<br /> -- � �_i�k t�t��irY;r1Y� ZT :-Y��i t �-_.: , .�, . trr`:f f»`� �=r.
<br /> .�-,4-c�+d'i�-..�"[w'•—tin'j'��'�aW,r�a,£i '':::,i..c.wrxw;..+a.�.iww;in:... -----` _.-_ 1, ff�Si.�'.di�_:.,.
<br /> -- — - �2""' �i.�),9��,2 — -
<br /> subslnNia�iy equivnlent nwng+go Insunnw rnvcngo ia mm�vellabte,I3orrnwor s m pay�o t.cndcr w:h mond�n surn equai to —
<br /> one•twd(tl�attho ycady nwrtgoge insumnca promlum Ixing pald by 9orrnwor�vhcn the insnranco rnvernpo Inpscd or ceascA to
<br /> 1»ineffal.i.endcrwillxttst,use'iediNG�n.thcso pdYmeNSas aloas rescrvaln Iicu of nwngage Insurnnco. I.oss rcmrvc
<br /> �ynxn�s mny no tongor bortqidrkl,at jhp p�dan nf 1,cnder,If nMrtgago insumnm covcngo(in tlw amoum nnd for tbo pedod
<br /> ttut Lendor roquires)provldal bY An lnsufst appmYCd bY.1.C�dcr agaln b�ma nvnilabla end is obiatikd. Oorroivcr ntipll pay �.:
<br /> tho prtmtunu requlral to mainwtn mort�npo Insurpnw In cttu4 or ro prav dc n loxs rescrvc,umil tho rcqulrcnxN for mongage ¢ ` ._
<br /> Insuranco enda In acoordance witli nny wrlllen ngrctnxnt Ixiwan Borrower and Lsadcr or npplicablc law. �;�„ u _
<br /> 9,Inspttlloro t.cndcr or its ngcnt may mako rcamnable entdcs upon and int�xc�tons of t6e Property.l.cndcr shnll givc 1�g , i
<br /> Rorrower notice nuho tlmo of or pAor to nn Inspcc�ion specifying rcasonable caux for�ho inspcction. �;��* � � :'�'•.
<br /> ��„�:t, f . {y:,:
<br /> S0.Condcnm�llon. 7'ho proccods of nny award or clafm for danugu, dirut or cons«�ucntial, in conncnion wlth nny .��
<br /> condenmaUon or othcr Inkin of an in of tl�c Pro rt ,or for convc ance In Iicu of mndemnntlon,arc hcrcb usl atd nnd t�x '? t , '�°'
<br /> B Y P� P� Y Y Y a ti�J�'# � t ., .
<br /> shall bc paid a I.u�dee `�
<br /> In tBo ovenl of a rotal taking of tha Propeny,Uie procecds shnll M applicd to�ho sums secured by�61s Secarlly Instmmen6 ,! '�''�a,F"$'+?�j y
<br /> whether or wt then duo, whh any excess paid to 13orcower. In�he event of n paninl�aking of tho 1'ropeny In�vhtch�he fntr �,t;Y aa,;t. ., .:, "
<br /> ntatkti vatua ot the Propeny Inm:xllutiy b,:Pore the tskins is equnl lo or grea�er t6an the za�wm of Uw sunu securo�by this ,:..; h... sF ti..
<br /> Securit Insttumeem imroediatety before�Im�ekin ,unless Onrrower and Lender otlu�wise agece ta wri�ing,the sums secund by .,rf� r ` --�-��-�
<br /> this Security irtsmtment shalt be eed¢ca1 by tl o nmount of d:o proceeds mul6pliod by tte folfowing frsction: (a) [rz total .,•`;,`�' ' p�i,'r �;
<br /> amount of the surcu secumd imm.ediatety bePoro�ha�aking,dirld�^A by(b)tM f�lr market valua of the Propeny imixn�diately r�;;i + < `?s ,
<br />- be£oro tke takin . An bal:uxa sha[I tro aiA to Oorrowcr. i�the erent of a paaia!tahirtg oC the i'm�:ny in a�Atch iM fair --,:} �( -, •
<br /> marke�value of the Pmpeny inuiwdiaxet�L�ePoro the�nking is less than tke amour,t oitF.e sums secund imn;ediarely b�fore the �, f�d "` `.
