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{. : Y � t. i i_*!G�*l. . •'- / .� e� :- <br /> -1�-- F F tr� .i�-, 4 r 3 t r . ` ` � fi .-i � fr� .. <br /> - �`))e j�. �1p�� " t s i ' � �t - n �.. . ....... . a,r.SlS�t.nYY�1�13'LL �t� <br /> r <br /> ..�...V:lai."fb�WHI�S." -............... _�...�...u+amiw'..�... - . <br />.. _ . _ .... as:Y��4cJ.o+1'ml�.4C.�� 'tm - at.. <br /> �_,- _._, <br /> 9?.��.t����F �.:��u _- <br /> `::��.�-.: <br /> 17.9YAnstcr nt t6o 1'mprrlg or a Dtneticial I�rioersi In ISorrowt�.If all or any pan nf t6e Pmpeny or any interai in I� �!"�"x - <br /> is soid or imnsfcrnd(or if n luncliclnl intucst In Rormu•or is sold nr uansfcrrcA and Ilnrm�rcr ix nol n namr;�l person)wl�houi �g�* - <br /> I.cnder's pdnr wdttcn conscm. I.endet may. m hs oplion, rap ulro Imnxdlate paymcm In fall nf nll sunu setun�d by �Ids 9lis�iP',l�S'rca=K,:-: <br />. &`turily Insln�mcnl,linwcver,�his optlnn 31i�11 noi bc excrciscd by Lendtt if excrdu Is prnh161ta1 hy f�dcnl law as af Ihc da�c �°',=��'Fj'�;:5.�•,T.,;_;;-�- <br /> ofihls5audtylnstmmrni. 3''�`]t� "rT� -� <br /> If I.ender exttcises�his optlon,l.endor sl�nll�fvo Rnrrower nnilee of ac�releratlon.The no�ice shall prnvide a pedod of not ,%i�.S, A � � c;. <br /> Icu than 30 days trmn tlie dace thc nmitt is dchrcttd or mnilcJ �shhin afiich iforro+rcr mus� pay nll swns saur.A hy this «};�;��Lt y�y=�'. <br /> Securiry Instrumrn�,lf Dorzox�cr fails to wy these sums pdor to ihe expirafion uf�hts{kdnd.I.cndcr may Invnkc any rcmedics p-{yu;;�;���-�;._ <br /> permival by t61s Sm�rl�y Insttunxnl whfwc�fUnhar noila or dcmand on Oortower. ` �`' � rt�'" <br /> �I)h � 1 y Y.4 .. <br /> 18. 1Sorro�eer•R Righ[ to Retnstale. ff Dorrower mec�s cenain condllinns, Ilnrrower slwll h�ve the rigM to hare `t_����s .,,.��ti�:_..-, <br />- enforcement of�his Secarity tnstrument dismntirued �t any �ime pdor to the enrlier oC (a)5 Jays (nr such oi6cr perial �u �_-;.ti�;.�.,.:r,;-,�.�-� <br /> appliu�Fle law may s�;,cify for rcinste�enrenq beforo snle nf�he Propetly pursur.m �n nny pnwer of sale con�ained In lhts „{c�;,,.$?55f."�tb�;•:;-_ <br /> t(f�'={%i3'�'�`-�:�.r:,.. <br />- Security Insuun:ent;or(b)eniry of a Judgment enfarcing tLis Secudty Instrumem.Timse condi�inns arc�6ai 6ormwer.(n)pnys S:i%%1!.u{:��s'�rr.- <br /> all sums which then would be due under�61s Securiiy Instrunxnt and We Nnte ns ff no ncccleratton I�aJ occurred: ll�) ,�;,;�,���jy�f,r.y;f�;.�•�; <br /> carcs.^.ny default of any olher covennms or ngramenls; (c) pays all expenus Incurred in enforcing tlds Sceariiy instnmmn4 / �.,�j;n;�r��;{:�:�,.. <br /> Including, bnt not lindt<.d to, ru�sona6lo xttornc7i fccr, anJ (d)�akes such acilon as I.cndcr may m,�sonx6ly rcqulrc to nssnm �l�� ;4' 'tif- ��';;.'•� <br /> ihst the Ikn of�his S��ruri�y insimmen6 Ler..ler s�Igh�s in ihe Propeny and Oormwer'x obllgaUon�a pay�Le swns sccured by b�t" }'``- <br /> this Sttvrity Insfmm.ent shali continue ur.clur.ged. Upon rcinstntement by Oormwcr, �his Secunty Imuumcm and �hc .,- -.