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<br /> . , ,.l4t� l� �i . . .
<br /> � � .���� � ..
<br /> g r. '���
<br /> _ �C"swq,.......... . � . � " _"'_._....._. _....._._..._. .. _... . . . ... .. . ............._...._.. . .y....
<br /> .�ti ,.t..= ... .... .... .._ - .. . .. ._._. .._.._.._: _.
<br /> ._ . ..'_._'._�__'___." "___._'.' _ 'm`t�;.
<br /> ' Borrower may curu such e delault end re�nstate, es providad In peragraph 18, by cuusing the ectlon or proce�dinc� to bo ��Rj •',>-
<br /> dismisued vrilh a rulinp thel,In Lendor's good tallh determinntion,procludes lorfelwre of the Borruwer's Interost In lhe Property or {°'
<br /> � athFr mltc�ial Impalrment ol ino Ilen crested by thls Secudty Inatrumenl or Lender's�ecurity Intere9L B4RONtCf 9llAll ql9p F]0 In '�'"�
<br /> de(a.u!t If Barrawer, during Iho loar� applicetlon process,gave matarlally Iaise or Inaccurnte informetion or statements to Lender(or '��... .
<br /> � lniled to provldo t.onder wilh ony ma�orinl Inlormntion) In connectlon with lhn loan ovidenced by tho Noto. Inclurling, but nul(�
<br /> limited to. represcnlatlone concernlnp Eiorro�ver's occupancy o4 the Propnrly as a principnl residonce. If this Securlly�
<br /> Instn�ment Is on n Isasehold, Borrowcr shnll comply with all tho provfslons of ihe leaso. If Borrower ucqulre� lao tltlo to tho 1 •
<br /> Praycrty,tho leasehold a�d tho tae Utle chall not merpn unloss Lender egrees to ing me�ger In writinp.
<br /> 7. Protection of Lender'o Rights In the Prope►ty. It Borrower lalls to pedorm tha covent,nts and ngroemems
<br /> rontRJn3d In this Socurity Instrument, or thera Is a lec�al proceeding ihat may signi(icently et(act Lender's riphts In tho Propnrty� , ,
<br /> (such as a prpc2eding In bankruptcy.probeto. for condemnetlan or torfeiture or to enfo►co laws or regulatlons). then Lendnr mey�
<br /> do end pay 1oT wt•.ttrrer Is necossury to protoct tho valua o1 tha Properly and Lender's dghis In tho PropeAy. Lender's ncdons� ,
<br /> . < s may include payinp any sums secured by n Ilen which has pdority over lhis Securlty Instrument, eppeanng m court. peying
<br /> reasoneblo attornoys'lees end entering on iho PropeAy to make repnirs. Although Lender may tako actlon under thls paragraph� ,
<br /> -••""� 7, Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> ,. �"� � Any amaunts disbu�sed by Lendor under pnregreph 7 shall becomn additlonal debl of Borrower secured by this Secunty
<br /> ` Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agroe to other terms of puymenl those amounts shall bear Interest irom the dato ot �:�'�{`
<br /> �..
<br /> dis6ursement et tho Note rate und she�be peyable, with int�rost,upon notico from Lender to Borrower rnquosting puymont. „ a'-
<br /> �.•
<br /> 8. Mortgage Insuranee. If Lender requirod mortgngo Insurnnco es a conditlon of making tha loan sewrod by thls __
<br /> Secudty Instrument, Borroxer shall pay the premiums required to mnintaln ihe moRgage insurance In oflact. It, tor eny reason,tho _ _
<br /> mortgago Insurunce coverege requlrod by Lendor lapsos or ceases to bo In eHect, Borcowor shall pay the premfums requlred to ,����;i�
<br /> obtafn coverage substantially aqulvalenl to the moRgngu Insuranco previously In eftoct, nt a cost substantialiy equivalont to the ,':;::;;
<br /> • cost ta Borrower oi tha mongago Insurnnce prevtouuly In etlect, from an altamnta mortgage fnsuror epproved by Lender. If .` :�_ `
<br /> >�rn�'-:_`
<br /> substantlally equivelent moAgago Insurance coverega Is not evaflable, Borrower shall pny to Lender each month a sum equal to � +-�
<br /> �} one�twelRh o1 the yearly maRgage Insuranee premium being pald by Borrower when the Insurance coverege lapsed or ceased to �%•�=
<br /> � bo in effect. Lender wiil eccept, use end retaln these payments as a loss reserve In Ileu of mortgage insurance. I.oss rese�ve Gu�-?