<br /> �ak6ig,unless Ilomower anA l.en;l:r pthenvisc agm:in�vriting ar u�tcu applirable la�v othcrnise 9rovides,thc prott�ods shall ,;�.'�,;s����,I:�r.ri_
<br /> be ap Iled ro�hc snms securcd by it�tx Smnity[mtmment�vhether or no�tM sums am A�en dua ;;'``,-'����� fS�n'�'-
<br /> 4F the Property is abandonei by flom�wer,or if,aRer mtice by Lcndcr to 6orro�vcr that the con!emrmr of2rs to mike an �:rC;t;��;��[�'J'�s�f;:"
<br /> avnni or szitle o claim for dairages, 1lorrower fails to mspond to Lcndcr within 30 daYs afler tt�e date the ncxim is iven, `�%�'% -
<br /> B .,�� 3i �'3 ! Ss .
<br /> LenJer'r>authodzed to mllecl nnct appiy tl�o proeeods,at its option,e(iher to restor�don oc mpair of tFa Fropzny or to t[u sunu �� � -t71�y ��� :
<br /> sm�red by this Secnrtty instnunem,��9�et6er or�rat thcn duo. ,�.Kv�-� __A�rs,
<br /> llnlru i.ender xed Dorrowcr othenvise:�gre in writing, any opp!icse.iva of pnn�eAa to prindpx! .hall not ex�tnd or „_'n° , - "
<br /> postpona the due Jale ofthe monthly paynxNS rcferrcd ro In parzgraphs 1 r�r.<i?or diange the amaum of.v,�ch payments. 1�;a���,;r.='�'='
<br /> 11.Borrox�er Nnt Releaud;Forixarence 1Sy Lender Not a{Yatver. C•smnsion of�he�imc tor payment or modifira�tan ,� i tt�. ,. �
<br /> of amortiza[ion of the sw�u securtd b �his Sixurit Inslmmem rnnted b l.ender to an successor in imeres�o(6orcower shall �����rS�S=�k�i��-`==.""
<br /> not operaie ro rclease�he liability ot,lw original Dorcower or 6nrrower's suceessors In intercs�.Lcnder shall not be rer,,uind to ���ti"fi'-'"`�'""
<br /> i�._iF�'<<7.;��`..-�-
<br /> mmmcnce praeedings egetnst any suttesmr in Interat or rc(use lo cxlend time for payment ar o�henvise modify emoni�ation i�r,;;�y�Yrf�;s,+f"'�:.
<br /> of dw sunu secured 6 �his Securit Tnsimmem b reuon of en demand made b ihe ori inal Dortower or Oarrower's � r!�•+�,�y;;=>=-�
<br /> Y Y Y Y Y 8 .;j.5,;:.r..(:�::<-�.��,.
<br /> successoro in inlere.a�. Any PorUenrance 6y Lender in exercising eny dght or remedy shall not be a x'alver nf or preclude the � ..t.h�,,�,;�<.i:<,=;--.
<br /> exercise of any dghi or renu4y. �<:;i`+;+;;�•�:��'=:�-
<br /> 12. Successors and Assigns fioundi�a�nl and Seveml 41e611ity1 Co•signers. Tiu covenams nnd agramcros of this „_,..q•;;��,M1��i,��:�
<br /> Securiry Ins�mment shzll bind anA bcnefit Ihe successors and:usigns nf Lender nnd Uorro�rer, subJa� lo the provisions of :��:�;.j;^�;,,,h_r.,_a!
