iz�%tY' naTn> �Y1ti% r}�}i�'�i�l .�i � F.'�
<br /> 5�- et ef !'� t.w:N� �� '(T�fft .�� �.. . z�-.,�..
<br /> .,:�tt �; ii} H e� ) tfr n f�t ! p� � 5 i. _ - � � ' ' _ . ..-. t�-��i . I _ u: �
<br /> '4..;.t�',�..��4�:1k'laim°.S` WIFSi�iAfC:.'. ..��.�.._...�....-.—_____._._._
<br /> � gx�,. �,c��►���
<br /> pWnxms nmy rx�lnnga tM rcqulrcd,nt tho opilnn of I.�ndcr,If mongngo Insunnw wvcmgo pn dm emnum and for�ho rycdod
<br /> �6nt l,endcr «qulrcs)provldcd Uy nn lnsurar approvcd by I.cnder,gnln Ixcomes nvnilaUto nnd IE ob�aincd.Dormwcr shall pay
<br /> the prcmiu�ns requlrtd to nmlNnin mongasc inxumnw in o(fccb or to provlAo n Inss reservc,umil tho rcquiremcm for mmtgago
<br /> insurnnw ends In accordanu widi nny wdnen ngrcement beiween Rorrotvtr nnd I.ender ar applicabic lan. __ - — --
<br /> 9.inspotlion.t.�ndcr or fis ngcm mny makc rcawnabia cmrtcs u{son nnd inspcctions of�ho Property.I.cndcr shall givo '
<br /> IIorrowcr nolica at�im timo nf or pdor to nn inspectlon sPcclfytng rcuonablo causa Por tl�o Inspcc�Ion. �ri.=..';�.A.--
<br /> 10.Condrntnalfon.T1io procettls of any aw�M or claim tor dantagcs, dirxt or mnsequcmial, im m�nccUon with any �r::_`---` �
<br /> mndcmnation or od�er takfng of nny pan of tho P�opcny,or for mnreyanee in lieu of condzmnaiton,are hcrNay aulgned artd ��f:�`LL.�;:•��-_
<br />- siu.11 bo pald to I.endcr. 6 �� _
<br /> tR tke event ot a total tnking of the Propcny,the proceods sfwlf be applied ro the sums securod by this S�rurity Insttum�ent, '�-- t,,� --
<br />. whether or r.ce thrn du0.whh any excess pa.'d to Sorroirer. la tix even[of a putial ta4ing of the Propeny in which Ne falr � .'.�, i �k -:
<br /> marke4 val�of U:e Ptupetly i¢vradiately bc[ore tFe taking is eqM�l to oc gna!rr than the anmtint of the sunu securud by IAis ; �:y ,*��v}i -,
<br /> Sr�viity Instmrc.�cu(mn:edixcety Eefore the ta&ing,ualexs Pc�:rowzr anl Lender oth:r.+�ise:yvroe in�Yriting,the sams sicurcd by -)�`'j2'(p �,, :
<br /> L" S/jti'��'IN�
<br /> i�is S:cUrtty Inservm�nt s6a1E be tatuad by the an:o-rst o�tho procettts multiplia3 by tF.e[olla�ring fnrtio�: taJ Ihc rolal �.��h� � _.__ :
<br />-� a�rnuytt of U,:sums smuad im[rcdiateiy t�c&xe the laking, divlded by(b)iht tsir ars�rkct valec eL tt:z Propetty immedia�ely .�' r _`
<br /> befae tho ta.4fng. Aay hxtx�^c�shz[I b:pr,'if u�IIonoa•cr. In the ererte�F n Eunial wking of Ne Pcr;;cny in �vhkh the fair ~#� i'�yi"---
<br /> a. :,
<br />- mieket valnc of¢Yr:P�xrcy t�z+z4i3te1��3eFo:z[F.e taking is Icss ILan al:r+rm;¢rt oE tSe sums xvua:l tmm�diate�y betore the •��;:�n:?�,�l-T�,.
<br /> � 4::;�:;"�_.,...�_-.
