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:.-�edi[GW;9�'w:P^s:�ul ae:ru:n::,si.,.s+.n+.�o.....,,............ .. � . <br /> K qL nQ <br /> ' �xflals�h�t Lender ru�uires. 'itw insnm�xo aMer providins iho insunnco�.hall l�chn�n I�y I3o�T'stfi�t���endorl <br /> apprqve)whkh shall na tw�mra;nn�Lly wlmheld. If Rorrowcr fnils lm m�lntain cavcra&o�sc six�6nvc.I.ender may,ai _� __` <br /> , � i.crtder�oplon,obtain covemge�o pmtcci Lenderti rig4is in�ho Prnpeny in oaordanu wu6 ara n 7. ___ <br /> All Insuronco{wlicfcs and renewais sha11 bc xccpta610�o l.cndtr and shall tnclndc a smndard mongagc daux. l.cndcr _ � <br /> shnll Lxve tho dght to hotA�4o policia and rcnewn�x. If I.ender rcqntma,no������tu,n��a�„r,�r s�Yr�o Lender aIl rcccip4s <br />_ � ot pald prcminms nnd renewni noitees. In tha evem af loss,6ortower shall give pmmp�naice�o Ne Insur;use cartier and � _— <br /> i.cndCr. Lcndcrmaymakoprootoflossitnamadcpromp�ly6yf�orcowor. <br /> Unitss Lcndcr nnA finrcm�ror ahcrwisc agn:�in wdiing,insur.mco pmcccds shall ix:applicd�o rcxtoraiion or rcpalr of rj,"'.___.��_ _ �__. <br /> �ho I'�operty domaged, If iho r.slorallai or rp�lr is economfcnlly faistUle nnd Lenderl seeuriry i�not Ie.xneJ. If�ho � ', <br /> restontion or rcpair is no�eeonomically feasibie or I.ender§securi�y would be Iessentti,�he insur�nce procealx Fhnll Ix e � ;aa.r��-; <br />- ,pptied ro the sams securcA by ihis 5ecuri�y tnatrumem, whelhet or nol Ihen Jue,iv11h any excess pald lo Bnrrower. If � ;,t�r s.a„ ,. <br /> Oortowcr abandons thc Propcny,or docs�wi answcr within 30 days n naico from 4enAcr tha� thc insunnca c.tticr has �`'��sy4���. ;; <br /> aftercd to unle a cly.n,thm I.ender may•colicct ihe insurnnco proceeds. Lendcr may use the procecAs m rc�aG ar rcsmn s,•;,�f,:'t;�r�y�;,:-� <br /> the Propeny orropay wmssccu,ed 6y thi.c SceurOy Insuumcm,wheihcr or nm�hen Ana '(i�o 30�day perfod a�II IxSin whcn �':��,tt:{,:�;6��:*r <br /> � r i� " <br /> thc r.�itt B giren. o- -` � '_.. <br /> Un:en Ler.dtr and Borcowet othenvisa agrco In wttttng,any application of procceds to principal shall not exlend or „-:, -��,;• _ . <br /> postpoae tF.e dna date of U:e momhly pnymems mfcmd ro in Q�3��phs [ar.d 2 or change the amoum of the payments. If , ;�r'.��=,,:�f:;�_ <br /> under puagr�PA 2i �hx P�cpeny is acquired 6y I.eiedcr. Borro�ver3��t ro any insura�ue poli:ies and proceecis resul�ing i.(z�.;,1� � r ' <br /> Gom dvnzga to tha Ptoperty pnor to tho acqclsitlon shalt pus to l.erAer ro the ex�rne of the sums ucumQ 6y this Sccurl�y ��Pg`,�t s° ' <br /> Instmmem immcdiatcly prior taho acqufsition. "' jr ,`�5;� ` � <br /> 6. f)eeapancy, Preservi�lon, Maintennna ans PrNecfion of the Prnperlyi Borro�rer's A�,ptirat:rar, �,jr�;�js�;a;!�.�G- <br /> IkflsehoN".v. 6ortower shall emupy,esinUlish,artd use the Prape��y:es Rorrou•crS princlpal rcsECence within sixty days after �Y�s� (rr' .__ <br /> 11!e execni'r.m ol Ihls Saurity irswmenl and shall contimie Io acnr5'lhe Ropeny as Oottox�.rt ptincipal msidcrtre for m I_._ �'�� <br /> ki<S onu ytar aRcr the dato of acupancy, unless 1.endcr o�hanvisc ngrces ln wri�ing, a6ich conxr.i siuill nm bc °t;�i i"'� <br /> ur.rtasoni�tly withheld.or cn�ess ex�enua�ing circamaanxs txis�whtch arc 6eyond Utirrowenc�omrol. Do�roa�ex taatl nm �.,t='=` <br /> c�esiroy,d:uu�:e or impair�hc Ropeny,alb�v�he Hrperig to deteriorate.or commit wu�e on the Propeny. liorc.