<br /> pamgroph 17. Qarrower's rnvenants and agreemems shall 6e joint and mveml. Any Dorrower who co•signs �his Saud�y ��;�t,j,�t"� t7ii�:::
<br /> i�7cln�n7rn! hm AMC�ni excrulr�hc NMC: (el IS Co•SICnIfI¢ Ihis SCNf11V I115�NII1C0t OIIIy l0 I110f163$C� gram and eonvay�hat ��E� t t�s�;��.-
<br /> 6orto�vcr's INCresl In lhe Property undcr tlic temis of�his Seturity InsiiumenL(b) Is not personally n6liga�ttl lo p�y the sunu -`�t,1 �mr.ti�L:-
<br />- sceuted 6y ihls Scwri�y instrumcnt;nnd(c)ngrces thal Lendcr anA nny othcr�urrowcr may ngrce to ex�end,mallly,forbrar or ;;,py c},iy�r�S+_.'�•`-
<br /> make nny aceommoda�lans wi�h ngard to Aie temu of Ihis Secerity Inslrunxn�oJr�he Note wAhoul that Ronower's conunt. .xig.�,,.;c�:��:�-.-
<br /> ancl th i Iwnis fin�allX nter�rc�ed�w h�n r he interest or I,cr loaa ehar�exbcollec�ted or��o b-hcollatedninxcnnneciion «fis�c �:�!�;Yg��`k�tj~is='.
<br /> 4 '{
<br /> loan cxcad thc permntcd Il�ii�s,thc¢ ie)any znch Inan charge shail lie rcAeced 6y ihe nmonnt ntcessnry m rttluce ihe chargc !'<���C�F�+Sry�� -;.;
<br /> Do�ttoxer.��l.�der��may choose3to make thisrefuud by reducing�the princhp�al owed u dcr h�e�Note o�r bylmaktngu dlrce� �;i 4 S i;;����}ff:�':�,;��
<br /> payment to Dorrower. If n refund raluces principal, �he raduc�ion will be «a�tecl ns a parllal prepaymenl wlihoei nny �F�t'J1t ,Fr.�z�1`Ttlr`
<br />� rc � meni char e undcr tlie Notc. ?�.%.;S��i({��'�Z����1�
<br /> P P 14.Notices An notice�0 6urroa•cr rovidcd for in�his Sccurii Insvnment shall 6c given by dclivering it or by mafling t��j����������� -
<br /> Y P :lP:-:;. 'i;`ari'��..
<br /> it by fint dass mafl unless applica6lc law rcquin;s ux of anod�cr nx��od.The nodce shall be direcied lo�hc Propeny ACdress -• -1�5, S j
<br /> or nny o�her nddress Dorrower designates by notice �o LenJer. Any nmice in Lender shall be ivtn b fint class maii ro ya=�'�•"� `��-�'"''"�
<br /> B Y �� t �rf ':15..:,:_-;.:.
<br /> Lender's ndJress s�xced hercin or any mher nddress Lcnder dcsignates by iw�ice m Oorrowcr. Any noiice provided for in�hts $•'�Y'�j ?�}�-ir�';s>-
<br /> Secuein�lnamnnnt shall be deemed to Imve been given�o f3orro�cer nr Lender when given as proviAcd in�his pamgraph. '���(y��{i��(�Y�;;j f_;,:
<br />_ es.rn.ernlns 7.m.; &verabllily. This Securhy Inxumnem shall be govemed hy federol Inw nnd lhe laH�of �he }}5.�����n5.f�f�:Sr^..�:
<br /> � judsJinioa In which ihe�'rai rty is located. In tlie event�hx�ua��provision or clause af thia Securi�y Inswment or the Note .Jr�}d��5'�W;tYS.v,�,y._
<br /> mnOkis wi�h apple.hSle law,such canilict shall nol affect o�her provislons uf ihis Sewriiy insuument or the No�e which ran be �;,�( ��. 5v; �,y; -,
<br /> wI�e�evcrable�hom�h:cor.fiicting provisian.Tu dils end tlie prnvistnns of�hfs Saurity Inswnxnt nnd the Note ere daiared ��`� �����r�-t��eo «-.
