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� . �{.'YH� m /"i�f �. 5 Pr..✓ ?=' �3ci_Hx" -_.�_................. . . . .. .. <br /> t .i. J . . ,, t-k- =; - _..: . . <br /> :-___,�' .� _ � s...i..t�l[;:1,+�ML.n4,�.x��ax...F'-'�'F_ z - <br /> g�.�. �.i�9483 --- <br /> TOOI3111IiR 14ITH nll�ha imprnvcmcNS now on c�ren(tcr crcctcd on ihc prope y,nnd al caxemcnls,appmtcnancts, � _ <br /> ond Oxrorcs ratir or hercafter a part of d�e proany� All rcpleumrnis nnd additlons shall also 6e covered 6y i61s Sccudiy ____ ,_ <br /> inswment. Ali o(tho forogoing Is rcfcrced to In�his Saudly Ins�mmcm ns�hc"Propcny." �'l'�.=_r: <br /> BORROWER COVL'NAN7:4�hm Dorrowor is imvfully scisccl of tho cslatc hcrthy convcycd nnd lins�hc d�61 to gnm ���= <br /> nnd conroy iM1�`I'roper�y and�hnl�hc Properly Is uncncnm6crwl,cxccpt for r,ncumbrances of rccorA. fionmvcr wnttamx and � y,-.';i -_�; <br /> � <br /> will defend gtt�nlly thcfltie Intl�a Mopcny n�ainst nll clalms nnddcmands,subJec�to anycncumbmnccx of recard. .:Et-��°, . <br /> TIIIS SCCURITY INSTRUMIINT comhiacs unifomi mvcnanis for na�lonal usc and non•unifnmi aorcnams wi�h �'/, �;_ >� �' - <br /> Ifmftcd vada:ions by Juflsdlaion Iowns�ilutc a ueiforni sccuri�y instrmmm covcdng mal propeny. ��� y s <br /> UNIFORMCOV(SNAN7'S. IIorcowcrnnJLendcrcovcnantandagnroasPollows: � �"� �-, <br />� L F3iyment ot Principai and Inlcrtst;Prepnymen!nnd l.ate Charges. �orrowcr shall promp�ly pay when due�he � a, ` �K �_�- <br /> Frinsipal of ar.d Intcrcs�on tha debt evldenced by�6o Noec and nny prcpaymem,nd lata charges due undcr the Notc. �;`-�"��:�:;;;::-;_,:;���� <br /> 2. 1Fluntls feo 7hxa ami Insurance, Snb;at ro npPIIca61a law or to a wd�tcn wafver hy Lender,Dorcowcr shall pay io i:,��#�� ��� <br /> [.er✓b:r ae ak day momLiy paymcros aro dno wCcr Wc Kota,unQl Iho NctP B patd in fnll,a sum("fONnds")for.(a)ycarly �;'-�: b i`--��: <br />� taxts acd x�ssssmznis which may anain pdnrtry over this Secutiry Instmment as a tien on the 1'mp:ny:lb)yeady Ieasehntd �.,u=r� � <br /> ..-�k. ..._. : <br /> payaxrls a gcosnd rcms on ihc {'ropany. If my: {c)yeaity hazani a Fropnty insuran:o prcmlums; (d) ycazly Oood -., l�r.�,..,:��,,_>,;_�-� <br /> insurarr.o prcmiums, if any:(c) ywd�nw-tgaga iRSnranra yrzmiums,if any;aad(�any sums peyablc by Uorrowcr�o -'--`„' ` �` <br /> Lrnd:r,im aecontxnce wi�h ihe��ovis ons o€pv�raph 8,in licu of tM pxyn:cnt of ma�t3agc insumncc premiums. Thcsc � -:<i f��, ,:. <br /> ieems xrc ex11Yi"Fscrow I�ems. Lender ma ,xa�•�imr,collea and tal<!Fnnds in an unount not ro excecd tlie maximum °-.^,y°l�. " --- -� <br /> y } .r:,'-�•�i i.S�'•r.:�_;:.. <br /> amoum a k�cr for a federall rclate4 moq :rre inan ma- rc uiro(or Rurra�verY essrow accoum u�er the federal Real 7 � � <br /> S��sm.Sct�lemem Pracedures Act of 1914 as nmrndeA fmmiime to�ime.12 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RL•SPA'7.unless another �%jF�-��3��"� <br /> Invr UueappGes w�he TLnds u�s a laser amourt tF so,[sr.r�may,at any time,coltec�and hold['unds in an amou�l not lo �iy.