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� �r -"'� � j 3�'t i:>�a h'm. �ih. r . t: , tCr i `�._ <br /> .�A <br /> ' . �f' �i �} 'A {.o54ri7 t .. , . .. r �..�5(1�� � . . <br /> {..,...-.i) tS.L...hs��It(�i�.�LXr:(te�.s.:..�tJN.1 il »..u...............,. ,.....u... . .. _�, <br /> ;s.,:.�.,. -� ��°^„ �.fl��!�8 <br /> - subs�amlally eq6lvnlcmmm�gngc insmm�rn covcragc is not axniln6lo.Ilnrron�cr shnll pay in Isnder cach momh a snm cqunl m <br /> � onc•tx•cllih of�hc ycarly mortEngc Insumico pmmfum Bcing pald 6y Ooimwcr,�ahcn�hc Insurnnw rnxcrayc lapscd or ca�scd�n <br /> In in effttt.Lcnder wlll nccepl,uso r.nd rcmin these paymems�s a los.� rcicrve in Ilcu nf mongage insunnce. lnss raaen•e <br /> piyments may no longcr ho rcquircd,at ihc op0un nt I.ender,ff mnngagc Insumncc covemgc pn thc nmount and for thc pcdal <br /> -�� thst l.cndct nqulres)proviJaA 6y nn Insurer nppm��cd bY���er.gain txmmcs nvnilablc nnd ts nb�aimd. Oorrowcr shrJl pay <br />-�--�--.�.. tl;c pnmiwns requlnd�o nmimatn monp,gu Insumnce in eff�e�.nr io pmvide n Ioss mscrve,umil�hc rcquircmcm fnr mnugego ___ <br /> .33� Inauranee enJs in accordaace wl�h nny�wriuen ngrcement tuure.n I3orro��er anA i.enderor npplica6le law. <br /> ��r?� 9.tnspccllon. t.ender or Its ngent nmy mako rc�snnabte entdcx upon and inspce�ions af�he Prnpeny.I.endcr s6a11 give __ <br /> -.��;=�;';� Ifnrmt�rr nmlee at Ihe lime of nr pdor m an inspec�lon s�xrifying reaaanabie cause!or the inspec�lnn. <br /> °' i0. Caidenu:utlan. The prott�ds nf ony nward or claim for damages, Jirec� nr cnnzequemial. in connec�inn wlth nny <br /> _�yu�� <br /> "'= mndcmna�lon or othcr Iakin of an an of the Pro n or for rnnrc vicc in licu of condcmna�ton, nm hcrcby axsigncd and <br />.,.-..s?�r,�.r� B YP {k Y• Y• <br />-...---t.+>., shall be paid Io I.cnder. _ . . . <br />.--�a��±y In�hc crcnl of a Io�al tuktng of�hc Properly.Ihc proc�Yds shall M1c applial t��thc wm�nccund 6y�hii Sceurity Inswmcm, ,-...- . <br />-�:��::?�.R!7 whether or nm�hen dua, wl�h any exeess paid m Rarro�ver. In�h.e�•em af n patti:J �aking a(�he Prop:rty in �chich llte falr _ . _ <br />�'� ;.:`>_i�j��r' marAct ralue of�he Pro�ny immedlatelp be(nrc�he mking is equal�n nr gruaer Wan�hz amount of�he smns ucur�by�61s <br /> �,;;'���y� Securily Insltunxnl Imaiediately before Ihe�nktng.unless 6ortn���cr nnd I.ender mlun�i+e:iree in�crning.�he sums sceund by <br /> ::.�r,i;� �6is &�curily Insuumcro sl�all !x nduatl 6y thc amoum nf thc pmcecds multipii�d by ifi:+�Ilm��ing fnclion: (al d�c Inlal <br /> anmuni of�he.unu sceund Lnmrliarety befon�be�aking.JivideJ 6y(bl thc (air ncvE,�a•:atu:of Wc Pmpeny immcdiatcly __ <br /> ' f} '�� 6efnrc thc �aking. Any M1alanct shall be paid w 8orro���cr. In�hc cvcni oC a paaral takiag vf�?x Pcap:ny m which Ihc falr <br /> r�--- markel valuc nf p�e Property immaliat�ly beCurc H�c wking is Icxs d�an d�e.vixium oY i6..rrx s.:iu<d +maudlatcly I:efore tLe --- <br /> �,��r�s �aking,unless Oorto�eer nnd�kr ahrnrise rga�-in�vntine or unless applicaFle law mhrmier}em idr..�Y�pnxt�.s shalt <br /> r�.-:_� bc apPlicd m�Lc sums sccurcd M1��thin Se.ariq•Iro�mmcm��tcihes or¢nt t6e autu.arc dica due f __:. <br />:_„��;�.�;�Sr�; 1;ihe Prnpeny is abandnmd b}Dorrm�er.or i!,a11er��icr Fr 4ender�o�.no��cr tha�ih.�mndemnar offen tu�a.&r�n �!1�t:,, <br /> . ���;�.� award or seulc a clalm!nr damagc�. Oo�m�er�iiils�o rtx,nn:aS to I.endcr ��i�hin 3U days af�er �he datc d�e nmicc i. pi�en. ___. <br /> - �ye,i;,x� LenAu Is nwhoiited to rnllce:t an�1 apP�> �h.proaods,a�i�s opti.�n..uhrr�n rstmaiinn ur reanir of ihe Prnp.ny m�a�hc sunu _ <br /> �;i� ucund hy�his Securi�y Ins�nmkm.�v6e�her or nm Oien Jue. _ .__. <br /> v r �!;� Un!ess Ltnder and I3nrrm�rr mher.vtse agree in �vri�ing, tm� �pplicaiisn nf prn:.Yds �o principal shall no� ex�end ar � -T_ <br /> - "�T`' ai ne�he due da�e of�he monthp-p:q�mems rcfernd m inp v.t raphx i and?or chan�z iht amnum nf such paymems. --- ° <br /> a,5_,i� P�� Ip ��ift� �:: <br /> - •. a 1 L Borroxer Nol Releasni; For�hearnnce 6y I.ender Nut :�\�'nher.Es�eaann nf iGa�ime for paymem ar malificatiun r . <br />•' f-`��(+�"� of mnntliialinn af Ihe sums secuced b:ihis Sccuriry Ins�rum.ri gr;�mad hp Lar.der to sm sr:..ccor in imeres�af Ifarm�rcr shall >it;r,`. <br /> rx�.rM�itiii3 . ' -'.- <br /> i rte. nm o�xn�e�u releax the liabiliiy o�ihe origin,l fA.�rower or Uorrm�.r�v.� in imerr.i. l.ender a6:dl nm he tn �?xp� - . <br />.-��-:}�'�� conunenm prorecd(ngs againsl nny succ¢ssnr m inlera�or rcfu+e lo ezltni umr(ni pavnxnt nr mhenvix nwJify amoni�alion .,:r;i:� _°�� __ <br /> i'"�1��^-Yr nf Ihe sunu secured by �his Sauriry• In>vum.m hy� rcau�n nt an) drrt:and mxde fi �he original Dorro�rer ar Rortmrer's �t':+�`� � <br /> tZ��N�t:, successon in imerest. Any forlxar.m:.`M1y Lender in eser.nin_ am righ� or rcmcdy sh:dl not hc a wnieer nf nr prslude Ihc �'Sa'•�s�i•- <br /> ""�F�tj; exerciu of nny righ�nr remctiy. �l?��5= <br /> �"t?�,"s'' It. tiuttessors m�d Ascignc Slnund; .lninl nnd Se�rml LIaUSIf:�: Cn.signers. 