��tr shall ;���y��r.�,.:�. � <br /> be in dcl�at�a any fode�wm anion or p�rnecding,��9:rthrr clvil ur mminal,is begun�hat in'er§gaad faidi judgmtm ,�0 9 _: <br /> eould nnuk a Dudcimrc of tAe i'ro�{rerc} a o1heM�ise maurially nipair ihe Iien erca�ed by t�+�Securily Insirument or , `1,�R;��a t" <br /> Lenderh vcuriry Mkrcsi. 6ormwer may rurc sucL a d:lnult und�ria:�ate,u provided in pamgr.rpL 18,by causing�he ac�iun �?i1r_T y�="' <br /> or pnxecding to bo dism«:d xith a rvling�ha6 in Lceder4 goot)(anh deiemiina�ion,prtcluda fodeiwrc of the Rormwerh �rv s:_�--.: - <br /> F::x <br /> Intcrcst tn �he 1'roperly-n�op:cr material imp�imiem of ihc Ilen crca�cd by�his Sccurily Inswmcm or Lendcr�security � sh;:-;�,�-- <br /> c <br /> imercst. Oorcow�cr s8nli elso 6e in defnuli if 6ortower,dnring�he loan applicaiion pro�CSS, garc mamrially falu or y�Y,ScC'}�. <br /> fnaccurote irlomia�lon or Fia�enunts�o Lendrr(or tallad to provi�k[znder wi�h.ny ma�erial Infonna�fon)im m�nealon wlih $�"'�;�- <br /> the loan ry-�d.crscd by Ux Nac, ir.cb�ting,but not limi�cd w, mpracnla�tons conceming Dorco�rcr� occupancy of �hc !�'r'.,r�� <br /> Wopeny m a pdneipal resi:i:nrc. If thix Saurity Inwur.:eM is on a kaxehold.Oottower shall comply wl�h all�hc provislons ,�ti��� _�= <br /> of Il�e Ieasa If Dorco��r a�lnuts fce lillc lo�ht Pmpe:c}.r..r Ic.sefiold and�hc&e iitic�Lall+�m irerga url.;,izid:r agr.:s -;'-'f r.--=-- <br /> ��T%J�.SI`.s:,.no_.,.. <br /> io�hc mcrger in wd�fng. � <br /> 7. Profeclion of l.ender's Righu dn ihr 8rn�crl}: If(torrower fails �o pedomi �hc corenanls a:w vgrccments �*f� �tW.T���'--_. <br />_ `{L u)^�._,_. <br /> conialneiE +n Ihls SCwrily Inswmenl, or �here i. si Icgal prcecedEa. tha� may significaml} :ilFe:z Lender's righis in ihe ' �,�'�yJ,zr__. <br /> Propeny I.urh as n�roceeding in bankruptcy,probaie.fa.wndcmrcr.ion or forfenurc nt lo ei�fo;.r t:n�s or regulaitons),tlun ,..;�t�t;�s;T f':-_- <br /> Lender m�y�du um p.+y f r wtatec.r t;nt..•'cary•a Fuat:ci ihe ealce of tL•: Pm�ny ar.d Ler..".ari righ�s!o ll�e Prop:np. '-i�`�%!��I=��^°-=: <br /> �c.: } r'la__. <br /> Lendcrk nqions may include pi��InS.ny sunu scarcA hy a Iicn w6ich hax prioricy m�rr IhSs Security Im�nimen4 appcaring l„�, _. <br /> In coun,p�ying rcasonable nuomeys'fees vA emering on ihe Propeny�o make cepaira.N�hough Lender may �:+ke actlun ;���F;�n,,,a: <br /> undcr thiy Fangnph 7.Lendcr docx no�havc�o do so. i%!f"'^' •-.-- <br /> !mg ueoums disbursed by l.cnJcr under Ihls �m n h 7 sh.di becomc adJi�ional dc6i of 6orrowcr xcurcd by ihi. �t"'-�i4k,';�r�:--.. <br /> Securup lnar�mcm. Unlesa 6orcowcr nnd Lendcr ag�,o oihcr�errn<of paymcnt.�hexc amoums s6all bcar intcrcsi from U�c ' �'�ti"�=�J,"���"� <br /> 'lf�;'-ih�,. <br /> Aa�t oi di�Mirsement at thc No:c nic and shall Ix paynblc,wi�h intcRSt,upon nu�ice from Ixnder�o Oorro�ecr nv�cesting •;��_s`�jj)�4ip£;.:. <br />' p1Jmert. r� � . <br />_ S. 1�tortgngt Insuronce. If Lendcr nyuircd iv.va8a6c insurance n�a cortdrtion of makfng�he loan s=.urcA by thic �¢ ,�;�.'4`� � <br /> Stcurity lnammem. 