__, frr�.��J��"t �'_yrrt! j�y {- ---- --� i° .
<br /> � i - �St �'�L,.�i� .n�,ynZl��rrlt . -. v,.:.
<br /> 1 ��I e .... � . '1 6L�.�:
<br /> �u�si-' _' t�i�i�w`fA►ti1Z���if1:.�n....-.�'avird.�4r 'ivw..iw.a '.w�x�tw.i.'... : ._.... _._. ..__ _
<br /> �,92-�°�,asa�� _
<br /> eunACmnntion or other�eking of:��y pan of the Pro�xny.or fnr convcyance In Iiw of condemnaiinn,aro ikrcby assigned and
<br />� shAl lw puld m Isnder.
<br /> tn tho cecm ot a totnl �aking of iho Pmxny.the procceds shail Ix nppiled tn the sums secuced 6y this Security
<br /> Instmmenl.�vLCihcr or nnt�lien dnc.whh.ny excess pald lo Ilor�owar. In tho cvcm of n parAal taAing of iiw Pro�cny in
<br /> x�hidi�hn talr mukc�valuo of tho Pro�xny Immallatciy Ixforc�hc iaking is n�ual�o or grc,tcr than tho.moum of tiw sunu _
<br /> ucural6y tlds Stcudiy InslrumeN Immedlateiy Ir.foro ihe�aking,aniess porcax�cr.nJ I.ender othenvise agrco in wri�ing,
<br /> ihc sums sccund by�hB Sccuri�y inswmcm.hall Uc rcduttd hy the amowa of thc procceds mul�iplicd by tho follo��•ing _
<br /> fnc�ion: (s)A�o lotel amoum of the Rums seeurd immedla�rl•IMforc�he iaking,dlvided by 1h1�he fair market value of the -_
<br />- iYu�r�y inmxdia�cly before thc taking. Any balnncc shall� paid�o Uorta���cr. In thc cvmi ot a panial taking ot thc -•
<br />- Propcny in�rLlch�I�c falr ma�kt�v.luo of thc Prop:�ty immcdintcly befon ihc taking Is Icss�han thc amoum of�hc snms -
<br /> x,turcd immedlattly t+afure Ih: �eking,un�eis lSortow�cr,nd I.enAer o�hmvise agrce in wri�ing or unless appllcable law _
<br /> otLenvim provides,the pnx.ads zhall Ue applicd to tlw sums securcd 6y Ihis Secnri�y Inswmom whether orool Ihe sums are =
<br />!' tLcn duc.
<br />� If tha Propcny Is.Lnndoncd by(iorco++'c6 or If.allcr no�kc 6y I.cndcr to Onrro�rtt tha�O�c condcnmor offers to malcc _
<br /> nn nward or settle n claim tnr Jamngu,l�orro�cer fails to rcs{aad ro Lender wllhtn JO days af�cr the Aate�he nmice is @[ven.
<br />': Lender is.mimrized to collect anA apply�he proceeds,m i�s opilon,chher to rcstoniton or rcpair o!the Propetty ar rn iBe _
<br /> sums socun:d by�hls Sunrity Ins�nimeN,x�hethcror not then duc. __
<br />-; Unless t.cndcr and Oorzowcr o�henvisc agrcc in writing,nny.pplic.^.iion of procecds tn principal shall no�exteur}ur _
<br /> i {wstponc thodue datc otd�c moa�hly paymcros rcfcrtcd m tn pangrapl�s 1 anA 2 ar ch:mgc ihc n�raum of such payR�r.�i =-
<br /> " 11. 1)orroxer Nol RNrns�:di �orbenrnnce R� [.endrr Not a \5'�Iven 8x�cnston ot �he �ime for paym;m .r
<br /> ' modificutlon of amotliza�lon of ihe sumx secured by��is Sttudly insuumcm granted�y Lendcr io any mxassor m i.^.ir�ext �
<br /> � of Dorrowcr shall noi operaie�o rclense �he lia6illly of the odginal Dorro���cr or Aottowcrk suceesto-n m.i�tores�.Lanifer _°.
