�.sr.;f�.s.x>y^-.. .,. _._. H,u�«;w�w:.n4wi. ...w.._......_........-..._.. - '_ . .
<br />._—__"_...-__—_. _-
<br /> 92.�„ �.c�����
<br /> T6o i�nnds shall bo held in an Insti�mlon whoso deposiis nrc i�uund 6y n fedemi ngency, Ins�mmemnihy, or emlly
<br /> (indudin�f.cndcr,If Lendcr is such an Ins�hatlon)nr in any Pafcml Homc I.an 6nnk.i.cndcr simll npply iho Funds to pny�hc
<br /> rscrow Tlems.I.ender may no�charge iSorrower fnr hnlding nnd nPP�Y���6���e�mds,annunlly r.nnlyflng Ihe escrow accnnnl,or
<br /> verlfyfnp tho 4'.arow Items,unless l.ender pays f3arrower Imeresl on�he Punds nnd ap�lia�6lo law pcmd�s I,ender lo mako such
<br />- a chnrge. Ho�vext4 Lcr.dtr msy r ulre Bonvurr to pay e onn�imo ch+rgo fnr nn independent rcal es�atc fax rtpor�ing scrvlcc . _
<br /> uud by Lendcr in aonntttlon wi�� ii,i5 ionn, �„ics: o��u�n�i� law prmfdcs otherwleu. Unless nn ogrcemem is mado nr
<br /> npplkablo Iaw requira Inurest m Iw pald,l.endcr shall not bo requircd io pay finrrowcr nny imcrca�or camin�s on�he Punds.
<br /> 13orrower and[.ender may egreo In wriUng, however, tha� imcrcst sh�ll bo paiJ an the Fands. Lcnder ahall g ve to Dorron�cr.
<br /> wi�hom chzrge, an annual ecconming of�he Pundx, sho�ving crtdiis nnd Ac6iu w �hc �unds and the purpase fnr ohich cach
<br /> debii io ihe Funds was made.Tl�e Funds r.ro pledged ns ndditlonal secumy for,II smns secured 6y this Secud�y Ins�rumem.
<br /> If!he Punds hcld by I.cnAcr exceed il�e nmouNS permtunl�o Ix helJ by nppIfcn6!c Inw, I.endcr shall acrnunt m 6orrower , . _ _
<br /> for tho oxcess Funds in acwrdanco wi�h ihe rcc�nircments of applic:ible Inw. If ihe amnunl of�he �undx held by Lender nt nny - ---
<br /> Ilme Is no�sufticleat to pay ihe Cscrow Itemx wlien dne.I.ender may so notify Ilorrower in writing,and,in sucl�case Unrrower _
<br /> shall pay �o I.ender �he emnmm �ecessn7lo make up tlie deficiency. Rnrrmrer shnll malce up�he deficierrey in no more�han _
<br /> hvel�'t moNhly payments,nt I.endcr's so.e discrction. __
<br /> V�on paymenl in full of ail sun�c ucund by this Seeurity Inswiuent. Lender�h;dl promptly refwr,t to f7o-`vwer nny -
<br /> I'unSs htJd by I.cmtcr.(f,ur.dcr plragr.ph?t.l.emtzr sh�ll n.quire or scll t1;e Properiy,t.emMr,�rinr tn�h..mt�n6;iion nr salc __
<br /> o(�ht VM�Mtly,sh;ill apply any Funds held h��LenArr ai�he timr oE aqnisi�im or.a;e n.a crcda:tu.Snst ih snnss sccurcJ by _
<br /> �his Sttun�y Instno<n.nt. ��
<br /> 3.Appllcntlon u1 A4u�meats.Untess applicable law prorides o�henvise,ail p:{y�nn�a teccivad by Lender nrAtr parngrapiG. —,:,_,_.
<br />- I nnd? shall be uppllcd: fint. to.my prcEuynxnt charges dnt under the No�e,sea�nd, to amnums p:i�.�hlr midv p�ragraph?: ����...
<br /> ihird,�o Intercs�Jue;fmmh.�o prin.ipul Jue;and las4�o any laic charocs duc nr.d;�r[hr Nn�c. y;t.�-
<br /> A.Chn cr, idrns.Dorro��rr shall .�11�aaes,aucssmcnts,chr.[ges,fir.is mnl mi ui�ionc anrihmahlt�o tFx Propcny *'�_°-
<br /> �S N7 " Ix ;.�..}rr€--:
<br /> which may nuain priorily over�his Secumy la>uumen4 nnd Ieasehoil pacm.NS or gmund roms. i(any. pnrtmrer shall p:iy .
