<br /> �i
<br /> �� � � ...:���,�m;
<br /> � � . _ .,.
<br /> .- ��,7,"` ., .,::���-
<br /> .
<br /> .. _
<br /> .. ���._.. ,. ,. .. .. ..... . .... ..._. . . .. _. ... . . .. .. .------• •�
<br /> _ .. ._ . tll@td`'_ .. .x:n,.;ia.:�
<br /> , � �/��OIfrL,�� • • ...� '','ti�.'_�=:-;,�e��c
<br /> Ta.:1
<br /> . ' '� 4. INBURANCE. Truntor, at Ro �xp�nso, wlll malntamwithlrtaunt��pprowd by B�n�Aclary,Inwr�nc�with r�tplct talh• �"}°'``'"'�'?'t"�;':
<br /> i Impiov�mont�and psroannl prop�rty,conftitutiny th�Proputy. p�tmt btw by fin,I�qhtnmq,tornado,and oth�r p�ni�and h�tard• --�
<br /> � covu�d by atendarA oxlnndtid covarapr�ndon�mmt, In�e srnount�qual to nl ten�t on�hundr�d p�scsnt ol lh�luil rople.c�m�nl
<br /> � valuo thorqo}end inourmmo nnalnol�uch otA�r hnanrdv c�fld�n �uch nmounis nn m cuatont+nly carri�d by nwnerA end op�r�tou af
<br /> � esm+.rr prop�rtN�or��8rnericu+ry m�y nqu�n for K�prot�cnars.in��tor wdl comply wdh�uch oth�►rQquinmsnl�si I1�n�Aclarymiay
<br /> from lim�lo lim�nquut fer Ih�protar.tbn by intur�ner ol�h�nu��tl�of Ih�rotpastw�pnrt���.All inturRnc�pohc�a m�inhm�d
<br /> � punu�nt lo Ihh D��d of Truat�heA n�m�Y�u�tor rn4 Bam�CNe ryu mtur�d�,e�Ih�ir roop�cthn mtvnat�may�pp+�+.�n4 provk!• �
<br /> � thnllhor��h�ll b�no c�nn�ll�t�on or mod�flcatwn w�thout nnkssNK�ib dAy�prar wi�t�n notiMcRlbn to Trutles�tnd B�n�hcluy.tn
<br /> i Ih��wnl�ny polky h�nundrr N not r�n�w�d on or b�fou Iff. d�y�prar to�t��xpir�tbn d�t�.Tru�t��or Sm�hsi�ry may praura
<br /> euch Inauretna tn accarAnnrn with Ihe praviabns o}pnrsflnph AE h�naf.7rwtor�hsl!d�liv�t tA Bsneficiery Ih�onptnd pallcN�01 -
<br /> I �n�urnna nnd nn�wnb Ihmno}ur mrrno coptio ol oucii po:ctiocnd ioncwalo l0arcat.FaCuro ta tunu:h nuch inournnee hy Tru�tc�r,
<br /> i or un�wnu a�nquir�d hernund�r�hall,�t fh�optwi o1 B�ntflGwy, eanttrtut��d�t�uM.
<br /> i
<br /> •• • 6. TAXEB,A88E88MfI1CT9 AND CMARDE9.TruntarthetOpay alI taxu, nu�arm�nte end oths�charp��, mcludmp, wMO�t
<br /> ,. IimtiaHon,firt�t and ImpositVOn� attnbutabl�to th�Prop�Ay, and lenohold paym�nta or qround rent�, t?tny, ��tot�Ihw oms ��
<br /> become dslinqu�nt.Truttor ehnll prompty furmsh to B���f�darydl �olle��o}amount�du�und�r thle puapr�ph,�nd m th+a�vs�t
<br /> Truetor ehnll meke payment dinctly,Trustor shall prompttyN�nah to Beneficiary rec�ipts�vld�ncinp tuch paym�nt�. 7mttarthe�ll
<br /> pry nll texea end asasstmonts which may 6e levled upon B�n�6dttry'�int�nst h�r�in or upon thl����d of Tn�at wdhout r��ad to .• � =,•-r
<br /> nny law that may be snactod Impoaing paymtnt of th�whoM or uy part tharwf upon ths B�n�flclary. .,� ''Y',�,,
<br /> �''����'��r
<br /> 8. ADDITIONAL LI�NS AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICURY'8 BECURIIY.Tru�tor�hell mak�all peym�nh of Inter�fl and .?_�;_.