<br /> shall no1 bz rcyuired to commanee proce�dings againsi .ny suacssor in imeres� nr RNse Io exterxi v,-.�c .�. po}�r.i;a:or ..
<br /> , ahcnvisc modi(y emonization of U�c wms uwrcd by�his Securi�y Instrumcm by rc:�son a(.-e.:drmand�urde by tb:vr.i�ix<I _
<br /> ' Oortmcer ar RorrowerS successon:in imercs�. Any(or6enrance by I.ender in exercfsin��ny righ�or renxdy shail ncc hr.� ,
<br /> watvcr of or prccludc thc ozctcisc of any right or nrtmcdy. _-
<br /> - i2. Slieceuors and Arsigns IIound;Jninl nnd 5ecernl H.i�bAily;Coatgnere. "Rv=�w��rrao�s atvA agnensr.is ik wi�: _
<br />� Security Inswmen�shall bind nnd benefi��he sueceszors and nssigns of Lencl.r nnJ Bercoi�•u.mbjece ta a�pmvisioiu o`
<br /> pambmph 17. 6orroxer� covcnams snA ugrcrmcNc shall M1c joint anJ uvcmL Any Bosvuar who coaigns �61s S:cuary _
<br /> Insunmca�bm does r.oi execme�h.�we: (a)fs co•sfgning�hix Securi�y Ins�mntent onl��to o�.ngaga sm.nt nnd coave��a4at =
<br /> tlnrco�r�r5 iNCrcsi in�he Propeny undrr the tem�s of�hk Sccuri�y Insuumer.0 (6)i.net pe<vs..dly obligated lo pay�he saxos
<br /> � setuted by�M1is Securi�y tnswmenC and(c)agrces iha�LenJer and nny o�her Rorrm��cr rn:y.:���:re�o extend,madify,forbcar _,
<br /> or make nny accommoda�ions with rcgard to�he temis of�his Securi�y Insiivmem or th: Noie ���llhout �ha� 6orcowerk _
<br /> conum. `
<br /> ya, y�,�r��p�e�, �p��M ��„��ecurcd hy �his Security Inswmem is subjec�w a Iaw which uis maximum loan =
<br /> i eLnrges,ar.d�6at law is finally imeryrc�ed so that�he Imercst or m:.`.cr loan chnrges colkaa!or�o Ik eoilec�cU in eonrtec+.inn _
<br /> wlih the I��n extteJ�he penniued limiis,there (n)nny snch inua.cT.arge shall be rcAnreA by the amount necessary ro m+x�.e =
<br /> • the chx�ge�o the petmiucd IimiL•nnd(b)nny sumx atrcady col;crc�1 trom Itovower whi.h esaeded pemiilted Ilmi�s�riP.br _
<br /> . hfimdeA to Oonm�rc 4.eoder mny choose�o make�his rc(unA by reducing�b:�cir.cip�l oued undenhe Note ur 6y mnk+ng a _
<br /> Altec�paymen��n Qorca��er. I(u refund rcduces principal,�he reduaion wifl s.s:urated ns a p::nial prcpa�rcent wnhow nxy -
<br /> prcpaymertx ehatge under thc hotc. _
<br /> Ad. '�oticrs. Any noliee In Boao���er provided fnr in�his Seeurily Insuu:ner,1<;s:+f b:giren by drliv<ring io cr b}� _
<br /> malling it by first clau mall unless nppiicab!e law mquirc.nm of nnother nu�hai.7hr n:�:i:e,txall h direcitd to Ux Fn�eny =
<br /> Addrcss or:my olher addrcss ftonowcr designstes Fy nolice lo LenJCr. Any nu;ice m Lcn:itl SABI)LY FlY2D I>}'II!!�1 CISCS ,
<br /> maii w I.enderF address s�ated hercln or nn��uhx.:ddresc Lend.r designate<by noti:e�o Rorm}�rr. Aa3 no�ice providcJ for
<br /> jin �his Securi�y Ins�maicni shall bc dcem.rt�o Vha.�c hcen givcn lo Oortm�er nr Lender���hen giszte ac prnvldrd In IhCa _.
