��::�a3'.fti.:r µ . . . _ — -
<br /> . - <:.. t xr.:x1..,:4 L, �:.: -. :�W.w,L .«ic.. .
<br /> �g2_,. �as��z
<br /> Tho Fnnd{ shnll be held In an Instil�nlon �vhose dcpnsllx nro insared by n federnl nSency, insm�memettt9, or endt�
<br /> (Including i.endeR 1(Lcnekr I�snchgnn Inslllutinn)pt In any Palerul lfomo I.onn 13nnk.l.cndcr ahnll npply�ha I'unde a pay Uin
<br /> rcflfyingihcSP.sctw 1 cnB�u�las�i.cndcr pnys�Rorrox�cr in�crui on�ihe runJs and ap IIcn1 Ic Imv pern6ie I.c dcr io n M1�c wc1�
<br /> a cLarsa.liou,.vcr,[.sndet mnyrc�uirc tiorro�rer lo pay a onrtime chugc tor an I�cpcndene rcaI esum�az reponinF xrvlce r_ _
<br /> uvA Ly Lerdcr im m�nailon witli �his lonn, unicss nppilcabic luw providcs o0�enviso. Unless an agrccnxnt is made or
<br /> applicablo law ralulces INerat lo bo paid,I.cnder shall no11x�requircd�o pay llortowcr nny tntcresl nr tarnlngs on tho I'un)s.
<br /> Oorrowcr and I.cr.der nuy agreo in wdting, hon•ever,ihat Imerest shall be pald on thc Punds. I.cndcr shall giva In Dorrowcr,
<br /> wlthout charge, un nnnual n000nming oF tho Punds, showlns rndlls aM dcbits�o ihc I'unds and tha purpom for whld�cnch
<br /> debit to tho I'unds was maAo.1Lo I'nnds are pitdged as odditlonal swuriiy for n11 smns secared Hy this Secudty Iru�mmem• _
<br />� 1f�ho I�unds helJ Ly l.ender exceed dio amouNS pcmil�ecd to Iu lieid 6y applicnble law,I.cndcr shnll ncconnt m f3orrowcr ,. ..
<br /> for ttie cxccss�unds In nccordance aith�ho r ulrenxms ot applica6le Inw. !f ihe nmonnt of ti�o I'unds held by I.ender at nny —
<br /> dmz ts r.ot sidficirnt to pay tlie Escrow items w en due,I.ender may w notfty Itonower in wrliing,and,in snch czse Borrower __
<br /> sh3![py to F,,.�er U�e amouat necessary to nmkc up t6e deOciency. florrowcr s6n11 mako up tlie dcficlency in no moro�han _--- _
<br /> twelve month[y paynu:rls,at Lcn[ei s wte discrc�lon. � -,�
<br /> t,fyon payu�zr.t ia ful[of all sums stx+a�vt by Qds Sxvri�y Instiu�nt, Lcr.dcr shall prompily rcNnd to Borcower any __
<br /> Fuads 3eld by 4cnder.iF,widerp„rg�121.Lencler shalt aoquirc oz sel[thc P�o�ctY.l.endcr,prior Ia�hc aoquisition or sale �,_ � �:
<br />� o�tas 3`+o�erty,sh211 aNply any Flvxts hrW by�I.cn3cr a�the Gnx of Mqui:ition or salc zs a crtdit eSains�thc sums s.^cund by :_�-'- .
<br />� �his C�cudty Instniment. a+Ys�"
<br /> 3.Applkntlon oP Pngmentx.Untz.c��kap�icable law provlQes aherwis..all p�yments raYived by l.erder uaCet pangeaphs -;�:c _.
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be appllal:first, N A(1}'pIL• ?.J:r.u!t charges due undcr tkc Yote; xrond,to amounu payabie ur�!er pingraph 2: --f ..
<br /> 3�j�r .
<br />- �hlyd,to inlcrcst due;founh.�p pdnti{�d�n:::+:d Iast,to any late chargcs Aue undcr the Note. s, t�
<br /> q.Chargcs{I.lens.IIorm��er shall Evy:�I�axa.essessmrnts.ch�rga, fir.es azd impositions atttibutable co�hc Propeny ��Zly„ ;.
