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<br /> ������ LOAIV NO. 1 5 3 9 2 1 6�1 9 �`'
<br /> 10. Cond�mnatlo�. The proceads of any award or claim tor damages,dlrect or cons9quentlal,in connectlon with °.
<br /> any condemnatlon ot other taking of any pan o!the Property,ar for canveyance In Ileu of condemnaYlon,are horeby r
<br /> ' assign:.d ae�d c�hall t�a R�ki to l.ender.
<br /> In the everYt of a total tsking ot the Property,the proceeds shall be applled to the sums secured by thts Security .
<br /> .;;= Instrumeni.whether or not then due,wfth a,mmedlatelyabetore the klnp laraqual to or great a�than he amotent of the�n _
<br /> ,� whlch the falr market value of the Properry
<br /> suma secured by thls Seaurity Instrument Immedfately betore the takinp,unleas Borrower and Lender otherwlse agree In
<br /> wrfting,the sums securod by thls Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muitiplled by the .,. _
<br /> fdlowing hactian:(a)the to4al smuunt of the sums secured Immedlatefy before the taking,dlvlded by(b)the iair market ,,.;:;,,
<br /> value of the Property Immediately beforo the taking.Any balance eh m�m l�atelt befo e ho tAking is less than the'aI �, �; ` .� ,. �'�
<br /> taking of the P�ope�tY fn whlch the fais r�arket value of tho Property Y
<br /> a
<br /> ' ��ount of tho�t�rr�s aecurotl lmmediately before the t�king,unless Borrower�nd lender ot6�enrulse agree in wrlting or l.:�•:.ti�,F ,.;,.�.,����_i`
<br /> u�less ap�allc�P121a�aw ait�er�vlse provldes,the prace0ds shall be appllad to the awms secured by th(s Securtty ,
<br /> � Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. , r;R-�.��y..,_=
<br /> If the F'ropeRy is sbandoned by Bonower,or H,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offer�to . �`��:�
<br /> m a k e an awarci or setUe a clalm for damagos,Borrower falls to reopond to Lender within 30 days aiter the date the : ;�;;
<br /> notice Is given.Lerxier ls autha r i z s t 1 to c o 6 1ca t a�d a p p t y t h e p r o c e a d s,e t ft s c p t i o n,e i t h e r t o r estoratlon or re p alr ot the - 'r^:,;_
<br /> . Property o�to the suma secueed by thia Securiry Inatrument,w he t her or not then due. �L,i.:.
<br /> Icatlon of roceede to princlpal shall not extend or �,����
<br /> UnlesBlender end Borrower otherwi ment�efened to�ln paraqrepha t er►�2 or chenge the�mount of such �`���"�♦
<br /> postpons the ctue date of the monthly PaY ;:,as��,,�':�"'�
<br /> = p�yme�e.
<br /> ` 11,Bortovwr NM RNwwd3 Fa�P�nc�By I.mq�r Not�Wa1vQr. Exteneion o4 the time for payment or �.«�' ,�;�.�
<br /> modKlcetion a1 amortizatlon of the�umf aecured by this 8ecurRy Inatrument pranted by�ender to any eucceasor In �'
<br /> '� �ntereat of Borr4wer ehall not op�rato to releete the Ilabiliry of ths or� �na�Barrower or Etar�awer'd succeasora In �' t
<br /> Interast.Lender dt9arll not be requlred to comm�nce praceedln��a�a
<br /> nst any successor In 6nterast or re9use to extand �.�r
<br /> � dme for pepneM or otherwlse modHy emortizatlon of the sums secured by thls 3ecurity Instrument by reason of any ;' ,
<br /> ,� deme�nd made by the or{ylnal Bonower ot Borrower's auccessara In Interest.Any farbearance by Lender In exerclsing ���
<br /> any rt�lht or remedy shall not be a w�iver of or prectude the exarclse of any right or remedy.
