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<br /> ' I 13� L�NQER'S RKfHT TO C01�1ENCE OR DEFEHD LE4A1.AGTIONS.Qranta shall hmnedintnly�ovldo lendor with�vritton natice o1 any a:tual a
<br /> , J ►hrc�tor:od�ctlan,ault,or othar proocending aHecting Ihe Propehy. C3rentor hereby epfw�mn Lontfur an ta ottomoyIn•Inct to�onxnenoo,Intorvone in,and r
<br /> ce
<br /> 1 Ornnior for any�nciicin uorrar�mieieko,�orr��sio neo nde 1y Pcnol�In��to 1h�ne16o ne do^Cibod 4i thln�p�roarorh o„nny d�m�g o rr.eult�InA ihorot o�m INothlnp
<br /> � contulnqd hotoln wlll pravaN Lon�er Irom taPong tl�o acilone descAibed In thla pare�rnpii In IIn¢�vn nnmo.
<br /> � 1,. INOEfNNIfICAT10N. Lo�ttMr ehell no1 atwme a bu retpor.t�ble fa ihe peAortnenco of qny of Cimrttor'a oWldat�ono�vlih rorpact to Iho Propony under
<br /> i nny circurrrt�ncee. (3rentor shall irtnwd�atety pravide L�naer w;ih widtun roL'w ot snd lnck�ify end hald Lender nnd�in chnrnhokloro,diroaore,ol8cers,
<br /> •rnpFoyas end epenta hnrrri�s�Irom dl Galrta,dan�/ee,Ilsblbtles(InGuding attomoya'laan ond lu�}nl oxpen�oa�,caucon ol nGlon,ncttona,suita cuid
<br /> � oth�r NgN pra.^�ed�n9�1cumufetkNy'Cldira')pMNnlng to ihs Prop�rry(Induding,bul nat Iltnitnd to,ihoao Invalvinp HnYatr{DUn MntoriNb�. OroNOr,upon �
<br /> � iho roc�uoat ol Landor,shall htro lagnl Counael to detond l.endA►trom cuch CINnw,c+nd gay ih�uttnmoye'looa,le{yal o�ncoti nnd othw costo Incunad N
<br /> � cwmeeuon tY�srowiil�. In tha apuitaiN�.Lcnd'r th��l�ont6t?ed to e�s�r�loy itn own lo�v�l caunral 10 tl�icccf audi C alma nt Omntorn eoc1. Ornntor'a
<br /> obllpatlan ta Ind�rtnity Land►r und�r tht�parepraph ehai�anivo mo ta"r�nallon,rRloaeo ar lansctotiure oi thia Doed ol Trust x.:_
<br /> 1e. TAKEe AND ABOE39diACNTB. arenta shall psy ail texsa and easaasmonta rMa�In{���e Pro{x�ty whon due and Irtxrnd!ntoty pravldo lsnder o�ide+�o� ;;�
<br /> o� t ot�ur►i. Upon tM rsque�t ol Lender,arenta ehdi dspoNl wlth L�rtdar ench month orta•tw�hh(1/t2)of iho oatlmatod nnnuN Insuranco
<br /> � pr�um,texa�and ess��tmomi i�rtellilnp ta tho Propxty. 30 long aa ffier�la no c4�fnutl,thor,a artbunte shnll be �yr�!i�d�o tho paymam of taxe�. , ��;��,,
<br /> nu��irtwnt�and Inwrena as r�IrW on 1ho Propa►ty. In ths went n1 dNau���Lendt+►shnll Y+avo tho�ight,at Ite sola o 'lon,to opply the funds so heM to
<br /> peY any texes a npalnet tha Odllpationa. My tunds ePA�led m�Hy,et Lendere option.be eppllud in revorse arde.r ol tho dun dnip lhereol. •-� -
<br /> � j 1�. iNBPECTION OF PROP�flTY.BOOKB,iiECORO9 AND REPQFiT9. C3rentor aimll sIluw Londor or Its egenta to ow►rr►�na and Inspsct th�Praacrry _�'_ - --
