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<br /> �Jt�&8 C CRUZ ��� ��2s5� 3008Z6 04/17/1997 . '�.� '�'�;
<br /> 9. Condannatton.'I'hc proceeds of any award or clai�u for dAmages, dlrect or consequendal,In connecdon with any '� ~;`
<br /> condemnadou or otIier taking of the Proper¢y, or part tdereof. or for conveyance in lieu of cnndemnntion, are heceby � -
<br /> asstgned end shall be pdd to I.ender,subJect to the terms of any mongage,deed of trust ar otker securlty agreement wtth a � , .� �
<br /> lien which has�rlority over this Deed of Trusc. �� •
<br /> { 10. Harrower Not Relau��l; Forhearance By I.�ender Not a Wdver. Excension af the dme for payment or I � _
<br /> nwdi6cadon of�mordradon of the sums secured by this Decd of Tnut granted by Lender to any successc�r iru 1ntePes:uf
<br /> iBorrower shap not op�erote ro relaa.,c,in aay manner,the Ilabllity of the oiiginal Honower pnd Boaower's succes�ors in � '��;�-
<br /> � interest. Lender sball not be required ro coaamence praceedia$s against svch successor ur re€use to extend timae fur pAynk.roe .. .�r�
<br /> or ot6erwise modlfy amorti�don of the sums secured by this Deed of Tn+st by reason of auy demand made by tlie original '-'��'-:
<br /> Dorrower and Bonower's successors in interest. Any forbeunnce by Lender ia exerclsing any dght or remedy here�wder.
<br /> �. or othenvise afforded by applicAble law.shall not be a waiver of or prcclude the exercise of any svch right or remedy. �.
<br /> ' Il.Suoces.wre wd Aa91�ne Bound;Jotmt and Several E.Jabllity;Co-�i�nere. The covenAnts and agrecu�ents herein �
<br /> contaIned shall bind.and tbe r�ghes herew�ler shatlll Inure to,the respecdve successois and assl8ns of Lender and aorrower. ..
<br /> subject to tha provlsions of paragraph 16 hereof. All�:ovcnants arxl ugreewents of Borrowcr sh�U b€joint and several. •• -
<br /> Any Borrower who co-signs tlals Deed of Tnut,but does aot eaecute the Note, (a)is ca-sI this Deed of Tiust onl to . • r �#' '�" '
<br /> g� Y � '.���,-
<br /> grant and convey tbat Horrower's interest la the Propsrty to Tnutce under the terms of this Deed of Tiust. (b) is not •4��,'�.,;�:`•'
<br /> personally liable oa the Nate ar under this Deed of Trust, and(c)agrees thnt Lender and any other Bomnwer hereunder ' •`=`�---`-=°
<br /> � may agree to eatend.maiify, forbear,or make�ny ot6es aocommodations with regard to the terms of this Deed of T:ust or �' r����--
<br /> .:'1.�'.?x��s�:-�,
<br /> tha Note,without that Borrower's consent awd without releasing that Borrower or modifying this Deed of Tnut as to ths►t r...��-;,.,�,_�
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Pro�eny. . _
<br /> 12. Notia. Except for any nodce required under applicable law to be given in another manner. (a)any no�+ce to ,^c�
<br /> Borrower provIded for in ttris Deed of Trust shall be given by deUvering it or by mailiug such nodce by certifled mail �
<br /> addressed ro Boiro�ver ut the Property Address or at such other address�s�3orrower may designnte by uodce to I.ender as '�-•-��
<br /> r�.' .-.,.;_.�,,,.�
<br /> provIded herein,anrd(b)any nadce[o Lender shxll be given by certified mu�il to Lender's add�ss st+�2¢d herein or to such �,.�:;
<br /> , other address as Lender may de�ignate by noricE to Botrower as provided heteln.Any notice provlded for in thia Deed of � . --- __
<br /> r Tnist shall be decmed to have been given to Borrower or Lendcr when given in the a�anner deslgnated herein. . --
<br /> 13.G�veratn�E.Qw;Severabiltty.The state and local laws npplicable w this Dezc�of Trust ahall be the laws of the `
<br /> � � jurisdicdon in a�hich the Property is located. The foregoing sentence shall uot limit the applicabIllry of Federal law to this ���'���;
<br /> Deed of Tn�st. In tfie event that any provlston or cl�use of thi�Deed of Trust or the Note conflicts witt►appHcAble l�w. �:��;; .
