:i1 . . . ,. `� '
<br /> , . � n ��
<br /> `
<br /> r..
<br /> ' ���8�O LOAN N0. 1 5 3 s 7. � s e�s r`
<br /> �! • Lender shall glve B�wer notice of acceleratlon.The notice shall provide a perlod _
<br /> Ii l.ender exerclses thls optlon,
<br /> ' of nol less than 30 days from the dat�the notice is delivered or mailerl wfthln which Borrower must pay all sums secured
<br /> � by this Security Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prlor to the oxpIration ot thls perlod,Lender may Invoke ,.', :i._,
<br /> , any remedles�ermitted by thls Securiry Instrument w(thout further notice ar demand on Borrower.
<br /> i 1g,Borrhwer's Right to Relnst�te. If Borrotiv�r meets certaln conditions,Borrower shall have the right to have :; ��.�•��`;� _
<br /> enfprcemant ofthis Security Instrurrtent dlscontinuetl�t anytlme prlorto the earlier of:(a)5 days(or such other perlod
<br /> . as appllr,a�l�law may specify for reirstatement)before sale of the Proper nstrumonttThosep onditions are hat�n�I� i� � •
<br /> � thls 3e�urity Instrument;or(b)entry of a�udgment enforcing t7�is Security I
<br /> Borrowor:(a)pays Lendor all sums whlch then would be due under thls Security I nstrument and the Note as(f no �;
<br /> � acceleratlon had occurr�d;(b)cures any default of any other covenants or agreements;(a)pays all expenses Incurred ,
<br /> ; In entprcing thls Secur3ty Instrument.Including,but noi Iimfted to,reasonable attorn Le�e�`�g�ghtsdln he Property and �'
<br /> ; as Lendor may reasonably requlre to assure that the Ilen of this Security Inst�ument, _�,�,,.,,;,,�'
<br /> Botrower's obllgatlon tA pay tha sums secured by this Secur(ty Instrument shali continue unchanged.Upon tt�;.�.�.�
<br /> � reinstatement by Bnrrower,thls Securlty Instrument and the abllgatlons secu Int he ase a alcce eaation under tive as if ., �_
<br /> , no ecceleratlon had occurred.However,thls right to relnstato shall not apMy ,�,.�-=-�
<br /> ' parepraph 17. �-- --
<br /> 19,gd�of Nots�Chanp�01 Lotn ServlcK. The Note o�a parttal Interost in tho Note(to ether with thls 3ecurity ��... _
<br /> �•.�,�:»-
<br /> Inatrument) may be sdd one or more tlmss without priar notice to Borrower.A sale may resu(t n a change fn the entiry i",
<br /> ...�...:,.
<br /> � (known as the'l.oan Servlce�')that cdlects monthly payments due under the Nate Rnd thta Securiry Instrument.TPiere ��'��"�
<br /> � I a���y��or mflre changes of the Loan Servlcer unrelated to a sale ot the Note.If there Is a change of the Loan ;.
<br /> . ' 3ervlcer,Borrowar wWl be gh►en written notice of the change In accordance wfth par�graph 14 above and applicable law. � i.' � ,.
<br /> � The notice wNl stato the name end e�dress o4 the new Loan Servicer and the address to whlah payments should be .. �.:+�--
<br /> j made. The notice wllt aiso contaln any other Informatlon requtred by aRpllcable law.
<br /> � 20.N�z�rdAUS Sub�Unce�. Borrower shall not cause or permft the presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of
<br /> ��? any Hazardous Substances on or 1�the Proparty.Borrower shail not do, nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting
<br /> � the Property that Is in vlolailon of any Environmental I.aw.7he preceding two sentences shall not appty to the presence, . _
<br /> ' use,or storage on the Property of small quantEtles of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be .
<br /> �' appropriate to normal resldential usea and to malmenance of the Property ��. .
