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<br /> � � 'Praceeds")In connnctlon wltti condemnatlon or other teking of the Property or paA thereof,or tor conveyance In Ileu ot condomnatlon. •a,�_-
<br /> '� Londor shall bo entltlod at its optlon to commanco,nppear In and prosocute In Its own namo any ac4ion or proceodings,and aheil also
<br /> <n�
<br /> be entllled to meko any compromiso or settlement In connectlor�with such tnkinp or dAmage. In the evont nny pQrtlon of the Proporty Is
<br /> so taken or damapod, Londer ehall have tho op4lon In Its nole and ebsoiute discrotic�n, to epply ell such proc�eds, efter doducting
<br /> thc�volrom ell coste ond oxpensos Incurted by It In connectlon wlth suCh Procaeds,upa�any Indebtedness sacured heroby end in such
<br /> � ordor as Londor mny dotormino,or to apply ali auch Proceeds,afier suct�daductions,to tho rostoralion of tho Proporty upon such oon-
<br /> � ditlons ae Lendar mny dotarmine.Any nppllcatlon�i Proceeds to I�dobtedneas shell not extand or postpone the duo dat�of any pny-
<br /> ", mont9 undnr tho Noto,or curo any defeult thereunder or hereunder.Any unepplled funds sh[�II pe pald to Trustor.
<br /> ' 0. Parformanco hy l,en�ler. Upon the occurronce oi sn Event ot Dafnult hereunder, or fi any act is taken or legal proceedlnfl
<br /> ,� commencod which meterlally attoct�Lender's Interost In the Properiy,Lender mAy In its awn discretlon,but without obligation to do so, ,
<br /> _ end without notico to or demand upnn Trustor nnd without releasing Trustor(rom eny obllpatlon,do any act whlch Trustar has agreed
<br /> , - � , but taued to do end may etso do any olher act it deems necesssry to protect the securlty hereof. Tru�tor sliall, Immedlatety upon
<br /> .�,.,,�.: demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all costs end expenses incurred and sums expended by Lender in connectlon with lhe exer-
<br /> cise by Lendor of the ioregoing rights,together with Interest thereon at the default rate provided in the Nate,whlch shelt be edded to -
<br /> • � lhe indebtedness socured heraby.Lender shatl not incur eny Iiabllity because of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder. •�,
<br /> 9. H�urardou� (�atorlals.Trustar shalt ksap thcs Proporty in compUance with ell applicablo taws,ordinances and regulatlons `'�`�
<br /> relating to industrial hyglene or environmentol protection(colloctively roferred to hereln as"Environmentel Laws').7rustor shall keep �.,=;
<br /> the Propertyr frea from ell substances deemed to be hazardous or toxia under any Environmental Lews(collectively roferred to herein �:_'_
<br /> "�' as"HezaMous MataNels').Trustor horeby wsrr�nts encl represents to Lender that there are no Hazerdous Materiats on or undor the ;:.�
<br /> ;;; Prrperty.7ru3tor hereby agrees to Indemnify and hold hertnlASS Lender,its dlrectnrs,officers,amployees and agents,and any succes-
<br /> sors to Lenders Interest,from end against any end all clalms,damages,losses end liabilities arising In connection with the presence, _
<br /> _, ' ; � use,dispasel or transport oi any Hazerdous Materials on,under,from or ebout the Propsrty.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND �,-�
<br /> 10.Asslgnment ot Rent�.Tru�tor horeby assigns to Lerider, and flrants Len�er e securtty interest in,ell present,future and �'_,'`_
<br /> •'�� arRo�arising rents,issues and profits of the Properly;provided that Trustor shall, until the occurrence of an Event of Defeult,hereunder,
<br />_� . .,5.° ha���ihe�ight to cotleM and retaln such rent�,Issuos end proflts as they become due and payable.Upon the oocurrence of an Evont ot 14r_:;
<br /> ,,•, Qefauit,Lender mey,elther In peison or by agent,with or without bringirsg eny actlon or proceeding,or by a receivar appolnted by a '�=-
<br /> • f� court end wilhout regard to the edequacy oi(fs secudty,enter upon and take possession oi the Propert/,or any part thereof,In(ts own „