<br /> �hesc obllgaliuns in�hc manncr provided in para�reph 2,or If no�paid in fi:n manner,�nrrmvcr shxll pay Ihem on�imc dircetly � _ T
<br /> �o the peraon ou�dpa yment.Dorrm�rr st311 proreptly furnish m Le�der all no0ctx of nmoums m Ik r�id under�his pvagmph. L' r':._ �
<br /> If Unirower makes Urese paymtms direc�ly,Soaa�ver shnll pmmp�ly fumtsh�o I.ender rncipis evidenemg�he paym.ms. #:i,?.`�:�:
<br /> Oorrower shall promp�ly dixhargc an7 lirn which hac priorny m•er Qiis Sewrity 6uuumem unlcss Ilmro��er. �a)ngrce�in 1t�S't'.
<br /> wri�ing m the payment of�he oblfgaiion secur:vi hy�he lien in a manner nccepIzble to IAnJer,@)coniests in gunJ failh Ihe lien �'•i�;�`-__�..
<br />- 6y, or defends agains� enforcement of�he liru in. Iegal pmceedings which in �he l.�nder's opininn o�xra�c to prevem �he t_-,-,_-
<br /> enforcemem of the Ilen:or(c)secures from the holder of�I�e Iien un agreemem sa0sfxcmry to Lein4r a�bnrJinating�he licn�n q,.?;,?,-�
<br /> ihis Sccuri�y Insuumem. If I.enJcr dctermines iha�any pan of�hc Property is tubjce��a u licn�chirh may miain pnori�y orcr ��'�^'��°-�
<br /> �hfs Securi�y Insuumcnt, Lcnder may give 6orrmrcr a noilcc idemifying thc lien.Uorro�cer xhzll sa�ixfp�he litn or ixkc one nr �'n-'-;"'.
<br /> morc of Ihc ac�lons se�fonh abovc wiildn 10 Jays af the giving af notica ��-�'^'�E�•-�
<br /> 5. Humrd nr Properl�' Laurnnce. Qorro�ecr xhall kecp �he improrememc now exivins or herailler cr.acd on �he �`a'•�'.
<br /> Property insund agains� loss by fire, ham�rJs Included wi�6fn�he term 'ex�ended covemge' nnd nn.o�her h:varJs,including y���;�_.
<br /> Ilaods or Ilooding. for which Lender requires fnsumnca Thit insunnce xhall be m:�iinaineJ in ihe��muunts and (m ihe perinJs -.`-��=._
<br /> Iha�I.eader requfres.The insnrance carner provlJing the insurnnce slwll be chnsen by Oorro���er su6jec�m L.��ter'e appmv;J �+�r:�:_
<br /> irEi:�shsll iN; L: unrca:anal:l�::�i�hh:!^_. !�L�^rr^_:vcr fr.;!.v,m�in!ain rn�rr�ro� d,�:�dhed uM�va LcnJer iva�. al Lendcr'x �)t�::.
<br />-- opiiun.ob�ain mvcragc lo prnic.t l.cndcr's righis in�hc Pn,{�ny in:+cmrJ mcc wi�h p:e.agraph 7. :
<br /> All Insurance pnlicies miJ rcr.ewals shall 6e ncce iable�o I.enJer and�hall irt.lud.a stanJanl mnngage.l:�ax. lander ,���;,�
<br /> p F�?
<br />-• shall have IItC righl In hnld Ihc�iuli.icx acA rencw:Js. If LcnJcr r�t�uircs.[3ormucr�fnll promp�ly Ei��c�n I.endcr all receiptt of �i:���•?`�:
<br /> paid prenilunu nnd mne�val not ccs. In Un e�zm o(Iroc,6arrmrcr shall give promp� m��icr m�h•emnrarnc carricr and Lcndcr. ;j5f��`�;!
<br /> I.cnder may makc prMif nf Inss if nm madz prompdy by Oorro���er. n •c},;.
<br />- Unic.ax Lcixlcr unJ Qorrmccr olhcnciu agrec m�vriiing,insurantc pnxn•Je sh:ili be npp6ed to rc�laru�ion nr rcp�ir of ihc �,i���?in:
<br /> Propeny damagcd, if ihe rcs�nm�ion or rc�ir i.ceonomically fe;nible:md l.��xler's senui�c i>r.a It�seneJ.IY the rc�wm�inn ur � -:a>:•:
<br />= rcpair is noi aonoinically fr.ui6le or Lene'cr'�xcurity would be Iessened, ilic tnsur.mre pIMl'all5 SII.III DC 0 lied lo Ihe smns �{"`�-
<br /> PV �iiii�;:S�.
<br />- sccurcd by tl�is Sccuriiy InsuumcnL a�hrihcr nr nnt tlicn dua �viih airy cxccsx p.�iJ to Uorrou�ec 1(Domi��cr;�6anduns �hc �:'�'�`:"
<br />-- Proptny.or dacx nn�anunr wi�hfn 30 dms u noticc fmm l.cndcr�ha�thc imur.mcc carrier hx�offcrcJ in uulc:i claim.�hcm 1•:"':.�:
<br /> �_.: _..'
