. � ' . 1 �'�id� - . l� �yy-> -ti� iia�: -ri . ��y43 �Y�1 ii e ir,.s1 . ' .
<br /> � i� -��i � (. f_ _ / R'- � }r{� `� �ir0�in �
<br /> r� - -. r }�J' fx��lYws.�k3'J±kiSVr4)�ifhh� �
<br /> � r �„ �f -
<br /> :L...... .. ._._._..,...G.�x.:.Jb }�..�....t.l....���..,. �r.t..ukws.w.r..ww.v.usuv.o� _ �_._........,i�.fvtS+ti(i�+ic s'rfrt�S l,
<br /> �r__�r���"::
<br /> -�1 �F. _:;, r t< .
<br />>.�),����:.'�j'' .: �s .
<br /> <,,.., . Yoosnien w�m al the InW�oremenR now or liaadla aaued on th� propaly�Md AE 066M1M16�eppwirn�nCO3,�nd a j c( r '+'+
<br /> �:.l�;f!�;;,e faturoi now rx hxr+fix a P��ol lhe propay.M�epfeexnm�t�nd�dcitlons ehN�eo be covcred bY thia Bewdry IntWmenL ,�.
<br /> ',trl.�> • •N�cl�he Iore�olno Is rMarod to in n�i�sow�ny mawmen��s�he'Propaly.' �.L'�� z'�t t ;,
<br />� r`�-. .� pOit0015'�A CAYHNN7T8 thel Dorcowar Is IrvrNy eNSed o�the al�te hereLy oonreyed +uid h�s the ryht to qnnl�nd _�ir � ��.�
<br /> � J-a,a�r, convey fhe PropMy and thRl Ihe Wopury Is unonaows�, r;.cspt fa uiarb:ancn 01 flcMd. OO+fOwN wMP��3!nd� -J
<br /> ' �� ��S 1Y�ElIME gN10ffJ�'��IO DU010 1110IhOrDtlY A�1�6111C CLhli NA fINMfIdS,b4�JOG1 1011�y B1WM11bfMG05 0(ftCOfd. � +�� � szx�< :
<br /> +-� }-.�i` fl118 BGCUNIY IN87Al1MCMP combhes nnNam covranls lor ntlionnl uso nnd nonanxorm wven�nls wXh '[,� .
<br /> 'y ` s - `� knied ve�tlons byJurl5dction to unaUlula�unHorm aewrily hsWmenl eorain9 roel propary. `r ,j
<br />���r��+�} �t� UNIFOfiM COYENANTB. Oonower and Landx covawpit�nd ayee+s Ioiowa: 7-' s;� �. .�-.
<br /> __�=�y��'�-�„' due lhv r��ano�a Mno�rap�on hd ldnetb�Ie+il�dxiced bY�Note end�y p ro�Y�gm��a�drt lato cl up��ilu�W�lhe � i!����(�?< __
<br /> nrfF+�„�.� Nole. v .
<br /> ' r�G� 3-% 2. �unds for 7�xae and Insur�ncs.Sub�ed to�pp4cable I�w or�o n wrNtm ws4tt by Lmda, fiortowx shal p�y � �d:�rf' ; r �
<br /> °�`�-"t�.S� lo lenda on tho My monthy peymmle ere due under Ihe Nole, un1A ihe Note Is D��d In fuA,e wm('Funda')lor. p)yeeiy i;Jfl ,
<br /> ) luces nnd naaeaamente which mq Hldn prlodcy ord lhis Bowrlry InsWmmt es e Iim on tha PropMy, N)Y�N�e+aehold +�%�%�`��,�F �:'
<br /> '��A � Y���, pqmenis o�ground renis on Uee i4cpetty.H any, (a)yeeily heurd or propnty Insurenee P'�E,ms: (�yea�y Ilood heurancz w �
<br /> prcmiums.il any, (e)YR+�''•Y mx'.g,t9x hs�ruico pratluma,II enY+�d(O�Y s•rm pg+t{2 DY�'�'��to La+�da In aceordenee � ��4 :
<br /> 1 :^%�� wi:h tho roNSiau oi p-xt�a�h 8,h L�i ol thu peyme�l of rroit�3a tr.�ux.ra p.a ma. Ttzsa .'.�.�+s xo eeled 'Esao+v � �+�d�.-�-
<br /> p :u,
<br /> Ilems.' Lender mr1. at a��2'mr, co7act a�d Mv� Funds In ii a�wtnt na1 ta¢�rr'r:l tt�� r.�n.in^n a^io�n a Rn�lxr fcr x . ��p� -�
<br /> 1 � - +ti'.�'. 7,yralk�ei�iM rav'nsx k�ai mr�secy_es fix&+�axxr's e3crcw awoJid v�der thx foA.�sh:TaX Estn're 5¢ti4m:n1 Froeatu,3s ���� rt
<br /> >>i6:.�;� NR e:T6��a3 a.mnxf[d f:w��iltta ta Nyro.12 U.S.C.$2d9t H se4 1'AESPA'). unitts rnc�h�r n�R itvi eiY'9as to lho Fc+�1s � Y.
