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<br /> . �� A ril ,te 97, � .:`:,�
<br /> 16th da ot • � ''`�
<br /> 1HI8 QEED OF TRUBT,m�d� thh Y �.'��•••-
<br /> Donald L Beines and Rebecca __ e 4Le�,�11Az`��.�.2t�. n^'� w'f. _
<br /> a by�nd amonp ---- ';���
<br /> ' .,, . �h�r���•TN�ter);�nd Jerr J Piilner �, �'
<br /> �� ,whos�ma��ny addresa�e_ 1503_ W 2n+i St. Grand Island. NE _;--
<br /> - c� .�,---
<br /> '� ��a ' 68801 ' ��.,�,�:_
<br /> �`. �i�' p,K�:�,�Tn,:tN'�; and, Associates Financial Servic�es Companv �?` Nebraska_ Inc
<br /> �c,:-
<br /> • :.�,;� 2014 N Lawrence Lane� Grand Island, NF 68803
<br /> •.�. whos�meiBnp addrosa la
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<br /> :�f}' --(N�rofn'Bonof�efnrv').
<br /> `'�'FC — �_ --
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<br /> fdR VALUABLE CANSICfRAT10N� TNStor krov�ocaby pranb. trmnttita o�cn►�vy�s ancl a�dpn�to TNStN,IN TRU87,WITH =�
<br /> ' pOYyEq pp 9qLE�}a ry��p�Mfit wnd��curily of B�n ,under nnd uui�sct co N►n turmr and eondiNona oT thM D�ed of T�ust,th� 6_
<br />- H �{� County,N�bruka:
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<br />� ' State of rl�firaska, Known and Described as Bei�g the Hortherly Seventy-five
<br /> � � (75) Feet o� the WestPrly Ten (10) Feet of Lot Five (5) and the Ees�erly
<br /> '� " One hund:ed T�n (110) Feet of Lot Six (fi) i� Block On� (1) of Ingalls and
<br />:°._•• -
<br /> Turner's Subdivision to the Vill�ge of Cairo, Hall Caunty. Ne ras a.
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<br /> *_�:�`�' TOQETHER WI7H,all nnb.proi�u,royakiM,incnm�u►d oth�r bonotda d�7NS�J b�m th�r�al propNty; dl Nstn or subNat�s
<br /> s'-"�?-�'-?� cowdnp ths ne►1 pray�rty or�ny porBon tMr�of.now or har��R�r�xkMny or�M►rad irnu,�nd�N rfphl,titl��uid inUr�at of Truttor
<br />=�.'�'�;:"� tMr�und�r,aM Int�rnais.��or dNa sidms,boM in Miw end In spukp.vrhkh 7nistar now hu or mi►y Mr�a11K�cquk+In M�na1
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<br /> `r;`::. profitt�w�r riphb and waC�r stocic�M�fyht titl�ancl inte�s4 of ituator.now ownod or hnr�R��acquk�d, in uid to�r►y land yiny
<br /> ��.,-.,,:;,:..
<br /> -°�•:?�er:�'' wlhin th�dpht�of�way of�ny atrwt o►hfphw�Y �dlo�^i�W th�t�nl propnty: any and nA buildinps. faturN�knprown»nb� �r►
<br /> - ;�t,�j y �u���a h���r�d tMr�on or pelo�hw thanto.(honln ro9mrnd tu ms'Impro+»rrwnY o�'imptowm�nts'1:and
<br /> .R.��,.� my�nd�I awuds ma�(ar 1M tekinp by omin�nt dom�ln.or by nny pr000�dfreD ar purahtu�In liau tMt�oL of Ih�whol�or anY P�
<br /> `L'i����, of tM nal ptop�rty.Atl of tM lonpoln9�st�. ProPertY and inbnft convsyed to Tnititw h�nin c�oNktiwy rotMnd to as th�
<br />�r'g`��� ��P��
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<br /> - '�• 7 s • ot�v»n d�� hernntilfi in ttN p � Hift fi�e
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<br /> - �,� top�th�r wkh inton�t at tho rat� a ratN provid�d th�nfn�or th�prindpal and IMmmet on any firtun aduan�s�vW�nwd by
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<br /> '�'-';::.,." _. prorniuory notN�Win�th�y�n�+eund h�nby.(haafn'NatN or'Notua')e�d nny rantl aN r�.modifiGdic+n�and�thnshns
<br /> ..�,r';'.;_:?;,.'.- of auah Not�.boffi pdnclpal and intN�st on th�Nab belnp pe►yabi�in no�rdane�wiSh Bin tertns a�lorth ffi�nin�nhrena to whlch -
<br /> � <i: :•�;,
<br /> '.:rsl+i is h�r�by med�.