<br /> such conflIct shal! not affect other provisions of this Deed of Tn�st or the Note whtch cen be given effect without th�s I.;�,i.-.�,; t 1
<br /> � ' * conflictivg prnvision,and w this end the provisions of this Decd of Tcust and the Note are declared to be severabie.4s , ;.j�<.�,. ,
<br /> �-- - nsed herein, 'cosu". 'expenses'and 'attomeys' tess'inclutie stil surms to tiie excenc uoi p�vuiuiie��y��,pti�t;; 2aw or . - -
<br /> q.�r '
<br /> Ilmited herein. ' 9�
<br /> 14. Boernwer's Copy. Borrowar shall be fumished a confonned copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust �t tlxe ' ',,
<br /> tim�of txecudon or aP�cr recordadon hereof. ` �"'; `���
<br /> ` " � flS. Rel�abilitadon Loan A�reanent. Borrower sh;�ll fulfill all of Borrower's obli8ados�s w�der any home � ;t.:., .,; .}'�;'
<br /> �!"t"��' nhabilitadan, improvement,re or other loaa a ment which Bonower entera into with Lender. IRnder, at I.e n der's ,J j:�x•:;i •
<br /> •: �:..••. P� 8�
<br /> '��'�}.•�'���'` .. opdon, may c+equtre Bomower to execute smd deliver to Lender, in a form acceptAble to Lender. an�si8ument of any ' ;�•�:
<br /> , . ,
<br /> , , righta, c1�Im�or defanses which Borrower may have agstinst pudes who supply labor,materlals or servlces in cona,ecdon ��;
<br /> � with impmvements made to the Property.
<br /> " 16.Trunfer of the Pro�erty or�Benefld�l Intar+est 1n Rorrowar. If all or any part of the Properry or any interest •:
<br /> �' � in it is sold or uaasferred(or if a beneScisl interest in Horrower Is sold or uaasfened and Borrower is not a nanu�l -�
<br /> . �4.. person) without Lcnder's prIor wrlaon consent, Leader m�y. at its opdon. requin immedi+uo 1�aYmeat in full of aU sunas __ �_''�`
<br /> •� secund by this Deeci of Tmst.However. tbis opdon sUall not be exercised by I.ender if exercise is pzohiUited by federal �-
<br /> • s law as of the dau of this Deed of Trust. _- "" —
<br /> '� If I.ender exer�cises tbis op�on,I.ender shall give Bomower nocice of acceletadon The nodce shall pmvide a pedod -_- _
<br /> � , af riot less than 30 daya from the dtte the mdce is dallvered or mailed within which Barrower must pay all sums secured �!���=.
<br /> �. by Ehis Dad of Tcust.If Borrower fails to pay these a�ms prior to the eapir�riun of this pertod.I.ender may invoke any -__-
<br /> nmedtes pern�Itted by this Deed of Tmst wtthout farther nadce or denaand on Bonower. ----�-�
<br /> ' NON-UIVINORM COVENAN'�'S. Borrower and Lender furtber covenant And ag�ree as follows: '�y�:�,:
<br />- 17. Accdaradoni ls�edies. Exapt as pmvided tn pu�aph 16 Hereof, upon Borrower's 6rac6 ot u►� ,�=„_
<br /> '- ooven�nt or a�+ce�mt of Borrower in thl9 Deed o[Tnnt� includin� Borrower's fatlure to pay, by the end of 10 �-`�-
<br /> .�':� ... lW''-L�l7E�lr�z"_ _
<br /> � -,.i:,:. �. cateadar da's niter t6ey are due,any suns secured by tlUs Deed ot TruSt. Leader prior to acodemtlo�n ehall�tve *�-__��_----�_=
<br /> ' f� notioe to Borrowar�pmvtded in pai'a�Ph 12 he�eoC specifyin�: (1) the breac6i (2)t6e actlon reqai�cr�d to cure ��';�'-�"�`-'°-�;
<br />- , such bnachi (3)a d�tq uot less t6in 20 d�ys from the date t6e nodce Is mslled to Bon+ower,by whtch such bra�ch . `:a •_ . `-
<br /> � mmt be cured�itnd(4) ttiat iWure to cu�+e such breach on or before tfse date spectfied in tb�e notice may rtsult in :"�Y..;. ,t`t```
<br />- � aoceleratloa of the s�+secured by thls Deed of Trmt and sAle of t�e Propeity. The notQce s6a11 tY�rthcr in[orffi ''=��'�`• '�'``��
<br /> ����.. � ..
