J � S , t�' L/
<br /> - 1� . -. :/ . . � � SL'ff.:t�]'��Y'�I.��Yr1�l �' -. - 1 If
<br /> i. ��tr}� ' .. ....�,...�—� i,.r,1. 6. µ�-= � r -
<br /> � { � irZ•I+Wt�WR+lJ� .� iffT�
<br /> a]'Y-.utl'.Lre..�n.uw�.�+:L1arS..4.L�.._...:.i . +:1Y. i...i.lW..l..4L'v+L{.il._•
<br /> �iy- , .w,_."_
<br /> . �� �l� —
<br /> f���, • gonuxw mry are euch 'a Jd�uN end reNSltle.a¢ porMM N pu�ppµfi iD, by dmsl�p Iho acllon or procecd.ip to 6o A't}; --
<br /> t� �,�, � d�+nb�W x#h a tuhp N�61�Lands's pood 1�Nh det�tlon,pa�ud+s Ioilai:wa of tl�o Oorrox•a'a htaest In ihe Ma{�ary a ( r � .
<br /> `s Sa{�'} qh�r rcnIMY Nptlmml ol the Gen aeNed 6Y tlJf E�axlly NiWrc�t or lendtt'a secu'P.y Nlxcsl 6ortowa sli�i�UO be �,:,v? i : r.
<br /> -... -�{��. in NW�R Y 9mnxM.fAMND lh0 IDN�ppifAlipfl QIOCtN.Q1Yf fMlM1W/W7�o!NECEWI110 hlPhll�tlDn 0!b11lM1Mt{t0 LO71JN iL��ifaj�r�,i �� � �
<br /> r�'����T . (a M/W lo provMN Und+r xfili�ny mitaW hlomuUaV N conn e d f o n x!t h t he lom e v l dmcad by 1ho Note, hd�dc p. b:n� .�.lx r� , f -:__
<br /> r,Gt ws°.:d 1J. r'.�r.CnkN."m ConcxM+9 �orto�+'K'e uoaqxney of Ih� Proputy a: a P'H�+f rask{tACO. tl thfi 80Gw1y4.�,y �r�n h4
<br /> r 2kt`�F� M�tnMmnl b m a Iw��hoki. Doxawer shel arr�M�wY.h�l ths prm7sbn�o�lhe tease. II Oorrower�aNYes loo tltle to the � ��5_r�?� y+��a'
<br /> 1 U 5'� f4opMy,th�Nu�hdd and th�lee tM�shtl nol mor�uNns L+ndx agees 10 the rnnpx h xitLL�p. .� !';,.����<<+ �
<br /> �,s�dC, �'' 7.prol�ctton of i.snd�r'�Riphtt(n tf»Proprrty.II Oarowor IoCt to pxla�n the coventnte and egranxrits }�i '�'�` ;r
<br /> .v nl`s ,� eonUNed N tlib 6eewMy In�Wmenl, or 1hKt k t MpY pa�FnO th�l m�y slynlfiunty�Ilec1 Lenda'a Ayhla N lhe Propuy ('„� �.�+>' '���'���f s .
<br /> (such et e procoain0 N WnUuptry.Prob�le.fa ca:�UOn a IbilnNUro or to enlwce lews or ropu411a�s1. thm Lmdx mry (p r'r ka�{�`'a� `✓
<br /> €��`a'.� do�nd MY�a wh�te�x!s netest�ry 10 Mutt�Y th�vYw ol the Mopaty�ntl lenAx's dphta h Ihe Propay. Lmda a �cltons S ��-,- ��-
<br /> /:�� tmy NUude MY1�p eny sums aecurM 6y n i:n whkh M� PfblNy OYDf�hf5 8lqlt{ty 106W�iM1. 11P�DIrIt9 N COJIi, pxyn0 �/( �t :f„ � , .
<br /> a �y�: rsaebnifi1B sltams�a'It�s:.nd�te+hp on tho Proputy to rcake repals.Nthou�ih Lmdtt mfy tnko acUOn under th4 peregrnph i .
<br /> 7,Lender Joes nol h�ve lo do ao.
<br /> }�}f�� My unounls dsburaed 6y LmdoT unda p�npnph 7 ahoY 6ocomo addAbnel deLl ol Oorcower secured 6y th:s � �tt�y .
<br /> +i;� Becudry InsWmml.Unloss bo�own and 4endx apxe to olhw tams oi prymm6 tl�ose emovMS ehnE 6oer Inlaosl Irom �`"� s f47�4y k --
<br /> • �:�
<br /> 'f�� the dtle ol dsburcamml et tho Nole rnte nnd ah�tl bo p�y�Yfe,with Intaesl, upon nmica I:om Lmdtt to Oortawcr mquottmg � -
<br /> . �._ -,� rYdn �::
<br /> � � prymMt. . � .
