�j .. . r l�. � . . (� t� v
<br /> ."' .
<br /> V ` Jr_ dfl � n���Sfi.4 f�ir � IWs<J-���`v�_��. -.-'� _.
<br /> --.f i� �Y.� r 1`�ri,78��h�' . � s - �u�lV,��j�.�P�4"'. �+.(� .: .
<br /> e�
<br /> ...:..i�:i:V.UatIx�KVy- 5_F�
<br /> _ _ .a� .4 ul..:Y.4Nl. dv{L.�w v.lir:Sr�vni�f�4'Y.Vl.i.Fv.�.::�➢(SYt!<.�.l�w/I�V+t6st;.iLl.u'�4�. _--..--•��'�• �. , ..
<br /> - `?'C.uJ1 Rwt4::."`-..
<br /> '�'�°' h18, byewsN the actlon orproeaecND tobe -- --""�
<br /> ° Aortawa m�y are�uch �dMwit md nN�utr,u padd�d h PwpnP 0 ` r�'� .�
<br /> .�-. i e � tRuNNld wl:h a n�Mp lh�t�tn UndKi 0�Mkh dMwnlutlon,a.d�an iarxu,�.oi m.oo�rowera v��«asi h ie•e�oa«ry« ��i t
<br /> ' bO1D1 tMIHItl LM1l(M11Mlfd 0� th1 MII GMIW bY Mk &tuA1Y M�4urn�'1 a Undx's s�tuiky Nlxesl. OorcmrK�h+7�Iw 1»
<br /> �� In de1�Nt il�ortawu,dudnp lh�b+n+M�kwtbn Pnu'�eab.O�ve mNKWj bN�a Naca+au NfamWon a�ulana�t�lo L�n�Mr �y��'� r .___.
<br /> y'ai. (0�6YOd lo proYldO IAi1dD11Mh Fily fi7itw�'11tu.'IM15tlOnIl� oo7Me7L�'M wt!h�FM FDV�evW�neW by �h�Note. NdudhO. but � __ .
<br /> `��� no1 nmNed to, reprx�nuuom oonum�np Oottower'a oca�p�nry ol lh� ProprN se � pM�p�� residence. 11 thle B�wiNytja [r 1��;� r"`�, �,r�.�,
<br /> ss
<br /> - � MdNment ls on a IrNhold. 9o+raww ah�F compH wNh d lhe Wovltlons ol Ih�Iw��. II Barowx�cquYes fee We to th�}w {,_ r, �t'�� .
<br /> �-1 ,� RuP�fS th�INwhdd�nd th�(M LYN eluA not mxOs urJect l�nda�preoa to U�mar9x h wr�h0• � �'r?'��'f��1��°"'�- -!.�
<br /> �c�c�,'� 7. proNc(tpn oF l,.�nd�r s Rt�hte M tM Prq»rty.N BarowK iWs to pMam Ihe wren�nta�nd�prer�xnla �:r1r�+ ,��i `
<br /> . >,s,_ conuNod N 1Ms 3ecur!1Y Inilrun�n4 a tharo U�MyJ pa�d^9 th�l m�Y�I,y�M�er�ty�K�d Lendw'e d9hU N Ne RcPMY M j l(}� ,a i-.
<br /> �,;ti,�' (vueh ne e proueJn7 fn U:nknMtry,proUc:o,tor condttm:tlon a IorleKvre or to enlwee Yws w regu4YOns). then lender rn�Y � s��rt: ` J�h . -
<br /> r� do and pry la wlxNrK is n�aaary lo �rolod th�vW�ol th�Propwb Md LcndNS Ayht�N the Propaty. Len6KS ocWna � ���.��('s {!�; � h"�•; ;:
<br /> �"ai m�Y Indude p�yn0�nY tums ataxed by� Iien whkh MS P�KY ovN thls Securily In�Wmen6 +�PP��Inq N car1� WS'NG � dG i c, °y -'.-"
<br /> s ,4;'3 rMaoneblo et�omeys'lees�nd entain0 on tho 1'ropMy to meke iqMYs.NthouOh Landcr mry t:ko scilan unda th!:pem�ePh f,o � �`'� ��s C4f'7( r: .
<br /> p irif,j'-} 7,Len3N cUta nat hrve lo do eo. ' :�-r � /.
<br /> ,���.���,�� R�y amo�nts dsbused by Lenda under qnynAh 7 shN become edfFllond dabl of Oarowa aecured by Ihis �, r $ � 1 .:_.
<br /> .,.,?i�;� Sac3r?y inanr.nmL lkua3 Barow�r entl Lmdx axn to o�her terme ol peymRe�,L`�x»a�axES a1u Mw U;erest Irom r _
<br /> � . the dale ot d�sbunrmnr ai the Nole into end shal bo pry+b�o,wilh h:eresl, opas r.iir,r»1�+l2c^.r�:r to 0cin'au erqu:s!Ng ... r, , �- -
<br /> ��rr5" trytY`�'' -
<br /> �`��c peymmt. =�
<br /> 8.MoWg�go Mn�rar.ee, u tend�r rtq�Ytd matp�ge hsurnnca es a ar�.l::�:t t3 s+�tin'S�'.�e bnn aecu:ed by thls �n - r :
<br /> F - E, 6ewrily In�L•umanl, OMmver shnJ pey 1ho prM�lums feq+YfG t0 fnlnl��he m:�S�tr�t�:s�naCB 1i eTt:t.fi,la nny renson.Ihe . . n� a�p��(�'S':..
<br /> ,3�s-'� mdtqpe Nsunnee eoverago reqW:rd by Lmder Mpses a rw�aes lo be N e'Rr.t Gar,ruxi ehal pey Iho prenCUms requ5ed lo s. ,;+c ;.
<br /> -��`•`�' nblaN covenyn su65WUa*y rauNdml to Ihe�nal9�pe hsuranu MevbusK 1�ennn, c+t a cost au6slu�tfny eG�.i�er2lo the f'S�T�`�, 13�'
<br /> � ��.;�� ccM lo Bortaxa of the mortp�pe Nsurcnc.e prMwsN N etfad. han�n allamnle m�n�9�Nsura �pproved bF�r.:kx. II �� -i:�f;�tii.��e���vr�`?,
<br /> nubsUnit�:y er,�Na!a�t mo�t➢�9e Insunnce mvmp�ie nol av�Wbb, dorcown shaH Fny to Lenda e�ch month a a�?aµal to 1 �j r �+�?c, k,� �_
<br /> , �s i,'1 W bY R�ower when Iho Nsuronce eoru�ge I�psed a sen�ed to ��+:r2.N > �-o, __•,.
<br /> ��J) ono-MYNlh a�txe Y�A'^�0�9e��"Anre prattium bN+9 W -
<br /> �n�,y be N Meel L�n�kr rri nou,ql Lao n�tl re�Y1�hae pryma�ia�s�bu reaerve fi Ueu o� mo�lya9e Hsumnw. lo�s teaave ���r '���ai�J,��"
<br /> ry c�r �� plyfnOnls hNy no bnper 6e veyu�±e4 n: th0 op0otl 01 IM.dN, H rartg�pe Nsurenw covarjge M�he unounl nnd 1x e�e paWd k,� - :E�..� I p�;
<br /> � �`�� Ilut Lmda«quYen)pra��datl by m�nsua �pprovM by Lenda apWi becomes nva:�nb:e�nd 45 obaNad. Oonaner�st45 pay ;1� � i� �,� Y ����
<br /> ---�� t the premWms requNtd to mnilnn r..o•t;,nge Nauruice N elfect� a to prorlde a bas resara un3 Ihe requlrement K.c=at5�6e �r,�".Y'}'y+�����u'..
<br /> 'S.v� �+ Naupnee an3s N atCOtcMnte wllh e:�vnGlm agrKmMl 6Nween BonOww u�d Lmda or.ppiablo lew. {� � �t, �r^� } �. �.
