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<br /> r principal amount ot the Indebtednesa securad b�r thls Decd of'Yrust,not Including suma edvencad to protect the security ot tflls�ced of --
<br /> Trust,exc8ad the orf�lnel princlpal nmount att�tod hereln,or� 5�.���.�Q .whlchc,ver fa preater.
<br /> 1�:�.
<br /> } 16.Ml�cellan�auoPaovlelone.
<br /> (e)Borraw�r Not Rtlsao�d.Extenalan o1 the time(or�ayment or modlflcetlon o1 aniortlzatlon ol lho numa ouaured by lhl�►
<br /> Deed ot Trust granted by Lender!o eny successor In Interest oi Borrower shail not oporate to releaso,In any martrtrzs,Ui�IlntElll• �`
<br /> ; l)I OI fh9 Ofi�10�1 BOYf6W8�9ltd BOROWerB BUCCN880f8 IIl Interest. Len�er ehnil nnt be roqulred to commencs aroc�oding�n __
<br /> 1 egalnst su�h successor or retuse to extond time for payment ar a�h�n:1�3 modlty emortiz�+tlon oi the sums sacured Uy thta
<br /> Deed ot Y�usl by reason oi any demands made by the orlginel�onbwer end Borcower's successors In Intnrost. .�:;
<br /> ' (b)Ler�der's Pow�n.Without aitecting the Ilablilty ot any other perBOn Ilable Cor the payment o1 any obllgadnn hnret�i mr�n• —`
<br /> poned,end uithout�Hacting tho Ilon or charge of thls Oaed of Trust upon en�r portlon oi tho Propnrty nat than ar U�r.r9rofore ��-
<br /> :..;.�� rolaased as securty for the full emount of all unpaid obligatlons,Lender may,from tlmo to time end without+iatf�:a(i�r3�e��� �--
<br /> •-�>> any porson so Ilable, (Iq extend the meturity or elter any of the terms ot eny such obllgatlons,(III)grnnt other litdul�anr,ea,(iu) --
<br /> �;;�� retease or reconvey, or cause to be released or reconveyed at any time at Lender's option any parcel,pct�llan ar all of tho ��_
<br /> ,n.,�,J�.� Proparty, (v)take or release bny other or addiUonal securitY for any obligetion herein mentloned,or(vi)mokca ca�r(iositions or _-
<br /> �, other arrbngemems with debtors in reletion thereto. ___
<br /> (c)Forheerance by Lend�r Not a Walvsr.My forbearance by Lender In exerclsfng ony right or rcimedy h.nmurtdar, or oth- ___
<br /> � envise efforcled by epplicable law,shall not be a walver ot or preclude the exerclso ot any euch�ight or rem�tdy.'f'hn(aroc�ene- s
<br /> �' oeenthatmatu�of h t ndebtednsssf secured by thlslDeed ot7ru tg�y�ender shall not be a waivor or Lender't�dght w�ccetor- -
<br /> ' (d)Succnson and Assipns Bound;Jolnt�nd Seveal Llabtlity;C�ptlons.The covannnto end dgres�ant�hareln con• :�
<br /> � �,� . teined shail bind,end the rights hepeunder shall Inure to, the respecttve successore end assigna oi Lend�3�-ertt� Tn�ntor. All �,:_
<br /> �, � covenants and agreements of Trustor shell be Jolnt and severel.7he captions and headinga oi the peregrra{tSr.a of lhla�oa!ot �y,
<br /> � Trust ere for conrenience only and are not to be used to Interpret p�defln�the provlsions hereof. of e�n notice ��
<br /> .•�° i�%• (e)Raquest for Notic�s.The parties horeby request that e co oi en notice of default hereunder e�d o c�y y
<br /> r������ of c,�te hereunder be mailed ro each party to this Deed of Trust at the address set torth above In the martrtnr�r�scrEbed by
<br /> �{ � eppllcabie law. Except for any other nodoe required umder appliceble lew ta be gh+en in anothar manrtor,eny��Uce provF�for __
<br /> � �' In this Deed of Tmst shall be given by mefling such �oGce by cerUfled msii eddressed to the other partien.�t tha nddt+ess set ,__
<br /> k forth ebove.Any noUce provided for In this Deed of Tmst shall be effective upon meiling in the manner d�tsignnted hcjreln.Ii __
<br /> _.� ., Trustor is more ihan one person,noUce sent to the ac7dress set fo►th ebove shall he notice to all such persann.�� P�Y�� _
<br /> � that Lond�erf s�hall give Trus or n Uce p�or tu a Y auchm spe reo�Pecifyn g reas nab{e ause�therefo re eYnct W LendoPs hator
<br /> _ est in tho Property. ==
<br /> (g)Reconveyance.Upon payment of a►I sums sacured by this Deed ot Trust,Lender shall request TruAtae to recor�vey the ,,,
<br /> � Properiyr and shall surcender this Deed of Trust and all notes evldenctng i�dobtedness secured by thi� Dac�of Trust to �_
<br /> �'' . Trustee. TNStee shall reconvey the Property,witho�t wasrenty and witho�t charge to the person ar perocana lege�y entlUed �;:
<br /> °�'+` thereto.Trustor ahall pay all costs of recordattan,(f any.
