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<br /> (d� v w�1t of �Yceution or attachment ot any slmllar proc�sa chail b� �nte►ad BO��nst Trusto� which �hail
<br /> become �Ilen on the Tru�t�+tace or any partlo�thenof ar iniereat th�rein end such�x�cucion, attaohment or sim��a►
<br /> • procesa of juddment is not rel�asad,bondnd, iotielled,���ated or st�yed within si�ety 160)deye�fte�its entry or levy;or � =�
<br /> . resantadon ortwernentr coneainedil�+rany p/or 80 0 oftnuct or mortpa�e aftec�np�the Yr�ust Estat�dltion. proviafon, 6 , � : °;
<br /> rep
<br /> :!- � .
<br /> �'?� 1 O. ilccdisad�n upon�lsfi�/4 A��ond R�m�Oi�s. If an a�sni of default ocau�s, 8eneticlary m�y decl�re the ' -
<br /> '` Indobiedneas secured hercby to be dud md payiEU and th� aams thaA thsteupon become duo end peyable without anv � ` .. -
<br /> ;��; presentme�t, d�m�nd, prptest ot noRCa of any klnd. 'ther�alter. Btnefielary en�y: � , _ ::.`-
<br /> � :r;. .; . ....•z;;as.{
<br /> ?, (;� elchor tn petion or bq aQen�,w{th or without b�in0in0 any aetion or prec�edinp,er by a raceiver�ppointed , - .r't�__�...x.,j
<br /> ;:.;� b�e eourt and without rapud Lo tM ad�quaey of Its securieY. Qntsr upon and tokQ possasslon of Lhe Truet Estate,or any � ; N __ '-'- --
<br /> ' paK�horeof,In Its own name or ln the name of Truitea,snd do any�Gt�Y.R:Lf1 IT CS�Si18 ftaGeP�'T ui u'c��u�:4 L�DT���='�� r; ;� _ _
<br /> �`� the valuo,merketab(lity er rentsblliry of the Trust Estate�or paR thereai or Interest ch�rcln,lne�e�so the{ncoane therefrom _
<br /> , ��� o�protect the seGw(ty her�of snd,with or without takln0 possasaion of thQ Trust Emie.aue far or otharwiso eolleet the ' '.;,.:_�_
<br /> �:�; renis, issuea and profits thcreof, in�ludinp those past d�s and unpatd. �nd appty�he same, Ioas co�and expnrues of � ���� _
<br /> • ' operadon snd collecdon(nsludiry aKarn�ys'tees,upon a�y��dobiednee�tecurod hereby,ell in sucA otd�r os 8aneflcfary :•'�?���
<br /> ��3 rnay deiermina. Tha enterinp upan ind taking possosslon ot the Truat E�tate,the collection of such renta. Issues ano :�;h.�,r.n,
<br /> `?� protits and the applltition thereot as afovesatd ahoil not cure a� walve any defautt or natice of dofaulL �arauntle► or '• ;.`
<br /> ;� I�val►date any eet dotie in �e9ponce io wch datwit or pursuent to such noiico ot detauli and, notwltt�t[O�d�np the .�",ii,•
<br /> continuanco in passe�a�on of the Trust Estate or the eollectlon, reeNpi snd app�ic�tion of reni�,issuea or prafits,Trustee ��,.�,,,�..
<br /> :� ar Ben�tidary ahrll been ensitla9 ro e�aeroise evary ripht pravided for in sr+y of t1�e Loen Instruments or by lfl�� upon .-_;—�:.—�
<br /> oacurronee of sny evaett of datault,(naludinp t�+e riaht to exerelse the power of sale: �-�^=�-�----
<br /> . � � ,'�_�
<br /> , � f'l3'f:�
<br /> ;i r (ti) commnnce e�ection to toteelose this Deed o1 Tru&t�t� s►+ortpa9e. �DDoint e recaiver us speeifically � °� �_
<br /> „, n,.'�`.___
<br /> entorce any of the covenents heraof: • ��'R
<br /> .�:,.
<br />`'' ' � (Uil deliver to Trusca a�rlhen dsct�rsdon oi defeult and demend tor sale and a written notica oi default and :�'-?'f�lt
<br /> ' election to cause Trustor's inieren tn she Trust Estatn io be aold, which notica Truatae shafl cauao to be duly filod for ; •' ,�
<br /> �' _ _� record i�the approprlate oNlces af thv COunry tn whlCh the Trost Estate is loeatad; or .�
<br /> • {(vl e:ercise such other ripnts or nmadles st law or in equit�. ` ,,,,
<br /> ;.�... °, • �_
<br /> i�: :;, �� p��%sur�byiow�r alStle. 11 Bnnefioiary eleets to furec►ose by exeiclse of tt+a PoWOr of rale hrct,in concained, y .s
<br />_r�,� ,� Beneflciary shall nodty 7�tutse snd sh�ll depositwithTrusteathis Second Oaed otTrust�nd an�y e+ots �vldencln�tFur lndebtadness ;�-
<br /> -• � ;,i � and sueh reaapts and avlxlsnes of eupond(tures made and seeured hereby as Trostee may repuin. ; �; . '�,
<br /> "' :a �.: -� ,,-
<br />_ ' `, � �T.