<br /> 16.Ro�rotier's Cnpv.Qurmx�r�shail be gic.n one cnn(urrecel copy uf Ihe No�e and of�his Sevriq�Insmimem. i r�it� ,H�? ,
<br /> �y.3�., !
<br /> 39.'dTans@r oi lhe I'roperq-or a 13enefidn7 Intems7 In IIorro�rcr. If all or nny pan n(�he Amperq�or any intcres�in i� q/�n.�ic'sFt.�'�.L"����
<br />: fs su!d or uamferred(or if o bcnclirial intcreq in➢ortn�cer is-;�,IA or uansfcrrcd and Bnrrm��r�i.nm a nn�ural pennn3��iihoW ��:�;;y�V'`�_���,;;?_--
<br />.. LCndcr i prior w�riutn conscm. Lender may. :n i�� op�ion. �e�uirc innueJiztc paymcm in (ull o(all zums stturai by this ,�C:?��3s:����t-���:�'.
<br />- Sm�ri��I�nlrvmeni.Howcvcr,�his o Iiun shall n.t be evtrtlseJ� Lendcr fi cccrc�sc is rnhihi�cJ b} fatcral law u of Iht dnic t:`' =*�>- -.��`-:-
<br /> > P Y P .r:.. .�"y�:��:^�s`.�:y�;+f�.
<br />- of Ihis&nvi�y Insuumem. � �_ � �
<br /> iF l.ender enercises�his op�ion. Leieier shall gire Ik�rto..er no�ice n(:iacicra�ion.Th..nn;i.e+hall providC a period of uot °- - 7°,;-;:�(',;J,:;
<br /> Icss tA.n 3D days from �he da�c �hc imticc is Jelircrcd nr mnt.�d wid�in �rhith Ilnrn�aer ci�i�t psp :dl wms .c:ured b� �his k'. -
<br /> . Securiq�Inswmem.If Oorrotiecr fails m pay�hese.ums priar�n�he cxpiratinn n!�his�x:ia:..Lrndcr may im•oke an� r�•maJirs .
<br />. pcnniucd by this Security Instrument wi�hout funS:er r.olitt or CemanJ un dnrtn�cer. _ :
<br /> I8. Borro�rer's Right m Reltutnte. li it-:m��cr n:mu ccnain ann,lmnnt. flnrtm�cr �h.el F.ne �hc right «� hac. =.
<br /> cnforeemcnt of Ihis Sccuril)' 6ulrumcnl disror.u-�,rd m aa) limc priot l: ik:c.al�tr nf' 1�)S �k+�. .n: +nrh olhct p.ri�xl a� � .� .';-��
<br />� APF1F:ah:t la�� may speci(y !or reinsWtancnu tr:rrt >:dr ,•[ �}c Pru�xtn p��nu:mt �: :+np pmre� nf�ile mnlained in thi. . ;;-��:,
<br />- Sa::sic. Ineltomem:or(bl enlq�of ajuJgmcnt enl„r:ing.r�.>:.vriq• In.u»�:ea�.Tl:.�.r c.r.d.:inm:rte�ha�6rrro�cer. !al pa��a � �
<br /> l.cr•.:;:a!1 aur.n�rltich t6en�couW (+.Ju.m�Jcr�hic Sc.�.r°'7 laammcnt:n;d Ihc Nrc:r- if rn acccicration hnJ oceurnJ: Ibl i . .. _
<br />- CQ@S d.lY dC�21:.0:'�:.9\'OII1ff lO\"f�1JIlI�or a:rern�cm.: �c)p��>ali cy�r-r.ir.currc�'. ir. ��ninrcinc :.`.�• S.ruril� IntilrumenL �. • . �.J•� . .