<br /> - Borrower ot the d�ht to relnstate aiter acceleration nnd t6e d�ht to brin�a cotut ndioa to assat the aoneaistence ot .; ��:�.,
<br /> , a cWautt or suqy oEher de[ea�e o�Borrower to accdaxtion and eale.If the brench Is not cured on or betore the d�te , .
<br /> ePecitted in t6e notice,Lmder� at Le�dar's option,may declan all of t6e smns secured bY thte Deed of Trust to bo ,
<br /> - Immedlatdy due and payabla without ftutit�er ddmand and may [nvoke tho power of sAW ead any other remedtc� � ��
<br /> ' pe�mitted by �ppHable law. Lmder ehall be entitled to collect ell reasonabte costs and expensyes tncui=ed in '
<br /> � p�tLe remedles prnvided in this para�aph 17� includln�,but not Waited to,re�sontil�lu at4mrnoys' fecs. ... . .
<br /> = If t&power ot eatp is Invoked�Tn�stee si�all record a potioe ot det'AU1t!n each county In which the Praperty or � .�
<br /> _ � some put t1�S i�located and sbiall mal� wpia of such ewtice In the m�nner prescrlbed by �pp8cable lew to
<br /> - - - - - •- -- -- -- - -- -• - -- -----...,�_��__.r.._...a....�....
<br /> _ _ liorrowdr ana to tnc anes persor�s prescnaen oy appuwoie�aw..�►ner sne irpee v►o�,...,.,.,,�.�....� ...:...y.........�
<br /> _ _ - -
<br /> • � appllcable law, Trontce sUall�ive public notice ot s�le to t6e persoas and iu the mar.wsr prescribed by pppllable �
<br /> � law.Trutitec,without damand or Borrowcr�shall sdl thte Property at pablic audlon to t6e 6i�hest bldder at the timc
<br /> and plaa and under the terms deslgnatM tn the notta of sale in one or more pu+cels and In euch or�kr a9 Tn�stee
<br /> may deternn�ne.Tnntee may postpone sale of all or any Farcel of the Property by public s�nnounicemeat at the ttmc �
<br /> _ and place of any pnvtoualy sctxduled sale.Lcnder or Lender's desl�nee may purchase t�e Property at any aRle.
<br />- Upon recdpt of pnymenS of the price b1d,Tnr�ec stwll deltver to the p�u�chsser Tn�stee's deed rnn�eyln�the
<br /> - Proparty sold.The recttals [n the Trustce's deed etwll be prima facie evickme o[the trutd of the statemarts made i
<br /> thecdn.Tn�stee ehall apply the proceed9 o4'the sale In the fotlowtn�orda: (a)to n!1 reasonable costs and eapenses of
<br /> • the ede,includin�, but not Wnited to,Tn►stee'F fees Achwlly tncurred of not�aore than S�b of the�ross sale prtcs, , ,
<br />- reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of Htle evtdence; (b) to all siuns secured by thts Deed of Trust; nnd (c)the
<br /> . pcass, It any�to the person or�soas leyally entttled thereto.
<br /> Ncgredu 26876-3 11/96 Originnl(Record0d) Copy(Dro.ach) Copy(Cuetomer) Pagc�of 5 f
<br />