6orrower shall pay�he premiums rcqu'ircJ �o maim;�in �h. nwngage inwrmrce in ci(aat. I(.for nnY k,.�j'C�� a.�x,`.. <br /> rcasert.� mongage insurance cuve�r�: �eyuircd by l.ender lapse. or re,ise. m Ix in .R�.e. f3ixro�cer shall pay �he g .-.,."`����4 n.��!':- <br />— premin�os��ryircd �o oNain covcrag: .�dn!anlially«�uiralcnl m ih. nwngag. imurn:.c prtuwJy in c(fcCi. ai n cost �,m^��(f{,,..^�:_; <br /> substan:izl!�aqufval.tu[o the cos� �o Unnmrer of�irt mo�lgage inwrance prcviously in efkc+.+rom an ul�em�le mungaFr ifi'J;��:r};y Y'"_" <br />' fnsurcr appm�ed by Lcuarc If sub��amially nµiiv�trn�rnungagc inwr.mcc cmc�a;_r iti�ia mailabic.Dnrron�cr.hall p:ry m � Y':f � �'�". <br />— Lender en.h momh a sum a�u�l�o onc-urd(d�of�hc)�cady mnrtgagc in.unnre Pa�minm hirg paid by 6orrowcr when�he �, l i ��t;,',�. - <br />= insumnce.ovetage IapzeJ or c.a.ed lo Ix in effeci. Lrnder���ill ncapL u.e:mJ re�.+in ihcse ryqmems as a ba resen�e in liea f'�i�; ✓�1 ° --� <br /> = of mongart inwranca Loss r.scn'c paymrnia may no lungcr Ix nquind,al thc optiun of l.vidcr,if mongagc insunna �;�",1%'�{�'--o,�z� <br /> �;k l� .� <br />= covenge(in the amounl a�d for�he periaf iha� 1_endrr rcquirc�)proxidrd hy an imurer nppmreJ by L.nder again�conx. _r �},��t��c{ <br />° availablc and is oblaincd.Oorrv«�cr.Ball pay��hc prr¢�xum�rcyuireJ lo mainiaim m�ngagc unurencc in cffecl.or lo pmeid.a c.r ��dr, : <br /> - b.s rcsen•c.umil�hc rcyuircnrm for mongagc in.0:mce aanrJanm�riih an)��ttiucn agrccmcnl ixiwe.•n Onrrow.r tt})�1� _ <br /> and Lcndcr orapplicahlc law. ' i f�G 5� m� <br /> - 9. Incpe[Ilnn. Lender or ih auor.c cx� r.0::rca��,nahlc cnuie.u�wn anJ inyxclion,r(�M1c Pmpetly. 1_cnder�hall �sd�:,fH1++7ine( ' <br /> �± givc Oorrower no�ice al�he�iuxof ncE•..•-m�n irt(tt'�ion y�ec�l.n•.r<a.nnahle ann.c(or R r r.;eciion. �2ir�+�T'} ��fin <br /> ' 10. Candemnalion. Theprtw.��d o�aa� axanlurcianufort. •.,�r..Jirr.���non.:..�.:n:ul.inconnc.�ian«�iih:r5 t,�f l <br /> ? ti�n}kFa� lanr.le\Iacl�iAli�]tuf]IFON\II\,llk[z3t�.i .(ue..nnl'n.rmn:. 9.W �¢rJ.. n +n�� •.�•1•�� '"����1�'�":. <br /> ��a. �r l � (��T{.�.c�.9,),:: <br /> - � �ea�1.LL..Buw»I��mla K '\�('.��..!.S�tC�'.� <br /> u.�mnn �aostom�:-��tur.:e�-rr ylj�FG 1 <br /> `_._i °rL7k(,+^�' CFt>^F$'^'-""c'i'::='=�ir.:;�•^-rn�c�...: . :.. ri :n•,„i:... . _ ....1._ ;n�'.'°*= • •? 71GiY��13°�+:Y+-r �"Y._ - , <br /> if z� <br /> _ �. '�' '�•L•.. L. a�'fi� . .. [ _._ ��'�. - �� _ . . , <br /> 4���t� .'��. :- . _ - � � . <br /> , _ ' ..- . . t� <br /> .. <br /> � , {`f'. "t; " . ., '- _ . - - :�.: <br /> _ ..._ . : .. : . . . . _ . .. <br /> - - �{ �lt� `,t . _ -__' ,. __.- ' _ _ _— _ - <br /> � <br /> '�.� , . <br /> ; . <br /> - - y _ _ ' .. . :�..,_ . <br /> _ �:� ._,..._._.:�. -_ �. . . <br /> � 1:. .; , •. -- . . <br /> � <br /> ��oYf t . � '. t�+ �_ .. . : . �� - . <br /> , . '�S � `� <br /> , _ � , �. <br /> . � <br /> �''i{�` `.?;'-- ,.. - ' -. . <br /> . ,, , <br /> , . : � . �� <br /> � � - ..JY . , '`. +rN �*,r <br /> i! _ / _ _ -�i� 1 t 1� , . . . y � _-�'� , <br /> ' .r/ j � ' .. � r. <br /> ; i s5 - r 1 i : - - �. . - . :•� '� . 1�. t <br /> , <br /> , a " <br /> +,.. � _ . . . __v.�' .ri :•- . {.. ..... .. .. . .. P .,..- . . - . . . .. ._ ., _ <., � .- ' � <br /> _ ._ . . . _ . ."-. ._..4.-.-��-- <br />