<br /> , prinapal nnd paymente of any oiher�arqas, toa and exp�ncss contrnct�d to b� pald [o eny�xiatinp Ii�o hotden or prior ".����__—
<br /> bon�ficinriea undor nny pHar da�d of trust or mortpeps b�toro[M dat�they er�ddinqu�nt and prompty pay�nd di�charpe sny a�d {Y-_.� -
<br /> esll olh�r li�ns,ctalms or ch�rps�wh�h may�wpardl��th�ucairiy grenhd h�nin.lf Trustor tsia to meko nny�uch paymmt ortaile .• ��`�-��
<br /> � tr=_°---°._
<br /> 1 to p�Horm eny ot ths covanente and�prMm�nts contaln�d In thA CHd ot Trust,or in any prbr mortpe►p�or dwd o}huc4 or N any :, �,,,_
<br /> n dan ot proa�d inp h c o r n m�n a d w h k h m e t�r l e A y a f h c t e �n�f i a e�ry's i n t�n t t In th�Pro p�r t y, includin 9, but not IimitM to, �`.;�;�`,
<br /> ' � � • amh�nt domain proca�dinpe,or proc�edinQs involvinp a d�ad�n4 or tl Ytustor fail�to pay Yrustor'o debU p�n�raly as they bewro � __
<br /> ' dw,th�n BensficSery.at Qen�ficiary's option ttnd without notira b or d�mand upon Trustor and without r�Nusinp Trustor hom any ,_._
<br /> ob5gatbn horeunder, may mak� euch appesrartce�, dhbura�auch aums and tak� such nction aa ia n�assary to proteet .;'�'
<br /> � Benoficiary's interest. Includinp, but not limdnd to, disbun�ment of reasonable a!tomey'e fees, paymonL purchaa�,conNSt or x•-� ,
<br /> � compromise ot any�ncum6rnnc�,charpe or I'�n,and�ntry uponlhe Prop�rly to mak�npa�n.In th��wnt lhat Trustartha11W1 to i�;��"..'"�.���.
<br /> ���.: �; procure insure�na or to pey taxes,asseosmonte,or nny oth�r chugeo or to mak�any Faym�nts to any axoatlny prbr le�n holdue or ` ;^�;�"
<br /> :'.`-;� 6�Mfickvtea,B�neficiary may procun cuch insurnna and maak�euch paym�nL My amounts dfsbun�d by B�n�fici¢ry pursuNt to '. ��r
<br /> •,.,.�.�, .s.
<br /> �. .:;�, �;..,, thb Paraprnph A.8 shall bocoms edddbnal indebt�dnsas o1T►-u�br s�cund by thb O��d ot Truit 3uch amounts�hall b�piysbh ,1•.,� —�
<br /> .. ���:;.,
<br /> ; �.,,.. � upan notic� trom Bonefioiary to Truotor r�qwatinp paymmt �harwof,and�hell Mnr int�ntt from th�dato of dbburs�mmt at th� ;��F?� �
<br /> � � �'���.�• rnl�payabie from time to ttm�on outstandinp pdncipal under Q3N Not�unNss paym�nt of Intenst at such rat�wouM b�contruy to {,, •
<br /> ;r.`i�:;�� �;.,�,y<<,
<br /> ': '�7�;1�,��+,'i!'•;�±,± applicttbb Inw. In whkh evvnt such amounts shnll beer intentt et the hiph�tt rat�p�rmiaibM und�r applicabl� la w. N W h t�p
<br /> `�`�'����•� '���'�r��'e' contnined in 7hls Para m h A.8 shall require Beneficia to Incuren exponso oe teke nn aetlon hsreunder. '
<br /> �����t. ,.�i,<�.,� 9 P �Y Y y !'
<br /> ��',:.:;�="-_ •y��.� . 1�—
<br /> '•-i--=•^ ' n i7 iS tviJ i�ALL�i.GnE�O TO�..T:
<br /> �,�'..;;': {tt'. .
