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�r,v-' r ._ ' `rv��_i' c,t �t r -. .__. ��. �4eLf l � tA` . <br /> /p� � ' 1 1��, y s�,�,l�cv�,`�3� !}; <br /> •" �1'j K�F�{ . - �lf x.�i�•i � 1 h -_ , }��St,.f`�3fr��rJ�r3_t 1J�� �.�r � �i RT� '. <br /> y x .5 > J <br /> t i . <br /> lu`^.N�fv I��...\�.�.df.flS..rS�-.iL�laiU�/.�w..._7"�.�:..> >��.... ....��...�.. � �/�� �1 ��/1 � . <br /> � _ 1 L �i <br /> i � 5 . F£ <br /> �� i����� TOQI:IIIL'II WIIFI �I lIN Yf�NOYt(MOIf f10W Ot ANO�RM NfG4ld on Ihe proputy.Md nV oecomanta,epPwim�nus,�Ild -�{f /Jx�1� -� <br /> �"�h �;( <br /> '�r� i�nts���4;, � fodurot now Or hNNMt t pW o11h0{�`pMh'•M fpNClnlMis irtd ad6lbns ahai Nso bc CovMOd hy�his Bewfity InsWment. +�_, r�� � .' �; <br /> � ti�}�,,. AC ol lh!/Or00DN9 k�d�rtW to N Ihls 6lwiXy NSWman1 as 1h�•PropMy.• � f �:°;; <br /> :ic';�5�^''/ OOt1A01'hi0 CAVENANIB IhN Baraxet Is NvA�y sN7ed ol�he d1�i@ h!(CbY COIIV!/tO� N1I h16 �he rlpht�o grmt and ••- _- ��i" x� <br /> .,-**.��F�i�'r.� convey the Pro�tly�nd lMt 1M Prop�AY Is un�ncumbKed� �zaPt la mam6unces ol ncord. Oorcowa wnna+is and ��rt�,..iy.___�-. <br /> n4.�{F ��.?.•� rti dellnd O�K�N lh�tltlt lo Ih�fl'oppy ayahst�1 WMS�nd derixnds,subJeG�o any tnambntices�i rtto�d. L� ''nX � z' _-. z„, <br /> ¢4k d�-t f� 11n8 SfiWRIfV INS771VlAEM earn6inos unYam eora�nls ta n�WiW uso �nd nonyMform wveeenis �vNh }� _ � L � - ; <br /> irci1M vnil�llons by pA�r�cUon to concNUte a unNOrm sewrky hsVUmml coveMy ral propdry. � ` � - - <br /> v�'������i UHIFORM COVfiNANTd aarox•a end Landa wve�uA end iyree u totows. �..� '- ' �-� <br /> , r '�; t.paym�nt of Prinnipd �nA MUnat; Nnp�ym�nt and Lat�Clury�s.earewa ana prompiy p�y when ; � � i „ :; <br /> Me ihe pMt1�M ol nnd InlKeal on tha do61 eddmced by fhe Nole and any prepsym�nl and Yle ch7rpos duo under Iho � � .. . <br /> -s ', Nole. - <br /> �,y� - s�_ �� 2.Fund�fo�7�xea and Inauranr.s.SubJetl to npp6cable bw w to�wdtlm wR+a by Lmdcr, (iortovrcr shell pey � � ` ��� � _ � �" <br /> --�i' to lende on lhe dq monthy p�ymenls ero due unda tho Nolo, unit lho No:e Is p�id N IuA.a aum('Fundsq lor. (a)youy �,j i _ <br /> - �?�;� Uxes md assesamonts wLich rtuy Ulen prfod,y ovtt lhis BeaMy InsWmnl as�Ee.�on the Property. N)Yoary Icasohold .ir ' � <br /> ,� :�«n,% p�yments a ground rm�s on the Propary. II anr (o)yevy heterd or Dropnry insu�anee prmYums; (�ynaiy Ilood insurance �� _�� � •. <br /> _ -1_� pemWms,d acry:SQ)Y�"s�fy mottg�go Insumneo prc+iilums,il any,and(Q any su.r.s pay�bie by 8ortw�er l0 4endor In aaordance ` <br /> _-..v.