�z.b �.c�9sos
<br /> 5� ftn�nnl or Proprriy Insnrence� Unrrotircr simll Rcep thc improvcments now ex s�ing or i¢rcnRu uxiul on thc
<br /> Propeny Inaur�I ogainst loxs by Oro, hmaMs Includal whhln tl�c tcrm 'cxtcndal covcragc' and any o�hcr harnrJs, Induding
<br /> Iloods or Oooding, for which Lcndcr rcqulrc.c Insumntc.This insurancc shall fw maintaincd in ihc amounts nnd fur the pcdals
<br /> tlmt 4ei�er rcyufrcs.Tho insnrnnw carricr provid6i�ihe Insur,mcc shnll be chnxcn 6y Rnrro�vcr suM1ja� �n l.cnder's nppmvnl �_.-
<br /> which sM1all not Ix anrcnsonably �vithhcld. If Dnrrowcr fnils to maimnin covcrogc dcxribal abova i.cndcr may. ,i I.cndcr's
<br /> opkn,oblaln cuvcngo to protai Lcndcr's dgh�s In t6c Properly In acconlance wit6 pangraph 7.
<br /> AII InsunrKV pallela xnd renewals shnll bo acceplabb lo i.ender nnd shall include a smnd;ttd mm�gage clanse. I.ender
<br /> shall have�ho flgL�to hoid tho polida an�1 rtnewais.If I.endcr rcquires,Dnrrowcr shal!promptly givc�o I.cndcr all rccctpis of
<br /> palA prcmiums and n:nownl no�ices.in tho event nf Inu.Rorrower shall glve prompt notice to du insutm:ce carder and I.ender. — . _ _ ._
<br /> Lcnder may mako proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrowec �- �
<br /> Unless Lender and Dorrower o�br.nvise e�nx in wriitng,ins�n.cee pmctxds sGall 6e amlir.d to n�tocallon oc repalr of�e -
<br />- k'coperry damaged,ff ilie nsmration ar re�n"s is econnmir.aliy fr,�ib(e and I.cndcr's sonirity is not lascmx).If�.r�xv.x;.wu or ��t�t _,_=
<br /> rep�+ir is not economtca(ly fea,ib[e ar 4er,dec's securi�y woidd bc lessened,the insumnee procceds ehal!be applieA ro the snms �?j�?�, �.,��sF�'��,+_ -
<br /> secared by Ilds Sauriry Irts�mment, whether or not then due. �vith nny excess p1iA to Oorton•ee If Borro�cer abandons thr. �`_._ya ���Y�y��"s '
<br /> c',�-3n Yt -
<br /> Yropeny,or due.a not.ns��'t�wi�hin 30 dxys n noli.e 4om Lender ihat�he iasv,mce carticr h»s offc�al to sU11C:�ci:�ini.then �,,,,,,,<<-� _'
<br /> ;ji t__.rx:.-s��r.�r:
<br />- Ler.cler nwy collcel �he iiuumnce procceds. lsnder mny use the proceeJs �o repair or rc.'tnre the Pmpehy or to pay sums ,;i:;,
<br />- secured b this Securil Insuumem.v:hether or no��hen due.The 30�da riai will be in when�he no�tm is Iven. ���� -
<br /> �,( "�::
<br /> Y Y YPz S 6 �:,_ �.
<br /> 4�<.—:-:u�
<br /> Untus I.endzr nnd Ilorrower ahenviso agrw In wriiing, any nppllavion of proceccls �o principal shnll nm ex�end or •>�,;��+��'�'-
<br /> � � r r•r r s•r s r•v �"�.•``�:- ' �
<br /> st ne�6o dua dato of�hc momhl � mcnts rePorrcd to in ara n hs I nnd 2 or chnn c Ihc mnvunl af t6o � menls. If i,,s_,;;, -
<br /> undcr par..greph 21 lho Prop:ny is ncqnin�by I.endcr, Dorro�vcr's dghi to nny insunncc policics anJ prcecafs rcsuhing from :i�tir�-;;p.�",a..��-�:.