7h: cavenanu nnd agran:�+:�. uf this ��- }�� _ <br />._':1�-`"�:S�t4� Sccuriq• Ins�rumeN shall binJ anJ M1rrn�l �L•r v�nescotx and nssicns irt LenJrr and 13otrowcr. m6jecl ln �he provicfan of tl�;`�< �_�_ <br /> 4di�� p�ragtaph 17. Rorm�ccr'x enrenanic and a�recmemc xh:Jl I+e jnim u�t sr�zral. Am (3onmecr nhn rn-sigm Ihis Stturily 1���r -._.�. <br /> z��k�"'.�tiY� Irolrumcm hm Jnes not cxccutc�hc Vmr. 1:0 is eo�signinF�hic S.curi;� ln�councnt o�l� �o mor�gaga gram ;md cnnvcy�hai :nt �r� ___- <br /> �i...;...�,�.;,n.�_.yi jp�I,r Pn+n•n� ����der dm�erma ol lhi+Sainin Ina7rumrnc �bl is mK w•nnnally ablig,Icd lo ray ih:swns }y:�.�nti - _ .. <br /> �{i�{�z y�"1 seeurcd hy�I�is S��curi�y Insvumrni:and lcl agrces Ih:n Lenitr an.l any otL•cr porzmeer nrn :�itfC lo CxICnU.Intxl�l)'. Inrh�ar or E t kSgi�r - . <br /> . �3y��,�h make any�imnnmudations wilh reg.r.J lo Ihe�enna of Ihi+k�uritc In>Irumrm or Ihe time��ithnm�6at f3artn+�er't eonctnt. Y�(s i��_, <br />.�.''�:�:.••n'�, IJ. l.oan Clmr es. If the Inan.e.ureJ h��hi.5aurii•Insirwn.m n subi=�� ��>�la+� w�hich�eu maciinum lo:m charga. �`±d ''�S � _. <br /> --`-rov'�.•.i R. 1 �yfS�..:.� �. . <br />.-:.:�!•Y.��.7� anJ dia� law is fin;dly imerpr.�rJ .n�hat ihc in:crat or o�hcr loan char}.�cni�raed ar in he cnllcae�! irt cunncclinn wilh ihc `t/�:,rt �,�:,�'�{�.�: <br /> � y'�+.:�� lo:ui exacJ�he�xrmiunf limih.ihur. �a�;uq•such loan aharge.Icdl b.rcJureJ hy d�e anxmnt� w reJure�he c6arg. ��f Pi,`���>i s, - <br /> . `::y .'- ta 16c miit��d limit:anJ Ibl an -.cros.dread �olltticd Gmn I1nrrauer uhinc�xtc.drA(krmiu�d limi�>nill M1t rr4m,'ad tn tt-„ z t=. <br /> ��i.;� Ilorm��rr. Ixndcr ma� ch�mcc I�i maAc Ihi. rciimd hy nJ���ing d�c princip:d mccd undrr thc �mc or by nukw, a dirtcl u�- -•j;` � �` �-- <br /> y <br /> '. ti <br /> F�� . <br /> -:�3n �`r:- paymem tn @�rmwer. If a retunJ mduce. princip:�L �hr r.durlion will Fr vr,�tcJ :n a panial prepaymem u•i�hom airy. .�{i�iF�Y�[r�z '- <br />-!-.qi5��� ` prcpay�mcnt chargc unJ�r�hc No�a . f�'�-= S�,�t�;?.h" <br /> - -, :-i�`� 14.M1oli[cs. Any nolirc to 13��rroner praviJcJ Inr in ihi.Stiunt� Iu.�rn:m:ni sUali lx giccn h��Jcli�cring il or hy mailing t�,:_:t:5 i:•;...s-. <br /> ti- ���i5'l ��i,y�rn� �i,.��,,:��i���i�s.���r�:��,i�I:nc ol:moi6cr mrilinA 'fh:no�i.e,hcJl hc Jv.�irJ �o ih.P�u�kri) AdJrc.� ' :'ti� i���r `_ <br /> i,;- -' <br /> '�„�i;-i�dj . o� any olhe� addrets I3orra�c.r Je.ignatr. by nnlicc to I.tndtr. Am cniict In Ltcdtr .hall I+e gi�'cn by li�el cla�ti mail to t..�i �f£�ys�°. . _ <br /> �s ' .��� landcr's addra..�;n�J 6crein ar enp mhcr aJJm+. LcnJcr dr•ignstt.M r.o�icr Io Itortnwer. An) mnia prorid.d fur in�hi. ��:. t�t P _ <br /> i�.