<br /> laking,unless Borroxer ul1 6�z9�r othernise ngne in wriling or unlcss appli.^aS'r,ix.a oU�crnise pmLddcs,thc procceds sha.E K�,�;;,��;.__:-.
<br /> be applied to lha sums secured by lhis Securi�y]nsuument whether or not ihe sunu nre then due. -�`•'jVb tr � �
<br /> If lho Properiy is ebandoncd by Borm���cr,or if,aRer nolice 6y I.ender m 6orrower that�he cna<Icmnor otters to nuhe:en �}��t _
<br />. awnrA or xe�tle a d�im tor damages. Oorroner fails a respond ta Lender �vllhin 30 days aftcr the date tho nalce is givaa. 15�-,, ,� "
<br /> I.enUer Is aulhnrized In mllect nrd apply ihe praccals,nt iis o�ion,either ro restareilon or repatr ohhe Propeny or m�he sumc J ds-� r -_.
<br /> sau�eA by lhls Secnrily int�nmxnt,whc�her or not ihtn Cne. �1'�S�'��' --
<br /> Unless I.ender and Dotro�v�r n�henvise ngTte (n ���ricing, any appliwdon of prnceeds m principal shell no� exlend or - +�p4 �
<br />- posipa�e Ihe due da�e of�hc momhly paymems rcferral lo in paragmphs I end 2 or ch:mge dic emouni of such paymenls. -������«� -
<br />_ li.Dorm�ver Not Releusttli Porhesimnoe D Isnder Not a�Yalrer. Extcnsion of tlie�inu Por paynxnt or madiflcatimi S+^` '!;�4jo:`��-
<br /> of nmonizvion of�ho sunu secured b �his Securii ylnstrument rznted b Lender lu an successor in inttrest n(IIorrowu shall .�f'�}��{;�`-
<br /> Y Y B Y Y �E�Y�xY��k -
<br /> r.o�operalo to reicau ihe Ilability of ihe original Dorro�ecr or Oortower's succeuors ln Imeresl. Lender shall nnl be uquired to �,� ,,,,� �,
<br /> commence prom..dings agalns�any sncecssor in imerest or raPose�o extend 8me Por paynxnt or o�henvlse malify:miortlm�lon ��� rz�,��A�
<br />° of the xums uc+�ad by �his Securily Inatmment 6y reasnn of any dernand made by IhC otiginxl IIotmwer nr �orrower's �°.F�r�}u�� ;
<br /> successors in imeraL Any forlKarouce 6y Lender in exercising nny rigtn or remedy shall no� 6e a waiver of ur predude the ��� �sg�F
<br /> excrcisc of nny dRht or remedy. ��'��'#�`"� '�'��_._
<br /> D2, Suceessors nnd Arsigns Round; dalnl nnd Se��cral LInbllllyi Ca-slpners. The covenaNS nnd ngrecmems of mis ��;�;-��;�,r_��-��:__�. --
<br /> Sccuri� Inslmment s6all bind anJ benefii tLe succesmrs nnd avsi ns of I.enJer nnd Dorrower, sub ecl �o the rov(slons of :<"�'�'-`'��
<br /> y s J r �;� .,__raf�:.=
<br /> am rn h 17. Itorrower's covcnams nnd e rccmcnts sLall be otm and severnl. An Oorrmver who co•signs thls Sttudty ����-'���P
<br /> P S P 8 I Y ,�' �!7}x =
<br /> Insmimcnt bul docs not cxccatc thc hotc: (u) is crosigning�his Scturl�y Ins�mmem only w mongago, grant und convcy�hat : yt,f�M1 ,y� �
<br /> Oormu•er's tn:crcst in lhe Prop:ny�under�he temu of this Security InswmenC Ib)is no� perconally nbliga�ed w Pay the sums ';�Lfg�h ti`Y -
<br /> Y Y S Y Y B y 'r; -,-�.. ',�-:-,;,-..
<br /> securcd b �his Secudt Instrmncm;and(c)a rtts tlia�I.ender nnJ:vi other Qorrower ma a rce to extend,modif ,farbcar or :�`w'�;f�.���:_.
