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.,it�',.'r:i.�:{::::-:L:j � . ..-��"li <br /> . . yt>C�:"j} ` �- <br /> '�'il'�k� , � ' , -- <br /> ' . � „ � ., . '� .� , ' <br /> .. ....•ce::�._ . a•.,. ... . -� � � � � ,� <br /> ... ..._ _ _ ' ► , " ' , " -- <br /> � � 9�— 10����o f . : ..�:�_-_- <br /> �(e) A�I nppliraWo luws end repulatlans, InGudinB,wlthoN Ilmllation,the Amerfcans wlth Dlaabllities Act,42 U.S.C.Scctlon �2�0� et snq. (ond oll . ,, �-�'.�.. <br /> rogulatbns ptomulgatod th^roundor)and nll ronlnp and bulir�np lawe[snd rogulatlena reletinp to the properry by vlwo ot nny fedoral,ctRto ar munlclpal =: <br /> nutharlty with jurl�dleEan ovor tho Property,proscntly nto ond chall be obsorvod and compllod wlth In all rrntorin�ro�pocis.und all righta, Ilconsos, <br /> psmdta,nnd oortllicutoes ol oecupancy(InGudng but n�t Iimllad to to��lnp vatianoes.spaelal oxcopllons lor noneonlorrr�ng uaos.nnd finnl Inapoctlon <br /> - App�ovels).whothor tompomry or porm�nont,whlch are rnaleHa!lo tho uso end occuptincy of iho Propcny,{xosontly aro end chnll bo obtninod. _ <br /> �otorved o��d,wharA nocesECW,ronewed: _ ... _ <br /> Fify n � <br /> (d) �ramor haa tho dght ond le duly nmhodted to execu�o �ud peAorm Ite ObIlflaUone under ihts Dead ol Trusi an�ihoso ectlons do not and ehc,l nnt , _ <br /> conftict wlih the provislone of nny ataiute,regulatlon,ordinanae,iuie o1 law,conitect or olhor ageeement whlch m�y bo binding on Ornntor m nny Umo, . �,`=�� <br /> . 7� <br /> (o) No actlan or procoeding Is or chall bo pending or threatoned which mfght rtutedally uHect the Properry;nnd .;.�n; _. <br /> (f) Qr?nror has not vlal�ted and shall not vlolato ony statulo,regulatlon.ordinence,rule of luw,coniract or othar ogroomont(Indud!ng,but not Ilmllod to, ^., <br /> th�ae goveming Htuardoue Materlels)vrhlch mlghl ma[erlalryetfe+U the Proporry or Lcn�ierb rly�tite a interesl fn�ho Rrop;.ny pursuant to Ihic Oc.d of ,_,,,,� <br /> � TN61. "���•`-. <br /> 9. PRIOR DEE63 OF TRUSL areMor represorrte e�id warrantsthat ihare are no prlor deeds ot irust atfacting any part of tho Proparty excopt us set fonh �•^�_• <br /> on Schedula B ettached to INa Deed of T►usL which Rran�or egaee to pa and pertorm In a tlmety rtanner. Ii thore ere any prlor doeds ot trust�hon �`1 �� <br /> C3rantor agrees to pay ell emounte owed,and porform ell ndlgatbns raqul�under auch deeds of trust end the indebtodness scrcural thereby and further ;;�������_„ <br /> egroos Shat a default under ony prior doed ot trust shell bo a cielautt under this Deed of Trust end shall entitlo Lnnder to all righta end remedies comalned ,_,W___ j. <br /> hereln or in the Oblipatlons to which Lnnder would 6a onlltled ln Iho event of any othw detault. __ <br /> � 4. TRANSFERS OF THE PROPEHTY OR BENFFlCIAL INTEf1E9TS IN afiANTORB OR BORRAW�FiB. In the event of o sala,conveyanco,loa:a. _- — <br /> , corttract for dasd or transfer io any person of ali or any part of 9a�eal properry deaaibed In Schedule A,a eny Interest thereln,or of etl or any buiefldal - <br /> i interest in BoROwer or C3rama(if BoRawer or Grardor is not a rewvalparson or peraons Iwt Is a corporatian,Ilrtited Ilabllity corrpany,partnershlp,truct,or , . __--- - <br /> o1hQr legal ontity),Londer mey,at its opllon dedare the outslan6nA prindaal balnnce of the Obilpatlons plus accn�ed Interest thereon Irtmediatety due end .