<br /> . � ` � pnymenls may no longer be raqufred,at tho optlon oi Lender, It mortgage Insurence covera�e (In the amount and for lho pedod �:__
<br /> � that lender requlres)provlded by en insurer approved by Lender again becomes available and is obteined. Bortower sholl pny
<br /> .;!�::;`.�r ;� �s;,----.
<br /> '��.,:' t the premiums requlred to maintaln mortgage insurance In eftact, or to provlde a lass reserve, until tha requirsment for moRgage --
<br /> insurance ends In accordance w8h any wrinen fl�reement be�veen Bonower and Lender or epplicablo lew. (�`^-_°—°
<br /> � � 9. InBpeCtioO. Lender or Its ngent may m�kQ reason�ble entries upon and Inspecqons of the Property. Lender shall glve !"°""'"—
<br /> Borrower notice at the timo af ar prlor to an Inspoction apeciyiag re�sonable cause for the inspectlon, s�..�.-.
<br /> 10. C017d9tt1I1At10n. The proceeds of any award or claim for damnges,direct or consequential, In connectlon v+ith eny �.1�:�;�-
<br /> - .� conclemnatlon or other tetdng of any part o1 the Property, or for conveyance in ueu oi condemnatlon, are hereby assigned and __=
<br /> shall bo pald to Le�der. F��
<br /> � In the event of a to1a1 taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by thls Security �=
<br /> Instrument,whvthar or nol then due,with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the PropeRy In which =_
<br /> - � the tair market valuo of the Property immediately belora the taking fs equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured
<br />__,_ �� r_ by ihls Secudty Instrument immediately beforA the taking, untess Elonower and Lender otherw ise agree in wr f t ing, t he sums --
<br /> secured by thls Secudty Instrument shan de reducea ny tne amouni oi l'na procen3a muii�Ni[�;:;y tY�s{��:::.�ir,�ac;:�r: ;a;!!:�
<br /> totnl emount of the sums seeured immediately 6efore the taking, divided by (b) the falr market valuo of the Property Immediatety _
<br /> betore the taking. Any balance shall be paid to 19orrower. In the event of e partial taking of the Properry in which the tair market
<br /> value of the Property Immedfately before the Yaktng is less than the emount oi the sums secured Immedletel�before the takfng,
<br /> unless Bortower end Lendev otherwise agreo in �vnting or unless applicabte law otherwise provides, the praceeds shall be
<br /> appl:ed to the sums seeured by this Security Instrument whether or not the sums aro then duo.
<br /> . If tho Property Is abandoned by Borrower, or ii, efter notice by Lender to Bortower that thm condemnor ottore to make an
<br /> - ,• • : award or serila a clalm kr damages, Bortower tails to respond io Lender withln 30 days efter the dute thu notice is given,
<br />. . . . � ��'� Lender Is authorimd to co�ect r�nd epply the procoeda, at its optlon, Qither to restoration or repafr of thu PropuRy or to the
<br /> . , sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then duo.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse agreo In writing, eny eppilcation of proceeds to principal shau not extend or
<br /> �-.,•.';;'��,A pootpone the due dnte ol the monthy payments reterred to In paragraphs 1 and Z or chengo the amount ot such payments.
<br />-°- "'�''`"�� 11. Borrower Not Aeleased; Forbearance By Lender Not e Waiver. Extension oi tho time tor payment or
<br /> .:�v;�ai��,��.