<br /> whleh may atiatn pdodty o�rr fi9s Securr{r�7�suument, asd IeaseMld piyments or grvund rents, if any. 8orcmvzr shall piy •,�,���,�..:.-.
<br />- io hoo�lrson mved p�ic menjner pno„tY�x{�n�r*ava mrepl Pom'ah to I.�c+xlcr ail�notices of IIn ounts rohSe ppa�'id urr ier diis�paragnpl� �iy���::
<br />• If Dorrawcr nukes t1�SC Fvy nnsc:tCCQp,IY?sznnir shall prompily Purms4e ro Lender necipts crkh�o-:ing the paymeNS. `�s�[���---
<br /> Aom�wcr shnil{uo�nyt{�a�e�o*nraa ar�}�7ic:�s�sh h.ia,e�Onty o+�e��his Sauriry Inslrumem:mle�Rnnawu:(�)agreea i� �i��q.�� :�.
<br /> wdting to�he paynxM ot�1::c*X`-�_afon secund by�ha liec��n nan�e+axc�tuble to Lender:@)eroir.':c+a gnnc2 f�Y�h the lierz ig;,F�..,;.;.
<br /> by, or defends against eafom3r.uai of thc lien in, lege: prcc�xdings w3i.li In�tic Lcndei s opitn,�� o�mr u prevent Ihe €��t�b}' '
<br /> enforceinent of thx 11cn;or(d scvres Gom Ihe hotder of tha li¢n nn agrerment utisleclory w Lender subordimtir.g the Iicn to {�fi; h �
<br /> this Sauriiy I�r,:�v.axm. If Lender dGem�ina�hat eny pa�i of�hc Propcny is subjat to a Iien which nwy nuain priori�y ovsr 11:�tk;_,, �.
<br /> � �his Securiiy[mtncment,Lender may give Borrower a notice Identl(ying the Ilcn.Qorcower Rhall smisfy�he Ifcn or lake one"or "' -- ..
<br /> moro otihe nctiu2��ct forth above wiihfn 10 days of the giving of no�in. �-`��%�'��`�`��'�
<br /> 5. iimard or Properly Insnranm. Bortowcr s6a11 kcep tlic im�rovcmems now exis�ing or hercalice ewned on �he .?'.�;`�rr+•��
<br /> vx-...
<br /> Property insnrcd egainst lou fi�fire,huards fncluJcd wi�hiu Ihe temi extcndM covemgc' end nny other I�ez.r.3>,including `+t'�;�p�a;,,.:
<br />- fioods or Oooding,for which Lender requires insurance.This insurance shall be mnintained in the amounts and foi the pedods £$';'.�i�e--
<br />� thal I.ender rcquires.The insurznw cartler providing the insur�nce shall be choxn by 6orto�ver subJecl to Ler.Qer's approval ��lt�x`�'
<br /> �vLich shall not Ue unreasonably wi�hheid.�ii uorrower faiis w maimein mvcrs�c JGCriliid ntu.z, :.eixKr nr.at L:rd^.r's �!��"`'""�
<br />° apllon,nb�aln covemge lo protecl Lender s righu In the Pro�eny in acmnlence x��h pamgmph Z ppp!! y`�Sl�. ]
<br /> All Insunnee policies end reneNVls sh,ll be eccepinble�o Lender nnd shall include n standnrd mongxge clause. Lender {��f?v�
<br /> - shnll havo Iho dgh�to hold the policies nnd rcnewals.If LeaJer requires,Qorrower shall promp�ly give to Lender zq receip�s of lS��:;} `
<br />- pafd prcmiums nnd Rnewal no�ices.ln�he evcnl of loss,Borm�rer shall givo pro�ipt no�ice m ihe inmrance carrier nnd Lendca !y��-_� '„
<br /> I.cr.dcr may maY,c proof of loss if ne�n+.�dc promp�ly by Ik�rtnwcr- � -
<br />- Unless Lendcr nnd Rorrower ahenvise.^rce in wndng,insumnce procecds shnll be npplicA to rts�oration or repair of ihu [y-�����x _-