- ,; <br /> . obligations secur.d hereby sliall remaln Polly ettmive s if no accelerotion hxd accurred. However,this right to rcinstne shall i �:Yq��, It - i o, <br /> not apply In�AC cau of mlera�ton unJcr{urngnph 17. � jd4.:•"''%:`°.' <br /> .a"�°c'r'21:=�t:S" <br /> 19. Sale of Aote; Change of I.oan Srewimr. The Notc or o panial interc�t in �he No�e ltoge�hcr �vith this Se�vdiY �:±i•r.°i,^.'�y,t;1;:�i_:..� <br /> Insitunxnp may be sold om:or mor tinxs o�in[wm prior notice to Amro�cer.A sale nuy rewlt in a change in�he entity(known i�;:��,�IH4��YJ�.•, - <br /> as�hc'Loan Scrvicci)that collccts mon�hly pnyr,xms 3ue ur.dcr thc Notc and this Sa�umy Insuun.rnt.Thcrc;d�u nx�y bz ona g::'�';l:t'��rt�",.>''-2`. <br /> or more changes af the Lw�n Serviczr unr.lzted to a sale of iht Nota If there is a chan�c of�h�Luan,Aormaer will M �F;?•'�t;;�'�:Rt;;;�:i;�.� <br />_ glven�vriuen nn�ice o(the change in accn�.inr-e ui�h par�graph I4 alwve:md:valicab.e la�.'fhr iaxi<e u+ll x�me the name and ���� '_ ��'r�"F' <br />- adAmcc et�he new I.oao Sen�icer an:l lF.r add*eu to which paymems shouFi he ma.Y. '(h=nmi:e kiG at�o mntain�ny o�her -���y-> > y�ry�� �_ <br />' inforn!afron icqulrad by npplicable laa. r �i' syi r ` .. . <br />= 20. F7nmrdonc SalniAnces. fI.rro��rr shall nnt ca�uc tr ps�rm'tt�hr p�escnre.u.c. dnpa,ai, s�a;:gc. M rcicaa•of an} y5������rA�� _ - <br /> - Hnm�d:u. Substan:rs on or in G.e 3'ro;�ny- Davna.r st�ati nn; d,. nx allm�� 2ncnne e(a• Io du_ flny�hing ai4ec:ing iht ��'r1.�i��t�Fg�4a+. . <br />." Propeny tha�is in�inlntion o(eny Bnvitor.rt�er.�al{..ia. The prrc.ding[uo ac�u.enti shnil nnt appl�� io ihc�e. or ;,r�r; r i 6,��w,�t '.- <br />- stnrnge nn �hc Prnpeny ef small quamiiics oS Ha.>.�alnns Snbsmscea�h:i.:ac grncnily rcmgnizcd m be appmnria:c m nnrmal -c��oi�it� 3 ."; <br />- rc.'skm�zl uses aml m milntenance o(�he Propen�. �''�''��r�j F'�, � <br />� Qurtox�rr sha!I prompily girc Lcnder wri¢rn noiice vF;my imtsiiga�inn. dalm,drmar.d. lawsui�or oihra.r:tinn hp am� f''`f}` 'rti 5Im = <br />- gorcrnn:ani�l or r.gulntory ngcncy or pri�ate png im�o:���thc Prot r�y nnd�ny}Unrdou.Snhelsnct nr Emirna�acnbif Lin ���i�is��ry4�� ,�� <br /> of whf.h➢orto�ccr has acluul knuwledge.lf f3urrm��r leamc,or ix iwtii�eJ by �ny gmermn:mn!�r rrgu4�mp•nmhori�)�. �hi� +,-,,;,�� ���,,�; - <br />.= eny renwvol ar niher remtdimion of nny IlvaedoR<5ubsfanee nflceling tt�c Pmp:«y is nece�rry,Unrn�v:,:shail promptly lake �1���i,����,mc��'�- <br />_ ell necessary rcmediai aaions tn nc+cordantt with Environmcntnl Lnw. vaa'Y;i ���r�a�-_, <br />_ . As uscd in this pam^rnph 2n, •p,.��io���Suhcianecc• are Ihnse zuhslanees defind;n roxic or haiardnus subsmnees by �,�;,,,�, il� _-�__ <br />= EnvlronmeNal I.nw nnd Sie follmvmg sebs�enees: gaaoline, kerosene, oiher Oammable or ioxic �xunlewn produc�s, toxfc =v�+f;o� t41 - <br />`= pesticfdes nnd her�(cides,volotile sulvems,mnteriats containing acbesms or fnmc+lAehyde,and ndinaciive materi.