<br /> make nny attommodaqons w(th regard m thc icnns of ihis&curi�y Insuumcm or thc Note alihout lhal 6orrowcPx mncen6 �:h,.,;�.:+���;;:-_:
<br /> 13.ium Churges.If thc loan securcd hy this Sccudty Insuumem is xu6Jec�to a law which se�s mazimwn loan charges, r' �` ' -
<br /> and d�at law is 1lnally Ime�prc�ed so�hai�he imeres�or mher loan charges collated or�o be mllateel in connenfon whh�he � ��pt��1{�i ----
<br /> loan exaed�he permltlod Ilmtis,�hen: (a)any such laan charge ahall be nduttvl Ay Ihe antoun�necessary lu rcduce�he charge � :"Yt��;L;;^`.KY.'��.?�
<br /> �'�. l'¢,i�hk,, .
<br /> w�he�xrmfual 16nIC ond (b)any sums atreaJy mllected from Ummwer wlddi exceeJed pernilual IImI�s�vill be refunded to 4 �;��,�L,.„�-
<br /> �_,...:...7 .�_...
<br /> 6orro��•cr. LeMler ma ciuwsc �o make �his refund b rcJucin thc rinchol aweJ undcr �lic hotc or b makin n dircN r�"''':+;.;�r<:;=::-
<br /> Y Y 6 P I Y S y-„;:,.` .
<br /> paymcnl lo Dorro���cr. If n rc(unJ rcduccs principal, thc rcduciinn will bc uatteJ as u panial prepaymcm wi�hout any ,�r �' ri ".
<br />� prcpaymcnithargcundcrthcho�c. ;_ +5 '"�� -'
<br />- 14.Notltes.Any noticc�0 6orrox�cr providnl for in�his Saurily Invrumem shnll Ix gi�•cn by dclivcring ii or 6y mailing � rY � °` _�
<br />..- i�by Ois�claxc mail wdess npplicable low rcquircs use of nnother me�hal.7LC notice shall be dir.Y�ed �o the Propeny Addras �t4i�r5-r.�{ `_.
<br />��� or any other addrcss I7orrower dexignate+ by no�ice m Lender. Any nmice m Lender shall be given by first dass mail to �Y.�.��¢�� ��'s�''-
<br /> 5��,�r .A ik
<br />. Lcndcr's,ddrcss stattd hcrcin or any o�hcr addrecs IRnJcr Jcxignatcs by nolice Io llorrmrcr. My notiae pro��idcd for in Ihls •�B��J rt�;;� `--
<br /> Security Inctrenient ahall M dcemtd�u hare barn gi�rn m Un�rowe�or t.cr.d.r oh.n gimn as pro�ided in this paragnph. ,������t' a�`� .
<br /> - OS.�orerning �.r.+r, Sei�erabiiit�. This Securit} lnqrumenf �h��ll be gocerrnd h�� f.drral law anA �h: law ofihe 1;�y4 r �"'�-.
<br /> � jmisa{iclion in whirh iha Prop:n�• is Iex'aicd. In d�e eeem thal any pro�qsimt nr dau>e of�his Securi�y Immsment ot Ihe No�e ."�:)�3�s x ' -
<br /> Y�L,x
<br />- con0icis with applira`�Is Im�.w:h mn0iil.hall nn1 aftia.�chv pro��icionx o(Ihia Sccnrily Inslrumcnt or Ihe M1u1c xhich cnn bc ,a?�?f -
<br />, girtn ef(cc�wilhoa[thc ronllining proaili„a Tn this rnd �Se prnvi.inns nf Ihi:Sttum��InVrunnnt anJ Ibc Knle�re d�'!_rod .i� � d YP �.
<br /> S
<br />�- in hC sc\'Crab�c. [ ' y i y �.
<br />- IG.Uorro�rcr's Copr. Lo�m�ecr shall h:gi�cn o:c::afonn�J ay�py nf�ht Nmc aiwl nf�hi.$rauril�-InqrtwicnL {�('1f.�f� xn�i �:.
<br />- Fo�m3020 9:80 i'r`�;.:},�i�i,,,- '..�
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