rfP' I-�-0id�nf�� _y+��� Ft,�`t _i �! � f, �t`I.h �K.��`_tcft .i . � � _
<br /> ..�,' ... U1,7�.',.' _ ".S �l� � 3 �i �Si7 °r f �� . . - i�.✓tS���",�f` -
<br /> �-: ;. L ,I �i ♦ i �r,.51 IFt tb f� -
<br /> '�r�.�.��l..Gr�wasA...�...�tLSI/:S��.fi.1Y.- .J�.�.4[.�•'1a..L:4tl:i4lhaA�SA'n5c%.a[.��W.ira -....�....�u,.,...�r..r�7.t1w�'�'it�.�'` '`,��{�-
<br /> t
<br /> S�Y/` `�i.lt x-�`-t"{�'r}`t,_.
<br /> s
<br />.���.:��'�.,t��• Oortowm mey wre sueh �dMwR +ntl rehsYla as proddo�i In ps�uJraPh 18, bY uu�Np the �cUOn «proeeednp to ho �tn..1:r�;,R'.3,..<�;:_.
<br /> �
<br /> � t+r�i' cGtmliaod xi�h+n�fnp tM�N L�ndKs pood I�Ah dNerrc��Uon,peUUdes loiletture ol th�Borrowu's lnta�si N the Propaty or � f e'�,�'"'�%� �--
<br /> 1�1¢�t.`A othu mHal�l lay�Yment ol lhe 6m cre+lod bY t1i17 Beaify InsWmenl w Lenda's aecurly hlrasl. Oonowcr ah�A also�e ��: �t s �.� ifr�:
<br /> � t� � N dGf�UN 11 OOrtmvC1, daMO il�e bnn appkeUon procoss,pive rnrle(Ny lilse a Yuewnte Nlomulbn a al�tomenis lo I.mJn �Q 4_^1t2 r�fiY,���iq :
<br /> (or/nYod to pro✓�m I.u�dw�vith:s}r matc.i:l ktafr�llon)h eerr:;,t'ao�;,J�tha ta-vi m'.d:oecd 6y the Nola Ndudhp. Iw� i'� ;.
<br /> ';"<<1;*�;� not fmNed to. �e{wesmi�9ons eoncemNg Oartowor'a ocapwiq ot tha A�aly�s a pNek»1 reeidmce. tl lhls Bewdry ` 'yz+�.{v`'ift��'� '�•t,�.
<br /> '�''� �t1 Insinimml Ic on�Ie�sohnW. Oottaxx ah►1��wXh�A Ihe prmS�Fx�s ol fhe las�. tl Oorcowa acqu4es tee Nla to tho � 5�-��,v4 � t'=: . _
<br /> �rri �--'i4� propnry,tho la�ehold�nd tlie fee tYJe ah�[no�merrye unkes lmda ayrees to W�r.xrper H vn'.Unp. ''- .} - `. -- ..
<br /> ,',,,.�;_{,s 7.prot�aqon of I.�ndu's HIyMs tn tM�Prop�rty.H Barowx fW lo pa(am Ihe ooven�nts and eproanenta C� �, ,�j, ; .