•�,r__ <br /> •; payt�ble. At LundeCs requost,Grantor or Borrower,as tha case iray be.shafl tumish a cortFlete statement seriing forth eli of Its stocldiotders,mombers,or __ <br /> Ipartners,as eppropriato,and ihe extent of thair respective ownerahip Imeresis. ;-_ _ <br /> � 6. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS. In conslderation of the Glbiig�Vons,which ere secured by this Oeed ot Trust,Orantor ebsolutely assigns to Lender a11 <br /> C3ramols estate,right,title,Irrtarest, daim and dertiand now axned or hareafter acqulred In ell exislir�and(uture leasos ot the ProFerty Mdudinfl ti�r;`,_ <br /> extenslons,renewa(s nnd subleases�,ai egroemenia(o�u�e and aaupancy of tha Pte�xrty(eJl such leases end�eema�is whethor writton or oral,ere . __ _ <br /> horoaflor referred to es tha'Leases),and ell arantles ot tauees'pe�fom�anco undar tha leases,together whh the imrt�ediato and continuing right to =" <br /> ; �4�e�ct�teur►ro corring due durinfl atiy redemption p�erloc�under ihe Leas�esror from a ari g�out of ihe Propertl�indudirng minimum rerrtsnadbtio�nal retaf ��," <br /> percentage renta, parking a oommon aroa malmenance co�tvitlons.1ax and insurence contribudons,doHdency ronts,Ilquidated dartmAes Icllowing <br /> i dotau8 In any Lease.ell oc�eds PflYable under en polky d Insuranca covoring loss of rems resulting hom urrtenantedliry caused by�estruqion or . <br /> dama�to thd P.roporty. 8II�OCBBd9 PAYBhia 8II 8 f85Ull D�fl 195580's exerdse of en option to purchasa the Property,all proceads derived hom tho "=,�• � <br /> tertNnaiton or reJoction of eny l.Aase In a baniauptcy or other insdvency prooeecing,end eliproceods 6om any�Ights and clairts ot any Idnd which Orantor , ., — .. <br /> � � may havea�aInst any lessee under the Loasas or any oocupatne of the Proporty(ali o4 the above are hareaher collecthrely reteRed to as the'Ronts'). This ��r�,�•: <br /> �t.,1� .fi��C <br /> . . assignmerrt is subject to the dght,power and authority givan t�lhe Lender to collect end epply tho Rems. This asslgnmant is recordttd in accordance with .;� .•--=� <br /> � ,�,�. ''�� appll�ble stetA Iaw:the Ilen created by thls assignment Is Intaded to be cp�dflc,perfectad.end dioate upon the recording of lhis Deed of Truat,dl a.n 7 ,' . <br /> prov;ded by epptleable stato law ac amonded hom tirre to time.As long as thero is no deta��ft under the Qb118ations or this Deed of Trust Lender grenta . <br /> " • c3ramor a revocado Ilcense to eoliect all Fiarne (rom the Leases when due tuxi to use auch proceads in arantor's business opsratfons. Howevgr,Lendor ,}�� ! <br /> ' f may at eny Sima requlre Gremor to deposri all Rente IMo an aaourit malrttalned by Grantor or Lende►at Lender's Institulton. Upon dofau8 In ihe payment •, t, %_ <br /> , . <br /> ��r of,or In the perlom►�nce cf,eny of the Obllgations,Lender may et its optlon 4eke posseaslon of the Propertfr end have,hold,manage,tease end opera4o tho . .