<br /> h
<br /> � �-� rzls n I+sser�meu7 tl so.Ltvitle�maY'.�f any tine. wbecl as@ M1=1tl F�r.Ca ir.a:+an.cv+c nx 10!tGlEC114A I25blf NIJLSf:. G p�,i� �1�j°'�=�.�
<br /> i_:;:j Len;ler r�uy MOme7a L`e amounl ot Funds�ae on ihe LVSIs o7 ain:rs:Ca4�ns9:easma:.fa osGmUbs ol tt<aaR:t✓ts cf fia.o�� . v(���f __
<br /> -cr EsaoW @ems or o:rrrcdse In�aorMnca xiih n:ctbYzh Unv. �� , ` .
<br /> f'v�.E�=�:- The funds ahal ba hdd In an hsU1Wm WFn:r�dxpcv:ts ar_cnsured by a fetlerel�pmey,NsWmm�Ft�.e�Y:.ry Qnthlc�:s ��e`�fr : .
<br /> '� `.,Gf�— Lm"rr,tl lendx Is suth an Mst!P,itlen)or N nny -Fetk+ai HMr.a iov+Oe�k Lnida ahJ epCly ttq Funds io Ihe Esuow �,,tr
<br /> �f rc�}� �•?C Reru.4mda m�y not eh�rge Boncviei fet haWYig mid WPb�^B na rL^cS.ernu�9y�n�AMnE a'N.ea�row Betunt� nr verils9 1�� "•-
<br /> � Iha rc3aav Items, u!iles6 lmdar plys �arower hittosl on Iha-Funtls and �ppiabie kw Oc.-mds Lender lo m�ke auoh • t , f1�t�r+
<br /> ^tir.�r � 'iv ehupe. Howevor. Nnder may trc,�:ce Bortowtt to pry a ono-Ume eMrpe Im an S�depmdml roal esln�e:av �e➢onYip auvke �(f�F/r,,,^rR r .
<br />`�ii...5l�1�L....' �lAtA�.�:_.. .
<br /> r s f��(Ss uaed by Lender 4� connaUCn wCh thls loan, unias eppGcabie Ww proN.tlu o�hem7se. Unless en e�'�e.�cN Is nude or T•�,;,fk ;.