<br /> .� �t, r•� eonulned In this Bewiiry Inslnimm�. a there Is�lepel qxeaFnD 1h�t nuy slpnik+ntly+Ilect Lenda s dOhla In lho Propery �1 -. t 1 e -' '<<:
<br /> '`� ;v,�'.� (such as e proeeed'np In Wnkruptcy,proGle,for eondum�tton a lor(e,hro er to mbrea tsvs or rep�atstions�9 thm Lender may � .- Y --- �
<br /> , c,S�.,�, � dp und pry for whHeva Is neeessuy to prolecl 1he rNue of tl�e fhopexy+nd LanNVa rlphls N lhe Propdy. lmdtt's actlons _ "' � � �r t,:
<br /> {� ` r�ry indude ptyM9 aoY aums secured by s ien which h�s pdoiiry ova thls Becurity InsWmml, nppadn In cowt, p�yin9 ,_ _� r ; � :
<br /> { '� taSOn�We etlornefa'fnea�nd m1aMp on Ihe I'ropttty to m�ka repxirs.AVauph Lmtltt nuy tako actbn under thls qnragmph � .- ,� r
<br /> y T�LNIdO!dOCS E01 MYO l0 d0 60. t-,
<br /> � �'_�;� My unounl5 dsburaed by Lmdtt cndM pxag+aah 7 s1.i9 becama s.dcStiM;�l dcbl ol Sonvaa v.cvca.t 6y 4tts - - <
<br /> -°.�:o:�s�R S¢Wdiy Inst�umml. Unioss 8orrtrxtt ond lu.c'� a�� tu oita txm.s o1�:,ymml,thne c�.ts s;:3 bnb hixfn'i Ycro s j�5 r" ;
<br /> 4 j -.---`l. Ne d�le ot dis6ursemmt xt Strz No:a rat>a„a sna��e wr�.w� »�'�'zsL upon noUca kom laM,r to Earawx:.n,•n5:9 �' .. -i
<br /> s� �-A{fA,�+`'� w 8'MOC2{71T� ]ilfitf�,}.120. Ii LaiNS�Fed moAgago Insurer.4x as a eondrJOn Ot riukMg We Ina: fecered @Y Ih{5 � -'�� x.
<br /> ��Z��,-�{��k�,1 Sew�ily InsNUmcL O.v�ox•er shJ p�y lha aren�ms ro�ted lo moiN�li tAe mortg�ge haurance�n e.^.2�.H.tx any ren.m,lha : ;:
<br /> 2 i
<br /> 1�,� J5�� � I matg�qa hwttnce covcnqe tequYed 6y Lmdx{apsos a caasos lo be h H1ec1. Oonower she!pey tYm�rrmums regstrd 10 -_:� , - �
<br /> u S�ni i 7� ab1eN wvtt�ge auSSLnUeG�equHalmt lo the mortgage lisuznca provlousy h etlecl, at n cost 6u6s1anilaH M�ha�ent t�the ,,�� !�
<br /> „Iit�t� �., M
<br /> if�y � , eosi to 0.^�raxa ot Ihe morty�ge Nauruiee prwiou4y In�cnect, hom en a!eanUe mo�lg�ge hsmn �pproved by Lenda. II -�; lJ}y4 i :r
<br /> 61lbSIM1IlBJ pQu4]�M.1 f�lq��J6e8 N6ut9RCd C9�6Ii0019�0111vd71D10. Oortower sha!pey lo Lmdn each monlh�sum equ�l to ;�-;, (r�.5' :.• ':
<br /> h � �§�;`: ono-hvellth ot t?e ynvly moNpege Nsuranm�n�:xwm beiig peW by 6ortoxa�whm lhe N¢unnce wrrn�x bpsM or ceesed ro .��. ,}}} �inY�� -- i�
<br /> . t�K. ty;
<br /> c..a...;.,�� 6a N etfeU. LenCx m7�uxp1, uae end r�i�ts th�ese pymmis as a loaa rrsave In fieu of modgege[n:nmce. Loss resme �S,Q,�f�}� y(t���i��� �,_.[-
<br /> 5 1j��+i�+� peymmis mey no longtr bn nequted,el lhe optim of Lender,II mo�lgaga hsuranee wve+age (n the an:u�t and lor the pMod �'ifj tr �T73e���
<br /> i}�r}���i` ih�t Lmda requYes)pror�fea L� en Nswer � rored b Lender a 6ecomas ara.r.:�3^.d Is cbtatned Omrower sheY pay � � i f d 7��
<br /> a
<br /> � !� � PP Y 9� ' �Sf v f�9jj'{�,
<br /> .{�pvjJ���S#gt, the Prem4uns req�FM lo matntsn moMg�ge Nsurence in M�^.L or to proNde ■lass rm..wt.unt➢Ine rcC�ement ix m=�gege ts'5+,t + r f4` , ..