- niih IM1a�ra-+L;cns ot kr.;.y ph 8,M Ea oT Iha psyr��i oi m�v�,.m.�x 3�surance prer�ums. ihese Ilems era ��2d 'Escrax `, �:-, {_ <br /> �' '-'T'� itcros.' lfcd:e m1Y. at orq Y�r.2, ao7tt1 and hoN} Fc�c2s Gi ai.�xeunl nol lo exceed the md6mum amacr.t a te:�.r for s -. - . <br /> r� r�-:',�i IGden!/raGx2W m.atyv� teart rrey rNr3u tor BtrtOw¢t'_.�s:rew x:tce�t under�he�Metd Ile�l G6lalo Sel::n:mt i4ocMurn .:- � � .a <br /> %'�;- Acl of 1974 u ammdtd 4an Yme to Ytta,72 US.C.$2cU1 e1 sz� ('?�3PA'), unless anotha !ax Cat appi2t lo Lia Funds "�' -"` ;�,'- <br /> �F -� :"i;j sels�kss^r tr,wmt M sq �[nd..x any tmx, coLN a�d�+a�2 Funds B an amount not to ev:exd tha less[t emovnY ,�, � - I _ <br /> lender ma wtinz:a tte nraunl of Rxnts cLe wi iha basls o�cur..s�c aza and reasoneble esl!m.te3 cP e�x�'ra•ra d Nlure - -_ �'� <br /> }r ��- �'�t� �«The'Funds sh 6e h a a�n�n NsIRU!ion who esGP asls ue in:iaed b •fedttal� mcY.NsWmeri7,. .c�¢+:GK Cr.cMidin9 ,y�JiSCSj�� t�'c i�;, *..- <br /> ..--�.<a2`;K� lendx.H LNCa fs such on fnsltdJOn)w In arry fe0tw:>�a:no J.w*�Unk lendd ahal�ppy Ihe Fu�.l.�to pay the Esuow rjfivti�,�.t��lrxa'_-- <br /> s�,+��J/�\7�:,��, Itmu.Lendtt m�y not charyo HortarM Ex T.clJng e�C e:yXn�Iho Fun1s,ennuay�naytNg Iha eecrow accoun�, or raifying ""' - � - � <br /> t '�114 J-'�� �fIB ESCfO�Y tlrtl5. l•:IIMS GMAN P0)'S Fi,TRD�vEi 411PI83: Otl IhP F�fl�! B11A �PPGGIlIO IiW {IERh�LS LC11dlY 10 fi18kG 611Ch P S�� � �q/F L ' A� <br />.,_.�#i���;y�;�y'�;j CA\fAe. HtlNZlN, LCi1Att rtYY fCQUYO D:IfOWfY l0 QAy d OnpLMC Lh11!s!10f N NdCyMdMi fCel ESWIE IL% fCQOtlill9 6CiVIGO `S�J`,�S„Sv����S �t { "'-. <br /> � � - -�,��:: used by LendM In ca.�ecLOn x'.1h �his lonn, uNCSS na.^7cn6b�w prorides othemise. Unless en egrem�mf is mido or �-i�,` � �j!�}'�t ;. <br /> r{ � $;t�?. appirwWe kw requ4es hterest to be pdd.Lender snRl n>:�be�cquYed lo pey Bonower any Nlerest or eamNgs on the Funds. p -. ,�t .��f ��r �,;. <br /> -����% Donowtt and Lmdtt may nqree in ml'l+g, howeve�, tl�az �n!nesl shal 6e peMl on the Funds. Lendtt ahatl gf�c to Dcrtowtt. � ' yY���, � l,� t , <br /> ,���5`,� -? wilhoul ehuge.�n�nnud aaoun.fng ol lhe Funds, sTa�hng ueQls end debfls to the Funds end lhe puryose tor which eaeh -' I,�i } i?�t� <br /> r�'�h`�'4'� debN lo ttm Funds w�s m�de. Tho Funds are pledged as adQ',lon�l aecurNy for W sums seared aj tnx 6zccriry Imwment. ��;3JE 7y !.