<br /> end�xernins.Inspoct end make oopioe of t3rantu'e booke end r�cords Pe+�elning to fhn Prcy�eny(rom th�to time. Ommor chtill provide any aaslstance �...;�
<br /> r�q�ilr�d by Lend�►(w these puryose�. All ot 1M alqiaturos and Intomntlon contdnixl N�(irrAmor's books end records chnll 1�gonulno,true.aowrate and .'�.:�:_�='-
<br /> cortpkU In ell ntpacts. Oranta shall nots ths sxlctot►ee of Laidars baneflcial iutmn�t In ftn tooks end recorcis pantilnln�ta the Property. Ad�itionalN� ,
<br /> I�nlomytlon sha0 ba�for such perbds�sl��it eflect°ren��recordstl8 a�Tn�r ond chnll lae ren����ranu�s 0�n�clyrno Londerr�y desl�Hte.All -_
<br /> �'P'_.—_,
<br /> Infom�atlon fumlihed hyr Qrentato Lendar chefl bs trus,aocurau end complutu li�ell respocto,and elgwd by(iraniw II l.ander roquostn. __
<br /> � tY. EBY�FrEL CERTi�A4E9. Vldhln ten(10)deys Atler anY requasl bY Len�ar.Qrr�mc�shull deliver to Londer.w eny Imonded trensferee ot Lenders ,"�'•= -
<br /> , y �t�ta wllh roapact lo the OMIgellons.a si�ad end edmowla�qed stetomorrl a�uct(yinp(3)ttu+anstc�ndln8 balsnce on iho 4b!i�eilona;end(by whatFar • .
<br /> araMa possasses onY dairrr:•defenses,set-0Ns or caunterdalnn with respest ta tha Otdiputiuna end,if so,the naturo�f cu�l�da�ms,defonses,set�offe or •
<br /> the evem thui Orentor fNls�to prov�ide t o�requestedbstatortwn�t In a timelY t�1�ncder may m�ke to tho imended ironstoroa wNh rospect to these mattors In -
<br /> ' � tE. DEFAULT. Cirsntor shall be in defauB under thls Deed of Trust and tha Tnimoe'e Fowor sttall becort�e operative In iho nvont Ihat f3rnMor,Borrower or -±;:'s,�:-
<br /> + ,,� any puereMa o11he Obilgat{anr.
<br /> (a) feils to pay eny Obllgatlon to Lendorwhan dw: ��
<br /> �# (b) talls to pertorm enY Ob�igatbn or breadws eny warrmty or cn�ertt�nt t�a LencE�r c�nt�lixtd tn this Deod of Tnict or nny other prosom or fuwre ` '�W;'. �r
<br /> •�4. �°°rt���� cr cu��uqo tho Pro�eny to aefzure,eon8seatlon,or condemnatlon; ,,•.f
<br /> s (c) dosiroys�lo�ss a darrapas ihe Property In any meterial respect u ,�,
<br /> (d) saake to rovoke,c�.,i��a«o��,awis�umn na uabarcy���y aar�my�o�a�r, •`'
<br /> � (e, dias,bsaxr�es kpa1�Y inco►rpet°r�t•Is dssolved a teminated,6ecomea Incdvant,mekes en asst�ment lor iho bsnefit of aoditoro,falls to pay ' �
<br /> � � de61s ae they beca►r�e due,fi{es e peUtlon under ihe lxlaral benknep�cy lawo,hae an Inucl�ntary petition In bnnlwplay filod In which Gremor.Borrower Y 'F`
<br /> . -___= p�y�y�llEnflto►h�18RIed�a�iss prDpe�ly itl�la�iiiwoi a,�'"'s!2 c!�SS 4!L'^!!t!: .:]t�6l�L'�'.-+.
