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( ^y y�p <br /> lV�j33'iit �'7.�"ttinir _`�isli�S .- i isi i <br /> '�.�r+.r���Il�^�t�� t. . . t . p, <br /> {� p • rIa'4r.t31ss5F4F1�.�� <br /> -_- j �Hh�.. ... ___ _ ' .. J4.�..-"�....��..��....�-..-...__..r--__�_.. _ _ . . <br /> r. <br /> � � S2� �.c��� <br /> . . pedods thnt[.cndtt rcqufrcs. Tho Insurmco wnler provlding tho Insurantt sh�ll Ire chosen 6y Oorro��+er snh}ttt to I.endtt4 <br /> •PMOVt�I H'hith siuil nat Uo unmasonably withheld. !f 6orrowtr Glls to moinlain w�•ara&c deuritxd alwve,l.cndtr may,a� <br /> t.cndu§optlon,obmin mverage to protat l.endu§rights in Qw Prop:ny in xaoninnco wnh pvagraph 9. = ---- <br /> . All Insuranw polictes and rxnewals sfiall texa{xable to l.enderand shatl inclndo a standani mongage clou:e I.aider <br /> . strcll ha�ro tht dght lo hold ihc pollcles and rcnewals. If I.ender rcquires,Ilorroner shall promptty gh•e ro Lend:r nq rxeip�s <br /> of piid preminms and rcnewai noticu. in the e�•�nt oi lou,timmxcr shali givo prompt no�ice m the inwrs_xe carcltr and '" <br /> Ltnd:r. I.cnder may make pronf of loss If not mado promptly by Oortox�er. —_ - <br /> Unless I.tnder and flonowrr ahenvisc agrec in xriiing,(rtavance procecds shall bc applitd io rcs�ora�lon cr rcpalr af e�''-�"..... <br /> tM1:�rty damnged, If ihe restomdon or rcp�ir ts[mcwmlcaily feas161c and 4enderS securiry is aot lessened. If�he --�— � <br /> : rcstoret on or rcpalr Is not economically feasi6le or I�endetS stcudiy would bc Iczxncd,tM huumnee procc�vls shsfl b�: .-.�—: <br />- applltd to dx sums securcd by�his Sttarity Inswrir.n6 or na�hen dut,wiih any cxttu paid to Dormue�. If C'`j ' <br /> i �orm�vcr abandoro�he Pro�xtty,or docs not a�swer wi�hin 30 days a notice from t.ender tAa� the insurance cartier has f <br /> otfen�d to seltle a elaim,then 4endcr ma�wllen the insurance p`ocads. 4ender may use�he practds ro rc�afr ur rcsmro ,�r x=�� <br /> tM Propctly orto piy sums seeu�al by�h s Sccurity]nstrument,�rhahcror not thcn duc. The 30day pcdnd�r I�bcgin�rhen ��,'�;?.,-r <br /> tlu notice is givcn. ....°: <br /> - Untcss[.cnder and Oorcowxr othc�visc agrx in wdting,:my application of procceds ro pdncipal shall no�oxtrnd or ��i''�—� <br /> ', posiponc thc due do�t oP the momhiy pryments rcfcrnM�o in par�gr�phs i :md 2 or change thc amoum of ihc paymen�s. If .�,j.t�'},..-' <br /> � under paregroph 21 the Avpeny is acquired 6y Lender, Oorto��•erS right to any insurance{wfides and proceeds ruidting 3�r'x;". <br /> ' from d�mage m the Propcny pdm�o the acquisition shall pacs�o Lcnder ro the curni of Uw sums securcd hy this Secumy g4;�;,�;--_. <br /> i instmmcntimmWimciypdortotheacr�uisitioa �'+�''�5:=..,"�.. <br /> 6. Otcupancg PYtStfYAlI011, SGintrnmce and Proledbn ot Ite Property�� Borroxcr•s taan Appllation� x�';::;- <br /> _ LtasehoNts. Aorrox•ersAalloccu pe Y P Pil Y Y `.:��`�- <br /> py,alablfs6,a�d use the Pro �i as Borroweh rincl msidence a•i�hin six� da s aRer ,��,, <br /> the exaution af�his Security Insuumer.t and shall continue�o occupy�he fhoperty as�oaower�prin:ipal resid:na for a� i��� <br /> Ieut one ywr atter �ho da�o of occupancy, unless Lender othenvise agras in writing. wfiich conum sM1all not h �„ar,.,�'-� <br />, unreazonably