<br /> ���:�� ��,: : 1. A9SICiNMENT OR RENTB.Bsneficiary ohall hava Iho rr3pN, power and Authorily during the continuena of thb neMt 01Tru�t
<br /> �t;;,;"t to coileq tho renta,iaauee and profite of tha Praperty nnd otanypersonal properfy boated th�rson wilh or without tekinp possua{an
<br /> r `i'' o}Ihe propurty eflected hersby,and Trustor hetoby abeoNtep nnd uneond'd'wnalty assipns all tuch nn8o,Is:uN and p�o�s to
<br /> 6Qneficinry.Benefieiary,how�vu,h�nby cana�nb to the T�ustofs coueetion and ntontbn o}sueh r�nb,issua�and profits �tth�y
<br /> aarue and beaome peynble so bnp Ra Trustor is not,at tueFs tins. In defnuh wRh resp�ct to paym�nt of any Ind�bt�dn�ra skur�d
<br /> h�nby,or In th�p�rformnnw of any aprNm�nt h�nund�r,Upon nny�uch d�tauM,B�n�ficlary may at any tim�,�ilher in Fsnon, by .�-
<br /> apm� or by R r�whror to l» appolnUd by e court, without ralid nnd without tepud to th� ad�quacy of any s�ariry 1a th�
<br /> ind�btvin�s�h�r�by s�cund,(�)�nbr�pon and tak�potatsbn ot Ih�Prop�rty or any put tfi�r�o},and in iu own narN su�br or
<br /> ; olMrwfW col{�ct aeh ront�,iswu end profitt,Inciudinp thasipnst due nnd unpaid,end nppy th��am�, N�a cab�d ucpxis�� —
<br /> o}o�retlan nnd colNctbn.Incwdinp nasonabN altorn�yn t+�n, upon any indobt�dn�s�a�eurW h�nb;,nrtd in such otdK a�
<br /> B�n�Tickry may d�tertnins;(b)p�rfartn such acb ot npnir a probctbn n�may be n�attary or prop�t to cont�tw the vnlu�of t1» ��
<br /> Prop�rty; (o)Nas�the�am�or eu�y part th�r�o!tor such ns�W,tum, and upon such conditbn�a�ib judpm�nt m�y dict� or
<br /> l�rminet�, or adjutt the t�rtnt and eondition�of�xfsNnp Nas��UnN��Tru�tor and B�n�lfclary M�nof nflrN oth�nWU In wiitlnp,
<br /> any appiieatbn of r�nN,issu��or profib to any Ind�bt�dMas ucvnd hu�by thnli not utbnd or postpon�th�duo det�oi th�
<br /> inNnllm�nt paym�nta u provkl�d in �aid promtssory nob or chnnp� th� amount of such instnlim�nh.Th� mC�riny upai and _
<br /> ' teking poas���bn of d��Prap�rly,th�colkielion of�uch nnts�luuee and prot�te,end th�eppibetbn th�r�o}a�etor��eld,sh�l not
<br /> `�� waM�or eun eny detauR or noUc�of d�fauk I»r�und�►or Invetid2�eny ad don�pursunnt to sueh notk�.Truatu nho asaqns to --
<br /> B�n�ficiery,as turthor s�eurity ior th�peAom�ana of th�o�lip�tfom s�cund h�nby,NI pr�peid nnb and aH monb�whSch m�y
<br /> hdv� Men or may horeatter b�d�posit�d wfti�said Tni�mr Srj nny!�ssN of th�Prop�Ry.to a�cun th�paym�nt of any unt or C.;__
<br /> demay�e, or upon dainuh In th�p�rformaina of nny tt tM p�oNSlom Iwraof,Trwtor ey»is to ddiv�r sueh rent�and do�aits to ---
<br /> ` ��.i &nefickuy.DeHwry of writf�n notic�of Qonaflclaryrs�x�rcia�ol tfi�riphts grant�d h�nin,to any bm+nt oxupyUip safd pt�misu �
<br />= ahaN be ei�'lAeNnt to raquin seld tmant to pay nnt to M�&nslkity untlJ turlhsr notic�. -_��
<br /> � � 2. CONDHMNA710N.If titb to eny part oi th�Propom/�I�a1Do tek�n in cond�mnatbn proceedinps,by rpht o1�minon2 damain r_:�:•_�_--.--
<br /> • '�' or slmder nctbn,or shall bo�o{d und�r thnat o}cond�mnatlon,d nwnrds,damage�and proc�ds er�h�nby assqn�d nnd thail to _=�_—�
<br /> �• ? pe,d ta BQneficmry who shau nppty auch nwards,damaga nrs d proce�ds to th�sum secunol by thls D�d of Trutt with Ih�exces�, °�=r�'��
<br /> i if eny.pnitl90 Tructor.It Trustor r�Ivns e+ny notic�or olh�r Mbrrnelan rogardlnp such nctbno or prao�s�dlnps,Trustor eh�1 piv� �;�-�'
<br /> ; , rom t writtsn notba thersol to Benafici Benoficla �hell b��tillod,at its optton,to comm�nc�,appotu fn and pros�cub In itt ' ' "�`°�°
<br /> P P �'• �Y + ' �'-�
<br /> y�, .