<br />_`.._},', ,a (h)Penonal Property►;S�curity Agnem�nt.As edditlonal secudty for the payment oi the Note,T�ruc�tar hareby gr�nts
<br /> - Lender under 4he tJebreska Uniform Commerciai Code e security interest in all fl�Rures,equipment,end ottter Fciswna�propariy
<br /> - = '��<y �- used in cnrmecuan with iho reai esinia��i������o;�s�r�,.°!crsf�Lhsr�+n,aR�i not otherwise declarod or dESem�d W he a part of
<br /> d�. . , the rEal esteta secured hereby.This Instrument shall be construed as e Security Agreement under saici Crnd�,ertd tlx3 Lender
<br /> � shall hava an the dghta and remedies oi a secured PadY under sald Code in addltlon to the dghts and romad�lea creat�d undar
<br />���:°-�• - and accor�ded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trvat;provlded that Lender's�Ighta end remedlas under titla gu�graph ahall
<br /> _:=��,:;.,w�.. be cumu�aUue with. and in no way a Ilm(tatlon on,Lender's rights and remedlea under any othAr security agraement signod by
<br />=��°- r�. Borrower orTruslor. -
<br /> - ;��K`r,� (f)Ll�nf�nd Encombanc�s.Trustor hereby w�rtents and reprosents that there Is no defauit undor lh4 provielans of any
<br />--���--�'�'' mortgage,deed of trusi,leeso or purchase contract desartbing ell or any peR of the Propertyr,or other Co�t�ract, Insln[ment or
<br /> =-r�_•��. F�`�' egreement co�sututing a Iien or encumbrance agatnat ell or eny part of the PropeRy(col{ect►vely,"Lienn"), extstlnp as of the
<br />==�a�r���•',�,•�� date of thts Deed of Trust,end that eny end all exisUng Lfens remain unmodiflod except as dlnclosed to Lend�er In TNSEor'a wrH-
<br /> � ,_ ten disctosure ot Ilens and encumbrences provld�d for herain.Trustor shall timeiy pertorm ell of Truutor's obligutiona,
<br /> •-:sry;� cxivenants,reprosenteUons end wartanUes under eny end all exisdng and future Llens,ehall promptly fn�wnrc,E to Lender oopies
<br /> =_— oi all natices oi defeuit sent in connecHon with any ancl all exisUng or future Lisno,and shall not without Lendw's priix►rritten
<br /> �� consent in any manner modlfy the provisbns ot or�11�xr any future advancea under any exlating or futurra IIRrta,
<br /> �; .�,•� (�)Application of Paym�nts.Uniess otherwise�equlred by law,sums paid to Lender horounder,Inc�Uc�llnfl witttout limitetbn
<br /> . f��� Ler�r to tliepemounts d e'and owing from YNStorend�Borrower IIIUSUCI1rOfdd�9 L811d@ftI(1 It9 SQIB L�'IlICf13U IDID�dC2RlS Q bY
<br /> ---__.�.;�� able.
<br /> �=i-----� (k)SoyKabllity.It any provisbn ot thls Deed of Tmst conflicts w(th eppllcable law or ts doclared invnlid ar n�henvise unon-
<br /> -,�;��'� forceaWe,such conflict or Invatidity shalt not etfect the other provlstons ot this Daed ot Truat a the Pt��u whlclo cen be eivan
<br /> - °r�� etTect without the conflicKing provis(on.end to thls end the provislons oi thls Deed oi Tnist and the Nota arc�decl�red to be sev-
<br /> ._ �-�.� erable.
<br /> ____ (�)T��m�, The tertns'Tndstor end"Borrower shau Inciude both singuiar end plural,and when the Tmut�end 6a�rvwer ere
<br /> --- -�� the same person(s),those terms as used tn this Deed of Trust shnll be Intarchengeable.
<br /> y-.��r. �=� (m)Gov�rninp Law.This Deed of Trust shal!be govemed by the laws of the Stete of Nebraska.
<br /> `-��, -
<br /> --`- -'+�;�
<br /> "���.>� �
<br /> •. L --
<br /> T .. �� :.I. .. . -
<br /> " , � .. ' �y j T•'l� .' _ ,. ..� : : "'
<br /> _ f Tn�stor has execulerf Nls�Deed af frtl�t.�c�7ttl�e date wdtten obo�e.
<br /> ::
<br /> ,- _ .� ��,,k�,�.t� �'�_�� "�
<br /> ,r'iii"`�`'� rus or Truotor =_
<br /> __ r�e�.o� r r��+�r
<br /> -- =- :.. _� yn......... ... ._---• :
<br /> Jle�r�re, Q-� �
<br /> Donna J. C stor rtis�or r�1°10� f
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />