v F,:rii:,,,�i� �-� �y !{� { o i . 7. ; �c--o�x�i�t.��.j� ` uc i
<br /> � �-� 3�t �%�d C� T r - i - � �;.c��i V����+�•; , 1
<br /> � � #�. ���QY.: � - J - �r � 2 . �., �:\�U�i{l� M . /It �,t 1�f�(� 55tf i ��
<br /> }�"V�i.�y[�r_v!.�I�r�a.iiw..FAaA�w�AS_.«.,.�i.`..,_�a.�a .��s+xcn v.u.'nHw .. _._�. .,,.Ht.L�:sAd'1.N"Y S�'X: .4.� _
<br /> � .. ... �. Yi,R��,� :_�.
<br /> �• -0!`ll'P E _ �: -t - .
<br /> ' TOfiETli[R Wf(II e01h11mproremmlt now a hvWtK ae:ial oa the propatp�NfI A1 M1KAM�6.M(�W��NGOi.��A ���,�;j�f��,�y:�.
<br /> "{� � RdurM nax a hMwRw 1��il of fh�popMy.ht npMCx�xala�nd addAlons ahnn Nso 6e oovarcd by tMS 6ecudty Instmmu�l. k{ „4n�,�1��, s,;
<br /> v�� A[of th�tapoh0 Is tblerted to!n thl�Sec�ky N�YVmcnt��tNe•ProPaty.• ,' �'t�� '° T
<br /> _-..:,��ra oonnav�A covew�+ta �i���oorro�w�.�w�►s��o�m� OSI�l!hNN1Y�VDyMI Md hR6 ihi 1{yh110 y1A111 LnU f�,�,p( y � � y:-".
<br /> EOfiYY/tilf IYM�Kt1'Nd ihN the Pro�Kiy b un�n�xrbKed. dcoM1 lor ona�mL:�nets ol rocord. Oortown vurtaMS�nd i�t,i{�� �rt _;
<br /> �,}`�; - N$dF1(tid QMA�V�tM tiiN Ib Ihe 1'rJphry:qcpsl d d:tns anA d:�;nnds.aubJecl to eny ena�u�na�of ucwd. . . SiFiu �=�-
<br /> THIS BECUtt1�l' iN9'fAUMENT wrrL�n unNwm fAYtlIN{i Iw a��onnt use �nd nmanxo:m COYMNI6 wNh � i'*'`"e'7��,14e�E i.•.`
<br /> � ,�?i �; MYIOfI YMNUU�f b' �.M1ACU0�1 l0 Cq17UWN t UMIORt 60WII:y LIEINMMI COVlfYI�f0Y pfOpMh'• � ff-4 Yj�a�;.i ..�
<br /> % o -1 UNIFQ9M CO�NANT& BortaxM�nd Undn oorenud and�ya�s folaxs:
<br /> �t r,,r,: 1.P�ymMt of PAneipa!�w5d InNnNi Pnp1ry111�M i11d 4M� ChNjN�.Barower ahtl P�4�N Pey whm . 4�i�ti, ' �'7�§'$;:,;;�-
<br /> ,r s Aue th� p+YidpN of�nd Nlx�ft on th� ddi a7denad by the Note+nd my prep�ymenl md wte ehuqes due under the �� �� ���di�� tti`�pbL ;,�:
<br /> � ;� Not��. ���nds for 7axn a�W Inwnne�.SubJ�el lo�pp�aW Mw a lo�xiXlen wWx 6y Lendtt. Oottowtt¢hnl pey [7� �F i�,�.�� �f�$��`�.�-
<br /> N�`i5f�
<br /> � ?1 '�r '�. to lMdet On lh�tMy moMM/p�ynunts an dw und�r ih�Nols, un0 1h� Nol�Is p�W In tu�,a sum('funds')lor. (�)ywy -
<br /> , r�r� t�xn�nd�tt�ssmenu wMch m►y �ndn p+brHy m'�r lhis Sowiiy insNm�nl as�lan on tho PropcAy,@)Y�N Icesehaid � ,� r.rp� ,,-, "
<br /> ��> q)mmlt a pound rent� on the Prq�M�,X�ny. (e)ytiiy huud a propMy heuruwa premiums; (�yeuy Ilood hsunnce � l� �p�� '+�. _ � �_
<br /> �'1, �s'�# {Netraxns,X My,(e)yeery mortp�qe 1leunna�preniums,H�ny,and m�ny sums p�y+blo 6y Oortower to lender in auorMnu ����— r f �� �.. �.
<br /> ;�r �r,�� x�`h ihe prvA�bns ol rynA�pcpl�0,l�€cu ol Iha ps�bit ot matg�go 1ns��reo�e n���m:. rnose nems aro canod •Esaow " -__.,
<br /> .-4! tl1mR• lendu nuy. al�ny IMne, coieci�nJ hoid Funds In an anowt r.nt lo oxttW Ihe mvdrnum arcaunl a ImdA lor a __ "� , �'_.LL
<br /> !! }�� IedxeO�te4led mo�ly�pe lan nuy requke for Oorcp�ycr's escrow uccwc cn�t� the IMxu Red Es1�N&:ufan:mt Rqtadues J,--,�''�5 � .
<br /> r
<br /> ���ms �t Ad o1107�is�nNnded kom Wit�10�hle,12 V.B.C.8 2UOt rt�t sxg('RE�,:'). unkss �nolhet Mw thzi npG�n to Ca Funrts 'C j j�< tts�2bSp y`.-!
<br /> 7- � aeta�IestK arnWnl H eo,Lende,m�y,at any Cmx. coC��tta3 M33 Funds N an�rcaunl nol fo exorrd L'�e Suser smount .,
<br /> �-Y�� �.cndy mfy ptlrMl�ths onwunl of Funds daa on Cx Fs�s ol�ur�7 dak i��U rasonebb esWnetes o�e�yrn�turos oT Thra �;�, �}fi c��_.�_`_
<br /> K� G6(itlN nMli Of O{hIfWI{6 N iCCOfJY1GE W�h 3rGL�CYM WK. i --(1 a��}
<br /> � ���i ���j� Th�Funds ttW M hNd N�n Ne0lu�lon wEVS�d!�-oal:s mo Ne.rro+2b'n lodad�yenq,hsWmmts*.�.or en6ry f�dud^p t - 4-r7.`+�F i' "
<br /> � i �1��+�t L�ndat,M UndM Is�uth an N7tilutlon)a In a:} Fa�1:a7 Heme lezn Ria�ti. Lender shU�ppN the fuMs U pYy Ihe Esnow 'y'}r!�� 9"i''�iU���ld�
<br /> f��-r' . tlem�.londa mq nol eiwp�Borcowa fo�hN?f:�t,d aFix4ng lhe f:nd:..cr.r.u�u.r.F(r�r.0 Ihe escrow auounl� or v�B ��AiF'{rY.�jl�`�� 'fi 4.� .,
<br /> � �it-�•
<br /> i the Etaow RKne, unbss lenda prys OoRawer h:eres� on �ax hn�s a+tl apFSUb% t.,: Famils LenUer to mnke auch � .r W(:./�r+�7r` '-"'- •
<br /> ' �i� t'�t ch�;p�.Harerer. Lenda«oy requYe Bortow¢r to pry a a�e+ime chuge 7ar�+Indeptcc`xm real est�le ta rcporling s+Mce .�ra��1F,i`i�Yi�Yrt i.; -
<br /> - _'�,���;- used by Lender N eonnedbn wilh this loati u�!ess appEcebla Yw Fro•i�2xa olhmvl5e. Urless en epreemenl is�nnde a >p �������I)�'�' ., :
<br /> ��, rtt �ppiubN I�w requYa Niaat lo be pld,ler.hr nlwl not be requYed te nar 8arowa�ny inlereri or eamNgs on lhe Funds. s' h f}t n -
<br /> + •«� Borcower�nd La�ds nwy+yes N vrtN4�g.h:.x�n,th�l htaesl eheA Te p:id on the Funds. Lender sFal 9Ne lo Bonewn. hi� }_lYfi,�_ �..i'-:���
<br /> `k��� : wilhoVl eht:��,aa annud�aouning o11he Fuads. ahmNng ue6•is�nt'�eCis to lhe Funds uid the puryose for whlch each --�� * '3s'y;, '��_
<br /> _- ���' ;" Y b ). 4
<br /> e - r� deL11 to th2 Fcnds w�s rmde. The Funds ue Medged ns aJtl+ionil stru:ky ia a�¢ums sewred b ihe Scari InslNmert. `tx �<����y;�`�-vc-
<br /> ���'�r;+� tl Ne F�r'_*s hdd by L�rAx ezteed 1he�mouNS perv,ne�to be hdd by�ppGuble hw. Lmda aI�N axount to Bortown k �.r'ySl} �� .�..