�: <br /> _ �•`` P roperty o n t e r m s a n d f o r a p e r l a d o f l i m e that LondAr daertLS p r o p o r. Lender rt►a y P^ocood to collect and recelve ell RnMs from tho proporry,end Londer _Z t� � <br /> ._—'�°� shali hsive(ull power to make aliwetfons,renovationa,�epa'us urapieae�na�dy io i iw rP�a,� as i s r�srsa��: r. !.c r.�•r r s� � a I l R n n t s(n ��'{:';`. <br /> � ��%w ,�-Y—..._ �, ,lt;'t. ;� <br /> � � Landar's sde dscretlon to paymant ot ihe Obligalbns or to Uie payrt�sm ot ihe cost ot auc�elteratlons,ronovatlorts,ropfilrs end replaoertients end any .} <br /> r � exponsos inddent to teldng end retalning pouosaion of the P�oporty parloclically and iha managamont endoperetlon of the Property. Lttnder may keep iho <br />''' " P���Y IX�Y lnsured end may discharge any taxes.chargce,dairtm.aasessrr�enis and other Ilena whlch may ecaue. The expense and cost ot thase :a ��" `� <br /> �'ti�,,�� � . adlons rrey be�from tho Rems reeehred,end eny unpaW emounts shall be added to the principal of ths Obligatlons. These artwunts,togothar w8h , '-� �; <br />- ;�;�: otheroosta,s h n l Y r c orr�p a n o t t h e O b l i g a t b n a s e w r e d b y t h l a D e�e d o f T r u s t. '.� �' ,y� <br /> . .�.. '�i <br />�;:;.. , " 8. LBASES AH�OTHER AGREEAI�NTS. (irentor shell not laka a fail to teke eny edbn which rtny cause or pertril ihe terMnatlon or the wlthhotdinp of .';' �• <br /> any payrrbnt In eonneclbn wfth eny Lease or other apr�errent('Agoernent')perteinin9lo the Proper►fi• In addtion,Qrsimer,w8hout Lenders pria writlen <br /> oonsem,shall not:(a►colleq eny monioa pnyabte under eny AgeBrnent more than one month In advanc�;(b)rtndity any Age»rtient;(c)asslgn or ellaw a + <br /> Ilen,aocuriry Intereat or othar ancumbrancv to be piaoed Up0li GftUttOr6 tIgMB,irile and Imereat In end to any Agreament or the emamte payabla ,, <br /> ihoreundar;or(d)tem0nate or eancRl eny Agreerrient except fatFte nonpayr►nnt of any aum or othar materlal breach by the other party ihereto. If drantor _�;.:'±:_ _— <br /> recelves at any time any wrftten comrtunicullon essen�n9 n d��auH bN Grentor under en Ageerreni a purporting to tertrinata or canoel any Aga<srtwnt, Y-_' _ <br /> arantor ehal�prorrpiy torvrerd a copy of sueh oortmmicatbn end eny eubsequerrt oommunlcatloris relsNng thereto)to Lender. All such Agreementn and t �� <br /> ' ihe artwunta duo to Cirantor thereunder are hereby esslgrwd ta�nder as additional securiry ta tho Obligations. �: �:�� <br />-,.„ ' 7. COL4.�CTlON OF INOEBI'HDNESS FROM 7HIRD PAR'IY, Lender shail be erAitled to notify or requlre CireMOr to notihr any third pany(indudin{},but � <br />= not Iimfted to,lessees,Ileonsees,govemmentel authorit{e�arM hsuroncecarpanles)to pay Lender eny Indebtedness or obligntlon owing to Qrentor with �, <br />'r��;' " respoct to tho Rroperty (cumu�aUve�y Indeaedneso') whelMr a rrot a detault exists ur�r thla Oeed of Trust. Cirentor shall diligomty colbct tho <br /> �ndebtedness owing to Grantor from these thlyd peRies umil tha pivNg of wch notiftcuUon. In the evertt that