<br /> �rs . r`,� 9. Me�paCt101f.Lenda a Ils Apent Ray mYce re�sonable enWes upon�nd InspecUOns of Ihe Propnty. Laida shA gNe 1 r`!�, i��'," ��,
<br /> ._r,�{„�,� Oarava notice al lhe tYne of or prlor to en NapecWn spec7fyN9��6o^iae uusa fa the Inspecllon. A�'��t y� �;p �p ;;:.:�
<br /> � {;,; 10. Cond�mnHton.Tho proceeds ol any iwud or WYn for Nmages. dred a conaequenHl.In eonnecUOn wl'h eny : ! ��,
<br /> �Yr �� condam�lbn a othx Wdn9 0l any psM ol the Property. or(a conveyuiw M feu of wndametlon. �ro hnehy esa:pned and <s� �l� �3� c�,.;`�'-:`
<br /> e -� 9:f ahA bo L�lo I.anda. . -�'�,' d yill t�"4-_
<br /> Ir. 1SO e�enl of a toUl UkN9 07 ihc P�opMy. Ne proteedS st.7 be npp11M lo Ihe eumo secured by ihis 6ew�ity ,.`Pub�`i� �s1r�l� 7 .:
<br /> ��� �-;;.r..;r.:,::`dh�a nM th„ ��e, w�'n�qy n�,�ress ptld to Bortcwer. In Iha menl ol�pet1Al taking o� the PropMy �n �, :, �,k -�__
<br /> � `I �4 which ,�ho faY mukN volue ol lhe Ptope�:/Nvnedaley bdore Ne inlch9��4v+1 to or pra1F�hnn the unounl 01 ine aWns _��`: > �� : ,.
<br /> ti� n l searM bythis Securfty InsWment hvne6aley bHOre Ihe IekM9•unle�s Dbrtower and Lcndd ofhefMSe agree N writlnA, Ihe -��f fjYt}1�� j;�j)7� ��t;
<br /> '+j� sumt aewrtd by 1h15 Bea+riry InsWment shel be reduad by lhe emounl ol Ihe p�ocecds mutl�pFtd by Ihe foloWnp fncUon: ��r}1j� �� ';,;�i _
<br /> �i,.;��'���t (�)t�e to4+l unount ol lhe aums sewred'armedrtey bdoro the leking.dMded 6y N)Ihe leir mLkH vaiuo ol Iha Pro p ,�'Y21� L; � �
<br /> hmMNle�y 6Nae Ihe uking.My belonce sheY be peld lo Oortowtt. In the erml ol a Pai1W Ioklny ol lhe Propttty In wldc� �,��It�t ,jf.���i;:
<br /> r��v-k� the Iqr mWcN vWe ol the NopMy Irmiedmley 6efore the 1nNng is Iese lhan Ihe emounl m Ino aums aeared fmmMaiely C ��T{7,� m�+�';�z--.
<br /> '� -%` bNae 1he Wdng, unless Oortower antl Lct�da olhe+K`se agee �n rrtlWg or unlcss rppiublo lew othervAse prorides, Ihn (�s31q6t';i +��� �i �_Y
<br /> ":%-.���1�; proceeds sh�7 6e eppAed lo the sums seurtM by this SeaNry��sWment whNhp or nol tha suma ue lhen duo. �-cJ rL•.,yf�,?y.,.;,_y,��:-
<br /> ' ;�. If Ihe Rcperty Is eb�ndoned by Dottower, o�X, eAer notlu by Lendn to Bonower th�l lhe condemnor ottm;lo rn�ka en i/�j�{� �}����17Y�:
<br /> -x���'= eward or aetlle e GPo for demages. Bortower la0s lo respond to Lenda wXhN 30 days�Rer Iho deto the nollw Is g4en. ,� .�f� ����; -_
<br /> -�r LMdR IS a1Ea12ld l0 COAetI�nd 0pply Iho proceeds, et Ns opllon. d.lher lo rosloretlon or rapelr ol tho Propdry or to , -),; ,l c L -
