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. . ;� <br /> ' .;'''�"1 <br /> � <br /> �, ;; , . , . ,.,:�.— <br /> „ r � . <br /> ��� ' — <br /> (% � LL��r�Y�`. <br /> � .� <br /> �l i'.{�r� . ' � .. . . .\l�"�fii� � .�i'.1��-�r <br /> . <br /> . <br /> .` <br /> :j . <br /> , .. <br /> . <br /> . . � . -r� i: n �. � .: . . . . ._..... ..... .. <br /> � ... ... <br /> ' , . �,�p�.� <br /> .....�Y L� ._. ..._� __... .,. . .... .. .. _ ...1. .. . .. .. �t. ^ �wly.-�'a'i�Tf^ <br /> " r.�)G'n�.I.'N1C�:q:- <br /> 'JO$8 C CRUZ �� /�pt'� 1�Q��6 0�/17/1997 � . ;:;;'��`U`�' <br /> w �.OFiC7s1aJ1 `'l`!"�ii' <br /> UNIFOxiv?CoV�NAN'1'S. Bartowee antl l.ender covenAnt and agree ss fia�lows: . �• <br /> � � i. Pe�meN ot Pr?nsipal and Antenst. Bormwer shnll prompdy pay when dttt� ¢hi+ pducipal and interest ^ ' <br /> indebtedness ovidcxaced by the Note ond late chargcs as provided in tlie Natc. <br /> 2.Fund�tor Tuccm u�d lmurrnce. SubJect ta applic�ble Ipw ar a wr�tE.n wa�ver by Lesidsr. Bonnwer shall pay to <br /> j Lend�r on thc day mamhly paynxnts of Princip�l and intCrcst are payable uttder the Nntfl,until the Note is paid iu full. a . , <br /> � sum(6ereia'Funcls')cqua!c�or.;:-tw�IRh af the ye�riy caxes ancl assessn�a�rs(iucludinD cs�nrinminium and plan�ed unit �� <br /> developtuent assessments. if any} which may attain priorfty over thie Deed o�f Tn�st,antl gmitis�ct rents on the Property, if <br /> ��y.Ulus o�c-tw.lf31�of ycarrly prec�lu�lnstallaunts far E��d insueuue.Plur onc•ta:.l�h of yc�.rly preailurn i�stallments <br /> for n�ortgage Iasurance. if any, all�s reasombly esdmated laitially ond fro�n dme t� dmp by l.ender on the basls of <br /> ' assessments and bi11R ancl reasonAble esdmztes thereof. Borrower shAll aot b►:obli��te�ta mflke such payments of Funds <br /> �- to Ltnder to the eatent that Bonower m�lces such paymeat�to the hofder of u�rdor pnnrr�s�e or dt�d of aust if such holder <br /> � is an Inadtudonal lender. " ° <br /> If Bor:uwer pays Funds to I.ender, the Funds shill be held in an insdQUnon tha dc�SasS�or accounrs of which are ' <br /> iinsured or guarantetd by a Fedeial or state agency(including Lender if I.aaler is suGb au ittssinition). Leixkt sl�all Apply ,n �..','.,-:�.�•.� <br /> the Punds to pay said rues,assessYUents,insurance premiums And ground rent�.Lendar may uat charga for so holding and � � ��''� <br /> PP rin8 Y AS �8 mP ll8 `' p �. '��''�``. <br /> a 1 ' the Fw►ds, anal zI snid account or veri and co ili said as.�essment�and bills, unless Lender ays .,,;,,-:..;,�__ <br /> , Borrower inuresc on t6e Fuods aad ippllcable taw pernilts Lendai to make�uch a charBB.Baarnaer uncl I.ender may agree . _"- <br /> ' In wrldng at the ti�e of eaecudon of this Der.d of Tiust that iuterest on t3te Func�s shall be paid to Borrowcr. sand unless '=_ -__-- <br /> . • � such agnement is made or uppllcable law requires azch interest eo be paid. Lender shnl!nat be required ro pay Borrower •,��.__� <br /> ,•;.;-- <br /> • any iuterest or eunings on the Funds. Lender slull give to Borrower, wi►hur�t charac, an annnal accounting of the Fuads ��°„�•. <br /> � showinig credits end clebits [o �he Fuuds and the purpose for which ear,6 d�bft ta tho Funda w�s made. 