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T0013Tllfllt\41TN nll tlio Im mvtnxms now or herraller crxtcd on�ho ro n ,and��easenXnt�n�50� � <br /> P P IK Y FPunenanas,xnd <br /> flxluru now o� hercnfle� n pml of tlio pmpnty. All replaanxnts mid ndAlllons shall also bc mvercd by thls Stcurity <br /> instrunxnt.All of t6o forogoing Is rofarcd to in th�a 8miri�y tnstmmcm ns thc'Proµrty.' �,._ <br /> bORROWJiR COVDNAN7S that IIorrmvor is lawfally soiud nf�hc aiatc hcrehy mnvcycd and has thc dgh��o gram and <br /> wnvcy thc Pn�perty and that �ho Propcny is untnc�imin:nxl,exap� (or encumbrnnccs af rccord. Qorcowcr warroNS and wili ��"n�',�= <br /> defend gencnlly tho thle Io tho Properry nLninst nll ciaims and Acmands,subJea ro any cncumbranccs of rccord. ° <br /> 'fHIS SBCURI7'Y INSfItUMfiNT wm6lnu unifnmi cavenams for nailonal ux nnd non•uniform mvcnams wlil�Iimit�d �,i;'j�;;' <br /> vxdn�lons by Judsdicllon to cons�itule n uni(orm sxudiy Insttumenl mvcdng rcal properiy. -iw,r�� <br />. UNI�ORht COVONANTS.pmmwcr enA I.endcr mvcnsN nnd ngrsc ns follnws: ��•��"=�> <br /> !t}°Yi;:-. <br /> 1. Paymcnl oP Pdnclpal nnd Intcrcsli Prcpayment and Lato Ct�arges. itormwer shnll promptlY pay when duc tho �(��r�;;;_._ <br /> �.=. <br /> principal ot and Inicrest on tlio deb�evldrnad 6y tho Noto nnd nny pry�aymem and Iz:e cl�arges due under�he Now. � . --� <br /> ��,l5.,'?_�;-: <br /> 1..�nnds Por Tnxts nnd Luurnnce. Su6jcel lo r.pplica6lc Inw or ln a wri�tcn wnivcr by Lcnder. 6orrovrer shrJl pay rn r.t�;.u:.n.;.. <br /> Leadcr on iho dny maNhly paymenls nro duo under tl�c Noto,untll�he Nntc is paid in full,a sum('Funds')for.(a)�rady taaes ""`���'° <br /> aM assessmems wLich mey r.nnin pdodly orer thts Secudly Inslmmem ns n Ilen on the Frap.-rty:(b)y�dy leuehold paymza:s ;�`,.-,ta;-;�:: <br />� or e,,ropni tmis on tho Propc�ry,I(nny;(c)y�r.�dy harard or propcny inmranm prcmiums;(d)y.ndy @ond insurnnrc pramiums, �s ete. •-� <br /> fI rnyc(e)yeady m.otlgnga Insivantt premiums,if nny; nnd(Q nny sums payable by Uortower to Lender,in nceordnnce with ,�S�i;;,<<-��- <br /> � tfre.p.�visions of pamgpph 8,in Iteu of the payment of nwngage iatnrance premiums. These items nre cullt<I"GUrmv I�ems.' - ` <br />- Lrn:!w mty, r.c any time,collecl nnA hotA T�mds in r.n nmount nni ro excuA t1m maximum nmonnt e 1endCr !oi n fodetnll at�'=���' <br /> �rtmeC reortgage loan m.ry rcqnire Cor Rormwcr's esamw nccount ander ihe fcdcrr.l Renl Ps�uie�e.tiement Proccdures Aci of ��i�^==� <br /> 647A ts amended from Ume ro time, 12 U.S.C.SecUoa 2601 . ("RESpA• , uulass anmher law Ihal e fles lo Ihe Fundx t="��-�`� <br /> ? ) PP �:;)i.i;<;'-. <br /> sets a Icsser nmount. If sn, l.