Grantor pnsseasea a receivea poases�lan of �_ . <br /> - any insirumerna or other remfttancos wfth rospec�to the Indcdedness fdlowing tho glving of such notiflcaUon or U thv lnst►umenta or other rertittencos � <br /> � conalfiute the prepayrrbnt of any Indebtedness or the payn►9ni o4 eny inauranoe or cond�n�nailon praceeds,Grentor ahNl hoki such InatrumeMa end othor _ <br /> remfttencea In trust for Lender apaA trom fte othor propurq,aMor�uu ihe instrumeme and other remlttancea to Lendar,and imnediateiy provlde Lendar wtth __ <br />��•. < possesslai ot the Inswmem�and othor remtttancea. Lender sha11 ha emflled,but not reqwred,to colkict(by le8til proceodings or othertrlse),extend ihe _� _ <br /> ',, tlme for payrr� a retease any obligaor cdlaterel,a atherwlse settle eny of the Indebtodnoas whether w not an event af do(auft �:;:�"�'� <br /> - existe undsr thla Ageemenl. Lander shNl not be IfaMs to Oramor ta any ecUan,error.mistake,omlaslon oT delay pertnlning to tha actions doscribuQ!;i this __-- <br /> -- . parapreph or any darrugc�s rasufling thorahom Notw�hstanding the toregoing, nothing hweln ahall causo Lendor to bo daemod a �� <br /> •• mortgageean-possesslon. <br /> ����.,�__ <br /> 8. USE AND MA1N'��lVANCE OF FROPERTY. Cirantor shaG taka ell aetiona end rt�ak�any repalre needed to m3lntain the Property In Qood oonditlon. �_._,_��-�°� <br /> Grantor ahatl rt�t comr�it or permit any wasto to b�comrined wilh respect to lhe Pmpony. Orentor shall use the Properry solely In con�pl!ence with �_�,:.�,y,,,,,�m,o,r. <br /> � epplic�lo Iaw end Insurence polidea. Grentor shall not make any aftoratlons,addkions or Imp�o�ements ta tho Proporty w(thout Londora pdor wdtten � . <br /> consortt. Wfthout Ilmiting the foregoing,all alteratlons,addttons and Mprovemems made to the Property shall be subject to the benofidsl Interest hetonging `--`-'"-�`==-'=��=� <br /> :-��c�=�--_ <br /> to Londer,shall not ba removed without Lenders prlor writle�aonsent,Hlld 6h811 b0 frifid3 tit CifPlltOrB 5010 0Xp8(ISB. • ,�r_„�=r�r.;:- <br /> '.e.µ <br /> g, L039 OR DAMAGE.Oranta shall bear ihe errtire nsk of eny loss,theft,destruetbn or damage(cumulatively'Loss or Damage')to tho Property or any `�: y•�:_- <br /> ;�"1 i; ponion thoraot from eny ause whatcoever. In ths ovent of eny Loss or Darrage,Cirentor ahall,at the optlon of Lender,repalr tho aHected Property to its �:�,�.;� :�;:� <br /> provlous conditlon or pay a cause to be pald to Lender 1Tie cicaease In the feir marfcnt valuo of tho dfocted Proporty. '� r.,��^"�,';;;���'" <br /> •�•�.�..•;,.;+�.�; <br /> 1Q. IN8U8ANCE. The Proporty wiii be kept insured for 8s M Insurable value(�acement cost)egalnst ell hazards Induding loss or damago caused b • . ' . <br /> „ flood,eanhquake,tomado and firo,thett or other casuelry tothe extent requl by Lendor. Cirdntor may obtoin Insuranon on the Propetty Irom su�� ,,:;,,..� ,^,�.�;,_ : <br /> � compan(e as are acooptede to Lonchr in ita cole o�stretlon.fia Insurence polides shNi requlre tho Inauranw oortpany to provlde Lenddr with et least '�;��,�,,;" • �• ' <br /> 3� days'wrttten notico boforo such polldes ero allered or canoelled In any mannor. The Insurence polidos shall name Lender as a loss ,� ;��t?