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'`�yry._Y <br /> _ .i,. <br /> � . ."__'__'"—""". . .__. . '• ti ,T, _..�' <br /> .. � �AY���TS J� ��1�4� _ <br /> �. 1, Payrnente. Borrowor oproos to moko nll paymonto on tho sorurvd dn�t whan du�.Unlnr.c; Dorrowar �nd Londmr oprco otharweo, onV <br /> 1 peymonte Londa► rocnivon from Bormwor or for [iorrawar'c bonot��w�ll tro opphr�d hrnY m �ny�rnounts Borrowor o�v�na on tho eecurod dobt _ <br /> notlroduce or excuso anyr�scl odulod pflyrylonttuntil tho s�CUred dobt In�poid4n fullA� propt�ynin�t ot tho aocurod dobt occurn for any ron�on,it wiil <br /> 2.Cialm�Ag�Inst T{t�•Borcowdt wlll pey ell toxan, neotoemanta,ancE oth�e char�es ettnUutnb�o to tho proporty whnn du�and will dofond title <br /> to the property egoiAst nny cleima which would Impnir tho Ilon of thia dnad of vu�t.Lantlm moY roqulro Borrow�r ta n�tninn any riphts, cleime or _ <br /> defensea which Bortower m�y hove�galnst pertloe who nupp�Y�t1F1or ar mat�anals to improvn qr mnintain tho proporty. <br /> 3.Insunnce.Borrower will koop tho pro�orty incurod undar terans occoptnblo to Londa nt Borr�wot'o exponae and for 4onder's bonefit.All <br /> �nsurenco paliciea 5hu{I includo a ctnndnrd mort npo c�nuso in�•v�nsr of Lendur.Londor wiilbo nam�d aa loss puyoo or on th�o insurnd on any such <br /> i insuranee policy. Any inaurence p►oceeds maV�e epp�lod,wifl�hr LoncEt3r'e dlocronon,to onbor 1ho rostoration or rnpmr of tho damapod proporty <br /> or to the secured debt.If Lender requlrea mortpopo insurence,6cr•rrovror aprooa to me!ntt�in ouch inouronco for as lonp nn I.�sndar requires. <br /> I4.F►op�rty.Borrqwer will knop the proporty in good canditio��oR.c�m�tce all rapelrr raeccsnebly noaoasnry. <br /> ' ; 6.Exp�nt�s.Borrower agroea to pay all Lendor's exponaoo, inr.t�ndinB reauoneblo ottom�iYS' f000, if Borrowor brouka eny covonants in this doed <br /> ot trust or In any obligation socurqd by this daod of truat.Barrowor will pay thosa amm�nit ta Londor ns provfdod in CavAnnnt 9 of this deed of <br /> • truat. <br /> 8.PAor S�cudty Int�mstt.Uniesa Borrower first obtaina l.undar'm wriiiun consert, Ror:ov�e�r tiliil not make or permlt nny chonges to �ny prior <br /> including`Dorrower's crov nan a�lt Pmak paymonte�wh neduno6limnunren under eny p�inr mort0o9o, doad ot trust or othe+• soeurity agreement, <br /> � 7,Asdpnm�at of RtnU end Profits.Barrowor asai{�ne to I.endor tha rvnts and prolitF of Iho proporty. Uniosa Borrowor aRd Lendor have agreed , <br /> � otherw(so in writing, Borrower may collect end rotni�thn ronr.� es lonp as Borrowor ie not in dufoult. If Borrowor dofa��lts, Londer, Lender's --_ <br /> ' � agent, or a court appointed roceiver may taka poesoesian ar.d ►nanaflo tho proparty and colloct tho ronta. Any rontn Lr•nder collects shall be ;; _ <br /> epplied first to the costs of managing the proporty, inchcdir.g court coets and attornays' toos, commissions to rAntal ugents, and ony othar <br /> I neeessary re la te d exp e n s fl s.Tho remainin g emount of renro vr�ll t�on apply to paymaMe. on tho cocurod debt as providad ir Covanant 1. • .`, ' ,�� •,� <br /> 1 it.Lasaohal�•Condorttinluma;Wann�d Unit DsvNopmentn.EorQOwor a�rees to complY vrith tho provisions of any leeso if thie doed of trost is on �;��' ':_'-__- <br /> e leasehold.1{this deed of trust fs on a unit In a condarcriniurrT or a pannod un�i dovolW�mont. Borrnwe�wi��pe�fnrm a13 of Borrowe�'s duties h, ��_ <br /> under tho cova�ante,bylews,or roguiations of the conduminiurrn or�alnnnod unrt dovol��nont. �,�` �!�—� <br /> , ,���---t= _- <br /> 9.Authaity of Und�r to R�atorm for Bortower.If Borr�a�nor i�(le to porform eny ol �3onc*�n+ar's duties under this dued oi trust, Lender may �,�. - <br /> porform the dutie3 or cause them to bo porformed. Lend+rc ma�/ eipre Borrowar's namn oi paY eny amount if necossnry h�r performance. It any .tir �. ,..