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<br /> ,
<br /> between_.�..---�--- ti �_--
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<br /> . .� t7hD:a msiling eddres�i� _- \ :=. �':�- - - _._-_ _. ..`-
<br /> • ur7ruston� aCewaxt title ua , r•Ir . rn r��s --� •r- . �r-,�.,�.-�
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<br /> �at q x ra ` ��--
<br /> u Zlveue,and Norvrewt Finwucial Nebraeko,Inc.,who�e m�iling addre�r ie,_ ��� ,�gonot�cinsy, �Y,y-•�..-"
<br /> ° ;.� o box 1373 Grand iel d 'r�•�fr*�� —_.
<br /> WITNEBSETdi,'Ilruetore hereby irrev�cably,6���bergain,eell,end convey to'i�ustee ia tniat,witli Aowor of enlu,Wo followina doseribed �h�_
<br /> , ���y{p Hal l __County,lVebraeka: �'.�u:¢t-m�•.
<br /> �' p �[.�fBc�oeces�
<br /> , Lot G and Che nurth 47 feeC of Lot 7� Block 10, WESt Park AddiCion to grand island, - :•
<br /> �. Hall County� Nebraska. ;y�
<br /> ,:. i`r�?. =-
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<br /> .-, S 'lbgather with teaemeafe.henditamenta,and appurtennnce�thereunto belongtng ,}
<br /> ;�� pmGta thenof.
<br /> 1.':;;`;�. T1,ie,m n iatendad!ur the pwPoae of eecurin6 the P4Yment w Beneficiary of'itustom'D►nmiReory no�°of even dnw in tho amounc .�L
<br /> .,'',;titt'(' of 1_---�y'����('ibtal of Payrnente).Suid 1bte1 of Paymeate ie repayable aa:ording to the Wnna oteaid noto. Pnymont mny be mado in • ,ytw
<br /> advence in anY amount at enY tlme• �efeult i�'°°a1�g�1'p°n°ent ehull,at the Benefidat�o optton nnd withottt notfao or domnnd,reuder � , ^
<br /> a
<br /> tho eatire unpaid balaace ut said loan at oace due aad payable,lees any rc4uired rebate ot csnt�• ,-=..,
<br /> !��I��' ' 7b protect tha eecurity of thie Deed of 9Yust.'Th�stur covenaata sad aereee:
<br /> ;t�,. ;
<br /> ' �"`•�%-K ' 1. Rb keep tho propertY�n Bood condition and repair;to peraait no waete thereot;W comP�v�++�Y build{na,strur.turo or improvoment being
<br /> °1`:,;:,. builc or about w be built thereon;to reston Fromptly aqY building,atructure or improvement thoreon which maY bn damaBnd or deatroycd; �w,- -
<br /> , and to comply with all lawe,ordinencea,roguladone.wvenenta,oonditione and metrlctiono atfbstinB�e P�nnd clour af ell othor o2�uge6 �.����
<br /> i;'f:°..,:,�r 2. `ib pay before dalinqueat all]awiW tazes tnd eaeeesmeata upon the property;ta IcoeP the pmporty
<br />��f;;��,;`?;• llena or enr.umbrancee impeirin8 the eecuritY olthia Deed of Truu�. �
<br /> si{r�J'•= ''>.�.,Sy' •
<br />-ML:�.1•;/.;�,,�f7„� 9. 7b keep all buildi�n8e now or hereaRer ereMed oa the pmperty deresibed llcte ehall beuhe d by tho BenelicierY�and be�in�euch comp�nia
<br /> ''�S,� in an amount not leea tbnn the Wtal debt eecutcd bY thie Deed of'lYup�. 4�l Po �.�:_
<br /> ������'i'."' - en the Beaefidery mny appmve and havo loaa p�yr�{q,fisaE W.�he Hene�iciary ae ita Grtemst may appoar and then W tlio 7lruotor.Ttte amauat =_�---
<br /> �� h
<br />_1�"�:'`' collected under u�y insureace policy may be applled vPon AnY indeb4ednes�hereby eecuw f oreclao�thierDeed of 71�ot�cure�o�waiv�� __--_------_
<br /> :�;::.... �
<br />-�,.,,�, 9uch appllcsition by the BeaofldarY ehnil aot v�uee discontinuance of any proceedings
<br /> dcfault or notice oFdefnulC or invalidate eaY nct done punu�nt to euch nottce.In the event of forecloawe,ell riBhtr of tlto'I4uutar k►tnnuranro
<br />`�'" '�''� � poUcfee theu in force shall puee W the purchaser at t6e foreclosune snle• _ -
<br />�"'`������! 4. 4b obtnin the written consent of Beneflciery before aelliug,conveying or otherwlae traneferring the prupertY or an3'p°r3 thm'°°f�d°0y __ _.
<br /> ..c�; •,
<br />+<.—r�r..�-. �.:,�, . r.-=�.�.�....���_..'..
<br />• ,�.r�;,�•� euch sale,conveyance os uaaefer without the BeneSdnr�/e writton coneent shell conatitute a dofault uador tUe torms haroo. ��1.sJ
<br /> ��'",;;�A� 6. 'ib defend any action or proceedinB Pur�orting�°affe�the securlty hercof or the dghte ar powem of BeaeSciary or Tnu+toe. �_'---..-��-`_-
<br />-i-.'.;�,r;. 6. Bhould'Ikustor fai]ta PAY when due eaYtazea aesosemeats�[newance premiume�Uene�encumbranae or ot,�►er cLar�ior againat t6e �:_����`
<br /> , � � pmperty heretaebove deecribed,Benefidary me�Y pay thd eame,aad the amount so paid,with intoreaL et the ruW aet fmth!n the now ret.wed ��-���„w,��.�;-
<br /> 4 � �w ..�
<br />� � hereby,ehsll bo addod W and become a part of tho deht secused in thie Deed of 71vst ae permitWd bY law• F` '�� :
<br /> , ,�, �•�`� ' IT IS MUTITALLY A(iR.EED THAT.
<br /> �� ' �•� 1. In tho event anY po �,���;:.�
<br /> Rion of tho pmperty ie taken or damagad in an ominent domain proccedln6�the entire emaunt of tLo awand or such � v t
<br /> � ,7•r•i
<br /> - �a portton thercof ae mny be aeceesary to lh11Y saHefy the obligation secured hernby,ahnll be pnid w Boaoficiory co ba npnliecl to rntd obllgntion. ++ �I:
<br /> 2. By accepNuB PaU ment of any eum eecurod hernby aftor ita due dnte,Boaefidary doea not wetvu ite right tu re4ufm�n°mPt p°ym°°t wlroa ,
<br /> due o1'nU other etwis eo eecured or to declw'o default fur fciiluro to su PeX '•�'�''��;�7� '^`'
<br /> po ,1�. :.,r'�.l : ;;•;
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<br /> . � �_k4�
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