�''��}`f <br /> ezeeed iha Irssrr amount. Lender may esUmae the avnoum of ILnds duc on �he Guis ut curcem da�a and rcasonable �'"=4"1i -� <br /> y4i <br /> estima�tako�fur�pcx�iT=1 be held in nsinsti uU n3afiO�xedeposli ere�ins red Uy a fPed:rT'agrncy, inswmemality,or eNity r'zyE��� -. <br /> qneiuding LenAOr.�:�Lender is such an instiv:nen)or in an Trdenl Honr Em�n Uaak. Lender shall a ! �he�unds ro a k"'�}��'�'��'��- <br /> Y PPY PY ���: ..::c} <br /> acwun4 or�edtyins he Gs�yw�1�c^�ns,�i^.7iss L nder�pays�6 i o er Pnt,ercil one 1 e.�andsnand applicabto lahv pem f s .+'utF��?;nc�1:i" <br />- e la eclae reporting scrvfce uscd 6yU4cnder��r ecllon wl li ihfOs loanWUOtess aY 1 cablc la chrovicksahen�rfsc cUnles an �'S��it��t',`'��-'� <br />- a rcemcntlsmadeora Iicablelnwr uir¢sinurCStlobe a1d,LcndcrshallnoilPie wadlo a Qnrmweran in�¢restor '�''t;���'�`���s�-�- <br /> 8 PP �I P �1 P Y Y '�.'r �,+,-.-.., <br />� eamings on�k 1'unds. Oorcower xnd Lcnder zm.ragrcc fn wri�fng,howcvcr,lhal intcros�ahall bc pniAa�the Punds. Lender >;,���1,{�1�:`,_-^' <br />- shail gfve to 6orrox•er,wi�hout charge,an annuil accouming of the ILnds,showing crc tia and debiis to tlw Iim&and�he ,s�_, ; ��jtr__;: <br /> puryose for whlch cach debit w the ILnds�ves made. 7Le Pands are pleAged as ad3i!iona�stturiiy for all sums secured 6y -��,�;��`�,.;�;_ <br /> !@_ .���r: t <br />! t c.CGrnrl�YlOC�fumenl. aFif:l�s�rr •.• <br />• If�lie 1§iecS t.eid by i.cnder excecd 1!:c z:nounu pemd�red to be held by appiicable law, Lender shall attoum �o rf-j5.��,,��,_ <br /> i Oortower for�h rx:ecs PonAs in accordance i�i:h thc rcquircments of n;ptirabic law. If Ihc amoum of�he I'imds hNd by ,��i,�4;;t.�,��yy.__ <br />� Lendcr at a�y nm suffidem lo pay�he L•urow I�ems when due,Lendcr may so nolify�orcower in wri�ing,a�id,In �r.a�1 r ri—� <br /> i such caw Dorcower shall pay to Isnder�he ar.:ount nemssary to make up �he defictency. �o�rower shall make up �he r��s��ltf\(1�('T _- <br /> i dclictency inno ntore lhan nvelre mom6ly paymanis,m IsnAer4 sole discre�lon. f��.-;;s�,»��;a,.,-_-. <br /> Uponp�ymen�in full o(all sums secnred 6y Uiis Security Irotrumcnl,Lender siwll promp�ly refnnd ro Ilorto:ecr any �?�^�=�ij�yr;��� _ <br /> - �unds held by Lender. If,under pang�aph?t.Lender shall acquire or scll�he Ropeny,Lender,prior�o�he acquisi�ion or Ly,,,�_cT � ,?E�_,-� <br /> salc of�hc Propetty,shall apply any f�nds f�di by Lender ai�he timc of acqutsitton or salc as n crcdi� againsi�he sums .: � +q i ° <br /> secured by�hls Secudty Insm�mem. t{ .a` � 1� <br /> 3. Applicntion of Paymenis. UNcaa x,plicnble I:�w provides oihcnvise, ull paymeNS rcceived by Lender undcr ::?'.;�.5�`-•',-;;r' � <br /> paragraphs I and 2 shall M applled:fim,�o anyprepaymne charges due under�he Nr.�e:wcond,to amoums payabie under ��z�r;�.'�'�;�'{i;�;_:- <br /> paragrapi�2;third,w Intcrcst duc:tounh,ro priKipal duc;nnd lu�,m nny la�c charges da:undcr�hc hotc. ,y�,�-;�'.:,i.t.v".;;;� <br /> 4. Chargea: Llens. 