•,-�_� <br /> construCtio�on the property ia disconttnued or not carrifld cn fio a roA3onabto munner, l,ondae mey do whntover is neaosn:Ery to protect Lender's �j;� <br /> i eocurity interest fn tf�o property.Thfa may inciudo comptudrtfl thq eonAtruction. — <br /> , � <br /> LAndar's failure to per4orm will not prectudo Lendor from oxarcioing erey of its othar rights undor tho luw or this doed of tr�st. ;� ��: ��,_ <br /> I y � . <br /> and will bearinte�o tYt om the date of tlho paymont untii pAid lo fuA ati�thoeintere t�ra o i n of oct onfthe socured dabi u�to aviil be due on domand <br /> �, � °_ <br /> 10. D�tauit�nd Acc�l�ratlon.If Borrower feils to mnl�e eny paYm.ont whan duo or 6ioo{:s uny covenants under 4hi:s denti of trust or any <br /> � obligetion secured by this deed of trust or any prior mertgna4 ar doad of trust, Lendm meY occelera�Icahle nw rity o9 the secured debt and <br /> �, � � demand immediate payment and mey Invoke tho powor ct sela ond uny oth¢r remodlor+ permittod by app + <br /> = -= � ii. R:.r:a:i t.:.-°a..c=Qt L�=te'!!*��t�"hnreby ronuentrid ttlnt ecD�oo of the noticae o1 dofault and saio bo sent to onch porson who is a party <br /> horoto,at the address of each such per6an,eo sot forcPo hur�m. �-• <br /> 12. Pov►�r of Sal�. If tho Lender invokea tha power ut saln,ttca Tnootee shnll first rocoid in tho office o}the raglster cf doeds of each county <br /> '� wheroln the trust property or soma part or parcel thuinaf iu eiRnated a notico of defeult conta�ningeroto�fond to othor�eeans�os proecribedtby ;';.,i' ' ` <br /> " ' �. Bh811 8180 mail copfea of the notice of defnult tn tha Lnrrowor,to aech poraon who ie o porty h :;�.,. <br /> r� . applfcable law. Rot less than one month aftor tho Tn�utcia rocordu tho notica of drsfault, or two months if tMo trusa property�s not in eny �;:i � : <br /> incorporeted ci4H or villaga an d is use d�c abio�taw�T�ut tuo Rw,tbtou t�domandhon4Bnrrow.roho h����teO1�ihelpf ope��ut f�iub��c auct fon to t e h�g h e�t {�� �� � <br /> a n d I n t h e m a n n o r p r e s c r i b e d b y a p p p I i c abiu Ipw. � � '�. ,. <br /> b i d der.I f requ ir e d b y t h e F a r m h i o m o s t o e d P rotactian Ar.t,1'ruat�e shall ofier t t�e pro�e rt y i n t w o s o p e r e t o s n l o o e s r e�;u(r e d b y e p p � � ,. <br /> � Trustea may postpone eale of ail or eny porcol ot tho R+aRanY bY Public annauncemant et tho t ime an d p laca o t a n y p r o v l o u s l y s c h e d u t e c l s at e. > � �� <br /> Lender or ite designea mey purchaso the property ot aroy eale. �'4 "� <br /> Therecftial3 contafned in ''?:''•� � <br /> } Upon recoipt oi payment of the price 6id,Trustan shnll ditll��or to tho purcheser Trustov'e dood convoying the P'op hAY�roceede of the eale in tho <br /> Trustee's dood shal)be prima facle ovidfoncn of the�rneti�of the etatemants contained ther�ain.Trustoe shail app y � <br /> foliowing ordet: la► to all expensos of the eule, incluAinO. �ut not Ifmitod to, roosonoble Trustoe's foes, ronuan�eble ettornoy's fees and <br /> • reinatatement feea; (b)to all sums socured by tlds dund of truos,and lcl the balanco,if eny,to the pe►aons Iegaily oneiti��d to receive it. f��� <br /> i� � <br /> '�• 13.Fa�clo�ur�.At Lender's option,thfa deed of tn,cet moy be foroclosed in tho monnor pro��do by upplicable law f`or foreclosure o!mortgagea <br /> 1� �1:;e[� <br /> ' � on real property. -"— <br /> #?; HL1�`" <br /> � 14.Intp�c8on.Lender mey ontor tho property to;nopoct it I4 Lender givos Borrowar notice beforohend.The notico must eteto iha raa�onablo �,.�j� <br /> cause for Lander's inspection. G;; _ <br /> 16.Condemna'Hon.Borrower assigne to Lendor thn�racooda of eny awnrd or claim fn�domoges connocted with o anndomnation or othor takinp --..__ _ <br />- � �� of all or any part of the property.Such proceode will tro eppliod es provided in Covon aM 7.7hie nsai8nment Is subj�rt to the torms of any prior _._�___. <br /> fl=-°° <br /> � ' security agra0ment. �?'