<br /> + 7�i' !W the rxttss ffur.ds In aaorGnce wilh Ihe rM��^�+enis d.egz�caNe 4rx.tt tha amounl o�the Funds hHd by Lenda�t eny T� 1 1, �1 �
<br /> .rtt�.�, Ql S � :_. I ixs-
<br /> ��+y'�„�� ti»a Is net su:!�m:to p�Y�e Eaaow Items w.Y..i du&LmJer rrey eo r.ol'y Bortowa N wrilNg. end. !n weh use Uortowa � a, ,,,t
<br /> �r � �. ahel pry lo L¢nda the amounl neasenry lo nuke�p the defle'mry. 9a°<o.eu sh�l rn�ke up Iha Ceihtouy In no moro th�n �x ��� �s�S�{��f �.
<br /> - twetre montny�)nenis,�1 Lender's sob 6saeL'm. y �=+�7�+��tl��!T_�.
<br /> ��,M �i:.�t N A.o G L <���.e <.np.n h;(nt� �+:u•cg MshummL I.ender s�:it o:omp6Y retua9 to Oortower�ny -3�,r.0 vr� i,�nr .
<br /> �� I-° ' Funds hetd by lender. 11, cnder pu�q�aph 21, Lenda e)al¢c,uie a se#Ihe P�opatf.Ce�szr,prlw io Ihe�cqulsiJon o�sHe ?s�';L�. �fYqar� _-
<br /> � ,� �. ol fhe PtopMy.5h�1 sppy�ny Funds hetd by Lendcr al the iima of aequ!sN1on or ss7�ns a ueSn ope'nsl!he sums sewred J`yy�;��j`F J}�y��� �:
<br /> - r- 6y Ihls Btwri,y l�ctvmen4 / .
<br /> ; ;. S. Applicotlaf of Paym�nb. Uvess apDEtable Inw prorltles ahe:wise. �! peymMis rectY:d by lMda undtt � t��y��?{1�TY�/{•.
<br /> + -- pu�ynphs 1 �nd 2 ahof be appGed: Ra6 IO Y.0%D«PTYmMI eharges etao unda Ihe Note; eecond,to amouNS pepble unda -.�'+,4� ��� t�u�:-._��
<br /> r �,.(� , �; y ��ti ,�Y,.:
<br /> a $ p�ngnph 2:thYd,lo Nteresl due:loudh,to pnhUpal tluo:axf!naL lo any Is�o charges duo under Ihe Note. �
<br /> ' .� 4. Charg�r, U�ill.8ortowa 6haA pey oA Iraoe. asseasmenls, charges, Mw md knposhbns �iNbudWo tu Ih6 ,T =�� , -
<br /> "�'-;r.y� property whkh mry�NaN p1oHry over�his Secuilry NstNaxn�, and lasehotd peymm�s or ground rmis. H �ny. Bortown - -. � +�r*��{=���.
<br /> , 5��;f;r. ahJ pry these obl'igWona N Ihe rrv�nner prorided 1n pan�aph 2, a N not peid In ihel m�nner. 6ortowx sho7 p�y Ihcm on t,: 1 ,� - ffi
<br /> i�.a=.��� time&aU�lo Ihe pereon owM pryment. Oor+own eM9 Ftanpty lumish to Lcndtt eB notlas of amoums lo be peid under � �{� r{�3`�
<br /> �:";: _��;,,.
<br /> ;,;�' t61s pu�9nph.11 Barower m�kes lhese payrcenls�aec�y. Oertowtt ehe� promp'Jy fumish b Lmda recelpls rvldendn9 f �.�__.
