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f' / <br /> .� �) „ n <br /> .�+iwl+A ,, <br /> -.,a • .. .. <br /> vw�w.wr� . . ,. � s� • ' , .._�,t��P�s ' . — - <br /> - . ' . . ' :/l ' . ::4 <br /> .,. <br /> . ... � � . . .. <br /> . ..... �A�.s ' . . _ - .�`:_. <br /> . _ ........... _ . . . .• . . . . .. ... ., .. .. ��..'�y_ <br /> li .:tcl�' .'r,r- <br /> l - � _a�_,,�:�. <br /> 17. T�anaf�r of tit�t �'r�o�a�rty or e Bonqflalal Intor�st In f3arrctr,ror. It c�ll or nny pAd Ol�h0 Propony ur �'�`_��.�; <br /> I eny Interesl tn it is sold or irnnnlnnod (r�r il o b��oficfc�l Intorast In flnrro�vor lo sold or tmnslerrod nnd Borrower is not a nnturel • <br /> 1 poraon) withnul Lender's priar willlnn cnn�nnt. Londar Its o�l:an, rnquira immndlnta pnymeni in Iuil ol all sums socurad by <br /> ihls Securuy Instrument. Hownvor. Ih1a optlnn sha�ll not be nxorr.�s�A hy l.nndnr il oxnrase Is prohiblled by Icdernl law os ot lho <br /> � doto o} Ihls Securily InoUUmont. <br /> � tl Lender oxercisea lhis aptlan, Lander shnll gNu Borrowrr �nticn ol nccolnr�qnn. Tho notice shrill provldo n pedod o1 not <br /> Icas ihan 30 dayo Irom Iho dt�l�i lho nMico In QelNoeed or mr.i'n�f w�thin �vldr.h Brnrowcr must pny nil sums seeured by this� <br /> � Socurity Irsirument II �orrowir� 4iilu tn pry Ihnno sums prlor Io tho e�xpirnUnn o1 Ihi�s perlod. Lc�dcr mzy Invoka any rcmedios� <br /> , � I permlqod by thls 9r.curity Inttilnnnont wilhrnd further notico or,Itan�nnA on Ilorro�v�r. I <br /> , 18. Borrower'o F!G(�iG1; �^� 1�Olflqt�t�. �� Borrox�er rnnt�le cerinin conddlmts, Borrower shnll hare tho right to hnvo L� <br /> ; enlorccment ol Ihls S�CUni)i Inntnimmt di�cominuad ol nrry Ivm� piror Iu lhu teaihoi ol. (+�) 5 day� (or �u�Y� olhcr pedod as P'�' . <br /> I npplicnblo Inw may spnci!}� Qnr rnBintut�mnnq bRloto s�to oi Ihn RmnoAy pur�uent lo nny power o1 sulo con�eined In thls Socunty <br /> I In^.Irument; ar �b) entry ol a jud{�m�tnt ontorcin{� this Security�ment.Thnsv condttlo�s nre lhm Borrower.(a)peys Lendor ell <br /> sums which then would hn du� und�u ihin Sacucity Inslnirnonl c�nd Ih�, Noto as H no nccelorotlon hnd occurred: (b) cures any <br /> � � dalnult ol nny other covunnnt ot qprr�c�manto. (c) pny3 nll oxntm�c�s IncurtRd fn Rnio�cinq thls Securlty Inslrumanl. Including, but <br /> ' not limited ta.reasonnblN atinmoyn' fr�AS, and (d) lukos sush actlnnns Londor mny iraasonnbly requlro to assu►e lhnt Ihe lien ol � ,. <br /> I thls Securiry Instniment, i.ond�n s iif�htu in Uro Proporty c�nA E)orrmxar's ohll�ntlan fo pny Iha sums secured by this Security '}'',: <br /> IInstrument shall cominuo unahanp���. Upon reMsinloment by Elorrowor, ihia Sociudy Instrument and tho obligatfons secured �;��;�`_'"' <br /> . J hereby shnll remain luity etincll��r�na ii no er.colurntlon h�d or•rurrod. Howovc�r, Ihla nAht ?o relnstato shall not o t m the case �"��"=_ <br /> PP Y� �� <br />