt,e Property wvcred bq the SocurIty Inst�umenC •��irL materials,aPPlieuices and goods of every -
<br /> r,�..:.�!�°�L°`L..°°[�L�,!*w nr hrs�.afiYlP lUC3tCd t'D.on.or usr.�.e�r�t�a3:d to be used in connection aith the Property, _
<br /> .. includi�g,but rrn IimitAd to.ihaoe fa�he purposrs of suFP�)'�L�ar distribudng heating,cooling,eloctricity� Sas.
<br /> Rr�er� sir and lj�,�t,fue praventian atud extingulshin8 apparar.,�.�rx�i�Y end access con€rnl epparaws.Plumbing.
<br /> � bctih tubs.wat�heaL�.watct cluoer.a,sinks.ranges.swves.nfr�c�a►tt�s,dishwastiers,dislwsals.washers,drYeis.
<br /> - ' av�nlags�stosm vYmdnws.stortn d�ors.�ree2.btindv;s�s�,curtains anc�cuttain rads�attached mirrors.cabineJS.
<br />`. paneWng aisd n•��'hsd [knna caverings now ur hereaRer avached to the P�� a11 oF ahich, including
<br /> . `'�°'� .� ropiacemcnts eEU1 addirioas 1fa�e�r.sAn,ll be daemed w be a�d remain a put of tbe L�so;pzrty covered by�he Sxurity =—
<br /> �'�:';�`';:�.-�' I�st�uument/W'of ttu�forcgQi�d Lmgcthcr with the Prnpaty described in the Sacurity Instrument(or the 1ea�et�old
<br />: �.�°�±�: . me
<br />_ .,. .:t ..;,� estata if the S�ciuity Insuument i� �sn a �r.s..Mhotd)e�e referred to in this 1� Family Rider end the Security►
<br /> ,- t",:,A'�.
<br /> Inswment as Et�a"Paoperiy."
<br /> .,,..�{.: ;� B.USE(I�P PROPERTY;COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Barower shall not saek,a�ee to a maice a
<br /> _„. ��i change in the eue of the Fmpe�3y er its zanin�g classUicadon.unkss Lend�r hag ag�+eed in writing to the change.
<br /> '�„�.}"�,;.� Barowcr sha�l compiy with ali lu�+vs. ordinance�. regulations and reqairements of any governmeatal body
<br /> �' ---•�;,:r...•�
<br />-�.'�-� appficc�Ale W d•rt.Properiy.
<br />-�-��,,�,
<br />�"�^`'"��,�+'�:� � G SUBattDINA,TE LIENS. �cept as pamitted by fixk��l laa,Boirowei shall not ellow any lien inferior
<br />����
<br /> w the Secariry�sutrument ta me pwfected against the Pcopaty without Lcnder's prior wriuczi pe�nissioA.
<br />�^'�`�?'::,,;,,r-�, D.ItENT IL063 A�i�f�;7A?.,NC�3. Harowa shall mAfntain tnsurence against rent bss in addidon to the o*.her °
<br /> _�...
<br />''`4:;�c•`"`;, hsuar�ds for wt�itd�nsuret�cc ay reqnurA by Unifotm Covet►a�►t 5.
<br />�'1�,_'':. n —
<br />- --°��-�,�• E."BOititml;►ER'3 Iti(iH'Y'r0 REINS'i'ATE DELETED. Unifartn Covenanc 18 is deletsd.
<br />=`"=''j==��`"� F.BORRmWER•S OCCUIPANCY. Unless Ixndei end Bomower otheivvise a$t+ee in wrifin8. the fust
<br /> =�4v:�
<br /> _�,_.� sentc�►ce in Urriform CovcnAnt 6 canccming Borrower's occupancy of the Property is deleied. All remaining
<br />=-��-� ' covcoants aod:+gzoetnent�t set fnrtii ia�Unifoan Covenant 6 shall remain in effec� —
<br /> i,..,.
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