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,�:. �� .. . , <br /> ,.,►� . . . .r,. ._ <br /> � .. .. <br /> y�:., . ' . �•y hy',� <br /> �j'�tiYyS.. ,�..�y,:r+�t}.,y rx.�, - . . . ��� __ <br /> ... .. �. <br /> � - � _ ._._._.... . .--- - <br /> i. ...^.S^_���'°l'.`5:. .. . � ._,:.._....:._--_..._..._...-.--�..__._._.. .�..--".,--"----- .. . _ <br /> .. . "_f"... - �� ...�,,, _� <br /> ��� <br /> . ., . _. .... .. -----� 9?-- �02�5s �_:; ; <br /> S <br /> ,uh�tanUall}• cNuiv�ilcnt nwn�::�Fc in,urancc ruvrrag.� is nut.n�ailahlr,Hc,rrna rr.hull�ay iu I.rndcr rarh m„nth a�um cyual lu �:_ <br /> unr-t��clfth�,t thr y�:irly murt�agr in.uranrc prcmiurn h�in�paid h� H�►rn,��cr��hrn�hr in,ur.�nrr ruvrra�r lap�cd ur rtu,rd to _ <br /> bc in rllrrt. Lrndcr��ill airr��t.usc aitd retaitt thc�c paynt�nt�.i+ i� lu" rc+cr�r in hru nl nwrtg:�Er in,ur:inrr. Lu,. r�tiervc �;;:;. <br /> . „ paynirut, may n�� Inn�rn c�rryuirril,ul thr uptidn uf lAndcr. il�numga�:e ut�.ur�mcr�mrrapr�in th�amuunt an.l liu�thc prriod .__ <br /> lh�d Lrn�lrr reyuire�� pru�id��il hy ,ul in�utcP:�rr�,�.•�a�„ i.��,�i��� .+��u�► h�rimirti :��wl.ihlt,uttl ��nhl;iin�il. N�ttru«rr.hall p:ry <br /> ihr prcmium+rci�uirr�l w mniniain nu�rt�:u!!r in�uranrc in w pru�•iJ�a lurti rc•.rnr, unUl thc rcqtuirmrnt I��r murtl:ai:c <br /> in�ur;wrr rnd•in;u.:��nlancc��nh an� �orincn���!r«nunt hrl«•ccn I�ittru��cr and l.rndcr ur,�pplir:d,lr I:nti. <br /> 9. Ins�x�Non. l.cndcr ur il� �i�cnt map makr rca,unahlr cntrtc�upun and ir�+p�runm �,I tlu f'n,pert�•. L�ndcr ,h:ill �:ivc <br /> Il��rruarr nutirr at thc timc ol"ar pnur tu an in.p�r�iun���.ril'yinF rc�iwnahlr .•:iuu tur thc in<peruun. <br /> IU. Cundcmnation. Thc prurrrd, nf;iny a��:�rd cir rluim ti�r dani;igr�, dircri�,r ruiur.�u:�nual. ui r�mnrctiun ��nh .my <br /> �nndcmn:�Unn nr uthr�•tal��n�, ul ;mp part ��I Ilic Pn�per�y.�n li�r c�m�c}.m« in li�u uf rundrntn:ttiun. am h�nh�� a..ienrJ and <br /> tih:111 I�r p,nJ lo l.cnilrr _, <br /> '0:�r h�Ihc rvrnt nf:i tulnl�:ul A►r I'roprrly, thr pnucrd,,h;�ll hc appli�d lu thc�um,,crurcJ hy thi, ti�rurily Imtruni�nl. `;,�; <br /> ��hrilicr ��r nut th�n duc. «ith;my er�r�. paid t�� l3urrnaer. In ih�c�r�n ul a parlial tahmg uf thc Pruprrt}� in ��•hirh thr I:iir <br /> ....�.:+�'�`� : m:ukrt �•aluc ul th� Prup�ii� inmirdi:itcl� hrlurr Ihr�akinE i, ryuul i�< <�r�.rcatrr th�in ih�anu�uut �,f the ,um� ,�curcd tn• thiti `�. <br /> ... ,�* ; ti�rurity In+trumrnt immc�liat�ly hrli�rc thr t:�kui�.unlr.,fion-rn�cr�md Lcn�cr nthcn�i,c:igrcr in��r�nn�. thc .umti ti��u�'e�l hy � <br /> � �w;, <br /> thu S�ruril� In�trun�rnt ,hall hr r�durr�l hy th� :inu,u�» nl thr pnkrcJ� multiplicd hy thr tiill�,�ring Irarti��n: la1 thc tutal .�,�. <br /> amuunt nf Ih� ,umti .rrurrd �n�mr.ii:�trly hrtittc th� a�l.m�. �li�•iJ�d hy Ibl thr t:�ir�t �:iluc uf thc Pn,p�rt} itnnudi;�tcly ',s.., <br /> beli�rc thr u1k1I1C. Any h:d.u�rr.hull h� paid tc� B��rrm�•er. In ihc eeent uf a partial�! �,1 the Pruprrt�� in ��hirh the lair ���._,, <br /> ��; markcl �alue��f thc f'rnpert� inuncdiatrly h�lim the i, I�.� Uian thc:►nwunt uf +erured immediately bcti�rc lhc �a;::•,- <br /> ��:, unlc�+ f3orro�ti�rr anJ Lendrr nthcr��•i.r a�rcr in ��•riung ur unlcv appli�ablc i:�w ahrrwi�c pruvidc�. thc prurrcd� shall i!