<br /> thep��menis. - ' ¢ t�;:
<br /> r! -- - i 8orcown shel omply dschu e an Pen wn7ch Tas p�!o ovn this Securi InsWment unless Darowtt: (e) agees ' f��' ^-' '
<br /> / i P� 9 Y i �Y �Y j' Nj !� ,-
<br /> �, b �` In wiNing to the Mymmt ol ihe ob6getion seeured Ey Iha 7cn N e menner eacpinble lo Lmder. (b) eonlests N good/etth Ihe ��_�2 1{ t i-'.�
<br /> �j}y��r� im 6y.or dNends agaNSl m:orcanmt ol tb nen h Iegal proueSnps which In 1he LendeYS opinion operate lo prr+ent - -ra�j , At q� � - .
<br /> � -�>�¢•' the piforummt o�lhe Gen;or (c)sea�rca�ar.Ihe holder oi lhe liert ao agrecmenl seUstaUOry lo lmda aubordweWg the .�.- � y.� k ?'-`�
<br /> - lc�� ` fm lo this Sewriry InsWmrnt. tl lender da^�n'.sea lhal eny pnn ot tno vrcpMy is aub�ecl to e Iien�vhlch mey endn prloiriy ., -. ?' '-"�.��i1<<--
<br /> _ -y bti -��ht` over this Sewrity InsWmenl, icndx m3y g4o Oarower e no::u lAen�iyr9 tho Nen. Oarower ehatl salsy Ihe Gm or teko �. r"'+� a�% y�s-'..'-
<br /> i �� ��_? one or more ot the ectlons ae1 fo*Ih ebovo wl�hh 1D tlays c+�ihe 6),�ng ol nct;�o. '- �: „1;�-���'r:_
<br /> ..I?S��s1. 6. NJZUd Ot Proparty Ineuraneo.Darewer snal�Reep Ihe imyrovemenls now orlSUng or herealln ttacterl rn Ihe - �y ;�..�
<br /> +F?�1;. PfopMty hSUrM eyekist 1055 6y fu0,hnzefd5 inc'uAtd Wilh(n me I�rtn 'eHmded covnegv' and any olhu hazards, InGudng . � - -
<br /> ,�t., Boods or Iloodn9•/or whlch Lendtt requireu�nswonco. TCis inaurenco shaf 6e ma4dalned N�ho nmoun:3 atd 10�lho paMds - . '� t� r\�'--
<br /> thal lmda requYes. Tho Nsumnce CaMtt p:o.:dnq 1F.e In[urer.ce eral be chosm 6y Oortower subject �o Lmda'a epproval �y v`.• i{t /F+ !'w:
<br />- ��?; whkh shaY nol be unreaaa+nb wuhheld. 11 Ebrtower la:s to rceinla�n coreage dest+ibed obovo, lenGer may. el LMdefs � '."�:� i.Q"�5�=���
<br /> y ;.�.`n i 3,_�.: �.;:,.
<br /> �.: opibn.obaln CoVM�90 lo p�ctetl Lender6 rlphl5 In Iho I'fCDe:ry'n octCrf:anto wRh pereU�SDh 7. j� f� --�. .
<br /> ' M Insurenco poBGes xr.d ��nrnals shell be eaepteb!e ta Lmdcv anJ a,�Y Ir.�[c2n n s`nnderd mo�tgago dauso. Lmder � .� A � :?a
<br /> ` ' t� sha9 hnvo the if M to ho!d the oEdes end rene+�ais. II Lender tequtree. Oortowtt aTn7 prcrcpty qHO lo Lmdtt e'J reedpls ol - t � � -
<br /> �: paiJ pttr�dums o d rmnval r,oUCes. ln tFe e:ml af loss, Bortower sta:l SHO Fvempl nMice lo Ihe Hsurnnco fnMn end �i7n�4;: +� - _ :
<br /> : lendM.lendcr nay make pool oI Icss N rot maCO ptomp�ry by Oortown- �S �. ���1•+;., '�'-'
<br /> ' Unicss Lendn wd Barower o'hcrn�sx n;,ree In wMing.insu:ante pmcxeds eFa3 be epD3M tu res[aetion or repelr ot l}}��' .I -.� �_ ..