<br /> - modiflcatlon at emoAhation o1 the sums secured by ihis Secudty InstrumeM granted by Lender to eny successor In Interest of
<br /> A � 8onower shell not operate to release ihe Iiabiiity o1 the origlnaf Bortower or Berrower s successurs In Interest. Lender shall not
<br /> -"���::'
<br /> — "'^"'�;t� be required to commertce proceedings agatns► any successor In Interest or retuse to extend time tor payment or othervvise
<br />:•��, i' modHy amortlzatlon of the sums secured by this 3ecudry Instrument by reason o1 eny demand mnde by the odginal Borro►ver or
<br /> . • �� Bortower's successors in Interest. My forbearance by Lender in exerclsing eny rfght or ramedy shail not be a walver ot or
<br />-,_ • prsclude the exerdse of eny right o:remedy.
<br /> ;.,�.;- :�:., �. 12. Succesaors and Assigns Boa�a��; �Jolnt and Severat Llabllity; �0-stgnera. The covenants and
<br /> agreements ot thls Socudry Instrument shall bind and benefit tho successars and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subJoct to 1he
<br /> �' provislons of paragraph t7. Bonower's covenants and egreements shaii be jolnt and soveral. Any Borrower who co-slgns tlils
<br /> v,�'�•�`"���, Security Instrument but does not execute the Nota: (a) Is co•slgning thls SECUrity Instrument only to mortgage,gmnt and con��ey
<br /> - ..,,�:, •v
<br />_ ;�;.,.�;, that Borrower's Interest N tho Properry under the tertns ot this Secudty Instrument; (b) Is not porsonaify obligated to pay tho
<br /> �...,��Y�° sums secured by thls Securiry InstNment; and (c) ayrees thnt Lender and eny other Borcower mey agree to extend, modify,
<br /> torbear or make any accommodatlons with regard t� the terms oi this Security Instrument or the Note w(thout that Bortower's
<br /> consent.
<br /> 13. LO�I1 Charges. H the loan secured by thls Security Instrument is subJect to e law which sets maximum loan
<br /> charc�as, end that law is�mally interpreted so that the Interest or other loan cherges collected or to be coliected fn connoctlon =
<br /> � with thc lonn exceed the pertnitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shail ba reduced by iho amount necessary to reduce "_
<br /> ' the charge to the pern�Ited Iimit: end (b) any sums elready collected from Bortower whlch exceeded permitled Iimits wiil be �..'.-
<br /> rofunded to Borrower. Lender mey choose to make this refund by reducing the pdncipel owed under the Note or by making a �---
<br /> ° direct psyment to Borrower. If e re(und reducos princ(pal. the reductlon will ba traated as a partfal prepayment wfthout any . __-
<br /> prepuyment charge underihe Note.
<br /> • 14. NoYicea.Any notice to Borrower provided for In this Security Instrvment ahall be gben by detivering It or by mni�ine�It �
<br /> „ �' by first class mafl unless epplic:ble luw requiros use oi enother method. The notice shall be directed to tha Property AddrESS '
<br /> ' ; or eny other address Bonower dasignbtes by notice to Lender. Any noqca to Lender shall bo glven by Grst class mn0 to '
<br /> '�� � Lender's address statQd herein or eny other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided tor In this :
<br /> Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been givon to Borrower or Lender when given as provided fn this paragreph.
<br /> - T-- 15. Governlny Law; Severablllty. 7r,is Security Instrument Shail be govemed by fedemt law entl tho iaw or zna — -
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. in the event that any provislon or clauso of this Security Instrument or the Note •, :
<br /> contlicts with applicable�w, such conilict shall not effect other provislons of thls Secudty Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> gfven e(lect without the conflicting provisfon. To this end the provislons ot this Security Instrument end the Note ere de ared to
<br /> ' be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one confonned copy ol the Note end of this Security In ru ent.
<br /> „ �
<br /> � � F1316.1M�(I/97� Paqr J ol 5 � .
<br /> i
<br /> � #
<br /> �
<br /> ; � 97o4n `
<br /> i .
<br /> � i . .. . . . . _ . -.. .. . . . .. . . ... ..._. ... . . ...-.-- .. .. .....__.. . .
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