�;,i, Stturil�Inqnimenl.h:dl bt Jrrmc.l m h:��r bccn p��cn tu Itnrro��r�nr I cr.drr��hrn gi..n a.prm�iJ.d in ihi,paragr;iph. iPS�'��(���"� � <br /> � ���. '.- 1�.Cnrcmin}. I.:n�: Sc�en�hiii�c. 'I'lu. Sr:unl� Inyrnntem q!.i:: t'e gmen:td h� fide�al L'n� anJ �he lax of Ihc tie I f�'�{`sfyh+-•:.-. <br /> t`f'`��ft;v j�idsdl lc will��:��hli':ibla•lex��urli mn0i�t�Ir.iltn��cdf,�i��L,.���„�,����-��1 �hn S:cutiq I'n Irum.��Nnic��hich c,n1M1c �'_i �;r�i��� t�-�-� <br /> �i���i Nnll t PP " <br /> r�,� givcn c(kcl x'i�haW i6c enn0iiw:_pm�isian.Tn�hi.cnJ�iSnr.n(�hi.kturi�� lmlm�ucnt and�hr N�+Ir:�r:da.:�rccf lf�i+ }# f4 <br /> rirne���ia� !olkacrcra6lc. ";,��5�~� l��.FSr•.- <br /> ��. �i�y- <br /> - � 16.Unrm��cr'+Cop}�. 6nrra��cr.hall hc Ei�cn nnt aaatnnncJ aop)uf Ihr\olc.noJ nl ihi.Saurit� Inslmnx�x. �iffi�yEF�k�Fj�+# -. <br /> 't�-�='� !7.Tnmsfer of Ihr 1'ra�mrl}�ar n 13enciidnl Imcrul in ISnrrm�er. 1:.JI nr an� p.m.d Ihc Pru�tm or any m1.rc.1 in i� +t;;:;�'`N� ._., :;:. <br /> ,.: .�yr- <br /> '=F:�i;�a:>?7:, is�old nr�tan�frrrcJ(or if�brn.licial inlcrnl in Ilnrro��rr i+.uld or IurnG�rrd nnJ Ilorrnxcr i�ma a n:nural �xnoiU���ilhnu� t`�-�;�;t:s���r. <br /> . -.7� .{c�.z. Lender'. prior �arillen con.eni. LenJer m:n, al ils uplinn. rtyuin imicaJfau p.nnunl in full a(all .um. x.urcJ hy ihi. .?;F,p Y �I, . <br /> � 4 <br /> ii+F'h�.2{y` kt' Saurity In.uumcm.Ilmcc��cr.�hi.npiion,li:�ll nm br cc.rci..A b� Le��df�f t:�tfii�¢��p�ohihilCd M Icdtfal I:w :n uhhC d:tic �1V;?�� } it��,: <br /> '�S�rq4§. oflhi�SCwrilylnslnuncnl. ' <br />- -_<�S<'SV�tA I(I.cndcr cacrci.o Ihi.n tion. Ixndrr.hali in Il„rtma.r no:f:r ol:u.:lcratian Thr nuu...h:dl prnndc a Mri�wl of nnl f- 7: l ! - <br /> f Ic�+ Ihan 3U d:i-� Gnm Iht J,k Iht uulirc ��JelnercJ m m.nic.l ���P - ��- :h ISortau.� �until p:it :tll iunx +ruiral h} �hi+ 1a�:�C� f�t <br /> � �t�i1k�� .(` > �.{f'iYlr�J�!� . <br /> win gl Sauriy�Inqrumenl. If Ik�rto��.r faih lo pa� dit.c.nin.pnm b, il�r:t-ir-m ni ilu.p:n�xi. I rnJcr m.n m�nF,::mc rcnhtGc. ,i�{�it�ry/' , . <br />-5;[dh`�1.` Ikrmiu�yl hr ILi.Stau�in h�.lmm.m xithom lurth.�naucc o�J:w.mJ rn Hr:..mcr. :<9, +��rl <br /> -y���. IS. Iinrrm�cr'. Rl�:h� �a Retn.lale. II nra. � .m:dmnn.. Ilortm�i�r .h.�G �.i.r �h: n.,4i o, .}}.� r <br /> ;:'�4��'��`/,,�,�' cnf..ritmcul a(Ihi� Sauru� In.vumrnl dn:nnnuu..l .0 .�r lun: p��r� �.. Jx r.uh:� .1 ��� t J.��. .n� .u:h .•'�n ;r�i.t! :r •�; �" <br /> .' - .`kH!1 J'l�llll'JI�II' la�� m:n y�ah I..� rnna.ntmtnu b.i.n: •.d: .: :� : 1'ir��.m. ��ue.r..r�• :� . ��•��ri �. ,.J: i„ni.i . - iS,. ,'r'�. je:�. <br /> ;.� Scaunq d.�rnu� nl a Iu.l�mrnl aJ:rcmg Iin.S:.unn Ir.�a�arn�, �1 hn....,ndd�nu.arc•Ih.d Burn�xrr�n.