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<br /> Borrnwcr sh,dl promptty grvc L.cndcr writtcn noticc uf nny investi�uti�+n. cli�im.dcmand. lawyuit i,r utlicr urtian by an).
<br /> giivcrnmcntnl i�r regulatury a�;cncy or privc�tc party invnlving thc Proprrty;►nd any Nauirduux Suhtitcmrc��r I:nvimnm�:ntul l.a�v
<br /> „ of v+hich Burro�vcr h,i+ actuul luwwlcdgc. If Hnn•i,wcr Icam�,or i� natifird hy �iny guvcrnmcrn;d ur ic�ulnt�►ry �nuhurit�•. ih:at �:,
<br /> I�...
<br /> any rcmovid ur uthcr rctncJintiun uf any Har,udotis Sub+tniwc alfcrtinl; tlic Nriitxrty is iuccstiury. H��n�+�ucr rltull prunipth• mk.e f
<br /> ' ° ;dl nccc,yury rcm�lial uction+in acc��rdancc with Cnviromucntal l.aw. �
<br /> � i; Ati u,cd in thi� parugniph 211. "Hu�atrd�zus Sub,tancc," nrc�ha.c �uh,uuicc+ �icfinzd as tnr,ii. or liiiuirtilrni, ,uh,ti�nccy h�.
<br /> Envirunmcntul La�v and th�: foU��wing yubtituncc.: gasulinc, kcru�cnc, othrr Ilanunahlc�r� turcir. pcut�h:um pr�xlucts. tuxic R �:
<br /> L� pcsticidc,and I�crbicidcs. volutilc sulvcnts.matcrial�contuining usUc,t��ti ur furtnxlachyde�.anti r.�df�m4K'svc m+ucriulh.A+u,�v1 in __
<br /> . this paragrnph 20. "F.urirunnuntal L:nv', mcans (ederal la�v. and I:nv, nf ihe iuri�dicti�m whon� the Pruperty iti Ina::UCd ihitt �,
<br /> ' . rclatc w hcalth,safcty ur envirunn►cntul p�ut�ction. �_
<br /> - �Y� NON•UNIFORM CUVENANTS. Burruwcr und Lcnder furthcr cavcn.mt:md :�grec a�li►tluw,�: �:
<br /> .�`1.-•. 21. AccelePUtlon; Remedfes. l.ender sfinll FI�•e nnitc�:tn (iorru�r•cr prtc►r to ucceleraYi�rn Pc�lli►wUtu 13nrru�ser'r 1►fr��11
<br /> �„� oP anr covenant or a};reement in thls Security InsErmnent (bul nut prlur to ncceler;�tfon uncler N�u•ugruEsh 17 unl�:+� ��'
<br /> ,��p• uppllMible lu�v provides otherw•Ise).The nottce shnll specif}: (n)the defnull: ln)the nc4Enn requlred to cnre th4 def�mllt =
<br /> • • (c) n dnte�not I�s thun 30 days Uam the dute dte►iutfce is�;Ivcn tu Hurru�scr. by«•hl4b tho dciault must bc cured:nn�
<br /> (dl thut failure to cure the def�tult on nr bePore the eiute�pectf'led lu tlie n��tice mup r�dt in ucreiera�t6nn oP tlte 5ums _
<br /> ," ' ;. scrurc�l by thls Secur[ty Insti�uwent ao�d sule uf thc Pneperty. 'fhe �tnticr rhall fur�hnr i�ifnrm Ifnrroner�►f lttr rl�„ht t� __
<br /> �� reinst��te uPter uccele•rntion and the ei�;ht to brfnti u court uctl�n� to ussrri tlte nn�l�exbt�ir.nce nP i� default or :inp ��ttn:r
<br /> �. defense ot Borro�ver to acceterut�a� und s:�le. If' the defnult Is nut curcd on ar h�3'ime thc dutc s��ecf�ied in the no11GO,
<br /> I.�nder, at its option, may mqutm lmmed6ate pAyment in full a1'ull sums securect�by t�ls'��rJ'iY����tit`�nder shull�bn
<br /> further demand and m�y i�vokc the{wtir•er of snle und uny other remedies permftt�d by :►p� �
<br /> ' . , . entftled to collect ull expeas�s lncurred In pursuing the remedles providKd in this pi�[*apr•nph..1.�I1GIU[�IR�,,but not Ihnitr�d
<br /> ��• • to.rcasonable attorneys'fe�s n�id costs oF title evidence.
<br /> • If the pow'e� of ss�1e is imoked, Tru+tee shull record a nutice of defuult h� �ch cm►nty tn whlch any pnrt of tho
<br /> Property is located and shall maU copies of such nut(ce iu the manner pr�cr;beibj�!�'upP�friutce sh ll F ve pubUc notf`r.e
<br /> ' the other persuzos prescribed by upplicuble laK•.After the time required by npp �
<br /> � of sale to the persons and in thE manncr prescrlbcYl by appltcnble law.Trustee,�ti�fthnut demimd on Borro��•cr, sl�ull s�11
<br /> thc Property ut publlc�uciii�n to tl�e highest bidder at the tiinc And pluce and undc�tt�u ter�m�d�.signnted in ths notice of _
<br /> ''' � � �r snle in one or more parcets and in uny order Trustee detern�ines. Trustee muy pnr3pnn�sale of al{or i�m� pi+rcel of tho
<br /> r" ' �ra�erty bti• �public nnnuuncement at the time and place of nny previously sefia�duU+d snlu. I.ender or its designee mm'
<br /> _��.�.°•' purchuse the IProperty at aiey u►le.