<br /> �1 J�4�'� �F Nsuronee ends L�eeeordan�»wfi any w`ttlen egreemenl be�+reen Dorcow�r md Lmder o:n,^pF;ebk Lrvr. �+U�+ t��1`"
<br /> --�(' "� +F�',y 9. I�S�LDCt7oi1.Lmder or fts�gml m�y make reasonable mW55 u,�on and hspecllon5 ollhe Prapa'�j. Smntler shal gHe f�{�1,`�` <�f�y,�t�� `
<br /> � r.n���,!� Oortowtt notico at Ihe 11me ol or D�a�lo en fnspttUon apedgMg r¢ason�^_�u uuse for Ihe NspecUOn. 1;�1��{f�dh��,�� �
<br /> S. f [�_ 10. C011dB111tIt11011.The proceed5 0l eny�wa�d M Hakn(w demages, drect ar eonsequenUel, L�eonnec6en with ony � �. � � -
<br /> r S�n' eondernna0on ar oiha IUMg oi�nY Pul ol lhe Properry, o�fa conveyence In Eeu of wndemvJOn. are hneLY ass'ry+ed ond --{4F�I„ ��,C tr�9� -:
<br /> a {i ` �• ahe0 bo Deid lo Lmde�. � r- � �-
<br /> ,;5�,{t. ; In Ihe r.�n�� oi a loal Ieking ol lhe Property, Ihe proceeds shn" co epDb� 10 Ihe sums searted by tlus &ar�y i�c �� r �>�-. � •_
<br /> r � - �m Ins4umrnt.v'n,e�m u� nvl iYi�'� `W-o. L'R�h Bf.y e'..G.Y.: '�..�' t0 Bl..°lC:::• '^Ih?N!i!1 nl� p?�Iyi I:Jtn,01 Ihe PmpcvN N _ .i� -:`
<br /> f sf whlCh Ihe fa:���kel v�luo ot the PropeR;enmedwtely be(cro tho IeWnp fs equel lo or greeltt lhan thc arxunt ol tho sums " � ' �4�� f; *
<br /> sewrtd by 1h�s Securiry InsWment immec:ast/bNOro�he t�king,wdess Dortower end ter.e�c*olf.crniso agee N wri0ng, Iho p„f{� ��r��r >��
<br /> 3d � �� -t� 6ums secured by IhM Eec:uay 4n61ment eha7 bo reducetl by the emounl ol the pmceccis�rull�EeJ by tCe Io0ox7ng Iredion: ��'��h�°�f}�r4r'�. �« ��_
<br />+ l� - `�. p)the tolel amcuM oi t10 sums sea�ad Imrced�aley betcie Iha tuWng.tlMded by @) iha 1aU markal vo�a ol lha Ropnry y�l� f,�'Ib��� %-,
<br /> SK..�r.1�t14�� prcnCCGe�ely beime Ihe 1nHn9- Any baknco sh33 bo paid lo Borcown. In ihe went ol e parllal Uldnp eC Ihe Propury h whieh .��:.,h,�z.t�_.-_^:
<br /> j�rRkr
<br /> �"v� ;' the tair markol vai�e of IF.a P�opttly Imrrrcra!ely beloro�he IekLig fs luss than the�mounl ol lho 61YI�3 SCWfCO I11ID1C�I�dIM/ �?'fiji� :
<br /> }?:,j,,,, :�' babro the to!<n_. unleu t3mower end Lender ofhem'so egreo in wdCng or unless appGCabte kw othenvlso provlJos, lho e.��`.` �.�lrl''�1�` .�
<br /> � - �t r,�._ prowods aha7 ba aFFNM fo iho sums sewred by thls Seadty InsWment whvlher w not lho 6ums are lhm duo. , ` - '. 7�
<br /> - II iho Prc r Is eta+doned 6 Uortown, or H. �!tzr natleo by Lmdcr to �ortowM lhet lho eondnmor oNne fo make nn n `� - �_�- ±��'-��
<br /> ,J Pz�Y Y
<br /> nxsrd or seltia a dalm (o: cUmages, 6arower lals m �esFOnd lo Lendtt wtthin 30 tlays eRer the date the nollce �s gFrm, 4� `--
<br /> s t -' lmdtt Is eutyp�hetl to coiecl and epply Iho proceeds, et ils oplion, ei�her to reslore0on or t¢paB ol iha Prope�ry or to ' ` - 1�- F'�'�
<br /> ' , ` _.': . i.�pes:
<br /> � ,. � tho sums securr7 by tCis Secudry Insfrumenl,whelhtt or nol lhen duo.