<br /> �f e ?;_{�,`t� appie�bb Nw tequ'xes interetl to Fe p�id,lmda ah�Y nol be reqaYed lo pay Uonowr+ny inlaesl a rn.zv�.;s on Iha Ponda �f � ---
<br /> ��y/�)�;:-�\�- Bortowu�nd Lenda rmy�Q:c i�wrfling. howwa, fh�t Nieresl ahd be peld on the Funds. Lmder she9 pYe to 6ortowd, ;��a'ty4;�r��___
<br /> 3 �, ��1� wN�out ehuge,an�nnuY accoun�ia3 of tha Funds, 6hON'YIQ Gld16 Nd dtbll6 l0 lhe Funds ard lhe pumose for whl�eneh �� „
<br /> '. � 5�-'�!i'� debil to the Funds w�a rn�de. The Funds ue pkdgtd u�ddNOnd sewrity fw al aums aeecrrJ by the Bewrity Inswmmt. ,�; tf __
<br /> � � 4�<-..'� 11 the funda hNd by Lenda exceed lhe amounls purninM lo be hNd 6y appfuble kw, Lmda ahY accounl to 8orcown _(; �8��s -�
<br />- 1¢.. if ,�<� '.i{: 1a No exass funds In�ceaGnw wRh the requYemmis ol�ppk�bb Ww.11 the emount ol thu Funds held by Lmder�I eny - ,,� � _
<br /> z�v�+t�����^ Crne Is nol auMdml lo pey the Eaaow Items when Me,LMAlf IINY SO f104F/BOROWK kl Wl:lf.9. A�A, N JII[h G50 BOROWlI ��.y� 4
<br /> ,'' ����rf}�� shef pay lo Lender Ihe amount necessary lo m�ke up the defidmry. Bortaxa shaA meke uD ihe defMency[n no moro than si 5 r �/ j-,,_
<br /> {i�f, .,�+� twetie monthy p�prRnu,al Lmdeis sole dsaeuon. „
<br /> �i� ii i in Poi vi eii am.�i bcw�iv' ty i�iis °w:.t.;.�+ 'c6;t.:::�:, Lm^..^: Shi! F"r�p�fM!1�9 iP @�+axrr ony �-' +��� .
<br /> � '�$'.d �i`� P� WYmt^ "
<br /> �1���$;,,ar,i Funds hdd by Lender. 11, unda po:agroph 21, Lmder shei wcquYo or¢eY Iho Propttty.LenUer,()llOf 101�C OLQYISIII011 Of 9E7� r��i ' tt�` 3L����
<br /> � � j ���•p ol lhe Propdy, shtl appy my Funds hNd by Lender at Iho t�mo of atqu'si:'on a aoie is�CretFl�9�ns1 I�e aums sewred ..r . ,
<br /> �ai�7 r�-�' bylhisSeuidy ImWment. �:� � ; 7d -:
<br /> ��1+f� 1'� 3. AP1p11CNlOn Of Pay111Bn18. Unless appiwble kw provides olhttvrisa �A p�ymmts teceHed by Lmda under .,� ''f� ,.� ;
<br /> y±+�11. 17i�.t perepnphs 1 �nd 2 ah�ll 6e app!ied: firsl,lo any prepeSmml chargos dua undor Ihe Noto; aceond,lo emounle pqaLle unda ���i i� �:,
<br /> :-::,J.7Cr.:17;i;?- .
<br /> f �Y��_i.yi; peregnph 2;thYd,lo Mtuest duo;tourth,lo pdndp+l due;and lasl,to�ny lela eherges We unCr Iho Note. '.a 31 �� +l �,_
<br /> �r 4. Ch�rg�e; IJOItf.Dortaxn eheG pay all lexes. �ssessrner�ts, charges, fnes�nd MrpoaXbns �lV3upbla lo lho 'y 4i��,r ' �;,.
<br /> ll{!l�nN �1�` Roperty which fMy �IIEN PIIOINy OVM iF15 SlCV��I'/�lISINMMt. Nld INSlh01d �\)'ffiMlS Of 9fOYlld fM�3, N NY. BOROWCf .'. k T
<br /> � �,yJ `=�z: shol pay these ob6gelions N the manner proNded N peregreph 2, or N nol pniJ N Ihat m�nner, Oortowa shel p�y Ihem on j 2'�t ,.
<br /> ,ry ��+d�; I4ne direclly l0 1ho peraon owed paymeM. Oortowrr shel prompty Nmish to Lmda�Y nolkes ol unounts to be ppid under �t�ly4�p�5� c
<br /> rfvi � Ihlspernqaph. 11DOrcowermokxat?ao Daymmted'aeWy, Oortowa� sheA promply Nmish to Lmda tecelpts midendnp �;{ ,}�S�kjK .