�tn. , �,i,�, . <br /> IsnJer.dl .wm�.h�.L�Lrn o.�uld h.Wt ��r:.� •�n.S�tunn hrvnin�aq � ]��Ir:�,if m..inrl:r.ninn hed o:.nrt:d. �h� i <br /> aurt�ant Jefanll nl .�m oihcr:m:n.m:. �u aErc:n:rnh rci p.n.all :r i .ameJ m cnlaram� Ilu. Snunn In.Immrnl. <br />."•. "� .; inrluJing. hui�xq hnuKalln. rca.nnahl:ai�urnr�.' Ica.. nnJ�.L 1aA:.•n,l..i:l�.,n.�.I au.1.r m.n rca.anaM1h rc4uut�n:nq�ri �_.. . <br /> ;" !° Ihal Ihc hrn ol thi.Saunp hnuuminL 1 rnJct'. nph1.m Ih:1'�.q�n. .n�J Nrnm.n'�..ahc.mno e.�.m ILe .u:u. .:.crrd h� {' <br />. "-•.;I'� '•6: Ihi. Sn'unh In.uwnrnl .h:dl auntinu: uua6anrnl I'�*,u t:uni.narcm P� Ifonnna. �h�. ti:canq In.trnmrnl .u:d Ih: � <br /> ti,.,,.Y'._'. . � <br />. ""'��. . nhligalinn..aurtJ hneb� .hall r.m.�m InIA rllvaii�c a.d i��..i..da.ara.�.�1�.,rurrc.l ilmie�.r.Ihn urh� �n�amvatc.L.�il - <br /> _... _ ......__�. ...a........s-.:...I....�......���.I.r�,.n.�..�.�nL I' � <br /> ... . .- .- . ��...q.�.q ..................��.�.....""_'"__ •""_� . <br /> �� 19. ti:dc uf Yulc: Chmqtc nf 1 n:m ticniccr. !hr �.n.• „� a ��.n•�_' rn:ic.� u: �L. V,.t: ��,,..�ha .���h il:n 1r:mm � <br /> _ - -'n� InalcumCnllma���nhnulpu.�� mti..•�nitnrn.o,� 4..dema.�i� �Ammu � <br /> \���..nul�h�,ti:.un:� In.�mm:m Iht�r.d-, � �: P:�•u: � <br /> -` . .�,� a.dtc"Loan ticn iacr'�Ihal adltil.m�mihh pa�mrn1.du:r.rdi� tl�: , �. <br /> . �,•�r. ���mnn chan}a�ol Ih¢Lnau ticn�ca uurclal.d lu e cJt.•I 11::\..�t II d�.�t n a.h.urva nl�ht I�..m titn�tr�. IS.�in +.:: ..�II D. <br /> - - �t�� gicen��nllcn noi�re n11hr aLangc w ac.n�Jan.t�ulh p:�e�craph 1 J.�F...a .m.L�pph..d,l:I.m- fhr nnli.c ndl.lai:ihr ne:n:.n:d <br />. - ' . '-. Ihc nc�� Loau SdnrcCr aihl tLr dJJrc.. U.��hnh p.n uum. •I.-�.5� ��. n:.�d: Ila mqicr x�ll el.��.nN.nn am �qL:� S <br />. . , . . ` mli�nnaiiun rcyuurd b� I.m � <br /> :•�-'-%iY�1' 20. fLVUrduU�Su6al�wn+. Burnmat .6nll no1 cm.r nr �wmul �h:�rc.:ia, r.... .hyu...d. .bqa}r. w r.•Ic�.: ..I .m� l� <br /> ,..;�.�,�:� � <br />.-.'U-::�P:.i Ila/arJnu. Sub.lnnic. an ur m ILr Prnprrt) I{.��nn�rr .Lall mq Ja. wn wlL�n .n:u�:�c rl.r ta Jo. .mUlun� ali:ain_ ih: � <br /> ':v{?7=.Y`1ti>" Prn�+ctl� Ihal n m�mlaWm ul.nq Iiuun.nurcinai 1 n�� 1Lr prc:c�hng 1���..enttu.c..hd11 uni .�pph �n�h: ��c•:r.:. �r:. nt : <br /> . ?j�,��.�{,`.} qntag�un Ihc Pfu�ktt\ �A yn.dl yuanitlrc.n I.v.udo mml a�+o-.;�n: '..n�. <br /> 1 I u.Sul.qan.r. Ihat arc grucr.Jh rc.o} 11 1 nn.J �. <br /> -4�'`�#.,s t rc�idcmi:J�nc.anJ ta maimac�nro ul thc Pnq+ttl� ( <br /> ,;,�' :'„�' .r .-: fonn3038 990 <br /> S.o . <br /> _':..,-i., <br /> ..nL y .., <br /> . .i:L•�:t . � . <br />