<br /> • �r'. `;;. �)'Ch�portormanQO of�ech epn�msnt and cownent ot Tructor honln conte(rtvc9;�rast �
<br /> , •�'::•.. _�
<br /> ,::�; ,. (c)'lP:hs paym�nt of any eum a eum9 04 n�wri�y u�ith inttro:t thareon tyh!ch mnp be itti�oaRar peld ar ndveno�d undr.lh�t�rma of tfiis
<br /> - • p�d of Trust �--
<br />- . ., ��-_
<br /> 1, PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAI.MtD INTEREST. Tructor shall prompty pay whnn duo th�princlpnf o1 nnd tnt�rKt on tt►� -__
<br /> � , � Indobt�dn�ss�vld�noed Dy th�(�tot�.snd nM oth�r chevp�s end fws es pruvkt�d ire tTm Not�.and tN�prineipal of and int�nst on any
<br /> " � 4 _ � Futuro Advanc��s�ured byM1�De�d ofTrust
<br /> �'`.,
<br /> -____=_ -
<br /> '� 2. WARRANTY OF TITLE. Tructo�ia{awtully a�ized end peaaesaed o}gaxt t�nA indoleasible tdN nnd tstato to th�Proptrty
<br /> horoby convsyed and has N�right to grant�nd eamyy the Prop��ty;th�Property r�Irb�nnd cNar ot W IHn�and oncumEranus
<br /> i oxevpt li�ns now of r�cord:end Truttor will wnrrt+nt end dofend tn�6if�to L'�e Prop�cety tpainet aq ckimc and d�manda.
<br /> � � 9, MAlNTENJINCE AND COMPLIANCE WITH LAWB.Truttor thall kNp tRt Ptu,aity En yaod repsir and conditbn and shaN not
<br /> wmmR v:ast�a permd h'iD�frm�nt or dM�ibration of th�Propsriy�nd`hnN comGty wdh th�provlsSons of any Fsess H thh Oeed ot
<br /> - � Trun 1�on a I�as�hcld.No Mnprowm�nt now o►h�nait�r encbd upon th�Prc�,p�rty oU+�ll b�elt�nd�nmov�d or tl�molitlt�d wiUfoul
<br /> - the prfor writt�n eons�nt ot B�mfielary.Tnntor shaN compy wsth ell lawe. a•d;nnnc�s, nyutstian�,cownant�, eonditiony and •
<br /> nstNctbns atht�iny th�Prop�rty�nd na1 commit,�u}hr or(wtmR�ny�ct to W d�no In e+upon th�Prop�rty h viol�tion of any law,
<br /> e
<br /> ordlnana,r�u1�Wn,cowmn�condition or r�Uitfbn.Trusta�hnN compkts ar rnstoro promptiy and h Qoad workmanYka mann�r
<br /> � .,, nny Improwment on N�Prop�rty whfch may b�dam�p�d or d�ttroy�d�r�d puy, wh�n du�.eN ctekns tor labor�r(ormed nnd
<br /> � mat�rtelt tumkh�d th�ntan 1ux!br any�lt�ratlons M�no4.
<br /> � 0lrGlllALp)
<br /> . aose��REV.�asu.er•w sORRONtEACO�V(t) anawm y
<br /> ' RETENTION CQPY(1)
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