<br /> _t(�; Unless Le�ax+ end Oortowtt olhenvioe egrea In w�!Wg. nny epp':w`_en of proceeds lo p(ndpal shall not exlmd or _ �.. (j�.r}!�', --
<br /> . Q,�s�1�1�c ' postpone the Wa dale ol�ho monlh.y paymenls re(erred lo In pe�egrnphs t and 2 a ehongo Iho emount cl sueh peymenls. ` �p 5d �•
<br /> j-%�r•��•/r�f�� 11.0orrower N� Fi�oleased; Forbea�mtce 6y l.ender Not a Wuiva�.E�nmslm ot�ho Umo tor paymem or ;_ �°'���`4;,�NS`�,?�:�it;;�:'.
<br />:fi,t.;��.e,� " -%;''i4 eai.�...
<br /> il..�„� Y �Y 9 f Y " �..i- .?K.�P„'.�YC.;
<br /> :{) ( mod�tetlon ot unorllzoL'en cf iho sums seared b Ihis Sead InsWmenl mnted t• Lc+tic�lo an suocessor M Intttost i, -c�
<br />�S`e�;.�.f1l:z;.' of 6ortower ahal not c xero to relcaso tha�ah" of lhe otl Mel Oortower or Uortowers sueceseore�n N;crost. Lmder shefl -� ;�.' I rs..<r,•.:
<br /> .,�„va,�r,�;,�A v ro s � 4,,,;�;;:;J��, : _
<br />�, ;����.a n.;y.� nol 6o reqeired Io wrnmeneo proeeedings n93na1 nny wccessor In interesl or reNeo to e#end Umz lor paymmt or othmASO � �,,����ti�.;,.,:�.
<br /> '�l � moUity nmor�aa5m o�tha sums seared by IF.is &ady Inatmrem by reason of any demand rcado by�he odgtnal . �i )} -. 3
<br /> , '�,--t{_" . rf,4 .
<br /> Oortowtt or Catowtv e suaesson in Inlerosl. My It�tea�ance by Lender N ozerds:np nny dAht or remedy sha!I not ba e .";i s t't v,�.y}� -�:
<br /> � r�� �t��;;�- wnivtt ol or predude Iho excrdse ot nny dphl or remeC/. - �1 �-r,y�i�btiS -�-
<br /> :i4;��h +L
<br /> _n_`,%15 12. Suceeaeors �nd Asalgns Bound; Joint and 3ovurai Unbllfty: Co•slgnors.rno cove�o,u ond r;;,,.. ,�,;�Rj':xf't'.;
<br /> ' { • � e9rem:en's of Rds 3eatlry InsWmmt sha0 h�r:d nnd benefd the succes,ors and ass�gna ol Lender and Oonower.wbject lo tho � � l�_
<br /> a��t ,�)i, provlsions ef paragmph 17. Uortower's ccve�anis entl egreements ahnEl be�oinl end seve�al. M7 Be:rov,er who co-signs lhis -� �.
<br />�t'��-=%•"�<y! Secudry Inalica�ent but does nol exewto tha Nole: (a)is cosign!ng�his Securiry Inslrumenl onlj lo r,o:c;age,gra^,t and wnvey : --'"';�:"
<br /> ty-C:.t
<br /> %,.� .�e..::"^;s' Ihat�onoweYS Mlerest N Iho Propc�ty witler fhe fems ollhis Sewr.ry inswmenl; (b)is nol pe�sono!ly cb99aled lo pay Iho E ,
<br /> _ �_;_...,.,.