<br /> � �; Ihe aums sazred by this SecwNy�ns;r�:-+d,whelher or not Ihm duc. 1;� Jt� >r - _
<br /> �j� f� Unlosa LenCer end Uortower othervl.se agrce in wrfM9. ��Y aG➢����^ ot proceeds to pdadpd shell nol oxtmd or i;:, S 4� �S _-
<br /> ���,��,y� poslpono the cLe da7e oi the monthy peynenle relcrrae ro fn peragraphe 1 unU 2 ar enan9e lhe amounl of such Poymm�s. 4;t`� ���f x'„ r
<br /> � �rt��� 71. Dorrower Not Rsleased� FOfBBG�AZCO fly L9i1t101 NO� 0 Wfl1vOL Ea1MSlon ol lhe INtB(c�pnyrtmt or 1`��f� c�,�i j=qt„x::
<br /> '�� i;,� modicslhn of emod'¢atlon o�!he aum,sxco�ed by tYis Scemty�r.atmmenl q�anted by Lmdtt to eny succesam tn hlerest �I�}�t '�,��'S'/'�:_�
<br /> „!rS��Y �: 01 Oonower eheN nol opere:e lo relcasa Ae labdM1y ot t4e o�i�r.el FS�rtv�_r or Bonower'a successo�a!n Nltteal. LmUn nho!1 7 � - � r,7 �{������
<br /> tt 5 �C not be raqui¢d to eomrnmee proceMinps egainsl eny suetusecr ta i.wvest a rePoSO lo extmd ttme lor peyretat or olhetwiso `ry"''�+ny ����pa
<br /> � t .__� mpdAy errqrthiLbn of 1ho sums seeurtd by this &eurity Inauu�ent 6y reason ol eny demand mAda by tho ollginal s ��„A t ��{�����+
<br /> �t OOrtowM tt OCrtOwH's 8.t�.^ce5sor5 411n1aeSi. My fr.b=aranee ty LtndN In oxE5U83ng 0ny flgM Or femetly aFa!I no1 bo e ✓�i;�( �.� - _
<br /> r t5- h��Yt!� ��f�`�l��7::�
<br /> c* wWa cl o�yrtcluw t�o exndse of eny dqht a rtRed;. _.,:.
<br /> �� '` 72. Succassoia and Asaig�ne SounO; JotM uncl �Sovnrat 41ab1Aly; Co-sl�7ners.The wvmenu end �� ,t „�1 -, i
<br /> � ;�-�,s j� ageem.rls et thls Sewdry InaLVmco1 snal bind and EmeF.t 1hn sceeessare entl esslyns of Len�er er.tl Dortowcr,6ub)ecl to Iho - �^,1��� i�,f't�k�;:--
<br /> .-•:-, !'�f5-'. provisfona cl Fa�agraph 77. Ocnwrer's eovena.�e nr.d 0 CBI�M1b 6`39 LO�ONt U�A 6PIC18L My BG�OwCf Wh0 CP61g115�h!O ,� �`." �{`s r-''
<br />.'�•'".'�`�'�.>. SewRy InsCUmenl bul tloes not auwfe ISO Ncle: (n)�s o�sy+hp tha Secudy Insi.vnenl ony to arqrpSo.L'3^t md convqr �.:.�!;:�"�`:l`s.l.l°,-(`:'�.
<br />�..;1.`;"•:_Y'",. -:-'h'..1 `;,�' .,�.".
<br /> - �'�� i thnt Oortowtt'a Initteel:r.tne Rcperry ur.der Ihe te�+s oi 1M5 Reemiy InsWmecf: @1�s nol persc`aly ctS�feB to Wy lho �`-.-_./�._ ��,,.`_, .
<br /> i •
<br /> � i sums seaxed 6y ihis 3ewnry InsWmmk and(c) agees thal Lende+ end eny etAn Bortower m�y nr}ee to ex!_n<I,modily. ,_- �
<br /> '� ,����r•'�` lo�bear u��xke nn accommodatlons v.itS ie ard lo the tmns c�mi�Eera:d.y InsWmml or lhe Note w8tcaf Iha� f3cacwe9 S`' "'1}��1�rtij• ,
<br /> i��f� _ � y 8 i?ti�`i .