'lbe Funds are ��� �_ <br /> .. � pledged as addidonal secuiity for the sums secured by thia Dced of Tcust. �-- <br /> ..._ <br /> � ' If t�e siuount of the Funds held by Lender, toIIether wlth the futun:nvonthly insE�Utneat�of Fund�payuble prlor¢o ` -_�� <br /> j the due datss of ta�rs. assessments,iasurence promiums und gmund nnm, shall exav.d d�n amount nquired oo pay said �' � -- <br /> � taxes. assessmeats, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, suen exrae.r�s s�inU be, at Borrower's opdon, �������'��"•- <br /> ' },, eithcr pmmptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly inctallmeats of Funtiu. If the amount of the Funds ,�,.��.���, <br /> held by I.ender sl�ll not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessmenta, insuranca pnmiu�a�A gmund nnts as they fall due, <br /> ' �� B o r r o w e r s b a ll p a y t o L e n d e r a n y a m a n n t n e c e s s a c y t o m�l c e u p t h e d e fi r.i e n c y i n o n e a r m o r e p a y m e n t s�s Y x n d e r m a y :�'���� <br /> �re• . ,� , <br /> . � i Upon payment in full o�aU sums securetl by this Deed of Tcust.Lender s6all pmmptly�fund to Boaower auy Funds _~``� <br /> ___________ ° held by Lender.If iwder parattraph 17 heteof the Ptmnertv is sold or the Piroperty is ottteew�r;e�cq_uired by Lender.Lender - <br /> � shall agply, no l�ter than immediately prior to the sa�e of the Property o�its acc�uisidon by T_et��r, Pny Fu[tds hdd by r <br /> �•,, . Le�er at t�e time af applicaaon as a credlt agAinst the sums secured 8y tLia Deed of'Iku�t, . ` <br /> ;���� 3.Apptiqtlon of Paymeds. Unless applicable law provides othenvlse.all payimF.�t�i m.ceived by Lender under the � <br /> � Note usd garagraphs 1 and 2 hereof Qhall bc applied by Lendcr first in paymcnt of awaiwt�pAyabla to Leuder by Hocrower <br />-.�;''� ' under paragraph 2 hereof,then ro interest payable on the Nate.and then m th�pdnclptl of dte Noie. <br />-�;�,{' � " 4. Pr[or Mort�uad Deed+of Tn�st; Chnr�es; Lta�. Bornswcr s�41 pe.rfnrn� �11 of Boaower's obligidons . <br /> ?` under aay mortgage, dad of t�ust or other security �greement with a lien which hns pdority over this Deed of'h�st, �s:r <br /> z i�luding Honnwer's covenants to nuke payments whea due. Borrower s1�n11 pay or cauoe t�be paid nll tua,esses�n�e�ats <br /> .. � r`` anct other chuges. fines and imposiaons attributable ro the Pcoperty which may attrin a pdorlty over this Deed of Trust, - <br /> �.��. .,�'�, aad leasehold p�ymenu or ground rents.if any. :- — <br />-;.�' S. Harard Iasur�na. Bomower sUall keep the improvements naw exisdn�ar hu�eafter erecud on tho I'roperty ��- <br />_. ..,,, insvred against loss by 6re,hamrds includod within the tern►"extended coverage".aad such other t�amrds as L�ender�ay —" <br /> , . �;�.,i� require an�Il in such amounts and far sucb periods as Lender muy require. <br /> . .� ��s 'The imsurance carrier providing the insurance sbell be chosen by Bormwer subJt�t to appmval by Lender; pravided, <br /> •• • that svch appmval sha91 ae� be unreasonably withheld. All in�„�nr,e gollcies aud rancwals therrof shall be in n foxm <br />= � acceptable to Lender aa�cl ahall iaclude a standud mortgAge clause in favor of nnd in s fonn acceptable w Lender. Leader _ <br /> , shAll have the right to hold the polIcles and renewals thereof, subject to che tern3s of any wortgage,deed of uust or ather « <br /> ° �, securlty agreement wltb a lien which has pdorIty over tLis Decd of Tcust. '.