<br /> 8. Modg�ge inaurenea. 11 Lo!IJor rCquYnt maiyeyD klsumnco ns a cond�ion ol meking tho loan sea:red 6y Ih!s , �����tx '
<br /> �• Socv�# fmWmui6 Oottowa ah�ll � tho rm�lums Yed to me�ntaL�tho mo�t9�go Nsu2nce In e&c2-M,for a�y raason,Ihe v {[� r �
<br /> � 5f. '� P Y P rcW --Y
<br /> � mcr5�rirn.fi�ymnce covtt�ge roquired 6y I.onda Ypses or cnses lo he tn eHec1, Oonower aha4 Or.;u4:P�rerb:ans �z4ti4cU W � { 1(� s j z �:
<br /> -�x • obU3�ar�na�a sWSt�nWP�r cquHtlml to Ihe morl9age hsuruice pteviousy in ettec6 �1 a ws'.s�s`.u�0�ry epanYlmt to trrt F '+ t� rfy .,
<br /> �-�� cost Vt 6�uvss2r c¢C.x moftg�9e Nsuru�ce MMousy M Med. hom an�itemek mcn�,+a'suum MProved by lmder. n � --� �`t r "t�.
<br /> t ��� aubs:a-Kia4f a�ns\y5a+2 nsa�ty�pe Insunnce eova�pe is not�v�L61e, Oortower s`+Y�s�5 ta lrn:x ach monlh a aum equal la `+ {� 4£ -
<br /> I.t 3 .
<br /> -� ono-tr.eL*tb o i�:�yau T j n�a r tg:ge Insnranca pr E r`,�m b�g p��b y Oaat�rm w h e n 1 4^i r+s r-k�c v s o v m g e I�p s e d o r c e�s e d I o � . .
<br /> �t ba 1�MJece. Lenda w3 ac�epl. use and rNeH these p�yrnents es a loss rcsave in 6r�N r.rrzg.3n hsurr�ce. Loss resava � _ �;^��' f�
<br /> ¢��� peymem3 a:ay no longer be reqi.t.ed,st iM option of Lendu,If mccxfp:ge h�sunnw eovm9a {n!f.e amouni�nA fa 1he pMod � . .�, ,
<br /> i ��3�� thal lmdu requYes) provkS.d by a�e�s���N approved 6y La+�dx x;:tn bmomes evaPablo a�d ia awr.^sd Bortower ahaR p�y f''yz���L
<br /> (fjt� Ihe pr e t�ums requ Ye d to m�h L l n m e+iSa"„a hsun�ne N�9ec 4 er:o A�c�ide a�css reserve,�n�Y Y^a reQ�trnen 1rr mortg�ge .� -r7
<br /> -,;��7�� hsunnce mds N�ccc.�Wce w'lln+nY v^i��m egreema.i betneen Sortewa uid 4eT�.r tt eppfuNo hw. .-
<br /> r <<r���, 8, Iry�p�CtlOtf,Lmder a Ns�ycnt nuy r.rke�asonaMe er.tdrs�pon and Nz��.-tions ol Ihe Ropury. tentlu 6hM gka - � ��J Y
<br /> �N�1_, Oottower notke N Ihe Ume ol or p�iw to rn hspecUon spedlying reos�1�tAe uuselor the NspeeCen. ;��'Y,�'r, k >45__.
<br /> < 1 r,:- 10,'L'+onds111I1�tI011.The proceeds of�ny awud or dakn 7s:d�'ns5es, tkect a oonsetn:en;�l,h connecUOn�vMh any 5�r �7 a11
<br /> ������.) conddnnaEm or olhw pldnp ol�ny pnrt ol lhe Propwy, or tor cc�vay3nce N Yeu o�condametlon, we htteby essigned snd l+!�!� �� �
<br /> i t 1}tS:r�+ shU be p�W lo Lmdx. f+{'Yi' ,.
<br />--:_�J!^vvjt�l I n 1 h e e v m l o i � loW 4kin g ot the Wo p M y, Ne p roceeds shU Ua �ppied lo Ihe sums secured by thls 6ewity � ��;;� x.,y. __ �
<br /> '...rF),�.