<br /> danuge m tiio Propeny prlor ro iho ncqntstilon s6all pasx�n I.ender�o the eziem of t6e snms secund hy�hle Sccurhy Insuument -�.t�>,':,':;;�r=� '
<br /> immcdiatcly prinr tn iho acquishinn. �� -_=-
<br /> 6.Occupaney,Presrn•nllm6�lnimenunre and P�ro�cellon of the Propertyi tlormner'a l.oan Ap�dicallmit I�cauhnids. �c,'l r+' —
<br /> Iforrower ahall occupy,exmUlish,nnA uw dw Prnpetly n+if�vrnwer's principal resldence wiAiln+R�y dryr n�cr ihe execmlon n( ''`*"-
<br /> ,ti�i:,,�.t�-
<br /> �hle Sccudly Insm�mcm nnA shnll cominuc in�mcupy thc Prnpctly m(kurousr'�pdncipal rcsidcnro far nt Ica�i anc ycar nllcr ,,�-,;;t'.r�.-
<br /> �he da�e of oceupancy, mileu I.ender oihenvlso ngrcc�In wd�ing, x�hich conxm nhall noi lw unrcawnably wllhhclA,ar unte�x sis":`:`iti'r;`-;.—. .
<br /> exicnuatlng cinum�inncc} rxi5i ��tdch nro bcynnd Ilorrm��cr'. irntra�. Ilnrrmrc� ahnll nnt dc�uoy, dnmagc or hnp:dr �ho )i,;•,:;,,,;;s:..,.
<br /> -v�,.�..__
<br /> Pro�rry, nllmv�I�o I'rnpntiy �o dctodurn�c, or cammii wneic on �hc Pn�p:ny. 6nrrnwcr+Imll Ix in Jc(aul� If nny forfcimro .: ,..:,:.�r.-..-�
<br /> x�lon ot pnm<.Iing. whc�hcr civil or criminal.ia begun tha� in I.cndcr'�go�xl L•d�h judgmcm muld resuh In farfcituro of thu �:`'�%��`,._`•:
<br /> Properly or ahcnvlxc mntcrially impalr�hc Ilen crca�al by t6fx Sccudty ins�rumcm or I.cndcr's sccurfiy imcres�. Oorrowcr nmy ',`Jr,,'.,``:j�;;r4:_�.`,.
<br /> cum such a dcfmdi nnd reinstata.nx rovidnl in �rn r, h 18.6 causfn thu actiun ar rocccJin In bc dfsmisxcd w(ih n ruiln �-�:;;^fJ'"`�'� �-
<br /> P P� S P Y 8 P 8 6 . �_-;C;giy}``f�.-`
<br /> Ihat. in Lenders ond talth delemilnaUon, precludes furteimro of�he 6orrm��er's fntercs� in ihe Propeny or other materinl •�=+'.,:u.::,�---..
<br /> 6 +�? r - _
<br /> i:n�inr�r.t cf il:c Ilcn cre:.ta t:; t!:t:Src�eit; I.es!.^_�:::cr.t er L^rv!cr's�!'CL[�{y If�irrc?I: �nttnwef shall nlso he fn defauh if =: r?:.� _ . _.
<br /> Ifo�rower,durin Um lonn n Ilentfan racess.gave materiail fnlse or inaccurate fnformalion ar s�a�ements lo Lender(or(ailed i�Y>``%"1r*=�_
<br /> �:��i'I'..s,.'f,�,'-�_;:.
<br /> to provide Lender wiih.ny mmedal infonnatloN in�ronnecUon wt�h�he lu,n evidenttd 6y the Note.including,bu�not Itmi��d 1"�y4f�t!�`�,.��'�'-,j�xs�a
<br /> to,rc racnta�fons conccmin Oorro��•cr's ocw anc�of tl�c Pro crt �s n rinci al residcncc. If�hts Stturi� Insuunxnt is on a .-t�;'�A- r�r . °.'��
<br /> P S P S P Y• P P Y „��.�A�;��5�,�;�e-
<br /> Icaschold, Qorrowcr shnll comply wi�h oll the provisions of the Icasc. If Oorrowcr acqulres fee title to ike Propcny, thc tiy Sjp..�����=,r_�
<br /> IeasehoiJ nuJ dre fcc�itic�Lzil imt merge wiless l..�drr agree��o th.mcrgcr in�erfting. '�' -_ ---
<br /> 7.Protttlinn ot i.endrr's ItigUls i���:r Ek�yrrrly.If Borrnn�cr fail.w g:cfonn�he m�rnants and agrcenxnts comained in ���+Tft`�'`l�t..