<br /> (q allowa goeds to be used�transported or storod on the�roperty.the Faonoasion.trersuportation.a use ot whlch�ia iuegal: "=
<br /> • (g1 albws any party othenhan C3rentor a 8ortower to asaurt�or urccl�xxtelw any Ol+llpntion wlthout the wrinen oon�om o1 lJmder:or ,.
<br /> , t'�� (h) causes Lendat to deem Itse�t insecura�o ta a sl{f�ifkant ducline In lhe vNua of the Property:or if Lenrlsr,In 4psd talih,tor eny roason.6elieves S �
<br /> � that the prospect of PaYrr�n a Perf��ce la ir►Palred. ° :-
<br /> s, '.
<br /> � �g, pM,HTg OF LENDEH ON DEFAULT. If there la a defawh undar thPo Deed of Tn�m,LorednT ehall be entitled to oxorcir,o one or rtnre of tha toilovAng
<br /> renwdea wfthout rotioa or deme�'id(exeept ae req�Ued dY lawl� .
<br /> (a) to ciedare the Obligatio�a imnsdiatdy dus end peYak�de h htH;
<br /> ,�:
<br />; , (b)to collecl ihe outatanaYig Ohlige.tiona wNh or wtthout resorting 1a judlcinl D�e83: �Chattels const8utin the Pro at e plaoe reasonehly
<br /> (a) to roquirs(ire�ntor to delfver end rreko avalla6le to Lendw art1 I^e►so►►F+1 F�1�RY 8 �
<br /> • convenlent to Orer►tor end lender; -
<br /> � (d) to enter upon and take Pcssesston of the Propaty wllhom npgly4ng far or al�alninq the eppolrrtmant of e rucMvnr and, at Lendero option,to �
<br /> -` ' oppoint a reeelver wfthaA bond,wflhout flrat bringing cuit on the OkB�utlano end wNhout otherwise meeting eny t:tatulory conditlons regarcing �:�,.-
<br /> recsivera,it being inter.dedthat Londer shell have thie comrectual dght io appclnt a recefver:
<br /> . � . . (e) to ertptoy e metieging egert of ihe Propetty and let the eartro.eithor In Trum�o'a o►vn neme,in tho name of Land�r or In the name of Grantor,ond w�,
<br /> 0
<br /> , . reoelve tM rents,fncornes,Issues nnd profite of the Properry end apply the eems,aftor payment of ell neoos�ary chwgsa emd expenses,on e000unt of �f,_
<br /> � � ,� the 0biigatlons; �"`�
<br /> ' , (f) to pay any surrB�n anY�orm a�►���8%P'���'�ndar to pratnct the aecurfty of ihls Deed of Trust ot to curo eny defnult other Nen
<br />- �. �, pny�rwnt of Irnerest or prfndpel on ihe f)blbatlona:
<br /> �� (g) to foredose this Doed of Trust judldally or nonjuddalMer►d to diroct Ihe sale ot iho proporty thro�gh exerdse o!the p��vor of sele as roferenoed In
<br /> . peregreph 20 hsreot in aca�dence with applicab{e law; --
<br /> � , (h)to set�ott Gmrrior's Ohligationa cqalnst eny artnur�t�o�n►ed Qrmrior by Lendar Induding,but not Ilmited to, �mnies.Instrumente,and deposit
<br />- eocounts rrraintalned wlth Lender or eny currentlY�xlsting a futuro affiYato ot Lender,and
<br />� • �� (I)to exerdse ell other�ts available to Lendor under any oU�er wrltten agreernent a applicade law•
<br /> - Lendere d�hta are cumulaUve and maY be exerdsod to9eiher,sepdrately.and In any order. In the evem that Lenslar InstiMes en actlon ceeW�g tho
<br /> _, i recovery oT eny of the Propeny by way of a{xejudgrrr�m �amed!'In en actinn agalnet�irenlor,Grontor waives thn 1>Sa]Ing o! any bond whlch rc�Aht Y�.