<br />� Propeny dmnaged,if Iho resioiallon or rcpair is emnomically feasible nr.iR Lender's securi�y is nm Iessened.!f the rcsmration ar `�i ��Y�3>f �
<br /> repalr fs nol ccononilcally fwsible or Lender's stturity would be Icsscnrd.U�e insurance proceeds shnll be appll�d�o�he sums +�'Y'?s.�;"•
<br /> ' secured by�his Securl�y Insuument, whe�her or not �hen duc, wi�h any exeess paid to Uorcower. If Dorrower abandons the �y�•'�sAn�.itj:'
<br />= Proryctty, or docs no�nnsver within 30 days o nodce Gom Lender�hai�he insumnce carder has offercd to scUle a claim,tlien ��.°iL�y �
<br /> I.ender may mllcc� �he Insumnce proceeds. l.ender may use ihe pron�eds �o re�air or res�orc the Propeny or �o pay sunu zh�arA�
<br /> secured by ihis Securiiy Ins�mnxnL��•Imdier ar no�ihen due.The]O�d.ry period�vil I lugin when ihe no�ice Is given. ia1�a + �
<br /> ' Unlcss Lendcr ond Dortowcr o�hcnvise ogrec in wri�ing. :wy appIkaqon of procccds iu principal shall not ezcend or yr;���i _-
<br /> � postpone tha due da�e of�he momhly paymems rcferrcd �o in paragmplis I nnd 2 or change ihe anwum of�he pay�ments. If �u�i�}„u.�;.----
<br /> under parngmph 21 the Propeny is acquired by Lender, Rorcmver's rigln to nny insurance�wlicies and pmeeals resulling from ��t;�i��Frc.;;
<br /> - damnge ro lhe Propert�prbr to ihe acquis0fon shall pazs to Lender to the ex�em of the sunu secure4 by�his Security Insuuinent i,� x„
<br /> tminedlttcly pdor lo t�c acquisitlon. }i?�r�f ';:-
<br /> = G,Occapancy,Prescrvetlon,Tiahitenmxe nnd Protcetlon ot the Propert}�6orro�+cr's Lomi Applkalfon�I.ensehalds. 1�v�fx',•
<br />�- 6ortower shall aceupy,establish,nnd um tl�e Propeny as Qorro���cr's principal raidcnce�ri�hin sixty days aRcr thc ezwuiiun af , �_,.__.
<br /> _ ihis Securi�y Inswment x�xl shall continue to uccupy�he Propeny us Qorrower's priixipal msiJence for at Ieast one ya�r after -�-
<br />-_ �he date of occupancy, unles.a Leider u�herwise ngrees in wri�ing, w6ich canum sh:dl not be unm�onably wi�hhcld,or uNess ,��;j�fv -:
<br /> eaienua�ing circunu�ances exist whtch are beyond Uarrawer's mmrol. Oorro�cer shall no� des�roy, damage or impair dm 1�•� ,y,�
<br />= Propeny, allow 1F.e Pro kny to deteriorn�e, or commit woste mi dm Pmperty.6nrrower+hall be in Jefaull i(any forfeilure �. * -:
<br />"" acdon or procccding, w�ic�hcr civil or criminal. ix Ixgun�ha�in Lcndcr's gaod faithjudgmcnt could rcsuil in forfciturc af�he ''t-�.. '
<br /> = Pro n or oi6cnvisc matcri:dl im Ir Ihc lirn crcated b�lhis Sccnril Insuumcm or l.cndcr's sccuriiy intcres�.Ourrowcr may �+•��;�`�'�'
<br />�- P� Y Y A� ) Y h_���.�i:
<br /> - cure such a defnuh and reinsmte,nc pro}�iJed in paragraph I8.by causing IhC aaion or proceNing In be dismisurl��•ilh a mling +� ��; i�-'
<br />-= i6a1, fn I.ender's gad failh dc�enninztion. pnrludes fod.iWrc nf lhc Dorroorr's inlcrc>I in lhc Property or ut6cr matcrial •4(,A;,{,__,f.
