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<br /> � Borrowor may cure such n delault and relnstato, as prrrvlded In pamgrnph 1U, by causing tho a�ton cv procoedinp to be ;_._,
<br /> dismissed wilh o ruiing thet,in Lendcr's flood fuith daterminatlon, preciudes forfeiture o1 the Borrawer's intere�st in thp Pra�orty or ai �-t�-
<br /> � " other matertal Impairment ol lhe Ilen ueated by lhis Sucurih� Instrument or Lender's security interost. OaRC�.�Ff shr'i a.k3a bo In
<br /> delnWt 8 Borrower, durinfl Iho lonn app�Ication procoss. ��vu mnted�lty fnisa or inaccurnto iniormutlon o►stat2rasn�s tc� 1..ender(or
<br /> Iefied to provldo Lender wlih uny muterinl inlorm�tion) in connecUon with iha lonn evldenced by the N��ta�.u�eha;��» twt not
<br /> timited to, representullona conceming Borro�ver's occupancy ol lhe Property ns n principal r�sidtnt.� II ir�'s 9ocunty ,
<br /> Instnimenl Is on o leasahold. Bonowcr shall comply with all tho provislons o1 tho Iesse. II BorrowEr ecqu�es lee tit.e to the �
<br /> Pro�eRy,the lensehold and tho tee IfUo shall not n�ergo unloss Lender aflroos to tho merr�er In wri0nc�. �
<br /> 7. Protectlon �af Lender'8 Righte in tieo P�opet'ty.If Bortawer lails to pcAorm�ho covennnit nn�.s(rr.enients
<br /> cont¢Ined in thls Security InstrumenL or there Is e iegel praceoding lhat may slgnificantly sttect Lender's rights ui�1�n Praperty �
<br /> (such as e proceeding In bankruptcy,probate, lor condemnetton or forfeituro or to enlorco laws or fecJul,�i�pr�s) y��Ynn9f ad�cllons 0. S
<br /> -; I do and poy tor whalever Is necessflry to protect the value ol llia Property and Lender's rights in Ih. Prnn.ely �►i
<br /> mny Includo paying any sums securod by a lien whlch has prloriry over this Secudry Instruenent. app�:.r'n9 a� cr�a„• Paying �
<br /> • " reasanablo attomeys' tees end entering on the PropeAy to make repalrs. Although Lnnder m3y take acl:on uid.rr ihts p�ragmph �
<br /> � "'"• 7, Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under pnragraph 7 shail beeome additional debt of Dortow�r scc.u:E�1 iq� 8t�ic 3ecurity �
<br /> Instrument. Unless Bonower and Lender a9ree to other terms oi payment, those amounts shall bear Nlf�fSl =rnT tt�o dnto 01 .
<br /> disbursement et the Note reto and shall de payable,with fnterest, upon notice irom Lender to Borro+n¢r roc�uusta'►p PeYment.
<br /> 8. Mortgage 111SU�anCO. Ii Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of maldn� tha 4�sn secured by this ____
<br /> Seu�Aty Instrument. Bortower shall pay the premtums required to mainta(n the mortgage insuranr,e in e:`.•rd. iY.lor any reason,the ��
<br /> mortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in uHect, BoROwer sha�pay ths, pcem!ums required to tF:--
<br /> ' alent to the mort age insuranee previously in eHect. at a cost su��stsntialy equbalent to the �%u�
<br /> a obtain coveraye substantlaily equrv 9 �"`=--
<br /> , � cost to sonower o1 the mortgage insurance previously in eflect,from an altemate maA�xgo u�su�•�r a�v,.�rored by Lender. Ii �;n`_
<br /> _ substantia;ly equlvalent moRgage insurance coverage Is not available, BoROwer shall pay to Lender �.r.��rnonth a sum equal to ea:•-
<br /> �� on�twelRh ot the yea►1y mortgage insurance premtum being paid by Borrower whrn tt�a insu�ance r,n':rrr,cy°G9PSE�Oi CPARP.[�t0 �
<br /> be{n eitect. Lender rlill nccept, u3e and reta.n lhese payments as a locs reserve in I;c:v of rnalg3g�Insurance. Lass reserve �
<br /> payments may no longer be r�quired,at the option ot Lanclar,if mortgage insurance cov�ge (in the emoum end for the period ��-
<br /> i thot Lender requires) provida�l by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes avoilu.".+7a and Is obtelned. Bort�wer shall pay
<br /> � the premfums requlred to ma)ntAin mortgage insurance in offect, or to provide e loss resarve. until the requirement for mortgage ��'
<br /> . .� insurence ends in accordance with any w;itten agreement between Bonower und Lender or applicable law. —
<br /> 9. InspecRion. Lender or its agenl may make reasonable ent�ies upon and tnspacpons oi the PropeAy. Lender shall give —
<br /> Bortower not!ce et the tlrt:e a9 or pdor to an insQection specllying reasonable cause fc�r rnr Inspectlon. �::.:.,,
<br /> „ � 10. Condemnatiflr�. The proceeds of any award or clalm for damages, dir�ct �x consequenllal, in connectlon with any �'�,,
<br /> condemnatlon or olher taWng ot any part o1 the Property. or tor conveyance in lieu ob •��ndemnetion,are hereby essigned and
<br /> " shall be pafd to Lender. �`
<br /> �+ In the event o9 a total taking o1 the Property. the proeeeds shnll br, npplied to the sums secured by this Secur�ty
<br /> � Instrument, whether or not then due,with eny excess paid to Borrower. In the event o!a partial taking of the Property in�vhich �
<br /> the tair market value of the PropeAy immediately before the taWng is equnl to or greater than the amount ol the sums secured
<br /> by ihls SeCUriry Instrument immediaidy ueto�o .h� :a�`^y, �^!°°_ �^!*nwar end L�der othenvise egree in writing, qhe Sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the emount ot the proceeds n°i�ftiplied by the tollowing hnction: (a) tho
<br /> totel amou^4�1 ihe sums secured Gnmediately betore the taking,divided by (b)thc fah• market velue of the Property immedlately
<br /> ' before ihe takin�.Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event o1 a purtiul taking of the PropeAy tn whtch the falr market
<br /> value oi ths G'r�De+tY �mmediately betore tho taking is less than the umount of tRe sums secured immediately bufnre the taking.
<br /> untess Borrower and lencier otherwise agree in writing or unless npplicable Iaw othenvise provides, the proceeds shall be _-
<br /> '" �-n appiied to Yhe sums secur�c! by this Secur�ry Instrument whether or not tho sums otr tfhEn due. --
<br />=�,,'�.'. It the PropeRy fs abandoned by BoROwer, or if, aftor noNae by Lendor to Borre�xcr lhat the condemnor oHers to make an
<br /> - . awnrd or settle a clatm for damnges. Bartawer tails to respond to Lendar within 30 days etter the date the notice or to,h
<br /> ' • Le+ider Is authorized ta collect end apply the proceeds, at Its optlon, either to restoration or repair ot the P�aperiy
<br />- • sums secured by thls Security InsWment,whether or not then due.
<br />- " Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrae In writing, any epptication of proceeds to pNncipat shall not extend or
<br /> 1�:;:,..� rY �ostpone the due date ot the monthy payments refenad to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change tho amount ot such p�}m�erita.
<br /> �;�«•••_• '�� - 11. Bo►rower Hot Released; Forbearanc� By LeRdsr No! a Wafver. Extensfan of 4he time fov r�ayment or
<br /> -�=•i:•� �'� modficatlo� of amortastion ot the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in Interest nf
<br /> �= - Boaower saafl not ayerate to release tho liability oi the odginul Bono�ver or Borrower's successors tn interest. Lender shall nut
<br />=��'` � •�,� be requir�cS co commenco proceedings egainst any successor in interest or retuse to extend Ume for payment or othetwise
<br /> _ modity emortization ai tl�o surns secured by ihis Security Instrumertt by reason of eny demend made by the original Bortower or
<br /> " gorrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exerclsing any righ4 or remedy shall not be A walver of or
<br />_2�1w_ „•-• .� , preciude the exercise at any dght or remedy.