<br /> Borrower ahall pramptly gNe Lender wriiien noiii;e ut ary in�a.laa:lan,c!elm,tlemen�,�Awsult or other actfon by 1_ ' '
<br /> any govemment�l or regulatory agency or private party invdving the Praperty and any Hazardous Substance or 4����.. �
<br /> Ernironmental law of whtch Borrower has actual knowledgo.If Borrower learns,or is notifled by any governmental or � ,�r��': �' ;
<br /> r e gulatory aulhority,that any removal or othor remediatlon of any Mazardous Substance affecting the Property�s . , �- ;� ;,
<br /> necessary, BoROwer shall prompUy take all necessary remedial actions in accor danc e wlth Envlronmental Law. f 'x `�4�;-: ';I
<br /> == A�s used In thls paragreph 2U�"Hezardous Substances'are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous '" < . �
<br /> � :t sub�tances by Environmental L8w and the idlowing substances:gasdine,kerosene,other flammable or toxic � -•'= ,
<br /> ' petrdeum producta,to x lc pe s t lc i des a n d h e r b l c(d e s,v o l a t i l e s d v e n t s,m a t e r i e l s c o n t ainin g asbestos or i�rmaldehyde, ' �';r
<br /> arx!redioactNe materials.As used In this paragraph 20,"Environmental LavW'means federal laws and laws of the C
<br /> „ Jurisdiction where the Proparty►la located that relate to health,setety or envlronmental protectlon. � _ .
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and I.ender further covenant and agree as follows: •,:: �
<br /> 2L Acc�l�ratlon;Rsmedla. Lender�hall qivs notice ta eorrower prior to a to a�ccelera lon�under pa►spr�ph •a ���• `
<br /> breac h o f a�ny c ow n a M o r�g r�m m t i n t h i s S e c u r i t y o n a t r u m e M�b u t n ae t rhe detauft; b the�otlon requ(r e d t o :�'
<br /> �! 17 unle�s appllc�bt�taw provides othsrwise).The nfl4fxe shall specffy:( ) ( ) .�.:.�n.:_
<br /> 2•.. cua t h�dm hull;(c)�dat��not le�s th��30 daya trom the date t�ae notice Is pivan to Borrower,by whlch the _��.._
<br /> detault mutt ba cur�d;and(d)th�t fallure to cur�tho defauft ore or betoro the d�te�peeifisd In ths net ice m�y ���-, �,
<br /> , . � resuR in�ccdsratlon of tho�ums tecured by thls Security Instrument�nd eale of the Proqerty.Tho nottcs sh�ll �__— — —
<br /> ; � tuRher Intom�Borrow�r ot the rigM to reinatete�tter acceleration and the right to brinp�court actlon to�s:�R ;� �_
<br /> the non-sxinence of�datault or any other detense of Borrower to�cceleratlon ond sate.If the deUult Is not �;�;��_
<br /> � � cur�d on or betoro th�dste specified In the notics,Lender at its option m�y require immedteto payment In tull ot \ . .f„���;��__
<br /> �' alt�ums s�curod by this Securtty Instrumerit without further dsm�nd and m�y Invoke the power of�als�nd any -�- �
<br /> � other nm�dl�s pKmftted by�ppflc�bls law.Lender shall bs sntttlacl to cotloct all expenses tncurred in puroulnp '=:��:
<br /> � tFt�remedln provWed In this panpnph 21�inctuding,but no4 Iimited to,reasombla�ttorneye'tees and costs o4 �a.���,�,�,;,���
<br /> ., �� tttie evidenc�. „-;-�=,--.r..;�;,
<br /> a1. °,.•. �.,,��_,..
<br /> # N the power of ude t�Invoked,Trustee�hall recard a notice of dehuR In each county In which any part ot ,��..�; -�, .
<br /> .. 'i �,.3-�.! v:_.• ,
<br /> ths P►op�rty t�loc�ted�nd 4hu�� ms��ccP�es of such notico in the mmner prescribed by eppliceible law to • . ,. •
<br /> � Borrovwr and to th�other penont prescribed by�pplicable lfiw. After the tlme roquired byli�pie Iaw.I Truet�e, � , �=
<br /> ; , ,� 7rustee st�ll�Ive publta notis�ot ais to the persone and In the manner prescribed by app
<br /> '� wi2hout dem�nd on Borrower,sh�ll seli th�Property at public auction to the htgheat biddor et the tlrne and place
<br /> � �nd underths terms dos{�natod in the notice of sale In one or moreparcels snd!n any order Tr�atee dotermines.
<br /> , Trustw m�Y po�tp�art�sale of all or my parcel oi tho Property by publla announcement at the timo end place of � �
<br /> �:�j any previautly ac�hsduled eale. Lender or fts desiynee m�y purch�s�e the Property at any sate. ,, , .
<br /> . � Upon r�cel of paymeM of the price bld�Trustee�hall deltver to the purahpter Trustee's doed conveying
<br /> � th eln.��d���+�PP�Y tho proceeds os thi sale�in the�f oUo ng order:(ay to�Itcoats and xpen es oi made
<br /> �
<br /> +4 FORM 30289/00
<br /> - � � ISC/CMOTNB//0782/3028(9-90i•� �"OG°":° ----- - --
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