�ls.As uxeJ in 4t)t_� -: <br /> thls pamgmph 20, 'Gnvlromncntnl Lmv'menns fcJcral laws and Imss of�hc juriuiic�fnn whcrc �hc Propcny fs Inca�cd �ha� i�fjl��k}4'���, . <br /> = rclalelohcallh.safcty orcmtmnmental pro�cctinn. � fi f�,���krv._. <br />- N04•UNI�ORM COVCNANTS.Iinrrnw.ranJ I.cndcr funhcr m�.nar.i nnd agrce as fnllmvs: }" , <br />' 21.Acectcratlon; Nemedies. I.ender shull gire notice to Dorroxcr prlm•m necetrrn�lan Potlnx-Ing ISnn•axer'�6reneh ';_„N_�.{�;..;,._-_7_ �. <br /> " at nny mrenant or ngreriucnl In ttils Sccuri�y lnqnunent (6u1 nnt prlm• to uacicrulinn un�er parngruph 17 unicas 1 ''�ft�'n(' ---�;;__ <br /> applka6ic law prorida mhcnd.u). '1'hc nntice shnll s�xrityi (N ihc Acfault; fb)Ihc nctlon rcqulrcd to enrc Ihc dctnullt �3+ °�y��,�{�'����,�N,._._ <br /> (c)n daie,nol iccc Ihnn 3D dayF from Ihe ttnle ihe nntice Is tilren lo iforrmrer,by xhlch ihe defnul�miGCt Ik cnrcdt mid t; ��i� � � �� ,.; , <br /> _ (d) tiiai fnllnre lo cure tl�e detnul� an or befare the dnte s�xclited In tlie naticr mny recuh in necelrrnilnn of lhe xums �-`-:�; s � +t i;��,� <br />- sreamtl by Ihls ticcarlly Ins6lmtent nnd siJc nf lhc i'roperly. 7'hc notlm shnll fnnhcr hdonn flurmx�cr of Ihe righf lo t;�'%::.t-:.:�.�,,,,,�..- <br />- reinsinle nfter necelern�lon nnd t6e rlght to 6dn� n cowi nclium m �.crrl �he non-exi.tenee af n defmdt nr nn?• al6er ���,� „a� ,_, <br /> defense af florrat��er lo ncceler��llm� nnd snle.If lhe dcfxult h nof cured on or be3ote Ihe dale xpttltlecl In the nutice, �ar"`1}*'� �� ,tr.;'.' <br />._ i f.endr4 nt Ils aptlm�. mny rc�uMr Immn1(Nr pnymrnt in fn11 af all smns saurcil P�} thls Sanrlly 6�slrumcnl �rithoul :.,t'--1;�r.t'J'�?�;ax�v�r <br />- fnrlhcr Acmand and mny lnrnkr thr ponrr uf snlc nnd an��olhrr remcdi.<permitied Uy nppllenbie lan�. Esvh.:r xhnll bc r,�:'.Fj;i,'`, i,�:`i!�;;;�. <br />�- cntltlaltocolltttellcxpcnsrslnamcdinpunuhigihrrcmrdiisprosidrdin7lilsparngrnph2l,includls�.11utcruflhnilal iR`�;,;�i'��l�i�.+_y_-. <br /> _ lo.rc'f�heb�nfl,crrof snlr 3+Klnwkc L Tmstn�hnllnr a�ore! n nntice nf drt�udl in ench counl)'In x}i�a�y�arf of�hc ���4�y>t+��i��i y;`.;. <br /> Pmper7��is locn�ed nnd shall nm{I eoples of surh no�ice iu �he munne+ prrsailx�d b}�nppitcable Enw tr�Fnmv��cr and In �n � 4}��t�,� �v�tAr,: <br /> - Ihe at;ar pe'sons prescrl6ed b� nppllcahlr lau.Atler the aime nryuired hg x�pllaible�;m�.Tru�!a�e nkrJt�i�a publir notice 2i t�'T•t�-3,'l�.t.���'�'--� <br />= of sale to tl�r prrsnns nnd !n I�ie mannrr pr[scrihed i���epylicnU}r ta�c.Tnute.,eithuui de:azr.d�«Q3n�ro���cr,shall sell rr�._+v i �x�. rn:_; <br /> ae i t ,�'�4;c�:�.".,.. <br /> ° ihe Properq•al public nurllon to Ihe h!ghrst biJder nl the time aud�rJace:u��1 undrr 7he Ierms Acsignaled In Ihe notice of J�������t4���;�;��:�'f�:;i <br />.. sale h�onc ar morc��arccis mid in aui-ordcr inistcc drtcrn�L�cs.TnGmm�in� �nriponc sale of a71 or nny parml of�he ���Y��i�fr},�� r__�., <br /> = Proyxtl�� hy puUllc nnnounceie�rN nl �he t(me nnd placr nf mii� pmrimicia sctxdule� �ate. I.ender or Its dtsignce mn}' �tj + ti <br /> r ��„�a:�N4�'. c;i'. <br /> = pureLasc thc Property�ai nnp+nle. ��..�.:.���.;.,rt�::;.-,^_ <br /> , s�, is s <br /> . .��'�is:��:.{Y.,'y�n{_ <br />_ %�i•.,'f:.:;_�..: '. <br /> _ �_._.. <br /> - Fmm3020 9100 i�':-. '�..�:;" . <br />