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' - _ <br /> . ` . . , <br />- � .}.,.-,—_..— .'._ �.�.-_.�:. -..,.,�..:...-__.._.�_�•�.x- -� . ...,�..��'`_.r•..,...,� "�+,.C_:L r_._ _ _�M.:!•�i:.u•.*�a3"•':�1.�s:_a.. �t T � <br /> �.- <br /> � •_�......,.....__ • . ,......'.�, . . <br /> ��� _ <br /> �. ` 9�'�- �o��� <br /> - 4. Ae additional eecurtty,'15vetor heroby gives to aad con(era upon Oeneticiary tho right,powor nnd autGarity,draring tl�o contlnunnca nf <br /> '� theee Tru�te to collect tho ranta,isauoe and profite of eaid proparty,rcaorving unto 7�ustor tho rlght,prlor W any dnfnu!¢by'I1veWr in pa�nont <br /> . �� of tu�y indebtedneaa�ecured heveby or in perfonnance oP Rny oQreement hereundor,to calloct and retein euoi►ronta,inaueo and prollte ntf tiroy <br /> becomo due and pnyable. Upon nny euch default,DonoAclary mey et sny timo wiW�out notico,otther In por�oR,l��oqont,or Ay a rccelvnr to bo <br /> �ppotnted by e court,end�rithout rzgard to the adequacy o§�ny raurity for e6o indebtadneue i�oraby eucw•nd,uawr�n�on ood Wko pooeaeolnu <br /> . .:c::���'� ot si►Id property or aay part thareof,in his own name�ue fo�o�otherwib collect�uch renta,ie�neo end pw�R�9,tacludin�thae put du�nnd <br /> '�, unpatd,snd epply the�umo upon any indobtedneu�ecurod hereby,�nd ln euch ordor��Denofldery may dntnrmine. Ths enEeHn�u�w�nnd <br /> takin�poe�e�rion ot onid property,tho collection ot�uch rent�,iuuoo�nd protlts md the spplicatlon thm�eaf on d'ere�eld,oholl not cu�w o� <br />�� „ w�ive sny defiult or notice of default hereunder or invdid�te�ny ecL done punuen!tu�uch nodce. <br /> , 6. Upon default by 4tiuetor In the peyment of�ny inde4tedna�K+curcd hemby or in the perCormnnce uf.Q�ey��r¢ement contalnod I�ornin, <br />- � dl sum�Mcarod heroby�haU immediately besome due and p�yabb ut tha optlon of the Deneticlery. In rncoh avont ond upon writton roqnort <br /> � of I3eneQclory,'huatee ehaU eell tha trusL pro�erty,in accordonco with the A7ebraska'Aruit Deads Att,ata F-shl�c aactian ca tho t>iddar. - <br /> My penwn e:cepL'hustaa may bid et'llrwtee'��le. 7Yustes�h�U�pply the proceade ottho��le u 2blPrsae: (Il to the expanee of tJia nnln, <br /> IncludtnQ a roewnable 7lwtee'�fee;(2)to the obll�ation�ecured by thi�Deea of�+ut;(9)the�urplua,iPen.y,ehnIID bo dbetrlbuted to Nm psmona <br /> �� entitled thereto. <br /> 8. 'ltvetee�hnll deliver to the purchaeer nt the�ale it�dned,wlthout wnrranty,wliich ehall r.on�iay Gr tha purcheeer the Intamnt ln tuo <br /> :�. property which Z1v�tor had or had ttie power to convey at the time of hi�executinn of thle Doed of'Prunt,nnd eucA ae he msy bnva anquimd <br /> thenaRer.'Itwoee'c deed�haU rectte tbe facte�howing tbst the ula wa�oonducted in complisnce warJ►aDD tha raqulrsmenta of law nnd of tlile <br /> �� � . Deed of 1lrust,wh3ch recital sbaU be prime fsde evldence of ouch compA�noe�nd concludve evldenao t3�nr�of in favor oPbonu 6do piunhanoin <br />— �, ' an�encumbrauces foe velue. - <br />�_t., y•. 