<br />- -��%.+n.�.�-d Insln�rcen�,whNher or nol lhen due, wdh any excess peid to Borcaxu. In Ihe e+ml of�petlid UWng ol the PropMy B � "j���Y;�_':(ur-<.-�
<br /> WhlCh �he qY ntUket vaNO ol lhe Prep. YiYnEC4i OdorB Iho lran is d io d wlv iYer li�o i�TVi:i�i"vi ii �l"fy= ' �
<br /> el t(, �: F+hl ery s nN &� �a o�:; ���,.�"; ii�d „
<br /> aecu:¢c by Ihis 6ecurNy�nsWmmt itimewley bNoro I.he W�Mg, �nlaas 8ortower�nd lendtt eman'se �gree fn wril4ig. lhe �4 `
<br /> �iS�El+Fs{�.}� sums seccred 6y lhis 6ecuriry InsWmcn;ahaB ba reduced by Ihe e^e��l ol the procends muftp5ox�y the to9axhg haclbn: t _ �$�� -
<br /> ,H�i 5 4 C (a)1he toW�mount of Ihe su.ms secured trmeCw7eh�bdore Ihe fekSig,d4IdM by (b)the feh mn:kef veluo ol the Pmpary . ,�.r. -•
<br /> ���F�� �y� htrcc9ecey bNore Ihe UfinB•My beanu eh�1 ta pai�to Oorrowtt.In Iho evxt c1 a pe�l�l inki�g o7�he dl•cpuFj N whkh _ t -.. �(ldi :
<br /> �ho f�:r mmicel vWue ot tha Property Immedetey Dolara the tekng Is Iss lhan Te amouN o't9e sums sat�teA Ynmetlinle� �tr�s;� �rJ
<br /> ���ls�-- �' bNOro i�e t�kln9� untese Oarowa and Lenda olhem'se nirm H vnl�hg cr ur.teea aDNat7o crx olherwisa proviaes, tr.e - i.�.r�t �
<br /> �i7�rl, . proceeUS eneG be eppL'od b lhe aums sewred 6y thls£ewiity Imwmem whelher or nm Ihe sume n:x fhm Cue. ,� S
<br /> ;;�r_<<.:�h1k;� If the Propaty Is abandoned by Oonower, or if, nnn nm!ce by Lentltr Io�rnowp Ihef ine condermor otfen to make en -
<br /> - �!��!�'1� awud Of 6NO0� C�9Un IOf dNMQ05. OOrtOWM(Ri15 1J f¢Sp011U tD Lendtt wii�r. 30 deys Bfln ihe date tho r.o:ko IS givm. � }..!�
<br /> _ Q�� ', lmdtt Is aulhwlzed lo cMecl�nd�ppN�he proweea, ef Xs opLOn. enhtt Ix res�wallon or rep�4 of tha Prcperly or to �:: ��
<br /> �-t -!1 yj� �he aums secu�ed by lhis Sewdry�nsWment.whelher a not then zue. .
<br /> �t(�4r, Unless Lmda end Dortower othmvisa a2eo m xaitlig, o�y�:FEwtlon ol prcceeds Iz A�'�P� sheil nol exlmtl or �' d'�',�2yZ ..
<br /> ;` 1�c:�;' poslpone the due dato o�the monthy paymmis rderretl lo In puegrephs t and 2 or chen{�C�o a:�ounl of such peymenls. .i��}`- . ;;�F,3t,;
<br /> . =Y<:. ..
<br /> _--r- �t .; i t. Borrowor hot Natnesd; �orbearanca By Lender Not a Walvor.Enc�s^on m me uma ta papnem or ;�,�! f�
<br /> -� f00d�fAtI011 01 MWrtIZnY.on 01 N! 6Jm5 SCCVIGd by thB SCtudly I�SWf�MII S�an1eJ.Ly LM.deI 10 any suaesscr h InlMest •••J � ��
<br /> � �L SL ol Dorcowtt sheY nol opKete lo rde+so Iho 1'ubL. ci nz pl inel Uonower or Uocoiar's euccessas In fnteresl. Lender eh�7 �'' -
<br /> '!� - � +'�� nol ba requ4ed lo eommmee proceM�ngs egaln I any auecessor In Inittesl or reNse to e>fenU Fmo lor peymml or othmdsa �r%) �1/)7+ :
<br /> �� _7�jr�l;�� metiy nrartitatbn o�tho su:ns eeeured by Ihla Seariry InsWment by reason U eny dnnand mede by tho orlgeul - �� �7+ :.-
<br /> �• Oottowe u Oonaxe�'s sviceessore in in�eresi My lo�bearanco by Lmder In exttdsln8 uny rtghl or remedy 6ha7 nof 6o e - . �}y t�
<br /> , � rF r, , �,t�,s,•
<br /> C t�� ' waNcr of or predudo Ihe exerdso of eny right or rcmedy. � ,��,����4 -
<br /> �jf 3`' 12.Suacaasor� ond Asslgne Bound; Joint and 9evaral L3abi)iy; Co-aignera.The w.mams Na ��
<br /> � �.- �� agreements of Ihis 8ecu�.ry InsVUmmi shd'I bNd end bmeBl tho sueeessas en�l essi6ns ol Lendtt nnd Dortower,subJecl lo Ihe �
<br /> ,.1�i,4 proNSlons ol peregraph 77. Oonowa's wvmenls and egrcements sha�bo�oinl and awraL My 6ortower who eo�signs Ih!s '�y� --
<br /> '���•^+ Searin IoaWmmt bul doos not e��ewu tho Nole: (oJ Is��s!g�+c?7hia Secunry InsWmenl on.y lo mortgage.g�s�l end wnrry ���' . .