`y�'� . <br /> _ i II {C;'�'. _ <br /> 7 1 16.Wdver.By exarcisinp any romody avaflabio ta Lendur,Lor��er does not give u anY righta to lator uso nny otlner remody.By not exercising � <br /> ��� eny remedy upon Borrower's dafoult.Lender does nat waiva a�ydght ro latar consPdur iha ovent e dofnult If ft hupp�ena egain. '�'s,�'� <br /> ' ,�, 17. Jdnt en� Sw�r�l UaWNt1l: Co•dpn�rs; Suaonnso+s �nd AuEgnf Bound. All duties undor this deed of tru:�t are jolnt end several. Any =~-�� <br /> � Borrower who co-signs this deod of truat but dnao not co-sipn the under►ying dbbt Instrumontlo) does no only to grent and convey that .���____ l <br /> � '?�'' B o r ro w e r's iniorest M tho prope►ty to the Trustoo undur iho torme of this doetl of trust.In additfon,Euch o L3arrowe�egrone that the Londer and �wy-�,: <br /> , � an y other Borrowor under this dead of trust moy e��tnnd, madifv or ma:ce any othor c hnngPa in t he tor m e o f t h�s d e o d of trust or tho socured ��'�.•_r� .�' <br /> de b t w i t h o u t t h a t B orrowor's consent and without ral�3uoinp thntBorrower frorn tho torme of thie dood of truat. <br /> '' The dutfes and benof7ts of this dead of trust shait bmd nrtd borea�it tt�o aucceesors and aesigne of Londor nnd Borrowor. ".�: _�, '�, <br /> 18.Notice.llnloss othorwise requirod by Ipw,any nmtice to Bcsrrowar shall be flivon bydolivnrinp it or by mailfnp it by cortiifod mall addressed to ' � . <br /> � Borrower at!he property eddress or any othor addrcaos that Barrowar has given to Lander.Borrower wlll pivu eny notice to Londor by certified _ <br /> " mail to Lendo►'e eddress on pago 1 of thla duod ot truot,cr to eny other addrosa which Landnr hae doslgnota�t.Any othot notico to lender shall <br /> •• be sent to Lender's eddross as statod on pnga 1 of tNiu duad otvuct. , • • <br /> Any notice sholf be deemed to have boon pivon to Burrowor ov Lender whon given in <he monnor statod above. � <br /> 98.Tnnslu of th�Propsrty or a 9oneflctd Intaroat tte tleu @cnowa►.If all or any ptan of tho propertV or anV fntoroat in it ia snid or transfe�red <br /> without Lender's priar wrhtwi conae�it, Lender mav dumend immediatv paymom ol tho socurod dobt. Lendor may also domend immodiute <br /> h��� paymertt if tho Borrownr �s not a naturel person und a bortoficlal Interest in tho E3oi�ower ia sold or Yrnnsforrod. However, Lendor may nut <br /> �.�:; demand payrnent in tho abovo situntione if it is prohibitad by fodoral luw as of tho datoof thia deod of nw>x. <br /> �'� ' 20.R�conv�yance. When the obligatfon eocured by thfa doed of trust hoe baon paid,a�nd Lo�dor hns �o furthor obligation to make udvances <br />-�;�•�1:. under the instrumenta or agruemonttt securod by thiu�aed of wst,the Trustae sh a�,upon writton ro�luest by tha Lendo�, roconvey the Trust , <br /> .:., <br /> proparty.The Lender shoii delivor to tho Borrowor,ar io Borrowur's succoesor in intao[+a,the trust dond and thv notn or other evidonco of the i:;. <br /> '' ..ti��.e•c...,a�annetiad.Borrowor shell nav unV rocordutiun costs. � <br /> - --- � <br /> __ _ _ .. ___ 1 __..,-°-��-- - <br /> __ _ _ <br /> , 27. Succeisor Trustes. Londer, et Lender's optlon, mny romava Trustao and eppolnt a succoseor trustno by first, mofifnq a copy of tho <br /> substitution of trustoe os roquirod hy applicubie Inw. anA thoro,by filinp tho su2>stilution oi iruatoa for nicord in tho offico ot thu rog�stor of doeds <br /> 1 of each county in which the truct proporty. or somEi Rart thereof, ia aituntod. Tho sue�ossor truetoo,without convoyonca of tho proporty, shall <br /> ! succead to atl the powor,dutleb,authority end titlo at`dtu 7nrstao namqd in tha doed ol trust and of uny succossor trustao. <br /> i I <br /> � <br /> jI lRege 2 0!II � <br /> , � . I OANKER3SYSTEMS.INC..ST-ClOU0.MN5030111�000J97Q3NIFCf1IdOCft�TGrNE0��9/9� , ___ __ <br /> .. i I.. <br /> I <br /> I <br /> : ' <br /> � -----. .__. <br /> ��__ . . ..._. <br />