�" �.c ; <br /> �:�� Il lhe Funds hNd by lmder exceed ttie amounis yxnv7ted lo be hNd by�ppGCable 4w, Len�t.r s�+an aucu+f l0 13orrower -,�?f j�t��yt����_i -, <br /> 1•.��•,,}t�_A,z��. lor fhe excess Funds h aecordenw x+lh C:m rtaWrsn:en5 0l appiwbto uw.II the emounl of Iho Fu��s netd 4s Lmdw et any i) „ �i_.;. Ya <br /> � r, y.; Ume Is not sulfidmt to pay the[saow Cems whn��r mey so nolity Bonown In writing. entl, L+av.n cnsa�ortower +`._` �[� �`i s.� �.�s_� <br /> j��'�n��A�2' shaX pay to Lenda Ihe nmount necess�.y to mekx cp i�a l<fidenry. �ortowa ahaA n�ake up Ihe tle5cimc7 i.�no mwe then -�,{-f �,�.r•,,7 = <br /> - t=,.g; AveHa monthy p�ymmis,at Lendera sole clsaetion. �y�f,ff�t � ri���"� <br /> - r VP�n{vymmi m iu� o( ei aums s:wad by fnia &wuy h�sR�„�i:S. La.Ea aY:: prar.p,^.,'�."_�9 :o Ba::::= e.^.: }S: -yr:- <br /> n� t�tYy P.,�i��� Funds hNd by Lmdtt. If, undtt pemqeph 21, Lentler aha�ecqu�e cr sc-0 the Property,Lmder,R�cr 1a tho acyus*.on or sa!a , � ���'7 <br /> 4'���• +- ol lhe P`opr.ty,she0 apply my Funds hNd by Lender at the timo ol ecqulsNion m eelu us e credA asahal tho sums sea�red r/S��yk st,�r�y}g -�_ <br /> ��: 5f �; � by tAls 3ewdy InsWmznl ,t:f>t �S r = <br /> � �h,'f 3.Applloatlon s( Paym�nte.unless opperna��w pro,ndes ommrise, en vayments receHed ty teoxr under ��,� `�{i t,;' i = <br /> ' ` l �S'„ pareg�phs 1 end 2 shnA ba eppfed: kst,to eny prep.i��^ chnrges dua undtt�he Note; second,b nmounlu payabla under _�n�,t��pl��{ i�y�! � <br /> �r,�p fc <br /> .?��rj pamgreph 2;thtrU,lo Interosl dur,lomlh,�o pdndpal duc',end lasl,�o eny latn charges duo under iho Nolo. �� �� �i S <br /> 3jip� �tyl�+ b. Ch��gB6; 410he.Dortowtt shNl pey eil tezos, assessmenls, eharges, fines and fmpoSAJons elVibuteble to the � «..}�, �, <br /> k-1 1 Ltii�'- PMY Y l+�od.y ovtt lhis Secwiry InsWmenl, entl leaseho!d paymmts or ground rmis. H�ny. Borrower ����'1� 5S f��, f -f.! : <br /> r , h• � s Pro whlch ma et�a[n � <br /> .-,S�ri�'i3��rI1j�G�{�; ahes pay these obGgaUOns U tho monnn proNded 4�Faeagioph 2, or H nol paW in Ihal menner. Oonower eh�0 p�y Ihem on -�:b ��/S�4 j ��,t <br /> ttt f -r8�� ,; L'me& to the erson cwed e m�. Bortower snse rom � Nmish to Lmdtt ell no9ces ol�mounls to he peid under �a ��'} - # <br /> �'J��� �� �N' P P Ym P P�Y .;rr� is� `���� -i <br /> � i .