<br />-- ?;:?� �:�.' �hel Eonowefe Nleresl N tho Pmpc�r�undtt ihc tcrtr.s ol lha S=.:criry IntWmenl; @) is no1 Fe:sona:y o65gatW to pay the �
<br /> _- sums seuxed b/ ihls&wri;�In3ucmenL' end(c� a;:ece thaf Lender end any olher Oonowtt rrHy egree tn?v1!ntl.mody. ^ - �
<br /> faMnr or make eny a«cmmodatfons vri�h regord 4� Ine�ems oi this Securi.y inswmml a me Notn wi:no�c rt�a1 Donowers ,; .. -
<br /> -, - CU'dPAI. .
<br /> •�' ,���.�� AS• I.000 Cild/{fB9.��IhP'.d^ 6fWIFA E}' 1�6 .�.!<Oli1 ��5!Nf�Mi I6 sut,ea to a Lr.. which se�s ma�dmum loan . . �
<br />��i-�f'(� ' � eha�y25 :^tl Ih8118w IS fNA"y In1e�;�el=J ao lha:ihe in',vea1 0-o'he• Ican thar9es rnletitd o� 1:-t� fAittiCE��COIIlICCJM �
<br /> " z wXh�he Aan exueU Ihe penri':ed GrAS,Ihm: ��)ar.y sctfi toar r.�Ge shaA Ca reEuced ty :-r oaoun7 necessary to reG�ce � �
<br /> ����<<� Iha ehargo to the peernled EmO; end @) eny s..^�s e:eacy cc7ectea hcm O<newer whkh erteeded pcmmrlM 4mits n3 � .
<br /> be refunded to Oortower. Lmder may choose 1: �^n<= I�e �eYeU by rtc5.or.^, :`e printi7al owe0 undM tne Nofe or by
<br /> ,;:;�-_�: making o d'ued pnyrnmt to Oorto�.x. II a �eWr.: •e_..:es ir+';�:+'- t�e �e<:_c::�will be Ueated as e panlai p�epaymmi
<br /> � � vRiho•.n a�y prepeymml cha�ge unEt+t`e No!e.
<br /> _ , 1A. i1021C06.My notice lo C.r.m+er p:ovMed 1or in Ih�s :�c.^:)instrummt shall b?g�en Dy delivMNg tl a by rtaitinq c
<br />- by firsl ctass mal uniess nppfcable law requ"ves use of anoTer me��otl. T�e notiu sha9 be tl�recled lo�he Propttry AEtlress
<br /> or eny other ndd:ess 6ortown aesgnates by�obce U lendv. My notice lo LmEer s1u1 be B�+m by 4sl d�s. mal Io
<br /> - Lmders address s�a�ed herei� o� any other eGNesz lenUer tles�gnales Gy nobce�o tlonewer. My novice pronaea ior n
<br />� lhis Sewri:y Instv:nent sAaG be de�med lo have been y�en to Bortower o�Len6n when ghm es provitletl N IFis paragaph
<br /> 15.dovorninp Law: Sovorability.ms sewury mswmm� sn,s ne ymemed nt �cdm� Iaw ona thc Ww of the
<br /> (orisdctim N ra;cn the Prcpe`ry 6 IocalM. �n Ihv crenl lhat any pons�on tt tlause d this Secur.y InsWmml or 1F.e
<br /> � � Nole w+�SCls nid a.'KSCAble law.such GOn!Gd shnll nol a11eCt olhtt(do'nSVY�s o1 tr s SKO:y Inswmml ar the No:e whkh
<br /> wn be yrm r!:r.t w�houl �he cor•:id�ig prorislon. To �h!s entl I��n pronsr�s t� ths Sewr.� InsWmml anE the Note ze
<br /> deUar�d lo bo�tr¢roble.
<br /> �� 75. f3Rf�OW0��8 CO(lyl. 6armvtt ShaQ be gNm one eonloimCd copy ol l.".e ticla a+G e�lnfs$tt�ri.y InsWmmt.
<br /> r'y .
<br /> 't�t. . �/� ( //
<br /> � 4i -•3 nl'31N�tl091) oaq.1 d 5 ['.!�1� '��
<br /> , �;A�
<br /> ' � 91P+E VA I
<br />