<br /> . �' name or in tho name of the Trustee,end do eny acts which it deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value,maricetability or �-'
<br /> r'� rentabiiity oi tha Propsrty,or eny part thereof or Interest thereln,or to Increase the incomo therefrom o�protect the security hereoi end, �`�:-
<br /> � ..� , "' � ' wlth or without taking possession of thA Property,sue for or otherwise aollect the rents,issues arsd profits 4hereot,inctuding thosa past ���-
<br /> duo and unpaid,by notifying tenante to meke payments to Lender.Lender mey apply rents,issues and profits,less oosts and expens- �=�
<br /> � . es ot operatbn and collectlon including attomey's fees,to any Indebtedness secured hereby,ell in such ordar as Lender may deter- _
<br /> � - mine.The ontedng upon and tekin�possession of the Property, the cotlection of such rents,issues and profits,end the epplicatinn _-
<br /> � • thet�eot es atoresa�o snaii not cure or waiva any derouii or n�iii�ui u'oiattii rerat;n:ar a�ZfiY4����2��tl�3C2�IIl:£'lt!15��+^fl?�!�4 8U4h ": :
<br />� + deJault or pursuant to such notice of defauit end,notwiths?anding the contlnuance in possesslon ot the propertyr or the collecUon, �ts•;_
<br />- ��"'' � raceipt end appticadon of rents,issues or proflts,Trustee and Lender shall be enUtled to exerclse every�Ight provtded for in eny oi the p}=
<br />��,...;' '. , .f�,';,.�
<br /> ;,�: Loan Inswments or by law upon occurrenco of any Event oi Oefault,including without Ilmltallon the right to exerclse the power oi sale. --
<br />�:�=�``'s;�;'�`;-;;;; Further,Lender's rights and remedius undor 33�is paregreph shell be cumutative with,and In no way a Ifmitetton on,Lend9rs nphta and
<br />-,'��__�;°;:i4a>Ea� remedies under any assignment of leasos artd ronts recorded egalnst the Properry.Lender,Trustee end the receivor shA�E be liable to
<br />��•w+::w•.'� account only for those rents actually recolved.
<br />+��''� ' 11.Evenh of O�hut�The fotlowing s:�all cansUtute an Event of Default under this Deed of Trust: �
<br /> _�=_',iiir,qt;
<br />;.y,.�,+ �. (a)Failuro to pay eny installment oi principal or Interest or eny other sum secured hereby w en ue;
<br /> `�_-.::�� (b)A breach of ar defeult under eny provision contelned In the Note,thls Deed of 1'rust,eny ni the Loan Instnimant�,or eny
<br />==�d7tY��r='•`� other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Propetty; _
<br /> °`°-'���__ (c)A writ of executlon or attachment or any similar process shall bei ente�red against Trustor which shall become e lion on -
<br /> —��-�'��� the Properly or any portion thereof or interest thereln; ---
<br />��-�•':LLY�
<br /> �,��-�.� (d)There shall be filed by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower ers action under eny present or future tederat,state or olher stetute,
<br /> =,,,r��;;�„� ' law or regulation relating to benkruptcy,insolvency or other retlei tor debtoro;or there shall be appolnted any truatee,reoeivor or
<br />�.�,-;.�:;:F.s� Ilquidatar o!Trostor or 8orrower or of ell or eny paR of the Properiy,or the rents,lssues or proflts thereot,or Trustor or Borrower
<br /> --_-'�.�r.`s��a� shall make any general essignment 9tu 1he benefit oi creditors;
<br /> "'�":`���� (e) Ti�e salo, Vanster, lease, assJgnment, conveyance or fudhar encumbrance of elt or eny part of or any interest in the `
<br /> _-;;"� Property,either volunt�rily or involuntadty,without the express wdtten consent ot Lender,provided that Trustor shall be permit- �
<br /> ted to execute a lease oY the Properly that does not contain e�opdon to purchass and the term of which does not exceed one _
<br /> ��s'x- year, -
<br /> —�s (�Abandonment nt ihe PropeRy;or
<br /> ��� (g) li Trustor is nat an Individual,the issuance,sale,trensfer,assignmant,conveyance ur encumbrance of mure than((f a
<br />