�,(��ttt Ihis D�9nph.If Oortower rtakes Iheso pnymenls Cireccj, Oortower shall prompty Nm:sh to Lender reuipts MdenGng r( �_+ _ <br /> ,� � - �t��� ,he Oonowa she➢promPlM discherge any lien which bes pdoAy over thls Sewdry InsWmenl unloss Oorcower: (a)egrees � i �_;, -. <br /> �` -ti��� In wtlt�g to Iho paymmt ol the obllgntion searcd by the 6en In a menner eueplu6lo to Lender; (b)eonlesls In good laith Ihe +�-. _ F -_: <br /> '�� Pan by,w detends oga5�st m/oreernenl ol Iho fien L�. 7e. . - <br /> � . ,,�t�'.�. ylProceeG.ngs whlch In lbo lmdcrs oPNlon oP�eto to prevenl . _tf. .•�47i.:_ <br /> „-.. .i. S-, tho cnbrcemen!of tha i:en;or(e) accures Imm tho hvwcr ol the 5en an agrecwe.�:sa0slaclory to Lender su6ordma,ng the _ ,,l„: <br /> ��+- �#•�T Gm lo thk 8ecudry tnsWmenl. II Lendtt delettn:nes Ihaf eny pmt o�lho Propc+ry G scb;ep lo a lien which may atW'n pdo�iry f -`, �-:. <br /> "'��-'' over Ih:s Seariy InsWmen4 lmdtt r.Ny ghe Oortowtt u nolite IdenCM�9�ho Ctn. Oortowcr sha0 efllis Iho fien ot teko -��-�� " <br /> �)- ..,. N -. �t�•'-;��,,. <br /> � �� '?�%:;' ono or nxra ol lhe�cGOna sel lodh atcvx wi:hin f0 dnys ol�ha gMng ot nollce. {i• - <br /> F. FIA2PfB 0�PfOpBliy InBUraI1C0. Oottowtt sha7 keep iho Improxemenis now eaisting a httenfler crecled on Ihe � #��.';;�;�y:, <br /> zn - ' '<<, PropMy Nsured epatnst loss by Ne,hazx�ds induded wi�hin the term 'exlended wverage' end eni olher hazards, L�cludMg , . � _ � tpS;' � <br /> � � � �-�. Aoods Or EooGn tor whlch Lmder r 4es Insumneo. This Insurenco ahali be mo!�tomM in the omwnis end ta the pedods �-• �- j���'t ��''j;: <br /> 9. � Ij'a � r �rJ.i/.: <br /> 1°'(4�'G-�.y�O Ihe1 Lmder requ!res. iho i+svrenco uMer provitlinq the insu�enco sha7 bo chosen bq Oortower aubjetl to lmct=i s epprovN ��x,���,� <br /> :+^!y�� :�'f36, which ahn9 nol bo unrzasor.aby wilhyeld. 11 Flutcwer la!:s lo ma:nta:n wvttago dracr3ed aSOVe, LtnCer m�g, et Lmtler's � _.�„� . ...u���' _"� <br /> ��'-�>�•-+ op0on.ob'ein eoverage ro proted L¢rda's Aghts in Ihe Hope�ty in atcordanco wih pa�a8'aph i. Ytf�! - -�"/, }�:'-� <br /> .:,,� . ,. �' r,. . <br /> r.:, - y _ �.. � AG Uavrento pofides end rer.e..a's sha7 bo acceC�aWO lo Lcr.der er.d sha7 'ndutle o slan:a�d m.erlqage ciause.Lender r:�+'•� J;�. <br />�-��i;(';;,;'�-n••..:" ¢hoC heve Ihe rSSht to Ecld tho po5crcs ond renrxn:s. il Lender requ�rns, Ocnvne�sha7 prompf.y B�.e lo Lender a7 tadpis N , . <br /> � -�;� �,i puld p�em�u:�u end r�enat r.oiices. In tha e.enl 01 toas, Bonower shall gee p�cmpt no;lw lo the insmance cedxr pnU - <br /> :�'. � `,�;` LendM. Lcr.CU mey maxe pool oi lass 8 nol matlo pmr.pLy by Uortower. <br /> .;it,���� Unieu Lcr.Ctt Ucrtowcv o�heMso agree I� wr.ting. Insurar.ce