<br />" ls) Upon re�sipt ot such nottee tram Ben�fict�ry,Truartee shtll eeuse to be noord�d,pubtisF�d and dallversd ;?�
<br /> �� to Trustor such Notioe 9f F�etatsh�nd Noiice of Sala ia tf�en requlred by It►w and by this Seeond Or�ad of Yrust. Trustee
<br /> `� '} shall,withaut demand on Trustor,otcertuchtime e�maV�►en be required by law and�1ter►aeordnNon of�uch Natice of ',,�,� _
<br /> D�fault�nd r�ftar Nottcs of Sale havinp been�ivan as�equired by law,s�ll the Truat EsT�te at Lhe tlme an�place ot s81e _�Yp1""'�
<br /> t�xed by It in auch Not(ce of Sele,oither is a whole, or in seporata lota or paresla or ttems e�Trussea shall�Jsem expedient. ���
<br /> ,t' and tn such order�s tt may dstermine, et publle auetfon ia the hlphea bidd�r for eash In lawtul monay o4 thx United St�tes �';�.��----
<br /> }; ...V.•� �E---
<br /> l`� , peyab�e at the�imc of sale. Trusta shall dellvsr co such purchaser ar purehasets thereot fts good ond tulflsfent deed o► __
<br /> ' deada convayfnq the property ao eold, but wlthout any eo�enant d►Wa►fenty,exprass ar Impllad. The roeftt�ls in such deed «r�,,,,,,,,
<br /> � •�; '� of any mattera or itcts a ha l{ ba eonelusive p�ooT o�the truthtulness tnereol. i4ny person, Including wiQhout lirnitation g�:,�,,.r��!��
<br /> . i,� 7r�stor, Truatoo or eeneflclary, mtY purchasc at su�h asle. �;-'�'-�
<br />�w �� � ibl As may ba porm�ned by law, ettor Ceductinp a11 costs,iees and expenses of Truxtoa end ot thia Trust, __
<br /> �t } �� includinp costs ot evidenea o!Y1t1e In cann�aton wlsh sble,7tustoe shell apply thq proe�td�ot rste La paymcnt of(11 the .���
<br /> �i,.i..,_,-.—---
<br /> �� Indebt4dnoss liil���other surns 4hen securOd hoteby,ind p111 the remAinder,if any,to the person or persons IeDe��Y entitled ::t�.;,,.
<br /> �. "�� thereto. , ; �- —
<br /> . i .....�.
<br /> ...� �.�.�
<br />'" �ti;�••� ' (e) Trustee may�++the mtnner pro�idad by law postpone Qaie of eU ot any poRion ot thx T�vst Estete. "�_ ______
<br /> ��� =vv�__
<br /> `; 12. Rtmedlat Not Fxcl�sri►t. Trvstee�nd Benalfelary, �nd eaeh of them.aholl be entided Lo ec�l��ce payment and ._:______
<br /> �,..�.r�•--- - -
<br /> `�; pertarmance of any indebtndneaa or obltqation�sscurad hereby a�d to exerclse�D rfphts and powets under tNi:t Second Oeed nt »��:.�.�
<br /> Trust o�undcr any Lo�n(nauumern or ather aqrRement or any laWS now on c�reatter In force; �otwithstandln�, some or all ot tne -.x _ _ __'�"s7,
<br /> ��� suct►�ndebtedneaa and obllpaUons aceurnd heteUy mey no�rv or hat�after be othervvise sncuted,whethet by movtpape,deed at crust. " � . .r-�,;:F.:
<br /> ,}, .,. � ..;i., '`"'F�:•
<br /> plcdpe, lien,essFpnment or otherwise. Nalthe�the rcceptance of this�eeond Dend ot Trust nor it+eMo�aacmec�4,whether by eourt . t �
<br /> , ,; aetion or�ursuant to the powm of sa�s or otho7 powera horein conulned, shall prajudiee or in�ny manner a4te�t 7rustea's or :��';,,,^y���,���
<br /> '�:�L�i"• .
<br /> ;, 8enef�eiar�'s rfpht to reall=e upon or enfarce anY other securlry now ot hereelter held by Ttusteo or Benetialary,it beinp epraed that 5 `�
<br /> �;; 7ruste�ond Bcneticlary, �nd esch of tt�em, �hell be entltlad to �n4areo thls Secand Dead ot T�uet and any othov seourity now or ��•r �: :.'•!Y��
<br /> ; . • .h .�;����•.
<br /> .{` . „ „ • _ . ''�t��,
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