�nder nu�y, ai nny tlnM,cotica anJ hold Fimds (n nn amonnt not ro excad �he Iesur nmoant. ;��jy;i,'�_-. <br /> Lcndcr n�ay es�imatz Iha nmounl of�wxiz duc un Um b�sis of carcen�da�a end reawnn6le es�imatcs of expendiiura o(fmuro �+y�;;�.:� <br /> Cscro�v lienu or ofierwise in aoconiance w(th ap�Ilcab!e law. �fi�'�Y*'�_ <br /> .:`��s:'.;;.. <br /> T6e Punds shall be held In an Instltmlon whose depnslls nre insured by n (aleni ngency. Insuumemall�y, or enthy .�;!;j��.,_: <br /> (Including Lcndcr,if Lcnder(s sueh an ins�Ituiinn)or fn eny Pedcral Homo I.oan Dank. Lcndcr chall npply�hc�unds to pay ihc %��'tit','• <br /> Escrow ftems.Lender may not charge Qorm�eer for holding nnd npplying tlio Funds,xnnuaily nnalyring�he exeraw aecoum,or �i4�Eli`;�-�.: <br /> 'f;r:rr.,,. <br /> vedfying ihe Cscrow]tems,unleu LenJer pays Borroirer imeres�on�he�unds and applicn6le law pennits I.cncler m ivake such i-�=- <br /> e charge.lfou�ever.I.ender may requlR(Mrrnwer to piy n uno-�ime charge for nn independem rcal exm�e iax repnning servica ���u-'�'��' <br /> .'s-�;r`.i;.. <br /> used by Lender In connectlon wi�h Uils Iwn, unicss applkablc law provides oihcnvise. Unless nn ugrcemrnt h made nr , �Sy�_,:; <br /> lr V r <br /> applicablc law rcquircs Imcrest m Ix palJ, I.endcr shall noi bo rcquind�o pay 6nrmn•cr auy imcrest or camings an tl�a Nnds. ;"r(t,`4;:F' <br /> Itorrowcr and Lendcr may ugrcc In wrhing,ho+rcvcr.�hat imcres�shall ba paid an�hc �unds. Lcrxlcr xhall givc m Dnrmwcr, ��``" <br /> ;���..,�..:. <br /> wl�lmut charge, an nnnual accouming of the Fwxln, shnwing cad(is nnd debfis io�he Fundc nnd ihe pury�n.e for whkh each +i5q.�,::-: <br /> d:blt tn ih:Punds:ea;ma3c.Tt,e funds aro pic.iytv'ni n.iitiliorr�i sciuiiiy fut�di auni.accumJ by ihie Sccurity Imitumcni. -�4i 4<�::}.-- <br /> If Ihc PunJs 6cid hy Lcndcr czcccd tl�c amaumx permlual io hc hclJ 6y nppilca5lc Inw,LcnJcr s6all accouN l0 6ormwcr �tili'�;?•;d�:- <br /> tar t6c excas FmWs 6i nccordancc with tlm rcyuircmcros of npplicabla Imv.I(�hc.mount o(thc Nndx hcld hy LcnJcr x�uny -y>S;�r__•. <br /> Itmc(s nol sufllcicitt to pay ihc Cscrow f�ans when duc,i.cndcr may so no�ify 6avmrcr In wriling,anJ. In such casc Rormx�cr � : <br /> shall pay�o Lender�he mnount necessary �a make up�he deficfency. 6urro�eer shall maAc up�he in no nmre�han '";�"Y?<':� <br /> r rv r �w:.�-. <br />. hrelve mna�hl � mems,nt LenJcr's sole dis:rctim�. �. ,,f:J <br /> Upon paynxm In PoII o(all sunu xcwai b �his Securit� trotavo:nt. Lender shali rom ttp refund �o Bormn�tr xn "t��'''`'�- <br />� Y 3 D P Y .l`-,;;yi_ <br /> �unds helA by Lcinler.If,under pangraph 3i, Lender shnll ncquire or seli th�ProFrny.Ler.�rr,prim to tFt acquisiiion or ute �:':r�s•�'=-. <br /> of tl�e Pro�ny, shall apyty:mY Furdi tn•,d Dy Lender a� �he timz of acqnixition on.Ir:cc a cratit agafr�s�the si�ne<sceur.d by �Q;� - <br /> �his Sauriry Inswmem. �jl�.lj1==�: <br /> 3.Apptfeat[on of PaJmenn. Unfrss��;icable law rovidex��ihrrv.ire,all a nMnts�ceciv��7 6e I.ei�er aade� ��`•�4is-•- <br /> P P Y par•r.grzqhs :t�':..':,.., <br />, I ard 2 shatl hr ry�plieJ: firsi, to any prepaymrm charE�h duc undrr etA tiate: xecund, lo amoimn pa}abl;under 2; +. �,-: <br /> 9b,.:.._. <br />� third,to Imerr�dut:founh,to principal.U.k•:and las�.