pmceeCS sta11 be eppfied ta rcstoreCOn cr repair d , <br /> .r,' tha Rop.rt� damaged. if Ihe reslcraeon cr repeir is econo�n!w:.y lea>iClo Lenders sewnry is no! IossenM. II the <br /> • resloiatci cr �epaR Is nof eco�wm�;zly 1easMo or lenders aea��y would ba tessened, Iho �r.suranca proceeds sha:l trr � <br /> .i: <br /> app[¢d to the sums secuted by Ihs Secwiry im!mmenl. whelher or not Ihen Cce. wi:h eny eacess paid l0 6ortowec II � , <br /> Bortower obnntlone Pe flc0�7. « �oes w�h:n 30 days a no�ce �om Lender Ihal lhe insurenea certkr has <br />- �' ` oflet¢U to seWo e ca'm. Ihen LEn2er mny ccYeti Ine fnsuvence proceeCS. LenCtt may usq Ihe proceeCS lo repalr or <br /> � <br /> , _, I restae ihe P�opert� o� to pay scrcs secc�etl 6y ih's:ecuriry Insgument. whel�e� o� r.ol Ihen �We. The 30�day pedod wi7 <br /> _ beg!n wF.m IY,e noLYC is O�en. <br /> ,� Un:ess Lcodtt nnd �ortavtt r.rr.r�se aSree in wri0ng. nr.� apFUCOlicn ol p�ocecds to 4�rppal sha� not eatend or <br /> � � j postpone 1ha due ca!r ol the rncr:�hy paymenls relerted fo in Farayephs 1 fnd 2 or change the amounf ol lhe <br /> undtt paagraph 21 the Nope�ry Is acqui�ed 6y Lmder. Donoacr's i:9�t fo eny insurence pofc;es end proceeds <br /> � - resu:dng Imm tlamage lo Ihe Pmpciry pTOr �o me ncr,:.+smon snae pass m trraer�o me enier.i oi ine soms uy i�ia oeu�dir <br /> . InaWment LmmedWley pdor lo Ne acqc:s�lon. <br />�-, - ! 6. Occupency, Prosorvollon, Malntonanco end Protoctlon of tha Proporty� flOffOWOf�B L080 <br /> AppltCOtion; LOasOhold6. 6ortower shaA occcFy, eslablish. end use Ihe Pmpttry as Uor�yncr's prindpai residence <br /> vritY.h sitPj E9ys e1tM lhe PxenlSon of Ihia Sewcry:nsc11•nenl enA sna:l CDnUm:e lo otWpy Ihe H[�Mry as Bortoweis P'�nGpal <br />� ieskeace lu al Ieast ona year efler 1`e date d ru:.p�cry.uNess lender oihe�r+ise ae�:eas in wriCng. which consrnl sha!1 nol <br /> - te cr�ene:rab:�wdhhNd,or un!ess utenuoL:g nrcums:nnces eust whith ore tr�o�tl 8ortower's mnLOl. Oc�cwer shell nol <br />_ Y CesCo-�. �:amago o�4:pair Iho Ropei.y. a!:cw Ine Pm0e�T1�o dMedpate. cr ccmrt;'t waste on 1he Pmpert/ Bar_nn shall be <br /> in Eeta_tt i�any lo�7e::cre action cr F��:eeNtr.p. whether u.i n td.-..Er.a'. b tt5un I:nl N Lendeis yo0d fa::.` jcCgaCn7 toc�C - <br />- restl: r h+(riture of R.e iiopert�cr eserv�ue ma:ttb?�irqu"� :-e�:e� creo:etl bp p:s Securi•y P s:.:.mA,c� :erCei s secv�'. � <br /> - interca: /l� {�I <br /> . rn�s�vono,9i) e,s^tc�e (T"_ '� <br /> 9)t�6lm � <br />