` — <br />-' , In the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt nodce to t�e intivrance cacelor ae�d[xnder.Lender may make proof � <br />�» P mP Y Y �- <br />;��- of loss if not made ro d b Borrower. <br />'�'� If the Property is abandoned by Bocrower. or if Bocrower fails to rtspond to Lender within 3Q duys from tho date — - <br /> �-� n�dce is mailed by Lender to Boaowes thAt the insurance carrIrr offers to settle a clsdm fnr insurance beneflts, Lendes is " - _ <br /> - � '"-� authorjzed to coUect and apply the ins�rance proceeds at Lender's opdon eit�er ta t�estnmlion or repxir of the Propemy or ��------ <br /> �,,;r ► to the s1�ms seceueci by this Deed a�Trust. .�,�_�� <br /> _R,N�AE�iTIt•"-. <br />= ' 6. Pirexr��tion and Miintenence of Property: I.casehol�i Coa�ilen9�at�: lafannaD Untt I2�vdopme�ts. -:"!'' �::;::" <br />- : Borrower shall keep the Properry in good repair and shall not commit waste or pe�mit i�n�airmeat or deteraomdon of the ��"r� •'�" ��. � <br /> . Property and st�ll comply with the prmvlsions of any le�se if tltis Deed of Txust is on a lasnsehold. If chis Dee�of TNSt is �•'�`'�• •~'.t'"'�'' <br />- on a unit in a coudominium ox a pls�nned unit development,Bonorver shall perform all uf 13orrower's obllgadons under t3�e :.;�y�,.�,����,;:-. <br /> " declaratioa or covenuus creaEing or governiug the condomInium or plauned unit deveic�pment, che by-taws and regutadons � • •;�,f;;�:;}::.-';;<• - <br /> _ . of the coadominium or planned unit developmeat,and consdtuent documentn. . �°-'•'• <br /> ' : 7. Proteetlon of Lender'e Securlty. If Boirower fa31s to gerform tlie cov�nant� nnd agnements contained in this ,.. `�'"��`" ' <br /> . Deed of Trust,or if any acdon or pmceeding is commenced which materiuily affec[s LemBer's interest in the Property,then • . ' <br /> , � Lender, at Lender's opdon. upo�nodce to Borrower. may make such appearna�, disbucse such sums. includ�sag � � � <br /> -- '- - � - --- rancnnahln nttmm�va' fane nnrl In1r�nn�h nrf3nn oe ie rn•aeenru on i vnr4+r'e inemncr if i anrL,�ranuiearl mnneonw �-- - '---_,-:----..-. <br /> _—.�_— _�_�� �'—�' '---+—^'��---— ——�-_�� ... r'...�. ......��. __ .�.y�..�.......a..o' —-„ --_—- —-- <br /> � . insvrance as a condiaon of maldng the loan secured by this Dced of Trust, Borro�tivx s�wll pay thc premlums requtred to .. <br /> = maintain such insunace in effcci wtil such time as ibe teyuiicur:ut gur s-uch insur:w�..e terminates in accordance with <br /> - Borrow�r's and Lender's wrltten agreement or applicable law. <br /> Any amounts disbuzsed by I.e:nder pwrsvant to this puagraph 7,with interest tlicxeon. at tlie Note r�te,shall become • � � .. <br /> „ nddidonal indebtedness of Honower secur�d by this Deed of Tru�sst. Unlec�Borro�ver avd Lender agcee to ot�er tem�s of <br /> payment, suci� wnounts shall be payablc upon nodce from Lender to Borrowc�requcsting payment tliercof. Noching „ „ <br /> contsined in tttis paragraph 7 shall require I.ender to incur any expense or tak�any acdan hereunder. • <br /> S. Inspection. Lender may u� or canse to be made reasonable euai�s upan aad inspecdons of the Pmperty, <br /> provided that Le�cler shall givo Borrower notice prior to any sucl�iagpecdon specifjring r�asonable cause thenfor related to <br /> - " Lender's interest in the Property. <br /> Nebnike 26876-3 11i46 0=iQS.nal (A�cordad) Copy(IBrav..h) C9�y(l:uDtom�r) Faya 2 of S . <br />