�o an}Inte c6a:g.Jue under ihe Nn�e. ',;ts!:'�;��: <br />. 4.Chargr,s; l.lrns. Qorrmrcr shall paq ah ce<c�.a.-:�nxnts.charges, fincs und intposilions r.:ccfbutr.6le m the Pfoµrly i�yt•��`.°-:- <br /> which ntty naain priori�y ovcr�hts SccurL•y Inxwnxm, nnd IcascholJ pa nxnts or round rcncv,i£an . Uorroirer shnll a %`-���``-'-� <br /> Y B Y P Y ..,.sy,;.: <br />. �hex u6ligatiunc in Ihc manner provided inµuaFraph 1,or if nu1 paid in Ihat manncr.6o�rorer siizil pay d�eiu on linte dirttll�• (._ lK yl:. <br />� w�he person uxed paymem. Qorro�cer dr,dl promptly furnish�o Iwnder all nmicus of anuv,m�x eo be paiJ under tliis parograph. l , j�_ ::: <br /> If Rurroxu mek<y�hcsc payn:cros dirccil}.flurro���cr sh�ll prnmp�ly ium�sh in Isndr�recelpt.;evidrncing iL•e paynunts. �;za�;-r;;., <br /> IInrro���.r shall promp¢y dacharge any lien+vhich h:n prioriq�onr th6 Secur:n�Instrument unless Bono�cer.(a)agras in :;� .'' <br /> , i_,•-.x: <br /> u�riting m thr paym.m of�ha obligmion securcd by Uie lien in a mann:r aon� Lendrr.Ih)comes�s in gooJ fai�h ihe lien '�''�'�`" <br /> by. ar drfmdc agains� enforcemen� of�hc licn in. kgal pnwnding. whirh in Ihc I.eudtr's opininn operate lo prerem �he 4:'��''.�-`.-.: <br /> '1"�.::,;�_: <br /> Cnfurcenicnl ohhc licn:or(c)sccures fnnn�Lc h,ddcr o(thc licn an a�recmcnt u�i.(a.�np•lo Lcndcr suhmdina�ing�hc licn m S`�i..?s�':-�. <br /> lhix Securiiy Inelrument. 1(Isnder delenninn Ihai ,n� p�rt of Ihe Propenp i.whja�t��a licn u�hirh may nu:iin prioriq•over 3-,`";:,' <br /> �hi.Securii Inxl�vmenl. LenJcr ma �, s::`.',i'�:: <br /> Y y girc Ilnrro��cr a notice idcmifyin•�hc licn. ISurm�ccr shall .nii.fy Wc licn or Iakc onc nr ?S.,•e....--�. <br /> more of Ihc aciinnt ul(anh aboec x�ilhin 10 J:q��al ihe •i�in�nl nolira S,�",r�`.-�. <br /> b k r.-• ,•,•.. <br /> Form3020 8190 (ii � '- - <br /> °q�T..'4 4. <br /> u <br /> � <br /> � �� ��-= 2 .4:� q-:%w,.�, .�+r��.... .r, '. - . _ . ":�Tl;�(.Y.'-�"�42".S•"F°._ ..[7:Y{` —s �-n <br /> ��l ai - - , -^tr�W _ , _ <br /> E j_ -,' . _. _ . , " . <br /> -.l'.t`�_ - �.'- ._ i, . . . <br /> i�l�i�r�l � 1 '�t � � �� � : _ ' _� : <br /> �4�f�a � �i li�S��s� '�r ' -.'�. � '9 .r ' . <br /> ' i1t� ` � <br /> y 1��}'��; i ��°i4t���,Sii . � ��i ���.i14� ,� �tf, . '� , �1 <br /> }- tq��1�,� .,{t� � Y s ; � . ,� ; <br /> ��,� -t;�<<%' , ?� , � � � <br /> y))t�rt f 4 ti - t <<f. _J�! . ft - . Acft l - l ! <br /> �'I S�e���r_ - i � �j�S'rt, in�y' i _��1�i1 ai� �� �} ,, -_`i�41�{��il��`', t 1ti ;�� � � eiy� -� <br /> �1� 1 `�) _ i��S,r _: , ,-�d .�- � - L , - <br /> � $� e t�� --���1'��.i� -�. "fs��Y �.Ni� G� 4�. i-' . . <br /> .-. F . 4. Ffl�:� . . .. ._ . �,. - .. . . � .. 1 . .. ..���i . '_' . .r. . .. . <br />