<br /> own�ame nny such action or proceedinps and ehnll bs ent�t�dlo make any compromis�or s�ttl�m�nt In conn�ctbn wAh anysuCh �. ��+�
<br /> ,� ' +�t���sz:�:
<br /> adan or proaedinpo. �A ''is-.�='
<br /> 'l�?�'�`t�::.�'.�1i�''�::.
<br /> 3. Fl1TURE AOVANCES.Upon mquost of Truato�. &na�idery nt Beneficfary'o optton,prior to roconvayene�ot tht Property to t:.:;:x?�,•�-•,�:'�:�',;
<br /> _ Tmstor,may mske tulure edvanees io Trustor. Such tutua ed�rnncea, with tntenot thonon,shall be s�cured by thle TrustDu�d ��>-•��•• '�'��`'
<br /> ud ,,,r
<br /> " vrhan�videno�d by promissory notQO ct�ting Mat cekl notas eu�cacurad herQby,provlded that nt no tlma sheN th���euud�orNcip�4 . • �''F""f'"
<br /> tuture edvano�s,not Indvdinp sums advanc�d to prot�etth� aKUrity.�xcNd Two Hundr�d p�re�nt(2Q0%)o!th�oHpinn! principiJ `�` '
<br /> , :�.:� c
<br /> - emounb s�curecf honby. . :�:4..s..,. .
<br />— 4. REMEDIEB NOT EXCLUSIVE. Trustw end B�fi�Iuy. and �ach ot th�m, sheM b� �ntitNd to�niora payrn�nt and '
<br />� p�rlortnanp ot�ny Md�btKfn�ts or oblg�tlons s�cur�d h�rsb�und M�aurcin�M rfyhb�uid pow�n urtd�t Mh Dwd of TmtR w � •
<br />_- und�r any mh�t agn�m�nt�x�cut�d in connsction hstiwth ormb kws n�w ar h�nathr In torc�,notwit`xtendinp�om�or alluf N�
<br /> _ - -------- •--���� . - -
<br /> aueh inQ:bt�dnea end odhgattons saurw nenny mny nav an�r�aicer b�om�n�w�s.cur.o.Riwmm`v�r rmnryay�.v....N�..w. � -- -- _-
<br /> � p;�dgo,tian,assiynmtnt or oth�rwla�.Neith�r th�eccspleney ot tfih DNd of Trust nor Hs�ntorc�m�nt wh�th�r by court a►Noe�or •
<br /> pur�uani to tne power of c�ta or other p�•rcn c�rofn eontni.�d, shall prc�udlca or in cny mannor nf►ed Tmstea'e or Bartoficlaye
<br /> � rqht to reaYx�upon or�niort�eny oN�r s�curity now or A�r�eft�r held by Trust��or Ben�ficlnry,it b�Inp apnW tPe34 Truste�end •
<br /> B�n�ficlary, end�ach oi th�m,chsll ba�ntitNd to�n�ora tlu QMd of Trust and any oth�r��cunly now or harealter held by
<br /> &n�ficlary or tntst�s In�uch ord�r and mann�r af M�y or Nh�r ot thom rcny In th�U ebsotut�dNcrelbn doUmiina.No romsdy
<br /> hu�ln oonflrrod upnn or roe�nnd to TruttN or B�N�dary N int�nd�d to bo�xduann ot any otls�r nmody heroln ot Dy lew
<br /> provid�d or p�rmitted,but�ach�hnN b�cumutetivc nnd ths�b�N addRbn to�wry oth�r nm�dy pivtn h�nunde ur rrow or
<br /> -_ Aenaft�r �xiaUnp nt law ar In squify or by statut�.Ewq pornr ar r�m�dy provid�d hsnunder thb De�d of Tn�st to Trvstes or
<br /> Bmsficlery or ta rvhich��th�r ot th�m msy b�oth�nrfs�mtdi�d,mey b��x�rck�d.concurc�ntly or ind�pendantty,from tim�ro tiro�
<br /> end ae otten ns may b�d�om�d�xp�di�nt by TruitN ar B�n�Ecjary and edh�r o}them mey purau�Incansltt�nt remedba.Noti�inp f
<br /> htt�in ahall b�eonstru�d na prohi�iting B�n�}iclary from auicinp a d�fieNncy Judpment eyeinet th�Trustor to th��xt�nt�ueh netfon
<br /> upsrmAted by law.
<br /> - E07071 NWr�/R� 0015243.00
<br /> � � . . _. . .. . .
<br /> _ - — _ L . _ .. _
<br />