7. The power of eale conferred by thie Deed of 41vat ie uot an ezcluefve remody;Heneflciery mny oa�a Wilo Deed of lyvet to bo faroolosod °_ <br /> �e a mortgage. - <br />- „ 8. Ia the eveat of the deaW,incnpadty,dtesbUity or reeignaHon of 7lruatee,BOIIOfIb'�prj'iAll;�Qn�70J11C IA WPI410g A 8llCC0880T U'UD1D0�nud <br />_ •�,� � upoa the recordtng of euch sppointment ia the mortgage reoords of the wuaty in wMoh thia Dead of Tncat is recorded,tha eucoeeaor hstatoo _ <br /> ' ehell be veated wIth all powers of the orIgiaal truatee. The tr�stee is not obliged to notity ony pnrty I�oraW of peadjng eslo undor uny otd�er = <br /> - � � Deed ef mrust or of any action or praceeding in which R4�uator,�uatee or BonoRciary ehall be a purty unluao auch acUon or proceoding ie brougLt ° <br />�.`. _ hy the 4Yuetee. <br />— 9.This Deed of 7rwt appliea W,inuros to We benefit of.and fe bindiag not oaly on the partiee hnx�tn,but on¢heir heire,devineee,logntoee, <br /> admtuiatrnWra,executore,sucexssors end aeaigne.The term BeneBciaryshnU monne the halder�nd nwanr of the note securad hemby,whotl�or = <br />_ � or aot aemnd ae Bene&ciary herein. ° <br /> '-' : 10. Reque�t for Notics of Default or Notice of$ale. It ie reque�ted thet a copy of suy Notice of DoCnute or NoLice of 8ale be mailed tu onoh ` <br /> ''�� ' � pereon who is nRmed in thix R1vst Deed at the m�iling addre�of euch peraon na eet out a6ovo. <br />��"'''?i'' ' '``` " NOTICE�'O CONSUMER, 1.Do aot sign thia paper batore you read'a�. 2.You are entitled to s oo�y oi <br /> -''`'`" ",..`,,�, � thile aper. 3.You may PrePay the unpaid balence at <br /> p aay time wlthu+�t peaalty and raey be en7SL•Zed to <br /> i`.'..�� '',�,�r~ reeoive a ret�nd of unearaed charges ia accordaace wfth I$w _ <br />-�-"=�•s".�'k:;�`!;: Sigaedthie 8 dqyof Anril .A.D. 10,,.�. - <br /> .:�f�':f�d`" <br />— . ���:� CliY1.Gl�- � _ <br /> _"����`t�� BTA'['E OF NEBFtA9KA ) _ <br /> ..,._ ,.,�_� )ea. <br />='-''=."`.�-�•� H811 COUNTY ) • <br />�n-Ya�'"".- -:.� <br /> -.�r-.�:_:�.e�.� <br /> �'��'?�*�� Oa tbis�,._dqy of�p�il ,A.I).19�L,before me,tho uudornipnnd,a Notary PubUc,du�y wmmieiionod nnd <br />�`���� qualffiedforaadreeidingtnseidcounty,pononallycame_Tames__W. Nelson f. Roran M_ Natann� h.,ahanA b,,�iF� <br /> - __ _ as j oint tenants to ate knowu ta be the identic�l perwn�wh000 nnnio�afC'ued W the faregofag inaciumeut <br /> ___„�-r� ae 1lruetor R nnd eckaowledgedtho enmo tobe th�tr <br /> voluatary act and deed. <br /> �_ ___-- : Witneu my hand and Notarlsl&al tha day aad r a � (��N�� _ <br /> �,� ' My Commiuton expirea the Ath day � sw�r,w�� <br /> A,�� of FF.RR(T_ARV ,19�Q. � < • <br /> --,_� Natsry lic <br /> ------- BTATE OF' ) _ <br /> = )ne. ..- <br /> __ .��-" COIJI��TY) _ <br /> .`�.:�i�.'A77179 " <br /> s..�;_y�q4ig� - <br /> i �'°�"`�`�° Entersd in Numerical Inden and fUed fos eecord ia tho oiTice of tho Regietor of Droda of enId oounty,tha <br /> -,,..�ti'-�-�: — <br /> - day of ,19 ,at o clock and_ miautes 18., -_. <br /> ���`� ,;;,;� - nnd duly recorded ia Book of Mortgages page �- <br /> _;R:• . . . ` ' S _ <br /> —y=;,..�, . � Rogietor of Dneds = <br /> . .. po�u� _- <br /> � YB1 t66i4(NH) = <br /> `•.4, �. , ' • <br /> � ....�.+.�-"�_� - -. <br /> - "YF�� . _�___ _ ' ' _ ' -____°_. <br /> � .. .. .. ,, j .� � .. � . .. --�.- ,J�lv�a�:•���.��^'�� - .. �,— <br /> ,. s . ' � , ' � �r; . <br /> > , • . <br /> , � . ;�, <br />— ;',' . <br /> .; �.�: <br /> ' � `,�j� '` � ., <br /> ::�, <br /> . . ;,''.S, �;:, . ; ' <br /> •. .:��',�:�,.�r"''''•,•� .t;:;,, . <br /> ti •� •�, <br /> ' �� �a'.t' .'�xt[.!' -�. ` ' • <br /> : ,� • ` . . , ...`�171:..x,�;1.�;f, J;r . <br /> +• .: . , �r � - , <br /> . • . - " . • • , '�'!�' .• . ,� , . <br /> � <br /> _ , , <br /> . , <br />