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<br /> (d) Whenever, before any sale of the Trust Froperay undor Sectfan 2.4G. all ,
<br /> Securod Obligations which are then due shall have been paid and all Evants of Defc+ult fu11y ,:;„;��
<br /> , cured,Beneficiary wi11 sunender possession of the 7rust Froperty back to Grantor,its
<br /> ;;..n�:;�
<br /> �.� successors or assigns. The same right of taking possession shall�howBVOr, ari�o sIIaln If any . � .`'�:;
<br /> ..,_�
<br /> � subsequent Event of Default shall occur and be condnuing. ��::
<br /> G.._
<br /> +,,�'�.....
<br /> 'l:�
<br /> Sectia�a 2•04. Rish.t c�('��re Grantor'R Fail�rs to Pe��,ap. Frior to tho �„�-� _
<br /> � �� � occunence of an Ev�nt of Default upon five days' notice to Grantor(r,acept in tha caso of an ;'�?;".�'-
<br /> emergency). or after afie occurrence of aa Event of Default at any tImo and w'it�►out nodce. ,�.'_`:
<br /> � ic'.....r..
<br /> ;�. . shauld Grantor fail in the payment. performance or observance of any torm, covonant or �cK..
<br /> ' condition requireel by this Deed of Trust, the Crodit Agreement or tho Tranche A ExchunBe �f�;V,�.-
<br /> ,� � Note Purchase Agreements (with re.Spect to the Trust Properry).Benoficinry may pAy, �:-,,.,,---
<br /> 1. ._—._._
<br /> �,�.----
<br /> perform or observe t�he same. and all payments made or costs or exponses incuned y .
<br /> Beneficiary in conc�ection therewith shall be secwed hereby and shall be,without demund, ��_r,=-
<br /> . � immediately rcpaid by Grantor to Beneficiary wid�interest thereon at tha Dofttult Rate. �,,�_
<br /> + , . BeneficIary shall be the judge of the necessity for any such actions and of the arnounts to be -
<br /> � j paid. Subjectto theynotice provisions of th�e otherstta en er npon tha Pramises oBthoficiary
<br /> �, ts hereby empowrtcu tc ant�r and•Q�u�---"ose of erforming ar observinB any such
<br /> ;�;'�,; ' Improvsments or any part thereof for the purp P
<br /> �`��`� defaulted term,covenant or condidon without having any obligation to so porform or omserve
<br /> �"'� ' $ erson in ossession holding ua�dor �•"==�
<br /> and without thereby becomin liable ro Grantor,to any p P Y�`;a��:-_
<br /> � �• %`�i;� Grantor�or to any other person. —
<br /> �{>
<br /> Section 2.OS. $ipht co a!tecei�er, 1f an Event of Dafau�c shall occur and be
<br /> �•..it-' conunuing. Beneficiary,upon application to a court of competent jurisdictfon, suall me entitled �.�,r.
<br /> � - � as a matter of right to the appoinunent of a receiver to take possession of and to oper�t�tt►e r�^
<br /> � �� Trust Pro erty�and to collect and apply the Rents. The receiver sh�ll htrva all of the rights r
<br /> P
<br /> ___; �,H F� " and powers peranitted under the laws of the state wherein the Trust P�po�y is locatod.
<br /> Grantor will pay to Beneficiary upon demand a11 expenses,includiag receiver's fees,
<br />_..,,�Tw�f;; .
<br />,-.,,-. � anorney's fees and disbursements. costs and agent's compensadon incwred put'suant to tha _
<br /> -.��f���:=�r�,. provislons of this Section 2.Q5;and all such expenses shall be secured by this Deed of Truct _ _
<br /> «-�if�;�f��°u.' 7; and shall be,without demand. immediately repaid by Grantor to Beneficiary with interest
<br /> .-._.';:.._:: �.,,�a`i�,. t thereon at the Default Rate.
<br /> �-a','. . . �',r �+
<br /> `-',��- �• ,. �„�P A��t S e. (a) If an Evant of Dofnult shu11 occur _
<br />----.� r.� Section 2.06. F�r lo or any Part of tbe Trust
<br /> "�:_�={"` and be conunuing, Heneficiary may elect to sell the Trust ProPeTty
<br />"�'''•��.� ����i Property by exercise of the power of foreclosure or of salo grantvd to B�n�cin�'by
<br /> _ ..,w,,,�.....��., :; commance a
<br /> -'::.�,',t;a;�:�i�r�� applicable law orthis Deed of rrust. In such case,Trustce or SenoficiarY maY —
<br /> _�.:.ri''" "�w' civU actton to foreclose this Deed of TruSt,or It may proceed and seil tho'I'cust Proparty W
<br />"`���'�'�'�� sadsfy any Stcured Obligation. Trustee or Bweficiary or an o�ccer tppointod by a judgnont R.
<br />_:,'""::';`Y;.���...�,
<br /> ; �•� ;�.�.+:�:/,�.:� � of forectosure to sell the Trust Property� u►ay sell all or such patts af tho Ttust Property as
<br />=7::.' �.t''.:�}i��`.� ��::�_
<br /> .,.,,�.;�,��. may be chosern by IDeneficiary at tbe time and place of salu fir,od by it in a noKce of sale, _
<br />- • ...::r.��». �:_..
<br /> . �� �.��-�. � either as a whmle aP in separate lots,parc�ls or itoms as Henoticituy sluill deem oxpcdient, an
<br /> ���'�'�� . �;'°���' : in such order as it may determine, at public aucrion to the highost biddor. Trustoe or �__
<br /> . x, � Beneficiary or an officer apgoittted by a judgment of foreeorttan of tt o,TtuEt Pmperrty by ��;'_-
<br /> • ! . may postpone any foreclosure or other sals of all or any p k�;._
<br /> _ ;';� �L'`r�"
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