<br /> I1hluding. Fct r. �: :':nrl �o, rea�nnable an,..:.�•�: fre}::wd WI IaAC�•u.l..::lian a�Iw•r.du may rr.:-.-�Flc fCywtC Iu a«urc `_':
<br />- Ih:M1 thc litn o(In:,Jrcurilr Imlrumcu6 Lcnder".righ�.in�he Nro�Knc aaJ[k�rn�x�cr's rhlig:niun t�•pay the:um,.erunJ M . 1<::
<br />_ �hi. 4ccurily Inswnrent .h:dl aonlinnc unrhangivi. l'p,n nfn�l�lcmcnl hr U��rm•�r- �hi• SiNpb' IIl>INliklll a�xl �hc , -
<br />.: „�,�c. _ ._. ..._..._��.__.�....�...0......-.:.,a.u....rr....�:...... .� ..,......�....��..�,6�..1...�.u.., umcr�er.ihit richl lo r.ui.la:c shall i'
<br />.. ....�...._.....................� ............_....._..� ,..,,"" '_.. .._ """"__'"__ "_ - . ,..
<br />- no�apply'in tlu ca.c of:n.cicnGnn unJcr p:uagrap6 17. '
<br />. 19. Salc oi Knfc: Changc of i.uan Scnitt•r. "fhc Nn;r.�r a pamal intcr..l m �hc Notr uotclLcr ��i�h �hf: Spvrit� }
<br /> InsuunknU nu��M x+!J one ur innre 1ime.�u�hnm pnur mn[cr!a 13orrower A eJe mar tesuh in a.hanEe fn the enlily IAmm n I
<br />„ a.thc 'I.oan Scn iiri)�ha�i'nllal.mumhl� pa�nn�nt.Juc w;drr iLr�nir and�hi.Savrit� In.tnuncnL Thcrr:J.o ma� Ir une
<br />- ur n:arc changcs u(�Ire l.+an Scn iccr wvrlatrJ in a alc o!thc Votc 1(�h.rc n:�chanzr nf�hc I.�an Scn�iirt. ISorta�rcr�ull lx• t
<br /> E11\CO NfIIIC111kHIlY OI II1C 1I1J111;C IIl:It\OIJdIKC t\IIII��df]�l.IFS IO LI%1\d JIhI Ar�Ill]FId IdM.1FC 0��11(C\l1II+lalc thc namr anJ !
<br /> �dAftlS O(lllf IICW IAtJiI SCf�9lYf e11J Iilf�I�fC�� lo uAKh ry�mcni. .le.uld It mad: �fhe rnt�.t u�ll aL.0 ionlain :uq nlhCr
<br />` infomulion rcymrJ M1>"applicablc la�r.
<br /> 20. Hmardnus 5uUstmicn. 6nrnn.r� .tu�t r.nl cau�c or pcnnn d�r prc�cnrr.u.c- J�.p�.d. .n�r.�gc. or rcic:nc nf .un �
<br />� Ilar:vJoua Subilanr¢s un ��� in Ihc I'n+�xil). Untm��cr Q�all not d��. not :Jlox aa�.��k rl.c n� .'. . :nnihing a(ICalmr Ihc �
<br /> PfOPCfi)'(IIJI�5 111\IOI:IIIUII OI JIl\' L'll\1N�1111ft11JI I.:1\P. Tlll'pranling l��o.entem«.h�ll �„�,���i,io �I�e previrce. u... ur `
<br />= alnragc nn Ihc Prop�(Iy"O�y11:1II 1�00�llllll'S O�N]l:1NO0�Subqaua. �ha� arc gcncrall� rc.ogmr�1 lo bc appropnaic to nunnal i
<br />- rcaiJcnlial uacr ai�l to maintcnmiir nf Ihc Prnp.tt)'.
<br />..� r.r��•� Fo�m 3028 9190
<br />