<br /> othenvisa be requlred. Lender or�ender's des1�'iee meY�surchase iha Propsrty at any oaie• Prooeeds ot any Tru�tee a ufilo hereunder shall he apq�sd ____
<br />� .: . � first,to ihe coste end expensea ot exercisirt�Ihe power ut sele and of the sale,Inctudfng the payment o}tho Trusteeb tees ectually Incurtod and not to �p:�_�
<br /> exceed tha tunount whkh may be provldeca or In thie Deed oi Trust,sec�nd,lo�ayment of the Ob11gaUonn aocutod haroby.third,to the payrt�ent of�lor
<br /> trust deeds,mortgnges,or other Ilenholders,end the balancs,��AnY�to the nemnn ar�.ercons loflelty emftlod thereto. The property or any part theroo may �.mm�•,".
<br /> : be sdd in cxia parM- I.or fn such parcels,menner or order as lender In fle sokr�Huc:ratlun may eiecl,end one or rrbre exordsos of the power heroin grented '--'-""`-""-�';�i
<br /> shall nm eMingulsh or exhaustthe powar unless tho entlre praperty Is sold or the aBRGatinn�are pald in fuil. �y��=��;:
<br /> �. ����
<br /> 20. TRU9TEE'S EBERCISE dF POWER OF SALE ON DEFAULT: i(Lendur elecan to sell Qramor's Imoro�t In tho Propsrty by exerdse ol the power of ;��,���"`
<br /> _ ' ;,al�hetein contained,Lender shall notify Trustee in tho mennenhen rogulrod by law. '."'•`�.,t`N�"'S�'�
<br /> . ..�.,...
<br /> : s•..�.:,r.: c_ :
<br /> Upon recelpt of such notice ot lender and at tho diroctlon af Lender,Truetaa shell cauco to be racot�iod,pubtiched and deliverod such notioea ot dalault ��-��-���RI�t•,�
<br /> end naticea of cFile as rrny then be required by law end by lhia Deed of Truei. Truetee shnll,cnly at ihe mractlon ot Lunder dnd without domand on Grantor, �•,�Y^:
<br /> ile
<br /> � aftor auch time ae rrey then be requlred by law and atter recordation of sush natico 04<tefuufl end afler notice of sale having baan given aa requlrod by law. „ . _..�,:yk,-
<br /> sell the Property at the t(ma and place of sale Flxod by it In such notioa ot s�ln,efther as whale a in ceperate lota w parcvla or Uems as Londer shail deem ;
<br /> - �xped�t,and in such order ae It may Cetormino,at pubuc audbn to the Mghost lsld8er icr caah In Inwful money of the Unked States payabie at tho tfine of : . _ ..
<br /> le,or na otherwiso may then be required bY law. Trustes shall deliver ta such�urGhaser or purchacorn thoreof Its good and suffldam doed or deods
<br />- ...;..
<br /> conveyfrtg the propony so sdd, but wfthout any covenent or wa►►entY.exEuuea or impNed. 7Ae radtsls in such doed of any mattors or hnets sheH be ;, ..
<br /> - - �
<br /> ,�,.�,���t„a ermt ot tho wthtuiness iheroof. Any person,Inoiudng:wlthoul IlmttaUan,f3mntar,Ttumoa er Lmnder,may purchaso at sucfi sale. Trustee may •
<br /> _ - --•°-- - . • - -
<br /> � In the mvtncr provtc+�d by taw pagipone Ra�a of an or any ponron oi irre rro�,eny. - -_
<br />-- 71, pEQUE8T FQFi NOTiCE9: Cirantortequestn that e copy of eny notice of defnuft wc:a cepy cf eny notico of sato horoundor bo m:iliod m each percon i ,
<br /> who is a party horeto at the eddress of such pereon set fonh heroln et tho same time and in the sama rrv�nnor requlred as though a separate request :
<br />— � thereof had boen filed by ouch such person. b
<br /> �, .,
<br /> � �
<br /> Papa3d6 -- --
<br /> NEDOTC Rav.3'BB
<br /> � .._ ,-...- . ...... .... ...... .��-_._ _ .. ._�. ._- - ----° —-
<br />