���:? <br /> payee an p rov that no act or omisslon of Orantor or any otl�urporson shail aNect iho rtght ot Lnndor to bo pald tho InsurAnco procodds perteining to the ;•,�„,,;; <br /> �css or dFUnage o}tho Proporty. In tho ovetrt Grenta felln to ea;u i r e or malntein Insur�nw,Londor(aftor prov iding not loo as rrny b s roqu iro d by law)may . r,-�,�-; t <br /> In ita disaotion procure e q x o p r late insurance eoverego upon tho Propn r ry and tho Insuranco cost shatl bo an advnncu payable and bearing Intorost as • , , '���+� <br /> deacribod In Paragreph 2 3 en d secured horoby. arantor cha0lurnleh lsn d or with ovldonco ot In3urenco Indteating the requlrod coverege. Londor may act � <br /> • ae attomeydndact tor Gramor In rtnWng end settiing dalrns uncjor Insuranco policies,cnncellinp any pollcY or endoreing(3rantor's name on any draft or : ' � <br /> .__.__—i . ._."_'�i_._�..r..�.....�.. eu....a,i...�,.�.,�,nn ho irrr.n.�iafetv an.7eY�nd dedmd and dallverad to Lendor as furlhet 68CtuiN �'�'-='----_----- ,°-'-- ��-.. <br /> :...'�_'_-1 �IgQpftAOle�rw�mt�e�n u,am�v)m.�n�.w�.. ..............�...�..� ���..�.�""'.__„'•_'.v .. .. .. <br /> i. 1 ._. -_ __.-_....__.'____ _ ._.. <br /> for tho Obligationa In the everrt of Iosa,�rantor shall I atoly give Londer wditen notice snd Lender Is authodzed to maice proof ot toaa. E�cf� ' ,� , . <br /> , � Ineurence company is Wrected to malw payrt�ents�irectry toLendor instead of to Lender ond Cirentor. Lendor ehall havo tho ripht,at Its sole optlon,to <br /> eFply such monles toward the Obligstlons or toward tho cost of rebu�iding and rostoring the Property. Any emounls may et Lender's option bo applled In <br /> the Inverce orddr of the du9 dates thoreof. <br /> 11. ZONiN(i AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. arantor shall not initiate or eonsont to eny chango In tho zoning provislons or prlvate covenants aflocting tha <br /> usa ot the Proporty wlthoul LendeYo prior written consent. II Grentor's uso of the Property becomes e nonconforming uso undar any zoningprovlslon. <br /> f3rentor shall not causo u pc�rmit such use to bo diseonUnued oi ebandonod without tho prior written consent of Londer. Grantor wlll irtrrwdiatoly provide <br /> Londor wilh written notico of any Pruposed changes to tho zodng ptovislons or privato mvenants aifocting the Propeny. <br /> 12 CONDEMNATIQN. (3rantor shall Irm►�diatoly ptovlda Londor wlih wrltton notloo of any aclual or throatonoti contionnation or emfnont domaln . <br /> proeoodinfl ponalning to tho property. All monlea payablo to0rantor hom such condormution or taWng are horoby asstgnod to Lendor and shall bo lad <br /> firct to tho paymem of Londor's attomoys'laos,Iegal expQnses and other costc pnGudinp apprasal foes)in connection with the condormatton or o nom <br /> domaln procovdings and�hon,et the optlon of L�ndor,to iho payment of tho Obligatians or tho rostoretion or repalr of thn Proporry. . <br /> ` I NEOOTB Rw.1191 rc�o z a s _.. .----- -- t - <br /> ( <br /> i �_ . -- ---- <br />