<br /> >i5'��;��t� �fu FI Iho Peymmts. �.fS'
<br /> \1S'rl£ b. /�.:
<br /> portower shU pwmptly Clao-arse eny fien whkh hes D�o:+ry ova Ih!s Sewrtty Inswmmt unless Bom,wcr. (a) egreos 4S,`�r� , �_:
<br /> tf��5�]j�i�'/�r, N w�fling to tha paymert of tho c�?y�Uon secv�etl by the lim In a mennn eceepleb!e to Lenda; @)eaitesis N gaod taNh Iho �� �1/iita Ai
<br /> �u{ ! '�11.'" Gen by,or ANenu a;n5�st ent:rt�nenl ol lhe Iim in, legal Droceeninpa wh:ch m the Lmdds opNfon opmle to prr�ent �, , ,M���lf�.-�
<br /> .��La1 t��)�,{�;, IIIO M(OfCM1H11 01 ihC -�M:D�(C)MWflS hOfil(h0 holder o1 tho Ben on e�reemenl seUSl�dory to Lmtler subadnating tnn ., � ��F�} (
<br /> �{�>»7- �Yf•,i f. Gm to Ihls SecuMy Inewmem.1!Lendn d�ierMnes thet eny Pau ol tha I�opMry Is subl�l to a Lm which nuy efNin plb�y ,_ 1 f ) '
<br /> ��f2��4 s7��;r�t� ovtt lhis SewrNy InaWmmt, LenEn nay gNo Dortower a no�ce IdmL1�T.�g Ihe fen. OortowM SheA Se1151y lh0 Gm or x7+e 1 f� ���
<br /> (���r�`y ;/�_� one or more of Ihe actlon6 sel fotlA ebove wilhln 10 days of Ihe gNNg ol notice. '`' It�� }��-�
<br /> ,� y �-�. 6. Hazard O� P�Op��iy 1�6UrotICB. Oortowtt sha7 kcep tho Improvemmts now e�dsling or httealttt aeUM on Iho --i � � �
<br /> „�,(f(y,� ,�;. PropMy Insured egu'isl loss by f.r&��a�ds InWded wthin lhc tettn 'eMmded wrerage' end any olhp haurds. Indudmg -` ��fT (•,-r
<br /> � toods or Iloodin ,fa which Lendtt requtres Nsuronw. TNS Insuronca sha�bo m¢Nleined in Iho�mounle md lor Iho�ilods � �{Ie(G�.-
<br />-�.t'�'�(t.t�j�-`.<;:; $ -
<br /> - f r � - lhet Lender requ es. iho Maurena carrla proHdmg tho Insuranw sha�6e chosm 6y Oonower sub;ect to Lmdc*s aD9�wN ' ':1''"cr-_
<br /> �,13�j�_ - ��''� wh!ch shM not 6a unreasonaty w]hhMd. II Uortowcr faAS lo malnlaM coverago desc�bed ebove, Lmdn may. at�Senclt+s ;• t :
<br /> ^�fiip)ti�h;_:' opian,obtn:n ea�eraye lo protect tmdeta dghts in�he Prope�ry in aaeordancn wdh pamgreph 7. � �����
<br /> J mi����,,_�;�". M Msurar.ce re5c:es end im�wals shall bo ecccp7able to Lmdtt end ehell Mdude e smndard mcn�a;�e cleaso. lmder �� ,�,'' -�
<br /> i`;,y�-}�:._ ;, „ 6h6�'I huYOlhe!'flSt 10 h01d Ihe pc2des a�d renexais. II Lender req��ires. Bortower shnll prompfy gNe to itr.2a a7 reccipls of
<br />">P.r�.4�,�.,_�>i• peid premiums anJ remxai noCCes. in Ihe ermi ol loss. 6onowtt sha9 g*.o p�ompt nolica to Ihe rt�wmnco tarrltt and ,
<br /> �.,,�:•{ff'?�{;-`-' LmCCt.lmda may maka pool ot Icss N not nuda promp:y tr/ 'unowtt. � `� ��
<br /> ;t�'j' _
<br /> ). - Ur�ss Lendtt and Bortvner o1•em4se npreo in wAtin�. nsmar.ce procceds shx;l tr •^.^.:7ed lo resloratlon or rppar d
<br /> <7`.._ . - : . .�
<br /> i,f, . ,��s- th.c Rcfaty damaged. H lhu res'c:ation or tepaY is etcro��:.iJ Izas3le ar.d Ler.exra sc�riy Is ncl lessened. �' lh! '
<br /> --•.-� rta:crot4n or rM�k � �ot eetr.:aaaly (eas�b�e « LmCrr"a securiy wou'4 Ce �eostr.eC. :ee Nsureneo [�:ceeds shaJ be ,
<br />,��.i__:::`Ii, •,'� uYySed to tho s�^s�ecurcd ty Ilis Sea•"•q :^r.�::^:em. atefter or nct ec' we. «eti nny cecws ca.z�: Oortown. u .