<br /> - � ��,{� the Propc+ry AamaSed. X �he res:aauon cr «ya4 ie econcmica.y feas:C:e and Ler.Cer's seccrity is col lessened. If Ihe r{�� ��?i�,-.'.'��;�. -
<br /> �. cestuation u repak is nct ecccca:cal.y lenst7e m Ler.dr> aeariry wa:ld bo tesserod. the Inswonu pro[eeCa sheC 6e !`s�, .
<br /> - a�:ed lo the Sums SCWtEd by t."�BCCUr..y InS:mmM1. nr.elhK or not ihen dce. wi:h any excesa Feid b LenowH. If �• . .
<br /> Oortower abandens lhe Ropavy. u Cces ra: orsw¢r nfi�» £0 days a noYCO hom LmUer iCat Ihe �nx�ance carr.cr lus � , � � .
<br /> o1fe�M lo se;•,:e a da'vm.Nen Ler.Eer ray cc;;ecl Ihe Inswence �¢cead�. Ler.Ett rcay �:ne ihe :¢cee0s �o rey] Ct '
<br /> � , - resloro tho PrcpMt� o� to pay sums nxa2d ty Ihis Securiry InsWrr.en. wh:t`.� u no11'er. Uue ��e :O�day pM`.ctl nn r _ -
<br />-' � beg�n whm Ihe no;ice�s ry.e+�- - -
<br /> Unless LenJtt and Farta��c+ o:hern¢c ngrce m wrT.g. any oppficaCCn of no:eecs Io prfndpal tha:l no1 extv.d u :
<br />' - � - posipono lhc duo data ol 1�e RuMN� paymmis relcned Ic in pa�sganT.s ' am:2 or chanpe the nmount ol Ihe
<br /> pnymmis. tl under pnmg�eph 21 the Ropxry is ocquked by ler.On. Ccrown's �:9e:ro eny inwrance poFdes and prouMs
<br /> .....a.u:,.1. n.[ . - -�f�n�he oA�nt ol tto su:ns bv lh!s Semn:v
<br /> `�. fCSY.'tn0 nvin en�lwya iv�•�i i�vyo j�^Ai:J ::: �.�.__.. !.. ' .
<br /> �'-��+., '- InsWmmllmmeda:MypdorlothoocqWSi:ron.
<br /> - ' 6. Occupancy, Preaen�tion, Maintonanco end Proroclion of tho Proporty: Borrowor's Loan
<br /> - � . App11CG110n; L9i8Bholde. 6ortower sha+ oaupy. e5lob+sh, ond use Ihe Pmpnt�85 Bonox�ers F���dpal res!dmce
<br /> i-�_r', wilhin suty days e.".er lho exttution o�lhls Security Insimmenl ond sha7 wntinve to ocwpy the Pmpefy es Oonowers pi�dpn�
<br /> - - rcslJmce for al Ieast one year nCer Ihe dato of ocapancy.unless Lmder oihmrise ngrees N wriGng. which consm� sha�nm
<br /> : ;��� be unreasonoby w::hhNd,a uMess e#mua'.i�g cUamslances e�1s1 v.rt::A u:6e�and Dortower's conuol Oortmver sha7 nol
<br />- � -. . ' desUOy, tlamoge ot 4npaY Iho Propttry. a7ow Ihe Proptty to tlelMOra!e.r vxaN1 wasle on tno Propnry. 6ortowtt shell be
<br /> '� ..,A�'� In tle:avY H eny IoANturo ection or proeeedng. whMher chi or aLnlnal. n ley.�that M Lmdcr's good faAh F�dg+nenl wuld
<br /> � �'� resun N falN:uro of�ho Roperty or olhe1wiso ma:MaY/Vm,aB�he Een c�ca;M Ly ttn Sead.y InsWmenl or Lmtla's secumy
<br />' ia;r�lk�' NIMt51. /'((� J .
<br /> ,xt}_('!i� Fi)�6UJOltOH1) h9etM5 .J3��!� �/�L 1
<br /> �'.��.�y,�
<br /> ';�; �
<br /> 9RtD.tM
<br /> �
<br />