<br />- �� U�x►n receipt of payment uf the p�lce bid, Trustee shnil deliver to the pnr�cliitstsr Trt+stee's deed conveying tha _
<br /> �� "� prr,perty. T�r recitals in the'�rustee's�7�1 shall 6e prima facie evldence of tht�trrutG� af the statements made themin.
<br /> �'"� " �'{� Tnts[ee shaU Apply the proceeds of the sale in the follo�vin�order. (u)to all custi+�ind axpenses�if exercising the pn�ser of
<br />'r�.•;.`'ti:'�.
<br /> ;:�,�''''r•�' sale.and the sule,including ths puyment of the Trustce's fees actuaUy incurreQi,nnt tn exceed�he o f 50.0 0 or'•y.`•'�
<br /> _�;.�;";�!t��,�� .. nf the princ9�afl�amount uf the note at the tlme of the declaraiton of defuult. und�aucnnnble uttorneys' fc�as �►ermittod
<br /> �" " by law; (b)to nll sums secureu by 2i�is�ecu�iiy i�esirui�:cai;an�i(c3 ar:i=��=s�tu��pQrcn�n a�r nersans le�ully entidetl tA�
<br /> -v_�-'zp,�4
<br /> -",�„'•y� ..,.., it. �.
<br /> `�`'�<'� �' . 22. Retonveyanee. Upon payment uf aU sums securecl by this Securiry Inhtrument, Lendcr shall requcst Tru�ten to
<br />;�;=,��s� . n:eonvey the Ptopeny and shall surcender this Security lnstrument and all notus evidencing deht secured hy this Seearity
<br />�___��.-,.,� Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall rerom�ey the Propercy µ�ithout warranty and wiihout ch�irge to the person or p:rsons Iegally -
<br /> -- .,,,; •,�,u,.;,,� cntitled to it.Such person or persons sha".1 pay any recordation costs.
<br /> - � 23. Subs2itute Trustee. Lcnder, at its option, may from time to time remo.�e TruFCee und appoint a succcs+or tnast�tu
<br /> '"``��-�-'-'��- any Trustee appointed hereunder by a�instrument recordec3 in the cuunty in which this Securety��stntment is recorded.With�ut
<br /> �--`�l""'�� conveyance af the Propeny, the successor crustee shall succeeci to all the title,poa�nr and dutics conferred upon Trustee henean
<br /> �:"r�
<br /> __ __���,� and by applicable law.
<br /> `-::`��� Z4.Req�est for Nottces. Borrower requests that copies nf the notices of duti�ult and salo be sent to Borrower's ad ross
<br />�_�,;,,,,,v;� which is the Property Address.
<br /> 25.Rlders tu this Secur[ty Inst�-unient. If one or more riders are executes!bs�BuRC��ver and recorded together with¢ieis
<br /> �,"� Security Instrument,the covenanu and ugreements of each such rider shaU be incnr�n►�ted into und shall nmend and sup�lerea�nt
<br /> -- the covenants und asreementa of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were:i paa of this Secu�ity Instrument.
<br /> -----= pCheck applicable box(esl]
<br /> v� [] l-4 Famil Rider
<br /> — --� �]Adjustable Rute Rider ❑Condorninium Ridar y
<br /> _�'�;,�;� ❑Planneci Unit Development Ridcr ❑Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> _ []Gruduatetl Paymcnt Ridcr []Second Home Ridcr
<br /> _ -=-""'`� []Balloon lZider ❑Ratc[mprovement Rider
<br /> __------� �V.A. Rider �Other(s)�specifyJ
<br /> ---=--� -Notice of Defnult -
<br /> —; .
<br /> _.-�_-,.,.���.�
<br /> _�.��r;��i
<br /> _�r.,^'�`.
<br /> •---��"�"�`-; BY SIGNiNG BE[.OW.Borrow2r accepts and agrees to the terms and co��e»wttt• cantuined in this Security lnstrum:ni and
<br /> ��:�:.-';s
<br /> - ;,;-_��t�t� in�ny rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded �vieh it.
<br /> .�:.
<br /> ��', Witnesses: X��� _(5�a1)
<br /> -`�;':.,-:.1,:...: Rus s e ll G. Ca r l -ao:rowcr
<br /> :.{:.. .�.y;._
<br /> ;�"
<br /> =- _ — — a
<br /> -�=°� X , csea��
<br /> -:�;.�- -
<br />-- ' ' Deb ra J. C rl '�'CO"``
<br />__ ..r. �, °._�'., Scdll
<br /> �.-.wal�_�� .,, _. �
<br /> _+�.. .. _ _ __ �JCAI/
<br /> . :_..'�: ._--_ •Hf�CMMQf
<br /> . ... - � . ��ctT1K'lf
<br /> . " ` STAT�OF NE�3RASKA, Cuuntv sx: H a 11
<br /> Thr forcEoing instnimcnt�vas acknowl�igcd bcforc mc this 26 th �iny uf Marc h • 1997
<br /> bYRussell G. Catc'1 a.�d �ebra J. Carl, husband and wife �i�,;lidCuuuty,thc�7atcafurr�iid.
<br /> W itnr.s�my hand and nutar�a sca �►� G r a n d I s 1 a n d, N E .
<br /> . ,
<br /> � -�—
<br /> .. . My Cummis.iun Expirc�: ��1N0��fMN11t
<br /> 4�ETt x� ��,�:�n wn,��
<br /> . 12-23-2000 M1L�Eqp���
<br /> — Nouo �a Fo�m 3029 9�4)0
<br />