6orto�ver shall k ay all �axes, assessments,chargr, ar.d imposilions atiribmab!c to thc :?5`:`F';;•*,',`�'st%-�� <br /> - {'ro n wh!ch ma�anain nori� over�his Salrit Insuumem,nnd Ics-e�n7d agmems or round rcms,If an 6orcmver '�•""-''-``�44i}�.,.`. <br /> P� Y S P� Y Y ➢ 6 Y• i;;��;sF'i..- �-- <br /> � shall pay these obligaiims In�he mznner provi0.•d in paragrnph 2,or ff not paid in tha�manncr,6onower s6a11 pay ihem on -� y;!�tf',-^; <br /> time directl to iht non ourd a ment. Donower shall rc�x,tl fumish io len?��r n!t n,tices of nmoums�o Ix paid under ;�?���;�7F}�y;%�',:3`� <br /> . Y At P Y P Y , . Ky�,_;�,,ea,..'. <br /> �his paragraph. 1i Dortower mnkes thtse paymm.�s dirmiy.4lortower shnll promp0y turnish to LenJer receip�s erid ncing j;"�;; t� T� - <br /> . �hc paymems. f �'�� <br />- 6orroner ahxll promptly Alseharge nny lKa v:hith h3s priority over chi.Securi�y Insuwnem un7��.6raower.(a)agrces t« ti t� � � :. <br /> in writing rothe p�ymenl of ihe obligation xen�atil Uy ifx lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)emt:sc•in goal faith�he �j,����� _�u°_r y <br /> Ixa by,or defends ngalnst enforcemem of ihe I�n in.lagnt,ytacedings which in�he Lender§opinion op.rate�o Fetcent�he �rt:�t� '�i..:��_n�--� <br /> - rnto:crmem of tlic lien;ot(c)recures from the M1older�K dre lim an ogrcement satis(actory to Lendcr su6oNina� lien ''�;l�filiu <br /> � to thes Secumy Instrumem. li tender de�em�ina ihnt an;;�an of the Propeny is subject m a lien which may nua.n griori�y ? �`����� 3 -:-�- <br />_ over�6is Sccurity lnitrumcn4 Lender may give 6ovuu�.r a noiice idemifying thc licn. Oortowcr shall satisty�hc licn or�ake Fyy�� �.,:;f,;::r;.:�t <br /> onc or morco(ih.c ac�lons sci fonh abore wi�hin 10 daysaf thc giving o(no�icc. _,i/p, x�._-, <br /> � 5. Ilarard or Properly Insumnce. Dortower shall keep�he im;roecrosms now exisling or hercafler erecled on Ihe tti. .�� <br /> Propcny inwrcd against loxs by firc,hazards irdcdcd n�ithin ihc�cnn"ritrndcd covcragc"and any mhcr ha�ardc incluAiny �_x.=...-,_.=�_;"'-;�.�; <br /> Oood:or Oooding,for which Lender requires insuranee. 'fliis insuranee shall t�e maimained in the amoums ar.A fw ihe -��1,�::..-;M1� <br />-, . 'f3.���� r � _ <br /> ' Form 1018 9/90 pvxel.yeJ.:n+� J ` '� > <br /> t t,� ��` <br /> i:;: <br /> __ ' _ . .-s,r� .. ' . _�.� .., ,. ., . <br /> _�?-^lYXS$'.'_'``-"J.>�u�"ti;' '-�77t�. .Sf•-n-�. -r:.. , .'- . ... . e.c:.-._-r-:{..i? , y'.IV:�aii-`i-. nc-r:t�"...+!nCri . <br /> /.; . �. ' " . . <br />...J�' +���� ' . . ' � ' ; � . <br /> �c -r• _ _- _ ' . .. . . _ _ . -_ - _- <br /> _ ' .'.�_ _ ' . . <br /> '.:;Yr'�`(il,�'�'' _ . � . - . <br />. ''i:';�,- . �` . <br /> �;�:�ii�a:� . :., . .. - . <br /> �.,,:���. .. . _ . . <br /> �., -Tn _�_. - .r:r.•,cs -..___ . . . �. . <br /> y � : . <br /> . <br /> � I � -_ ..` . . t . <br /> ,. ' �. <br /> i - . .5. . r e v��: . - . . <br /> .... .a. ' r � . .. ��' .. <br />