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<br /> ' 1T. Trsn�tor o! tho P�opor4y or a Beneilclal Intocost In 8orrower. N na or eny part �� �no Proporty or 1+;-°�rR'�,
<br /> �� any Interest in It is sold or transferred (or If e benaf?clal intorost in Borrower Is sold or transferred nnd Borrower Is not a nntural '� �
<br /> j ,.
<br /> , porson) without Londmr's prior wripen consanL Lendar mny,at Ils opifon, roqulra immedlnte pnyment In full ot nll sums secured by
<br /> � this 3ocurily Inytrumenl. Howov�r, this optlon shall not bo oxercisr.d by Lendar II exercise I, piohibilod by Ir.dernl law as ol Iho
<br /> dato of ih�s 9ecudty Insirument.
<br /> • If Lo�der exerclsos thls optfon, Lender shall glva Bonower notice ol acceleration. The notice shnll provide a perlod oI not(�
<br /> ` less lhan 30 deys Irom iha data tho notice Is dolivered or mailed with(n whlch Borrower musS pay nll cums aocured by Ihis y
<br /> ; Security Insirument. If Borrower falls lo pay thoso sums prlor lo the explretion ol this pedod.lender may involce nny remediQS ` � ,
<br /> � permitted by this Securlty Instrumenl wlthout lurther notice or demand on f3orrawer. ,
<br /> „� 18. Florrouyer'9 Right to Reltletat9. If Borrower meets cartnin conditlons.Borrower shnll hnvo tho righl to have N
<br /> enforcement of this Security Instrumenl discontinued nt eny time prlor to tha eariler o1: (c�) 5 dc�ys (or such other perlotl as �
<br /> - applicnble Inw may specify for reinstetement)boforo sela o1 the Property pursunnt to ony power of sele cuntnlned in this Security .
<br /> , •' Instrument; or (b) entry ol a Judgment enforcing thls Socurity Inslrument. Thoso condilions nra thal Borrower: (n) pays Lender all
<br /> � sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as Ii no accelerulion had occurrnd: (b) curc�s any �•
<br /> � defuult of any other covonant or agreements: (e) pays all expenses incurted in enforcirsg Ihis Secunty Instrument. Including,but� :
<br /> � not Ilmited to. reasonable ottomeys'lees: and (d) lakes such ection as Lender may reasonebly raquire to asswe that the lien o1 -!;
<br /> } ihis Securiq� InstrumeM. Lender's rights in lhe Properiy nnd Borrower's obl(gation to pay the sums secured by this Security ';___=�:-
<br /> ` Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon relnstatement by Bortorrer, this Secudry Instrument end the obiigations secured '�%��=--
<br /> � hereby shall remain fuiiy eftective as il no ecceterallon had accuROd. However,Ihis righito reinstete shal{not �pply in the case -°`
<br /> oi ecce�eration under paragraph 17. •, �'
<br /> ., � 19. Sale of Note; Chan�e of Loan Servlaor. The Noto or a e paAlal interest In the No�a (together with this �°�'t"'�=
<br /> Security Instrument) may be so!d one or more times wlthoui prhr notice to Bonower.A s�IP may result In a chenge in tho enti4y _��—
<br /> � (known es the 'Loan Servicer') thnt collecis monthly payments due under Iho Note and this Security Instrument. There also may •,�,_�'__
<br /> be one or more changes oi the Loan Servlcer unrelated to a salo 01 the Note. If thtto Is n chen�a of the Loan Senicer. .;�:;v
<br /> Borrower will be gNen wdtten notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 ebove and applicable law. The nut�ce will =�t���--
<br /> • _,����.
<br /> state the name and address o1 the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymeNs shouid be made. The notice will also
<br /> ,�•-►��
<br /> • contein any other Infortnation re�u!red by applicable law. �' "�-"
<br /> . . .��4:��f-•
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substanses. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presenco. use, disposal, stornge, or release o1 __. _
<br /> � eny Hazardous Substances on or In the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything aNecting the ���'^'"�:%_;:.__
<br /> Property that is in violation oi any EnvUonmental Law. The precedinfl two se�tences shall not apply to the presence, use, or . __'�'_"`�
<br /> �, sto►age un the Property oi smatl quantitles of Hezardous Su6stances that are generelly recognized to he appropdate to normal �..;��_
<br /> residentlal uses and to malntenance of the PropeRy. �y
<br /> Borrower shnll prompty glve Lender w�itten notice of any Investigatlon, clafm, demand, lawsutt or other action by any �:�-
<br /> � . -� yovemmental or regulatory agency or private party Involving the Property and any Hezardous Substance or Environmental Lew af --
<br /> whlch Borrower has actual knowledge. If Bortower leams, or Is notifled by any governmenial or regulatory aulhoriry, that any
<br /> a t o... ...�.. Iy o.�oe<n�v Rnrrny✓ar ghqll nrnTD11� take 8��
<br /> `--- -- removai or oiher rameoiaiion ui m�y riazaru'o�s oubsia��ce a�.aa;�ry^ ...p....� •"•.-- - ,• � �
<br /> � .,:y,� necessery remedlal actions In accordance with Envlronmentai Lew.