<br /> ������. -t,,�r ti ,;
<br /> �' ��1�+? Y3. LoEO Ch1�p06. II the loan setured by IhiS £etu�:�Insl�R.ml Is sub;ea �o e Ww v,ni:h ae�e Ra�rcm�oan ��"�;>�� ��� _
<br /> �`�g ehetges.ond ihaf law Is 5raly Inleryreled so that Ihe ir'e�est n mhr. Ican ehwges coY,eded or to be eeittletl G eorr.eel'cn .. .
<br /> � - i!i with tho ban exeeeE 1`e Pen'Med 6nils,lhen: (a)any E..:r !�n phaqe sha11 be aC•_ced by Iha anour.t neces:ary to�ttL•te
<br />� �"`- - the cha�5e b O'q E¢�"itieU SRfl: 211tl (b) 011y 6UM5 2}Q2(ly CC7ttitt1 M1cm &�+n.c whlth exceedetl �i11=tl erns wn ..
<br /> � ���� ba m1ac��c�r Ocecwe� Le�'�4er rta! c}roso to make Ihis reY•.c [� �xGca:9 �'e prin6pal owed unCtt IY.e Note c� by �' -
<br /> •� �+' rn4h9 e i•ect pq�ar' �c D:nwc+ 'a reLnd reG:ces princa'�� �'r izducuon wi7 bo L•eated as e {a�a. C�zW7tte�:
<br /> '- rrho-�!aoy pr�fnymm: rmp ur.hY�re Nole. ` .
<br /> 74. NDtIC05.My ^:Yce to ticnowtt C�a�4eC fx N tta Sew^ry InsWTmf shal be gF.cn by Oetrverr;, :r Cy ra�iE C
<br /> � ._l� b�4st Nnf rral uLess aFpSwGle law �eSU'sei vss C z::4'-r��:���d T�e nctr.e shal be CaMeE to ILr �•o��q /::e�ess
<br /> - -- � K c. s.'� '�.:.:: .°..�.'�"C �-�••- !';•.•�.� •^ t..mw f-�n:•r_e Sa ln'•.tt Sta[ De 9�tn t% Gr: :a:.a Imi ec
<br /> leM�s a9tr:ss 6141Cd hMN1 U e'�J C1�'l 2Ltt£13 lN/f.� oesY�-.us iy r.ci^ lo Ecrr:•rs !.^� no0ce prodded Ic: �
<br /> Ihis b+,vu�ry NaWmm�shaG b�Eee�•�t�Eore bcen gNrn to S:^n•r��or LenOM�rhm ghm as�:Nded in Ihis pamy�ayA
<br /> 15. Qovarning Law; Soverebility.rn�s smn.y msivmmi shan be goremM by fetlaai law ond tho law o:Cc
<br /> �uAsdGbn h which ihe PrcpMy is localed. In�hn e+mt Ihel any proNSion or dause ol Ihis Seairi,y InSWmen1 or 1ha
<br /> �,�Jr;, No:e eon ccis with eppfitable law.soth ConT.°tl shCA not s11tq othtt p�orislons ol Ihis SecuMy Ins'.rumeM a th¢Note mhlch
<br />� - can be gNm CBecl w:thout lhe con�cGng proNSion. To Ihls md Ihe prodsans ol this Sewriy InsWmrnl end Ihe Nole are
<br /> - dcUared l0 6e sererabia. .
<br /> - '�=•-�` 16. Oo!lOwo�'8 COpy. Oarowtt:haA be ghm ono eon�ormM copy ol Ihe No1e and of th!s Securiry h�swmenl
<br /> �,• .-
<br />..+t;E �.:ti::'_ fi1�jL�
<br /> )lJ.'���'". oa0e)o�5 �y V�
<br /> ,.,,a:��.:'{: FtHS.tNOlID,9�)
<br /> .,5..�,' � �
<br /> �?5
<br /> 91DHm
<br /> '�}
<br />