<br /> 12. Sueeessors and Assic�ns Bound; Joint and Severai Uabilitry; Co-su�ners.The covenants and
<br />— ..�..�•r -�. agreements of thls Seourity Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns ot lender <u�J 6ortower, sub�ect to lhe
<br />=�=w.j��=� provislons of paragraph 17. BortowePs covenants and agreements shall be Jolnt and several. My Borrowe► who co•signs this
<br />_'.,:�'�" ' • • Sncurity InsWm�nt hut does not execute the Note: (a) Is co•signing this Se�urity Instrument only to moKgage, granl and convey
<br />-�:�:-=��� that Bortoweis Interest In the Property under the tertns of this Secudry Instrument; (b) Is not personally obtigated to pay lhe
<br /> ' ;'"��y � sums secured by tfits Security InsWment; and (c) agrees thet Lender nnd any other dorrower may agree to extend, modify,
<br />- �,.,- torbear or make any accommcdatlons with regard to tho tertns of this Security Instrument or Ihe Note wilhout that Bortower's
<br />- i`:� consent.
<br /> _ ��,`' 13. �oei1 Charges. 11 the loan secured by this Secudty Instrument fs subJect to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> ��:�;''• �� charges, nnd that !aw is 4in�lly interpreted so thut tha interest or other loan charges collected or to be crol�ected (n connection �M1
<br />.-s`:.,:.'r• . —�
<br /> � with the Ioan exceed 4he�ermitted limits. then: (a) any such loan charge shall be rrduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> �� 1�, the charye to the pertnitted limit: end (b) any sums already collected irom Bortower whieh exceeded permitted limits wflt be �
<br /> -' refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this re(und by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by maYJng a �,:
<br /> direct payment to Bortower. IT a refund reduces principai, the reduction will be treated as n partial prepayment without any
<br /> - � prepayment charge under the Noto.
<br /> � 14. NOtiCOS. Any notice to Bonower providod for in this Secunty Instrument shall be given by defivering it or by mailing it
<br /> � S� by first class mail unless appiicahle law requires use of another method. The notico shali be direcled ta the Pro�2riy Address
<br /> � or any other nddress Dorrower deslgnates by norice to Lender. My noUce to Lendcr shail be gNen by first class maii ta
<br /> Lender's eddress stated herein or any otlier address Lender designates by notice to BoROwer. Any notice provided lor in th"s.a
<br /> -- -- . . . ..__...----�_��...w.,.. ..:.,e., oo�.�..s.imi[n tht� r�ranranh
<br /> °- —
<br /> - - - -
<br /> � Security Instrument shali be deetnea to nave neen g�va� �o o���o..�. ... ���..�� ^••�•• �••-• --•--•---- - • ° .
<br /> • ' 15. Governinc� Law; SBVeYebllity. This Se�urity Instrument shali be govemed by federel law and tha law o1 the
<br /> - (urisdlction in whlch the P►operty is located. In the event that any provision or cl3use of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> - " conCicts with epplicable lavr, such coniiict shail not atfect other provisions of this Security InstNment or ihe Note which wn be
<br /> - . gNen ellect without the conllicting provision. To th{s end the provisions of ihis Security Instrument and the Note are dedared to
<br /> � be severebte.
<br /> 16. BOf1'OW@I'�S COpy.Boiiowe� shati be given one confortned copy ot the Note and al th�s Sp�rity In�trument
<br /> ' F��3tGlMG it.�7� c.�a� � .���, � �� ..
<br /> ,i.. I o7ra7
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