<br /> �� .j>���q��y�y sums seared by this Sewiity InsWment; entl(c) nE:ees 1ha1 Lentler end any cinei Conpvx mny oqeo lo e�tend.modAy. �� -
<br />=i� .�i��,��_�F) 1ab�ir or make eny eecommodaUOns wl�h re,ai�io�te t?�m�el this Secunry Insmnrent oi Iho Moto vieF.oullhal Ocrtovrtt's
<br /> 'ii�'.C •• COnsrnl. .
<br />_�'},"•.�.' ; �
<br /> yy;��,� - �_'� fj 1$. 60P0 ChOf(J08. II lhe loan s=.cu3d by 16is Security InsW�r.enl is sct;ect �o e N�•• wn"oh aMs mvi.Mwm loan
<br /> , , cFSrSes.ar.d Ihaf law i5 F.�a:iy Inierpre:etl so Iha1 IF.o ir.:eveat cr elher lonn charyes ttiletletl u �o oe cUeUed N eonnecUCn
<br /> ��l � � s,dF.ihe(can exteed the Dertnitletl ILnils,lhem (a)eny s�c^'can charge aha7 be re2cwU by tho emeunl newssary lo�eWCe
<br /> - :^e cha:6e to Ihe perm3:ed limd; and @) eny tums a�en:.-. ccnecled hom Dorraver xhfth exceeded pem:d'etl .'.R:s vr.f
<br /> � Ee rt!undeU to Oortower. lenEer may cF.00sr lo rcake N�> reNnJ by �educ�ng the pr(nGDal eweA uc2er ILe No'c ar Uy
<br /> - ' making o crecl F�Yme�t lo Bo�rorrer. I!n refund rec4�res pdndpal. Ihe reduction wll be lreated as a partui pre�ayrr.eN
<br /> rri:hout any p•:ex¢nenl charge undM Ihe:.::e.
<br /> 74. MOi1C06.My nolice lo Bortower prorided for N Ihis Securi,y InsWmenl sha:l 6e g!+en by tle'vrt+ng tl or by ma;nq It
<br /> by F.rsl dass ma3 unless epp::wbie Ww�equies use ol anct�er mcihod. Tho notice she:l be drecled lo the P�ope�ty Ad�css
<br /> - - - Or eny atner etidmss eo�c..tt designeies 'vr neiFce ia ic+�'i+. :.y ��a"� :o i��==" 3`-::bo v�:=' =: =-:'==== ^=''- := -
<br /> � - LenJers ndtlress slaletl M�_n or en•• olher eddress Lender designates by notice tc Ocncvrtt. My no5r.o •p�oriCed lo� In
<br /> - IMS Sew:ity InsWment sha9 bo deemetl lo hare becn 9hen to Oortower o�Lender when gNen as p�oridM in ihis parag�aph.
<br /> 75. 6overning Law; SovOtebllfty.This Sewr.y insuument shaA be goremed by Icdaal law ond �he Ww o�ine
<br /> �-. wdsdction in wh!ch lha ProperC/ is localed. In Ih¢ erenl Ihat nny provision o� cWUSe ol this Sea�ty InsWmenl c� the
<br />= ..�� Note con�icts wlh appf:wble Ww, such con:'d shell nct el(ed oihe'provisions ol¢is Secvry Inslrummi or �he Ncie r.h:ch
<br /> qo Ge g��en et!eCl witn0ut Ihe confJCOng provisioa 7: :-s end Ihe p�orislons o1 R�s SCCUriry In5Wmm1 ontl Ihc Noie are
<br /> � dtt�ared to be scvxab4.
<br /> ' 75.Sorrowor'9 Copy.Barov�e•cra[e,q:.en cre eonlomed ccpy o��he ttote and et m�s Seariry Instmrnem.
<br /> k�'1:'p �\%�n/' T �
<br /> � .'`'• �';�-' 7faY. .]Y)i_
<br /> . _.^l� �^ F1Lb.lMQl�Ory11 ��:eJn�] v _
<br /> . . '
<br /> 9t��6�m �
<br />