whhheid,or unless exeenoa�ing circumstances ezist�rhich aro 6eyond Oortmvcrr comrof. Aorroxtr shall not �;`r�}y--:_:: <br /> des�roy,damage or impalr ihe F'roperty,nllo�v�he f'rop�•ny�o deteriorete,or commi��vaztc on�Ix.Properly. Rorroner shall ` � - <br /> f : � .. <br /> be tn default if eny forfeilure acllon or procecding,whe�her eivil or criminal,is begun�ha�in 4ertqerk gaod fafih judgmem �;K�r.,,,•�"' <br /> eould rcsult in forfehuro of�he Propeny or o:henvise materinlly imp�ir the Iien crcated by �his Security Instmment or .��,•;17,:;.-,�; <br /> Lender�sceurity imercs�. 6ortox�ermaycnre such a defaul�and refnstete,u provided in paragraph causfng the action � ^'- <br /> or procecding to bo dismissod�vith n mling tha4 in Lender�good faith detemiinailon,precludes fodeiture of the Rorto�rrl �`��=j�itiis:`." <br /> interest in the Property or oiher meledal Impairmem of�he Iien en:ateA by q�is Securi�y Insm�mrnt or I.ender4 securi�y �;�I;X^C:'�- <br />. int.ns�. Ilortowcr shail also 6c in detnnl� it Uorrm��tr, dudng �hc loan application prceess, ga�•c ma�crially falsc or ;•'�i(4 s'�� <br /> ,-.�,;. ;=;` <br />� inaauratcinform:nionorsiatememstol.encicr(arfailcdtoprovlde4cndcrwithanymaleriallnPommtion)inconnectionwlth . y+.�1,<.- <br /> the loyi evider.ced 6y the ho�e, incinding, bm not linuied to, mpresemntions concernfng Dortoarrk occupancy of �he ��=y�'a'=`-�- <br /> Pto�riy as a DrinciW�res� if ihis Securiry Insttumen�is on a Iwsehold.Dorrower shall wmply wi�h nll�he provisfons �`t':'�" <br /> . of�hc(ease. if Dorrower acquires fee tide to the Property,tho Ieacchotd:md�he fcc titic shall not nierge unless Lcnder ngrees x�;;}�`{.'--�- <br /> f0themc! eflnwdtin . 14r��:f�". <br /> 6 8 J:vt}�r-�i:r.. <br /> 7. Protedlmi ot I.ender's RlgAis In the Property. If[iorrox�er fails lo per(orm thc cmrnams and agrtcmcros h;(�Y1VT�_; <br />� eomatn.d in this Securi�y Ins�rumem,or therc is ¢ legal proceeding thnt m.Ty signiRcanlly affect Lender!c dgh�s In the +"�"' <br /> Fioper�y(xuch aa n pmcecding In hankmptcy,praba�0.for condemnation ar fodeiwre or�o enforce Inws or rcgulaiions),then -�'.,'��,��-,!`;�?:4'�� <br />.. l.tnder m:y Jo mW{�ap tor�chat.c.r is netc.cwry to prm�t�dw v.luc o(�he iaoprrly nM LenderS nghis m lhe fhopeny. ��<<%�rr,:e:.; -_ <br /> Y P•S 8• Y Y P Y Y PP�• 6 �;�.c�:... <br /> LemMrk ac�ions ma Include �•in �n suna ucurcd b a Ilen n�hich has dorii over this Securii Inztmment,a tdn t'y�i>���!;r:?r-: <br /> in cotm,paying rcaconable a�tomcys'lecs nnd en:ering on�he Propeny�o makc repalrs.Ahhough Lendcr may Inke ncllon +:?e?-•.�-.- <br /> 1 Ss.i..- <br /> undcr�his paragnph 7,Lcndtr dces no�ha�ro ro do so. -+�-,--�- <br /> F'•:"l..:-_ . <br /> Any nmaunts dlsbursed by Lender under this paregrnph 7 shall 1>econw addl�tonnl debl of Oorcower securcd by this j:;i�+.•�r.:t<`, <br /> .,.._vs�.:. <br /> Securi�y Insmmicm. Onless Uorrower and Lmdcr ngn�c�o oUicr�emis of paymcn4 nmounu shall bear Intcres�Gom inc ,��;�„{.__;- <br /> da.e af disbursement a�the Natc ra�e and slmll Le pa�•able,��•I�h imeres6 upon no0ce fmm I.ender to 6ottower rcquesting ? y,��r„ .