<br /> ; parng�apS. _.
<br /> � 9�. Go�'erning I.mvi Sercrn61111y. This Securiy Ins�mment shall Ik govem.� by irdeml law nr.d U�e la�c o.'�F.c _
<br /> ! jurisdialon in which ihe Pro�ny i.IaateJ. In�he erem�hal nny provisfon or clau:e u!�his Securi�y Instmment oc 1'r.e Nme _
<br /> ! conlliciz wiih upplicaFle law,such conllic��h�il na affen other provi.innc of thic Securi�y Inarumem or iL•e Noro which can _
<br /> Ix givrn effect xia`�nx ihe conOk�ing prm�is:�c� 'Gi�hix end ihe pro��i�u•rt..f ihis Securi�y Ins�mmeix and�hr Ko�e xre _
<br /> dcClntcd ln be se�'e<ati;r. '•
<br /> � !b. Rorrm�or'sfopy. Uor:m�xnhall b.givcn nnc confomicd copy o(ihr Nntc and of ihis Scwrity Im�mmcnt. _
<br />-= t17. 75�ansfrt ollhe i'royerus�+r n 13enelicinl Inleresf in Oorro�+ee If all or an��pan of�he Pro{xny ur any intnrr.t in -
<br /> i�is v;(d ur��ansf¢ntd(or if n Gn.ficinl imercs� in 6orto�cer is.nld or�ran�femd and f3ormx�er is no�a na�uml �e�coN _
<br />- wl[Mn:l.cnd.rt prior wriucm m�um.Lcndrr may,at i�s op�ion,rcyuim immcdia�c paymem in fall of all sumx smu:c:i by ?
<br /> Ihis Stturi�y Inswmem. Ho��ever.Ihi.optinn s(x:dl no�Ix exerei.cd hy LenJcr if escrcis¢i.prohiFi�r:ny (aderal Inw x�af _:
<br />- thc Aate of this Security Insuumem.
<br />- If Lcndcr cxcrciacx U�is opiion.Lcndu:h,dl girt lionmvcr nolicc of arccicration. Th:rtNitc sludl providc a�ria1 of
<br />= nollesxthan30daysfmm�hrd:urth.no�icei.iklir.rcdona.ultd�riihinwhich0ort�.u.��an.tpayallsumsacwrec2M'this
<br /> Securily Inslmment. If Uorrmve: �ads lo pa) Ihac wnn po,n �n �he c�pira�ion of i.`,;s�ericd. LenJtt may inrnic, any _
<br />: rcmcdies permiurd by thi.Se.nrii.Inamnn•m w i�hnm funhrr nn�ia or dem.a^d on Uenm.rt.
<br />= 18. IIorrm.rr i R3ght tn d2rinslalr. If linrtmcer ir.c.h eetlain rr-dk:inm. Unnrncrr shall h.�ve iFs righ� m ha��t
<br /> en(o:ccmcm uf ihi..>:rnriry�1::.:r::mrn1 di.:oniii.ucJ ai am li�r.<pnnr lu Cc..�:li.r cf: l�)t da)'s l-�:•.::h othcr pctial as _.
<br />- S�ny�::..� -FanMr\laeliiddie\t�:i\IkOHNI\SJRI�fE]'I. -n:.•i-(.nen.r.n 9W �p�eN��- �;.�.�
<br /> .i...l�S1�c�,�Nf11- �li� ._� °a .1: ._. . . . ....r.' :3 _ _ _ ... . ..'i�.r{.:.f' _ 1� .( f1��7y1AO3�r. � Ir4� _
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