<br /> this Sewdly houumem,or�here is s Irgal praceriling th;a may signilicar;.Iy affec�l.tndrr's righ�s in t[tt Proptnp(such as a ����`��ff�y f�/'+it`�::
<br /> proce.ding in bankruptcy, probate.for mnA.nmaiion or ti�rteam:a m w enfurce 1�«x w n:_uta�lons), ihen l.cnder mn4 'u�ar.d #�"��4���°"`����;'� '_
<br /> a Por whate��cr Is necessa to ro:rct�he value of�h. f'm u and Ler.Aer's d h�s in tte Pro rl I.erder's scaioa:ma `�}S���Y+;}�ft"u
<br /> P Y �Y P P'�" & C� Y� 3 'M1.�f:(&'il��%j>;:s::'. -
<br /> include paying nny sunu xwred by a lirn ohich hu prioriiy� orer �ki. S.curi�y lns�rumem. a�eering fn conn, yayirsg �.i„ �y.ith7Y�;;�•�>--
<br /> rcasona6le nnomeyi fecs ar.d entcring on�hr i'r.�pcny�o makc rcpain. Alehnugh isnder may�aY.e;wii�:a undcr this parzgrapi� ^n��^�u-�.--����y�`;�-
<br /> 7,Lender docs nat ha��e eo cb so. d3'. ._
<br /> Any mm�unts disbxre�d 6q Lender under this pamgiuph % +h�il hecomr adJi�kxr;! Aebt of Uorrower secured by �his t`�;='�� + > ? "--
<br /> Securit Insuument. '1'.n!ass Uurm���er onJ Lendcr n rcc tn odur�cnns ai �rm.nt,�hese snxiums s6all bear tnteres� Gom Ute _-?? J�Y!4 x'm
<br />� da�c of dis6urscm.tr. a� tlie No�e ra�c and shall bespayablc, wi�h intcm�wupnn r.a�i.c finm Lcndcr l0 6orro�ecr rcqucs�ing 7;;i;�y;�t xr�"{�._____
<br />�- paymcm. -,yf�l�t�r -' ;
<br />- 8.Morigage 7rvsurenee.If Lender requirrJ mungage insnranc.as a c��nJiiian of ma4fng the lo.u�.ecureJ by�hix Snurity '� `s;�r!,� r� +' : '.
<br /> }�' *t`V�:�i'�:i.�-r
<br /> Insuu2Ant. Eimro�ccr shall pay thc prcmiunu nquir.d �o maintain die mongagc i��un�r in.Ifrn. If, fnr any rcason, thc ��.c. .,,z•_s� ;_,,..
<br /> n�n a e insurance mvere e re uireJ b Iwnder la ses ar ma�s�o tk in et(u1,Bex�nwer shall �•iht remiums m�uir.d lo u��`S""l�'�-'��
<br /> - a�la'�i�covera �subttanlial uivnleN�o the n:nrlP'+ c in.urana rcrioaah in effn�.a�a msi uM1stanipll e uiralem m the '`��`'r�7t\�" '`�'''`"�`�'.
<br />- � 8' Y�9 F�R P Y 9 .,-:'.r•' � na.
<br />= cosi to 6nrro�cer oi�he mongage inwr.�mr pr.��inusly in elfa�. Gmn nn al�trna�r mnrlgage insurer appro�•eJ 6y Lender. If �"���:U:`3:;���%y:,;
<br />..- subslantiall e uivalent murtga•a inwranm co+tr.^. e is nol a�ailahit.Ilorr.��c.r ah:Jl �y tn Leixler each momh a sunt e nal lo f��t:'.�9'`��<�.+ �•
<br />_ Y 9 6 R P• q �^�';,�U J�l,_.' �._.
<br /> onrlwclNi uf lhe yeuly mnnFr.er msurnnce Drcniium hring paiJ by f3orrmcer ahen Ihe imuranae co��cragc lapsed or ccased lo __ �qaT i'.'_'.:��-: '�
<br /> be in effecl.Lender will accc �. u.c and retain�he>e e�menl.:a a Inx rc>en�c in licu of mnn n c insurante. I.�xs rescn•e .�;:�-,�4..-.-�__-.:-=c .
<br /> P P�> F�F :,.�ij;'°-.t - .
<br />� imm3028 91U0 ��'-;�(:(S� �- _;- '
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