<br /> ` �Z,gucc�aon�nd Ass{pns Bound;Jolrn�nd Siwrai i.iapiii�y,uo-si�n�:. T�s r,c��ra�.nta sr�sp�°-°�nQnrA nf - _
<br /> � thia Security Instrument shell b�nd and benefft the successore and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subJect to the
<br /> ; prqv�slons o�pgrt�g�aph 17.BoROwe�'s covenants and agreementa shall be Jolnt end several.Any Bonower who
<br /> r
<br /> �, co•signs thls Security Onstn�ment but does�ot execute the Note:(a)Is casigning thio Security Instrument only to � . ,
<br /> rrtatt g e g e�praM and carney that BoROwePs Interest In the 6�roperiy under the terms of thts Sec:urity Instrument;(b)is
<br /> not pereor�lly obllgated to pa the sums secured by thls Secur ri y Ins trumen t;a n d(c)a g r e e s that Lender and an y other
<br /> nstrrumern or the Note wRhout thatdBoROwet's cons�erkit any accommodatlons wkh�egard to the terms of thla Securiry
<br /> ,�- 13.L�a�CIt�rQts. If the loan secured by thfs Security Instrurr�ont Is subject to e law which sets maximum loan
<br /> �� charges.and tha2law Is flnaliy interpreted so that the IMere�t or o2her loan charges cdlected or to be cdlected In =
<br /> � connection with the loan exceed the pennitted Umits,then: a)any sums alreadyac�ilected o Borrower which ount ���
<br /> � �� nocessaryto raJuce the cha�ge to the permttted�irr�k;and(� �-�'"
<br /> •� exceeded perminted��mits wql be retunded to Bonov��sr.Le�ar may choose to make thls refund by reductnp the
<br /> - � princlpa�awsKi under the Note or by mak(ng a direct payment to BoROwer.If a refund reduces principal,the reduction
<br />- � • � w81 betreatsd es a partial prepayment without any prepay►tiient charge under the Note. �_,_�_
<br /> i 14.NoNeN. Any na8ce to Borrower provided for in this Securtry Instn�ment shall be ghren by delivering It or by !_=�__
<br /> � j, � 1 making k by firot dass maN uniass appl�cable law rsquires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the �� -
<br />�,,;� j Pro hddress or any other address Bonower deslgna3es by notice to Londer.An notice to Lender shall be ghren i
<br /> perty dd
<br />- ,� by flrst csass ma�l to Lender's address stated hereln or any other address Lender des gnatea by notice tr�BoITOwer.Any =— J�
<br /> � not�e prmvl�l�d tor In this Security Instntment shall be deemed to have bosn given to Bonower or Lender when glven _—
<br /> � ..:. � aa provir.�etl bn thls paragraph. _--
<br /> _'� ��~� � ; 1b.Gov�mi»y Law;Sewrability. Thie Security InstNment shall be govemed by federal taw and the law of the �'�,
<br />�_ � • . � � t�����a�(n�ry}�ICh the Property la located.In the event that any provlslon or clause of this Securlty Instrument or the
<br /> ' � icebie law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Inst�ument or the Note �; ��___.r.�.
<br />= .,.... � Note corefllcis with eppl ��.�°�°��
<br /> - � whlch c�+n be gh�en effect wlthout the conflicting provislon.To this end the provlslona of this Security Instrumont and the i'�
<br /> ' Note ar�e de�lared ta be se�verable. ��`��``�'
<br /> �� rC'�
<br />� 10. Borrowmr's Capy. Borrower shatl bv gh►en one conformed copy of the tdote and of this Security Inst�ment. ��4�: `
<br /> � � � 17. Tmrnfsr of tha Property or�Beneflctal Intersst In Borrow�r. If all or any pan of tho Proporty or any :;:� ; ,;.;e
<br /> ; � Interest in ft is c�ld or transferred(or f�a beneflcial(nterest in Borrower Is so t d or tw3n s ferr e d and Borrower is not a �,;,r. »,- :•���
<br /> :� naturel per�n)wlthout Lender's prlor wrftten cansent,Lendor may,at fts option,requiro Immodlate payment in full of all '��'• .y��;�`�'
<br /> . sU hib ed b federal law as of the date of this Securfty Instrutmenthall not bo oxercised by Lender if exorcise Is ._ _.
<br /> ; pro Y , .::=�
<br /> .;� . , . .. .
<br /> _t+_ . ISC/CMDTNE//0782/3028(8�90)•L PAdE 4 OF.B ;; ; •
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