-, <br /> payment. �'�;:,:j;��>, <br /> 6. Martgn�e Insurnnce. If Lcnder rcquircd mottgage insumnce aa n condi�ion of mnking the loan sccnrcd by thls ��;,;t,;,�}�,_� <br /> Securi�y Inammem.6ortower xhall pay�he prcmiums n�uircd �o mnimain the mongage insumnee in effec�. If,for nny ��`%`,.""*�•� <br /> reuon, the mongo�e inxurauce mveragc rcqidnd by Lendcr lapses or ccucs �o bc In c(fect. �orrowcr shall pay �he r'�i�,��V�� <br /> P 9 � S Y 1 F�S P Y in cffeci,a� a cost '.'-•..`. <br /> remiums rc wrcU m obmin coreia c su6x�;mtiall c�uicatenl lo Ihc mon � e insurancc revioucl c".<" ,•,::..; <br /> ; <:a..:..,_�.� <br /> et:: <br /> Rubsunt aily equrvalem to ihe cos�to Uortowrr of�he mongage inmrar.ce previousiy in e(fec�.from nn altema�e mongaga . „_::�.•r.;.,�__ <br /> insnmr approved by Lender. If subsiamially eyvivalent mongage inmrnr.ce covrrage is no�nvailable.6orrower shall pay to -<i;,r;_s.__� <br /> Lcnder each momh a sum n�ind�o onc•t�rclf�h of�hc ycarly mangagc insur.�r,cc prcminm 6cing paid by Donoarr�vhen the � -"'��-� ' <br /> Insurance mecr e la sed or crased lo M i»eQecL Lender�vill,cce L usr.^.nd rc�ain Ih;se i�nxrv.s n:a loss msen�e in Iteu t ''�'�'�� <br /> F P N P�Y ��`•.:.,1..� <br /> ot mortgage Insivanca Loss resc�ve piymenes may no longer Le requircd.a��he op�ion of LrnCer,ii mungage insuranre '---� <br /> covera e(in�he;:mam nnd for�he riocl Ihal Lender n uires) rovided b �n insurcr a ro�rd 4.4r,,;der a ain becomes ���'-.`���`��' ' <br /> 8 P� 9 P Y• PP 8 ��t'-:'<-N;.,,. <br /> nvailab;e and is ob�atned.DoRm�er shall pay�hc premiuma required w maimain mongagr inxunn:e ir sifec�,or m Srovide a -���,��-�,... <br /> Incc rescn•c,until tl�e rcquiremcu�!or mongnge insurar,<c enJs in acconfancc�ri�h any wrinen agrc.n:em Fe�wera�±sowcr "ti{`S�i';'�•`"� <br /> and Lender or applicabte lan. d.;"�:�??�-_.:- <br />� 9. Inspeeilon. Lendcr or iix agcnt r.•�.? cakc ream�ubic:ntriec e_�u aad in:preinm ot ihr Psep:rn. nhall - _--._ <br /> give Dorrowcr nn.iee at�he time afor prnn s: ac i:spcclion syreifyir.F r_x;:aeble cause for�hc inspetunn_ <br /> ' .: <br /> 10. Cor.flrmr.rllwi. 'fh:pretttd�aCss.xward iq cE��z S^.i:�^n_:..dirccl nt��i:h a:v ..' . -,-� � <br /> ' �dis: <br /> brr.�=1'nny-fannk�iicpmdd'a"n:1�IFOR}tltiS?R{\1F..\'f- lz.f.m�Co.tnv:. 9.9p �ry'�' 'o°n:xn �•'���tY•:I°. <br /> 1NNWnR�'l[N{bID.�:�� 1�1�_ <br />- le�b1�p11NO1U4HJpf\1!`F:91.U!1 � :'. <br />. ���"S�tS':;:' <br /> ..A:' <br /> �.. <br /> rt �R���i;nh$��� A717". l&l:I::.', -.,'.7;.��.. . - '..� .:e.t9.['� � �i'.P,.� . ' . -:r.r 4 e. ..a.. .r_a�r,;r.n� � <br /> . . <br /> �'i1 '� . . _ . . . i_ � _ <br /> . ..k`.. �idt� � r;..- . ;- - . .:�- � -' , <br />. -�;c'..d N`,d•..i . • <br /> y_' P�_:: _ _-_ _ ___ - - _ '__ _ _ " . — . - - _ -- --- <br /> � 11 . •. - . . . . . . . . <br /> �+{c, �J'�+�•``�,'��' . . .� - - .. <br /> F ' � - 'zS_ i,; . _ _ - � ' <br /> :. <br /> .. :: - �,. , .'.. _ . <br /> _';_-c• " ' _' •_+�; - . . � <br /> � L_ . , <br /> , c .�,� . . . � . . . � � � . <br /> -u .,4. -�i�' . . <br />-i:. .;i�: . _ . <br /> i � - �L' _. _ _ . . - ' - . <br /> r '1 '• <br /> i1 �,>v.i��� -t; . . . " " _ . ( - . . <br /> i�Z�l.- k . _i " .j . . . _ - .�IwYt�. ' � JL ... <br /> � ' .\ l ] - � . - ._. h() <br /> + ! <br /> 1. <br /> .�'f . . � . '��� <br /> ! <br /> � � t �.: _ � ) [�._ � l. ,.. ._. . : . - .-_. , . . .. '� � � �7 v �_�__ . <br />