<br /> _�,y�`��- Cc�w.er obonAVS i.`.e Propcvry. cr do^s r:.: a-snx wit:c a.0 days a ncuce t<m LertlH 1TOf Ih,e ra.::�:e cartic* has
<br />-o:,i� , cte�eu lo sel'JC e fJam, Ihen lN{M rtay co.cq :re mdvance pmcCCtls. lmCn °ay use Ite F'�=� �p rCpa!r or
<br /> � a�. ;, res�ve tho Propttry or to pay scros secr.ieC ty I7'a Sesv'[_ ssWmer.l.whelhtv Or r� ^en dua TY.a ;Aday pencd wi0
<br /> . . berJn whm the notice is g4rn.
<br /> - Unles^. LenOa ond Bortowtt o�herx�r a;ee ir, n+•:r„ any epprce6on of proceeCS to p:NUpal sha7 nof a.:e-_ rr
<br /> -, � . poslpOne the d�e "ale of Ih0 lnonl�>J c.l,^t+i] refm2tl lo N (a�0qaphs 1 and 2 or ChJn9e Ne a::wvM c: ilo
<br /> . y�rr.cnts. tl u:AS p3'a}apS 21 1;.e Frcfn'i � acyutred bl lmUtt. Bn�.,s*s r�gM to any insurorce t.s'ies a�d f�ueeda
<br />--�_' - �. rtv:ri i YV+ea:as to V.e i^:c�i Pntt w �ne ucyvi;r.c� a�a; y»"va iCnGt±i'v inc e.,c+.�v....:z�—'�'_'...'" '
<br /> , 5q1LIt-SS CYS�YSA:h+!�rt ts -"i l:�1115�JM1.
<br /> S. Occupency, mrnsonytion, A7alnlonance and Protoctlon of lho Proper.y: i8ouor+yr's Lcan
<br /> .'_ ' A��11C013U�: L'DE,SDIIOJ�S. Dartowtt sha0 occupy. es:abGSh, nnd usu the Propttty as Dmrao.�`a Cnc�o: reS.Crnce
<br /> , ' vA:hh aMy Cri3 x!x Ihe�eew5on ol Ih!s Sewri.y inswmmt and eha0 continuu ta oxupy Ihe PrcFNN xi�Rtmer's qNdpal
<br /> , .,�, rcsidmce tor ot Icast one year al:cr Ihe daro ol oaupa�ry.unless Lmdtt othmdsc eg+ces in writir.g. +<:��.n corecal shaC not
<br /> � be unr[asonaby rrEhhcld.or unless eztmuatng dreumsienus cdst which are beyond BonowM's conVOl. Oottnxtt sh30 not
<br /> � � ' desVOy, danuge or Lropalr tha Propary. aCow Ihe Propttry to detMorete.or eomma waslc on thc Propttry.Oortontt shx7 be
<br /> h delavt it nny loileituro aalon a D�occedsg. whelhn ctra or Mminal. B begun that t�LmJcr s good lanh Wdgmmt ar�tA
<br /> � resuN in lodenme ol the Propay a othemSSe r�uiMePy ImpaY�he 6m aea:ed by this Stturi:y Inswmcnt^or-L,rn, da s stturity
<br /> .. `�;`"` N:MCSL ��+r
<br /> . �r_.: `t� ' ff1:6UAOtl49ry �aKPe�S
<br /> .. i �
<br /> 41]Jt.M I •
<br /> . .
<br /> �
<br /> k... . . : _. _ -
<br />