�.,-_- <br /> hr a I��d tu thc�umti sccurc�l h thi,Sccurit • In,n-um�nt«hrthcr ��r n��t thr,um, :irc then dur. �{�-�-^ <br /> p� > > e�;� <br /> If tt�c Prupcity i,ahnnJ�m�d h�•Burn,wrr.ur if,afecr nntirc h� L�:ndcr tu Burrnwrr th:it thc r�mdemnur uftcr. tu mal�c;m ,,�.:a,- <br /> ;:;.:: <br /> � •�wurd ur uldC u tl,iint tiir �lnnt.tgr+. Hurru�t•cr I:ul,1�� r�+punJ tu I.c�iJcr �+ithin�l) day� aft�r lhc dat� the nutirc i, �.iv�n, o`,_ <br /> ,"�', I.:nJer i+authurited ta cullect;md apply lhr prurccdti.:u it�upnun.enhcr tu re+turauun ur repuir nf thr Pra�rty ur ta the tiums _-- <br /> +� .ecured hy thiti Security Instrument.��•tirthrr ur nut then�:ur. _ <br /> ?' Unlc++ Lcndcr and Burrua•cr uthcn�•i,r agr�� in ���nting. an� .�E�pliwciun uf prorccd� tu principal +h:tll ni�t rstcnd ��r =__. - <br /> � potitFwne the due date of the rnunthl}•paymcnts refcrrcJ tu in para�raph� I,ind 3��r rhunge thr am�wnt�,f+urh pa}•mrnts. _�._:.- <br /> 11. Borro�r•er M1ot Releused: Norbeurnnce I3y I.ender Nat:� 11'a�i�'er. Extensi�m ul thc time liu payment ur muditicati�m <br /> ut amurtiialion of thc�umti+�rurcJ h� thi,Scrurity Imtrum�nt gruntcd i��•Lcndcr tu an} yurressnr in intrrcyt��t B��rroarr chall ;�„r <br /> nut uperate to rclea�e the liahility ol thr onEinal Hurrowcr ur Hurru�rer's,urr«,un in intcrr>t. I.cnJ�r 1hall nut hr r�yuircd t�� -__- <br /> „ , rommcnre proceecling+againtit any �urr.�tiar in intrre�t ur rcfux tu ertrnd time fur payment�,r utherwi,e modify amurtiratian - - <br /> of the �um� tiecureJ hy thiti Secunt�• In+trument by rca+on of uny ifemand made hy lhe c�rigin3l Borru��rr or Borrowrr', <br /> succcssorti in intercst. An� forbcaranre by Lrnder in exerci�in�any rirht ur remedy tihall nat he a «xivrr uf ur prerluJe the — <br /> cxcrcisc of any right c�r rcmcdy. <br /> � 12. 4ucc�sors and Asslg�s Bound; Juhu und tie��erul Liabilit�; Cu-si�ners. 'ihr cc�venantti and agrcement+ ut' this <br /> �• . Security Inatrument shall bind anJ hrnefit the �ucrc+�urs and assigns uf Lender and Borruwer, subject to the provitiiunti uf <br /> ,� paragruph 17. Borro���er', cu�•enant� anJ ugree►nents shall br j��int anJ �rverul. Any Borruwrr ..ho cc�-tiignti this Security <br /> Insttument but dimti not execute thc Nute: (a) i+co•si�nin� thi, Security Intitrumem cmly 10 mongare, grant and eunvey that <br /> �� tir.. , ;;.,.,..�tiP���.,,. <br /> Borrmcer's intcrest in the Property undcr the tcrms oi chiti�cwriiy in.iru�nrui, i�i�� ����trii��;�u��;• ::���'s°:•w �^�, .^� ..~..� <br /> srcured b��this Securitq Ins,rumettt and(c)agree:;that [.ender and any uthcr Borro�v�r may agne to rxtcnJ,mudity, Forbear c�r <br /> ' make any acrnmmodations with regard ti�thc terms uf thi,Security Imt�ument or the Note�vith�ut that Borrower'�can+ent. <br /> 13. Lonn Char�es. If�he luan ticcurcd by thi�Security Instrument is subjcct to a law which sets msximum rharges, _ <br /> _ and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other Inan churges rollected or to be cullected in connection with the <br /> , loan exceed the permi[teJ limits, then: (a)any sucF� loxn charge shall be rcduced by the atnount necessary W reduce thc charge <br />�=;. to the pennitteJ limir,and(b)any smns already coUected f'rom Bonawer which exeeeJed perniitted limits will he refunded to <br /> -�---r�� Barrower. I.ender may choose tc� make thiti refund by reducing the pnncipal oweci under the Note or by making a direct <br /> �4,�� •,,,,:: payment to Borruvier. If a rcfund rafuces principal. thc reda-�tion mll be treated ati a partial prepayment without any <br /> __ . prepay�nem ch:srge ur.der the Note. <br /> .. 14. Notices.Any notice w Bormwcr proviJed for in this Sccurity In+trument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> � ,;. it by first cluss mail unless upplicable la�v reyuires ux of anuther rnethod.1'he nuticr shall be directal to the Property Address <br /> __�^_'r';;;,;�': or uny other address Borrower dcsignatrti by nutirc to Lendcr. Any notirc to Lcndcr shall be givcn by first clu�s mail to <br /> ___ Lender's address stated herein or any othcr addresti Lender designates b��notice to Borrower. Any notice procided for in this <br /> Security Inswment shall be dcemed to have heen given tc�B��rrower nr Isnder when given as provided in this parn�raph. <br /> --���--=i--� 15. Governin; Law; Severubtlitv. This Sccurity Instrumcnt tihall hc gu��erncd by federnl law and the law of thc —_ <br />--b"::�=;;r.�,+c`: <br /> - r_�� .jurisdiction in which the Prc�perty is located. In the event that any pn�visic�n or clau+e of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> __�:�:.':i��-. <br /> ,;,:: y; contlicts with appliruble law. �uch conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can Ne <br /> -_=";::'�•'�`, given effect without the contlicting provision. To this end the provisions of this 5ecurity instrument und the Note are declured <br /> r..:; ,��...=�. <br />—'-=�===.,...., to be severable. <br /> ``;:'` l6. Borrower's Copy. 1Bnrrower,hall he given one ccmli�rmed copy uf the Note and of thi�Serurity In,trument. <br /> `s'P-'�"� 17.Transfer of the Property ur�Beneficiul Inter�t in Borrower. If all or any pan of the Peop�rty or any intcrest in it <br /> .�=-i.'•__ � <br /> ��,.,-� is sofd or trtnslerred(or if a lxncficial intcrcat in Borrrnver is sold or tnnsferred and Borrowrr is not a natural person)without <br /> -`��=��� I.ender's prior written consent, L.endrr may, at its option, rcyuire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this <br /> •°�-+"• •�•"•� Security Instrument. Howcver,this option shall not bc excrcised by Lender if exercisc is prohibitai by fcderal la�v�s of thc dxtc _ <br /> '-�•��"`�.-• of thic Security Instrument. <br /> � � `�';;�, [f L.ender exercises this option, C.cnder shall give Borra�vcr notice of acccleratior�. The notice shall pmvide a period of not <br /> " � • Icss than 30 duys from the date the notice is delivered or mailed u•ithin which 8orrower must pay all sums secured by this <br /> . , : Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these �ums prior to the cxpiration of this period, l.ender may invokc any remedies ` <br /> permittecl by this Securiry lnstrument without turther notice or dentanJ �m Borrower. _ <br /> '• . � 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower mcets ccrtuin conJitions, Bnrrower shuU havc the right a� huve _.,' <br /> • � cnforcement of this Securiry instrument disrontinucd ut any timc pricx�u the cadier ot`. la1 5 days (or wrh �nhrr periud as �,;. <br /> ' ,� applicuble law muy specify fur reinstatemenU bcfore sale uf the Prc�peny pur.uant tc� any power ol' wle rontaincd in this +"� <br /> �!'