<br />-= Leider may colice� �he insumniz procecdc. Isnder may use �he pnnceJ+ io rc�air or re.mre �he Pmpeny nr tn p:�y suro. ,��,.���`.-,
<br />. sccur�d 6y Ihis Sccurily InsVUmcnl.whe�6tr nr nai�hen dnc.'!h�30-Jay perioJ�rill Ixgin�rhen tlic no�ice�s g�ern. ;,,,:. .-•
<br /> Unless I.endcr und Rnrrowcr o�hcneisc ngrcc in �cri�ing. any npplicaiinn nf pnxccJ. In principal sh�dl noi es�cnJ or {({•�_-7:
<br /> ti� nc Ihc Jue Ja�c of ihc mnmhly ���mcros mfcrrcd �u in �m r�ih. 1 anJ 2 ar chan•c Ihc amount of�hc a ntcros. 11 . �"`:-
<br />= Po Pn I;: P� F �I 6 P) i.;i^-
<br /> - undcr paragr,ph 21 �hc Propcny is u.qovrd hr Lcnder. Borrmccr'�right�o any inwrancc{x�liciex aid pnxccJs rc.uhing Gnm �'_p�r:?`;�-:
<br />= Jamage tu�hc Pro{kny prior to�hc arqnisnion�hail pacs In I.cnJCr�o ihe cxicm of�hr swn..caired b}•thi.Security In.�mmcnl ':e:w,�,:_:
<br /> immnfi;uely prior io ilic acquisliion. "-'•`-
<br /> 6.(kcupanc}�.Prcxer��nllnn.\Inimennucc nnd Prvrtec�inn af ihe fh•aperq; linrrm�cr's I.onn 1pp11rn1lon:I.cvscholdti. ��:!(;:.`::'
<br /> o�,rr�,«��,i„n�x���>•.«��m�,i�.��<i��«�n� I'ropeny:n Ilnrrowcr'.prinrip::l rc.iJcn.c�ci�hin.isry•Jays:�lt.r�hc ca�rwinn of p"'�;c•:'? :
<br />= Ihis SeCUrily Inilruntent and shall comim�c In iwcupy Ihe Pmpeny a.Ilnrrmwr'.principal rr.idencc for:n INU nne ycar a(ICr p ':
<br />- thc Jatc of uccup;mcy. unles. IwnJcr olFrnci.r agrcn in writing. xhich rnmwn.hall nu� Ix unrr.rsnnably aithhclJ.or unlcs} Fnj:ff'��`
<br />= extenua�ing cinumaiances cxi.� ���h?ch .rtc h:ynnJ Rnrro�ctr', canvol. f3nrrnuer .hall noi dtvr.�y. Jamagc ar impair Ihe �yia�+.;.
<br />.- Pmpeny. allmv�he P�o�x�ly In dt�t�incCt. ��+oomnlil �c:nle�m �he Itro�wnr. 8urrmc.r shail Fe in del:mll if an�' fof(eilurC �{C,yS:':...
<br /> �inion or pnxcCJing. �chciLcr ci�il nr aiminal, n begnn tl::n in LcnJcr'.gad (ailhjndgn:cnl cnu1J rnul(in furfcimrc nf�hc }�r:..r..
<br />- Properly or olhcro�i�c m:nc�inll� impair iht licn crc:ncJ br Ihi.SccuriH In.�mnirnt ar LcnJcr'..�nvnlc iulert>i. Barro�ccr m:rc LS,.'.-�.`-
<br />�= curc such a JcL�ult arJ rcin.latr,m mei�cd in +an•t:��h 1 v.h� cau.in� lht a.unn nr n,iorJing e.hr Ji>mi..rd��iih a�ulin� V;`;iii::-..
<br /> r I �- i �- r r rt -
<br /> ihal, in Iwnda'+ g�xxl hmh Jettmm�.ni.,a. prccluJC• lorlcumc ol ihc 8nrrm�cr. mtrre�� u• �hr Prn�wny ��r u�Lc� w.u.iL�l -;.
<br /> �
<br />- impairment of ihc licn cr.ai.J b� ihc_, ti:nur.y In.lnnncnl or I..nJrr'. �.:miq imrrr�l. 13.,r:,.err •S.�il:d.o hr fn dcl:mll �I �iEjk}�
<br />- Untra�ccL during lh.Inan.rpplic�Iinn pnct...garc ma�rri:Jl� I:Ju nr m.icau.:tr mllrtm:mnn nr yar,n;tni.ln LrnJrt�ur liiflcd l' m
<br />= ln praridc I.dnJCr��fih am q�.�i.ti.d m(nmttl��ml in a.,�w:.unu�ulh Iht In.m.��Jrn:eJ F. iLr�nt:. fncluJing.hm nui limircd -<S??..-
<br />- to,rcpn.cniaiion.conaerniug Bnrrm�er i�r'oip:mr) .•I IL:I'roparn a.a prn:npal �:-idtu:.•- 71 Ilu.li.unn 6nlrnm.nl f.un.� �� .
