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<br /> w'�''.:._.. .`'. . ,�, �,v;•t•?�tir�:�ej.1�t•. .... . . ._ . .. .... .. . . . . ....._.. . . - -- . _^," �Mi'u'76�(''r=
<br /> �.�n- io . ��::• iardi iur�� �
<br /> Z,, Y+nnn TncncoP ehall Roy Ca�h in�tallmoni of all tessea and opecial as�eeaments of ev�ry klnd, now or hereatter
<br /> iavicd a0alnat tha Truart�SStr�t�a er�ny patt tl►nrnnf, 1letote dr.IlnquenCy, wlthout�ottce e�dem�nd.
<br /> � 3. �sraur�+me artd R�w�lnr. Tni�mr ahnll melnuin firn and extended covet�p� inauranc�tnsurinp tha Improvements •
<br /> cons�ttutinp peR o�tha 7ruat Easate for eurh flmnuptrr end on Ruch terma rea�onnbly s�titfaotory eo Benefletary. So lonp a�the �
<br /> property is aoeurpd hy a tlr.9t d�ed ef m►rt ar mort�env. compliancn wlth the insuranea requlrements oi the tirst doed of trust or �
<br /> • "`7 moRpe9n �haaba s�+4Air,l�mt t��edOfy tha rnr�ulrpmanTS oi t1�lo pateqrA�h 3 relatinq co insu�anee.
<br /> � � a
<br /> ��, Tru:tar slt.nll �rrQmpt{y repat�end replRr,o tl+o Tnict Cstetn or any part thersot:o�hat,excopt for ordtnary waar and taer, Q
<br /> che Truyt Fs[ate sirnll �nt Q�tsriorata. In no ovnr►c aholl the Trusior cammit waste on or to the Twi Estate,ar eommit�suftar or �
<br /> permit�ny�csco 4in d��rta ire er uRo�u+�Tni�t3Rern In��olctian of any Inw.ordintnca ot repuleclon. Trustot ahail psy artd promptiv
<br /> dischargo et Tros:Yar'� easft aetd e:pense nll liana,ancumbranceA and�t�arpes lavlad.impoaed or Aasesaed apainat the Truat Eatato �
<br /> _---,-.- _ ot any part thara�sf. � --
<br /> � � 4. e4ctlnaa ADrar,ting�nat fsrnrn. 7ruazor ahoU�ppoar in and conteat any aotion or procaedinp pwpoRinp to nffeet � �0"
<br /> �� the aecwfty„�na4 or thn rtmhta or powara of Einnn4iaiery or Truatee,nnd aha11 pay ell eor[a and�xpen�ai,includinp co�t o!w(d�nc� ' �;_
<br /> " " ot tida and anamoya' fsas, in eny auch acdan or proceadlnfl In whlcN oeneflciary or TrE�stae mIIy appear. If?��rst�or falls to make ��
<br /> n any pnyment or ta Co anV act as and in thn mennar pravided in any c,?che Losn InstromEnts, 8arnfieiary and/at TPUStee,each in •
<br /> �� their ewn disu�ti an,wixhout oblipatl9n so to dn a�d wi t hout notica to or demand upon 1'rusto►and�++ithout►eleasing 1'rustor trom `;
<br /> any ahl►pation,rttaY��ke or do the same tn r,�,►ch manner and to�uch axt�nt��dtR�st enay deem nec�saery to protect the seeurity p-
<br /> � hnreof. Trustor Jhnll. immadiataly upon dor�tan9 therefor Oy pcnnfleiary, pey all cos4s en6 expensea ���currad by Benaficiary in r�-_.
<br /> tonnection wi�h el+rt exerclue by Benaficirry a'ti.. '...:�,-'"_ ''�'"° �""''����•y •��thout Ifmitttlon costa of evidanCa of title, court 6:
<br /> �� conTS,app�aisota. e�NQyti 811d BKO�R9y8'f��s. '
<br /> '•�� 5. �Nmineirr.Dom�lm ff the Tnist Estate, or eny part M�neof or Intsreat chet6in, be 4aken or damtped by reeson of ����,
<br /> any publtc fmao•+emonx or condomnaslon prnceedlnp, or In any athar manner ine1udln0 deed In lieu thereaf 1"Condemnatlon"1, or `s
<br /> if Trustor recelvRS env rtntir.a or oLher Infarmode�rnp�rdlnfl �uch proe�sd�ng. Trustor sha�ll pive prompt wtitten�otlee�hereo9 to �_-
<br /> � Beneflriary. Tru�►nr shnll Oe eMitled to all compansatian, sw�rds�n:3 othsr psyments o►raliet thereof and ahalt De entltled at its �,;.
<br /> � . � optln�ta aommFSnce. ��ponr In end proseatlto in ics own name any aetton or praeeadlhpr. Trwtor ohall �ICO b�antitlod to make �(..:_
<br /> • ' eny compromisn ar aetslumem In connectton wleh�uch taklny or damage. _
<br /> ,
<br /> fi. Appalnl.me�rt ol Succsssar Ti�rtae. Benoftclary mny,from ttrt.�to tireta,by a wriRen ina4rument exaeuted Rnd =
<br /> a0ki10wietipBd Gry oartifiici8ir,�i�4iia3 w TIVOaVi�rd raC�r�t�!!r.the�^��n�!n whleh eh.Truas F�tote Is IoeatQd and by ott►erwise :�=
<br /> • � complylnp wim etsa Rmvlulans ot th��pplicable law o1 tAo Statn of Nab►askA subatitvice n sutce�aor or suCCeaaars Lo t►+e TrusLee -
<br />�', namad heroin ar actl�ep hereundor.
<br />,,ri. :•� ,
<br /> 7. Sucaeaio��rrdAatlgar.7F►ie Sacand Deed ot Troei�pptlet to.Inuree to th�banottt o}�nd binds all pacties hareto,
<br /> � ,'.!� their heire,litpaReer,du�ienea,personal reprfl�untts�tf�es,successors�nd asaiQns. The te►m'Bnna11e1a�Y'ahttl mean the owner 9s+d
<br />�'-:r x. ���r�` halder of onvP��ml��ory note plven to bennfticfnry. Iwhethar or noe nemed as Benefieiary he�elnl.
<br />,.�f: `"`�� .--
<br /> _:��.,:,;�r p, Me��Conao!ld�don, Sder or teisns. Trusio►cov�nanit Lhat Trus+�or wi0 not sell,leata or otherwlse dtapose �
<br />—:;,�,.:1�;'' of�ny oi tho Tnryt Eetatx. In th�event that Truntor attls,toasos or oth�rwise dlcp4saa oi any part o4 the Trust Eatst�,8�noficiary I:'=:
<br /> mey et iu eDdR n deselure th� Indsbt�dnass mzcured heruby tmmitdiotaly due end �ayable, whether ar not eny default Qxists.
<br /> -w��;._�. Benaflcipry shell cartstent ta o tr�neter of th�Yrutt Estata to a third perN ta the entnnt sueh thfrd p�ny meeta the requ(rements —
<br /> :��'� conn(ned ire,trtd eas�crnaa tho oblipatlont sot torth fn th�Flrot Daad oi Trust. Ths eovenants eontained herein the�l run with the _
<br /> �'"'a'�"r� Propercy artd sh�ll ramain in fult•foree and eftnct until the Indobt+:dnea� Is pdd In ful1.
<br />-������'
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