<br /> impaimxnt of tlx licn crca�nl by �his Sauriiy Insvunxnt nr LenJer's saurily inicra�. 6orro�ecr shall also bc in Jclauh if ���,;',_�^r°�;.-:
<br /> Uurron�cr,during�F.c loan applica�iun pnxess.garc mn.naly iat�c nr inaccura:c mfonna�ian nr s�atcmcros tn I.cnJcr(or failnl ���,::-.-,.. -
<br />__ lo provide I.endcr u•ith any malerial informntn�nl in comrtY�ion with the loan eridenceJ by Ihe tdrn.,incluJing.bW not limiled
<br /> �o.reprcsematinn.conmming 6orrower'�c:.upancy nt th.Prnpern :..principal resiJence. If�his Scruri�y Imuumem is m�a ��-�� .
<br /> L•:+sJiold. Qnrro�ccr shall mmply aid� all Ihc pro�ivart. of Ihr It.nt If Dorro�rcr acyuirc� kr tidc lo thc Property. Ihc ,`7�;'y;;�- '
<br /> `.e:•+choid and lhc fee litle xhall nol merge unlr�t Lendcr z;rce�m Ihe n¢rgcr in unr.r._.. .
<br /> 7�Proittflon of Ixndrr's lilghls In ihc Proper!}.1'Borm�ccr fail.to��i;r.: �:r cnrrnams ancl agrnm:no mr.taineJ in -
<br /> ' �his Shvriq Imwmcm, or�h.rr i.a Irgn! p��ceding .aat nuy�iy;mficanll�� afltii I.rr.dtr's ng.`.:.in Ih. Prnptrn nuch as n � " ��-
<br /> proccoJing in`ir.imptcy. probatc. (m::-':°iulinn or lortenurc.�� : ::.futcr Irs.or rcgclYru.�.�hcn LcnJcr nu. J,�:�r.3 �' ���
<br /> � for���halt�.' rs nar.�a In r t � 'r: .a:ec uf�h.� IY.. m ::.. ..r:.dri.ri }U in IF.c F'r:�n LcnJ<r'a aa�on. r::n ��'•.�... `., •.
<br /> P•Y o P"•'• tx 9� >'� j
<br /> = iMludc paying .my sums sc.urcJ h� a �.::. nhid� I::n priori�r r�;r �:. &�ari', I itilNb:fL:. OPPfJpOj] m cnurt. p,���sg
<br /> - re+<meFle attomecs'(ces anJ entcnnF�,n dir PmM m. ��,nuAe rcl�un..q:i.`.a c;c{:�.xr mac�akt,dinn mxl.r�Sn pangraph �
<br />-`: .I.tl�f!dOCS IMI�Id•d 10�IP a�, �
<br />.. Any aubums di�bunid b> Lciwlcr undrr Ihn (�r.�gr,�ph ? �}I:III F�COIIA ��:EIIIOIIJI di�`: C� UOftl���ll fhLR'A h� ihi. i
<br /> _ Securily Imwment. Unies�6orrn.�er an,! LenJrr agrce lu ot6tr ten�-.•f p��nxn1. �hc.e anxa:'_ �hall Mar intert�l Gom�fi. �
<br /> dale of di�tursemenl a1 Ihe \ote rate and .hall M1e parahle. wnh m:::rsl. up,a r•otice fnrcr, L: Arr Io 6orm���er rcyunung
<br /> pa�nKm.
<br /> - 8.'�lorigagc luswnncc. If Isndrr rcyuircJ nx,ng�gc inwra�xc a.a io�ntnrou:i maAmg�hc loan eavrtd b)��hn Savrily .
<br /> "- Inarunxm. 6orroner shall pay ihc prcmium. rcymr.v! a. maimam ihr nr�nga{c mwnr.ac m c(fcct. IL (or an� rc:non. O�c
<br /> = mongagc im:vancc mrcragc rcquimJ h� Lcrdv lapx�.v.ca�c����R m cf(�t7.Cnrrowc�.hall pa���hc premium.rcyuinvl to
<br /> ob�ain co�cra�c wbslantially cyui�•alcnt to thc mongagc inwran:.p�e.nw.lq m et(ccL a� a mt wbslantiall� ryuiralcnl w Ihc
<br /> co�t to i:orro���cr of ihc mnngag. inwranec prcriomly in cffttl. Gnm an alt.vnatc nw�ttga�e mwrcr apprnrttt b) LcnJcr. If
<br /> F n,x�,u Fonn 3028 9�90
<br />� � �._�...__
<br />