<br /> �"���' • As used in this paragraph 20, 'Hazardous Substances" are those substances deflned as toxic o► hazerdous substances by r�"
<br /> ��';::;:. ''
<br /> :};�;:�= �' Environmental Law and the tollowing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum praducts, loxic - _
<br /> ...r•t°`," ,' �=
<br /> �� '�.;�;;..,. pesticidea and herblcldes, volatite soNents. matedals containing asbestos or torm�ldehyde.and radiosctive materials. As used in __ —
<br /> paragrep h 2 0, "Environmen ta l L ew" means fu dera l iaws a n d I u w s o1 iha Jurlsdiction whao the Pro pe rt y Is located that rolate to _-
<br /> , health,safuty or environmental protectfon.
<br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender turther covenant end agree es tolows: -
<br /> " 21. Acceleratlon; Remedies. Londer shall give notice to Borrawe� prtor to acceleratlon _-
<br /> - . followiny Borrower's breaah of any covenunt or agreement In this Security Instrument (but not -
<br /> . prior to accelsration undor paregraph 17 unless applicable law provGdes otherwioe). The notice
<br />�s; �•- . shall specify: (a) the defAUlt; (b) the actlon requlydd to cura the detault; (c) a date, not less than —
<br /> �._ .,,�. �,w 30 days from the dato 4fi�o notice Is glven to Borrower. by wrotch the default must be cured; a�d
<br /> ;, _.. . (cl� that fallure tn cure 4he default on or before the date speclfied In the notice may result tn
<br />�` � acceleratlon of the sums secured by this Security Instrumont and sala of the Property. The notice _
<br /> shall further inform Borrower of the right to refnstate after acceleration and the right to bring a
<br /> - court aatlo� to assert the non-existence of a default or any other defense of Borrower to
<br />' acceleratlon and sale. If ths defauit is oot curad on or before the date speci'fied In the notic�, --�,-,-,
<br /> '- Lender at its option may raqulre immedlate poyment in full of all eume seoured by this Security �����
<br /> _ . : Instrumerrt without further demand and may Invoke the power of sale and any other romedies =___
<br /> � ` permitted by appticable law. Lender shall bo entitled to collect all expenses incurred In pursuing �.�
<br /> -' the remedies provlded in thls paragraph 21. Including, but not lim(ted to, reasonable attorneys' __
<br />` �°�:' ^' feea and coats of tttle evidence.
<br />_ :`',�,,. If the pc�wer of sale is tnvokod, Trustev ahall record a notice of default in each coun in .�t"'""'°' -
<br /> �Y a �..,_4...__
<br />��-''�:�r� which any part of the Property Is located and shall mail coples of such notice In the manner `'�'���'��_�
<br /> ' preacrlbaci 6�y applicable law to �arrower and to the othe� pe�sona prescribed by applicable law. ''�;--�_:
<br /> •;+«�n=
<br /> • After the time requlted by applioable lew, Trustoe shell g8ve publtc notiae of sals to the persona ••;�,Y;;,;�-�;
<br />'` � and in the manner prescribed by applicable 0aw. Trustee, wfthout demend on Borroarer, ahall aell ':,��•,..y;rr
<br /> • • tho Property at public auctlon to the highes3 bidder at the time and piace and under the terms � ''�t���,."=
<br /> dosignated tn the notfce of sale in one or more paraola and in eny order Trustee determines. ' � � �s`:'1�'.:�
<br /> ' '�itiE{���.
<br /> Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of tho Proporty by pubttc annauncement at the , :?._
<br /> - time and place oi any previously scheduled sale. Lendar or 6ts designeo muy purchase the
<br /> _ Property at any sale. •��-.`r, _'
<br /> �.
<br /> Upan recefpt of p���mont of the price bid, Trustoo shall del7vov to the purchaser Tr�e�toe's • ..,,�;,;;-ij1�; ��
<br /> , .
<br /> • �_ .� �......�..�.... �w� n....,e.�.. -rt,e ..e..ciale t.. thn Tvu�too�c domd cha�l hn nrima facin avidanCe oi � ?
<br /> _ -
<br /> -: � ,.00.. ......�.>>...a ...o . ...�.....�. ..... .�......._ ... ..... ..--�--- ---- -°--- -- '-_--_ _
<br /> the trvth af the statementa made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the • T
<br /> following order: (a) to all costs and expensea of exerctsirog the pow�r of sale, and the eale,
<br /> including tho payment of the Trustee's fees actually incurred, not to exceec� three �
<br /> s %of the principal amount of e .
<br /> note at th� time of the declaration of default, and reasonable attorney's fees as permitted b lavl;
<br /> (b) to all sums secured by this Seaurity Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or ersons
<br /> legally entitlod to it. •
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