<br />-- Ica.chnlJ. Borwwcr �6all .�+mph ��nh :dl IL•.• ynnn�.n�- ��1 ILc Ic�.: 11 14�.�n».,r .r.ym�.. I:. I�d.• �.. ih. Pu.p.•m. tL: �:Yfy;.
<br /> Ira.chnlJ;ntJ�ht frc tidc ahall ro+l mar_•:unk•,1 rr.J.•r.ig�:c.����I�c n:rren m��nun�.
<br /> 7. I'rnhrUmi uf Lcndcr'+RiFhi.in Ih��Yr��pcn�.it li�,r;�n.c� :.�i!-o•�vilrrm ILe onen.m:..�nJ;�grran.ni•eancw::d�: . �...
<br />__ ihi.Sccuriq In.uumcnL o�Il:ert i.a Icg.il pnv�.��dinr i!.0 mei .�gia:7:.iml. .�(i:.� 1 cnJrr'� rieh��w ILc I'��,pern �wd:a�: �
<br /> : pmattlin•� in bankmp�r). �•�-`�;r. !nr o,cd:mn.�l��•�� •r !„-I:fmrc cr tn rut�n..I.n..�n rcFUl.:i�or.t. ihcn 1 a�.[c�utn da and t�' �
<br />_ p:n fnr ��b:tltcct i�ntit��.� 6•ptulrc�ILr �.Jne r ih: PmRni miJ I rr,dc�'• �r ln- m IL:Pru��.'�1). I.:�i k:'-diunm m:n
<br /> _ fncludd pasing am .um. xn:::.i b) n L.r .�hirL L�, pnnnl� mn Ilin \�UIIlit IC.Ifli1tK11i. [����YJflll�; IO aaotl. pa)mg /.-. '
<br /> - ceaamahlc:nlnrnc�i (ct.anJ cnicnng.�u Ilr: Prn�t•ih lo m.��..rcp.nn \hLnn�h I m:Jrr m:n 1.�A: �iimn nnJrr Ilu.p.vagr.�pli
<br /> 7.i.cnucr uoc.uvi iunc i.�v�..�. '_' �
<br /> An) amaunh Ji.hur��d b� Lendn un.l:r �hn pangroph 7 .hall hnmr.t :idJnu.u.J d:h. �' IAnr.mcr .r:urrJ h� tlu.
<br /> - kavrilr Inqrumdnl. Unlc..li�.rtonrr :n:J LrnJrr agrcc�o o�hc� irnn.nl p��nuri.�L:-..�mm�ni..h:di I.rat m1.r..1 Ir..m�hv �:'..
<br /> Jalc of Ji.buncm.nt a� tl:c \nL r:nc .n:J >h:dl ht p.nablc ��nh r.n:�r.l. up.•n i.a�.: hrnn Lanlct In ifuuaac� rcyu:.nuf
<br /> (krcn:tnl. �
<br /> - R. 11nr1�:�Ce]n�unmrr. II LcnJ.r mynrtcJ n�„nga,t mwr:m.:t a.a:oi:Jiium oi maAmg�Lc'�•.a�.c vr.•.I 1.� du. Saw•n 1 '.
<br /> - Inqrumcin. 13orn,wcr Jc+ll p:rc ihc prcr.umn. rcynrttJ n� �reumeir �I: nunlgagr ununn.r m ril::� It. l.n .�m rr.n.m. �i: �_,
<br /> - mnngagc inwr.mr.urccra�c re�uireJ h�LcnJcr I:q�.r..,r.r.�.r.In hc m tlltci. 13urtuacr M1h.i11 pa� �hr p:rr.:w:r.rcy��rt.d �.
<br />'�-� nF1:�in m�cngC.nh>Ianua!�� equiraknlln Ihc mnn..r,r m.unn:t pr.�iou.l� ut tll.cl.:n a u..l .uh.6m��.�i1} r.pu..dcut In Ih.
<br /> C.i tn.l la Ik,Irm�cr ui Ihr m.�I_agf in.umacc ptc.n•u.l:. ri:Ii:.l. I�om an :di:�n.�lr mnng:igr Wv�rrr :i�pn, ... : I cna:L II j
<br /> - ,,., � ' � fo�m�020 990 -
<br /> �
<br /> �', . .
<br />... __.��... :�_..
<br />