�..: <br /> � ��� Securit}� Instrument:or lh)rntry c�f n judgment enforcinU this tiecunty Imtrumcnt.The,u rondition�.are that B�urc�wer: (:i)p:�yv <br />-." ��' L.ender all sums�vhich thcn wuuld bc du� undcr thi�Seruritp Instrument anJ the Note as if no ac�cleration had orcurccd: (b) ,: <br /> : 7 cures any default of any other covenants or agreements: (c) pays all expenses inwrreel in enforcing this Security (nstrument, •,>,-: <br /> _ j including, but n��t limited t��.reasonablc attorney�' fees: an.i(d) takcs wch action,iti Lender may rcasonably reyuire to a.sure r,'.';, <br /> „r-r f• <br /> thut thc lien uf thia Scc:uricy ]nstrument, Lender's rights in �he Property and Bi�rruwer',nbligation tc�pay the sum�xcured by "� <br /> „ . this Sccurity Instrumcnt tihall rontinue unch:�ngcd. Upe�n rcinstatenunt by Borrowcr, thi� S�rurity (nstrument and the <br /> __- —_ .,t,i�a:,r�.,��v�rurrd h��rehv �hall remain fullv effective as if nn acreleration had occurred. Howe��er. this ngln to reinstatc shall <br /> ---- __,_ .._..o_.--- - - <br /> ' not apply in thc rasc of acccicration under paragraph 17. , <br /> 19. Snle of Note; Chan�e oF Luan Sen•[cer. The Not� ctt a partial intcrcst in thc Notc ltogcther with this Security <br /> " Inatrumentl mav he suld une ur mure times withoue prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a changc in the cntity lknown <br /> as the "I.oan Scrvircr")that rollect>munthly paymcnts duc under the Nute and this Srcurity Instrumcnt. Thcrc altio may br unr <br /> ur mnrr rhangc���f the Luan Scrvicer unrcL•�tcd tu a aale uf'the Nutc.I f there is,� change of thr L.oan Scrvircr. Burrawrr�vill be .. <br /> }*,iven writtcn noticc i�f the rhange in acrordancc with paragr.tph 14 abuve unJ applicable law. 'The notice will state thr nanu;�nd <br /> addrc�s ul the n���• Loan Scrvirer and the addretis tu�+•hi�h paqmentti �hould he madc.The nuticc will ul,u runtain any othcr <br /> infi�rm.itiun rcyuircd b}•applicable lu���. <br /> Z0. H.�u+rdo�s Substanck+. Burra��rr +hall nut rau>� ur Pcrmit thc prctience. use, Ji�, stur�ge. ��r releayr uf any <br /> Hatarduu� Subtitanrr� un c�r in thr Propcny. B�►rro�ti•er ,hall not du. nur allu��• an}•onc rl.c a, du. anyth�ng ❑ffccting thc <br /> Pmperty that iti in �'iulation ol�any Envir��nmental La�v. Thr prer��ling t��•a Scntcnres shall nut appl�� w thc pre,enre, utic. or <br /> �toragc on thc Pruperty ul' tiroall yuantitirs uf Hazanlou.Suh,iancc, chat arc�:cncr.�lly re�u�nind tu br appropriatc tu nurtrial <br /> rc�idcntial uscs and to mai►itcnancc ul�thr Prc�peny. <br /> Pofr 3 0�a Form 3028 9�90 <br /> — ' ' <br /> . .._. ..__._..___.--_.... ....____•_.'___'_"_"_— " '___" '.�_ .,._' <br /> �_ .._.. <br />