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Hu•r.�rcD ur Prnperty Intiuri�nce. tiarmwcr tihnll Icccp thc impruvemcnt�;nuw cxisting un c�rc�dicr crectcJ un thc �; <br /> , ' Prun�rry in�,urcd i16111115I IOtiS hy flrc, IlU%Ill'(�h IIICIU(IL'(J witl�in Il�c tcrm "extcndcd cnvcragc" imd �uiy othcr huxurds. incluJing �-. <br /> IluuJ:,ur�luuJinL, for which l.�:uder requires intiurince. Thiy insur�incc tih�di hc nuiintuined in the iunauntti�md for thc p�riods _ <br /> . �__ <br /> ,ti.�:; ,�,'. ihat la:ndcr rcyuires. '1'hc intiurancc carricr pruviiling thc: innuiuncc yhall hc chus.:n by U�Srrmt•cr su6jrct to L.rndcr',�nrr„���i �- <br /> � "�, which sliull nut be unreasnnably witt�held. If Borrotver fails to nxiirnuin coveroge dcsciibed above, l.endcr muy, ut LenJcr's <br /> �"^�`. option, ubtain cuverage to protect Lender's riehts in the Pr�perry in accurdunce with paragruph 7. �_ <br /> ��-' <br />•'�A01i"`�' All insurance policies und renewuls shnll be ucceptuble to I.,�nder und shull i�xlude u stundard mortgoge clause. l.ender -_ <br /> � shull huve the ri�ht a�hold thc policiea and n:ncwnln. If I..ender rcyuires,Dorrowci•shaU promptly givc to Lcnder all racipts of <br /> puiJ premiums and renewa! notices. In the eve.nt of Inss, I3orrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance currier und L�nder. �. <br /> � +,' I..,endcr may mal<c proof of loss if not mudc pmmptly by Aurru�vcr. °- <br /> Unlcss Lcndcr and[iorrower othenvisc�grec in writing, insurance procecds shall be upplicd to restaration or rep�ir of the <br /> -..-- - _�- p�•nnorty dumnged.if thc restoration or repnir is economicAlly feusible and Lcnder's security is not le�sened.If thc restoration or <br /> : repnir is not economically feasible or Lendor's security would be Iessened, the insuc,nce proceeds shall be applied to�he sums <br /> secured by this Security Instrument, whethcr or not then due, with �uiy excess pui�! to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the <br /> Property,or does not answer within 30 days u notice from LenJer thut the insurantt carrier hus offered to settle a claim,then <br /> . _ -_ Lend�>r may chllect [hc insurance proceeds. l..ender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums ` <br /> �<<., � �� secure�!by this Securiry Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. — <br />"�'��•:���:���"'.�'�` Unless Lender and Buttower othenvisc agr�e in writing, any application of prceeeds to principal shall not extend or <br />_..,.y,r+.;y.�. �. <br /> :�,'t�r{:;t'�u�:+ ost one the due date of the monthly paymunts referred tu in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amaunt of the payments. I __ <br /> :�•�1..r��.�y.� o P P <br />;+'i;,;:,��, under pAragruph 21 the Property is acquircd by Lender, Borrower's right to any insurance policies and pruceeds resuhing from <br /> ��:•,;�;�Yt.� duma�e to the Property prior to the acquisiti�n shall pass to Lender to the ertent oi'the sums secured by this Security In�trument <br /> `'�;•"�+�;�� " � immcdiately prior to the acquisition. <br /> �"''`�''' 6. Occupuncy,Preservation,Nlnn�te�iunce and Protection of the Property; 1Borrower's Loan Apptication; Leaseholds. <br />_,�:;.;,,�.,, <br /> ;,;;fl:. � £orrower shnll occupy,establish,and use tlic:Property aas Dorrower's principal reci�ftnee within sixty days after the execution of <br /> � �"t�'?:�;; this Security[nstrument and shall continus to occupy the Property as Borroaer's principal msidence for at least one year after <br /> ;�•�"y.�',;', tEie dute of occupuncy,unless Lender othenvise agrees in writin�, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless <br /> '' ` extenuutin� circumstances exist which arc beyond Borrower's control. Runower shell nat destroy, damage or impair the <br /> �v-r;,�.s.w. <br /> -;.,_.„_._._,;,.� Froperty, alluw the Property to deteriorate, m�commit wuste on the Propeny. Liorrower snaii be in deiuuii ii auy foafciiarc <br /> - . �. uction or prcxeeding, wlicther crvil or criminal, in begun that in f.�nder's gcxid f:sith�ud�ment could result in forfeit�re of the <br /> ; 'y'?3.tir. <br />?�, ,�,�,�r1 Property or otl�erwisc mutcrinlly impair thc lien crcutcd by this Sccurity Instrume��t or Lendcr's security interest.Bonower may <br /> �=�_tC. r. <br /> _,_._;�,�y?:� cttre tiuch u defuult unJ reinstate,u!�provided In purugraph I8, by cuusing the acticm or proceeciing to be dismissed wi�h a ruling <br /> �_�';��,� tttnt, in L,cndcr's goud fuith dctcrmir.ution, precludcs tiirfciturc of the Horrow�r s in�erest in thc Property or other material <br />__-=__== irnpui�•ment of the lien creuted by this Security In+trument or Lc:nder's sccurity interest. Borrower shaU alsa be indefault if <br /> _�:;;=„�� <br /> - Borrower, during thc loun application pr�icess,guve mnteriully fulse or inaccurnte info�mation or stntements ro Lender(ar failed <br /> -.__.-"��:jr,s,� tci pmvide [.ender with uny materiul information)in connection with the loan evi�.ienced by tlie Note,including,but not limited <br /> _ =��! tu,representations concerning Borro�ver's occupuncy of the Prupeny as a princi��r:l residence. If this Security Instrument is on a <br /> ==��4'� Icascliold, Borrowcr shall comply with nU thc provisions of thc Icasc. If Bureawer acquires fee title to the Praperty, the <br /> -'��"�'� le�sehald and the fee titic shall not merge unless Lendcr aIIrees to the mer�er in writing. <br /> °,_� 7.Protection oP Lender's Righta lu tho Prane►�ty.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in <br /> .,,u;,,��� this Sccurity Instrument, or there is n IeIIal proceeciing that muy significuntly aCfect Lcnder's rights in the Property(such as a <br /> _._ - pnoceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnution or forfeiture or to enforcu laws or regulations), then I.ender may do and <br /> .� - pay for whutever is necessary to protect the vnlue of the Property and Lender"s rights in the Property. Lender's actions may <br /> _ include puyins any sums secured by a lieit which has priority over this 5ecuriry Instrument, appeacing in court, paying _ <br /> - -- rcasonuble attorneys'fees and cntering on thc Property to malcc repairs. Although Lcnder may take action under this paragraph <br /> 7,Lcnder does not have to do so. <br /> -�� Any amounts disbursed by Lender ►mder this para�raph 7 shall became additional debt of Bonower secured by this <br />_�,����� Sccuriry Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender n�ree to othcr tcrms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest from the <br />---=-- — dute of d'a:+bursement at the Note rate and shnll be pnyable, �vith interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> =_ <br />