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<br /> D�ED OF TRUST `' � �
<br /> . � "� �' � -
<br /> • PAFSTIES:This Dcod ot Truet is mede o� APR Ii, 9, 199?_.—. ,omonp tho Grantor, to�,a r.�rrr� um _._ � ,
<br /> �a rr� HiTCRAI7I1 ANO sa.taF I'Barowor•L ;._. , . _. -
<br /> County,Rodranka I"Trustoo°I,nnd tho Bonoticlnvy, C f ' ' ��� 'Y• °
<br /> whose residence addroas is p�1 ROX 7on [x wnd Tnls�nd uw1� �� � ry. .,'
<br /> R�Mh, FFDrRAT• ervT�rnc F T 0 N ASSO['7A'Y'ION ^.,� CO�pOf8tl0f�WpFI�ItAtl � � �'!��"
<br /> and er.isting under the Inws of 1QF.BRARKA _ _Wh069 Udd►e38 iS ?2� RCITPPH Td1CL7ST RTPF.F.T_ _ � "'� �
<br /> ��� rn.r�m wIRARAcvT FifIROA-1009 — r'p. .,•.x.-e
<br /> , .___ 1'Lnndnr"t. G .<�;"�,r�-.��
<br /> CONVEYANCE:For vatua recoived, Borrower irrevocabty grants and conveys to Truatao,in trunt,with povror of salo,the real property,of whiah �`�'='�'�
<br /> ;� Borrovior fs IArRuly seized,described helow nnd all buildings, fixtures, and enlatfng and future improvomonts thareon end 8II II0�1�6-0}•�Yfly.
<br /> • vasements, ronts, issuos, proTita, inaome, tenements, heredi2amonts, p►iuilugeo and any appurtonaRCee thareunto boionping lalf callod tt�a � ` -
<br /> .::Q�n�:.r-_
<br /> . 'property9.
<br /> PROPERTY ADDRESS:_3.Q2II AVON AVE , c�uaNn 'rSx ntsn .Nebraske 6A�03 •
<br /> LEOAL DESCRIPTION: �s�roeu �r.nv� a�n cmo� , !Mti�_-
<br /> � HP.LF OF THE NORTFIWE3T QUART$R OF 'THfi SOUTHFTEST QU73.'2TER(Sl/2NWl/4SW1/4) � ��'"��;,. ,�,}
<br /> ., :�„ x OF SECTION TWSNTY-FI�IE (25) , TOWNSITYP SLEVEN (11) NORTH, RANdE TEN i,� . ., �
<br /> •.• (10) WfiST OF TfIE 6Tfi P.M., HALL COUNTY, NSBRASEUI. . i.r.��, .
<br /> , �� �r��T ��
<br /> .�.
<br /> �.
<br /> --_-_� __
<br /> .t,.
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<br /> . � loceted In [�RA�lO 24r.amn unr.r. Caunty.Nobreoke. A:
<br /> ' � TITl.B:Borcower covenanta and warrants titia to the property,except for �•
<br /> 7 . +�:f;
<br /> E '
<br /> � SECURED OfBT:This daod of trust securoa to Lender repayment of the securod dubt and tho performonce of the covenants and aproemontn {`��
<br /> ��� contefned in this daod o4 t+usi end In any other document Incorporeted hero(n. Saaurod dubt,ee used in this deed of trust,Includes any emounto
<br /> � Borrower owoe to Lender under thla daed of truet or under eny Instrument seaured by this dned of trus4 and all modificatione,extansions und
<br /> ranewals thonaot. ��
<br /> The secur�e�d debt is evidenced by (List ell insu•umente and agreemanta seaurod by thin duad of truut and the datos theroof.l: -----
<br /> A PROtRTSSORY N�TE IiTv^,3 CFC[iRTTY A R6'FMR'T1`T' nnT 1] nURT y� �9Q7 ���
<br /> �Futun Adv�nca:Ths above amount la securad even though ail ar part of it moy not yet 6e edvanced,Future aMancea ero "_-�_
<br /> � . contempiated and will be secured to tha same axtent ea if inede on tha duto thla deed of Vust ie executod.
<br /> � . IG�:_._.�.---—
<br /> :
<br /> s"� � ❑ Revolviny line of credit egreement deted ,with Initial u�nua!intoreat rate of 96. ;�y;;';.
<br /> '�Tie`` All amounts owed u�der thta eflroement ero eecurod even ttwugh ell amounta moy not yat be edvnnced. Wture advancoe undor �•��'`�`
<br /> the apreornent ere contemplated and will be secured tu the same e�dant ua If mada qo the date this deed of Vust ia oxocutod, �`,__�
<br /> �s----
<br /> � The above oblipation Is due and payable on APRtL iti, �nn� if notDaid oeNlor. �-'�'""�"°'�
<br /> � The tatal unpaid balanco ReCUrc,d by this deed of ttust at eny one time ahall not exceed a maximum Drincipal amount of -- �
<br /> ' �����_y,__....,���,o �.,,,u�,00., gnoTV nr.m aa/,nn Dalinro i�?3,94�-�p 1, plus Intoroat, v i��'.
<br /> piva any amounts diebureed under the terms ot thla dood of trust to protoat tho socudty of this deod of truat or to perforrn ony of the �;� „•���..f��`��T
<br /> „� '.��i�.�...��� '
<br />� � covenants contafned in this deed of truat,with Interast on such disbursomento. ;t.a,..�_-,—.�'�s�=-
<br /> 7 �"S �- "QC.:�:
<br /> ' ` n V�Habl�R�tr.The intorest rate on the obUgeNnn socured by this dned of trunt mey vary according to the terms of thet oblipution. :t�,; �
<br /> �r•- . �"'�,1
<br /> . ❑ A copy of the loan agroemont contafninp the terma undor which tha intaroat rato may vary ie attuched to thfs deed of truat pnd � �� "`���'
<br /> � ,� ^4'�f i.....
<br /> '�:1�'i;;� medo e part hareof. �� . "
<br /> �% • RIDERS: ❑ Commercial lr.� ass��AlhtF.tuT OF RRUT.Q ❑ _ ,,;'�''�;ji`.,•:�• ,.
<br /> • '4��!,�4:���y` .
<br /> � DES�(iNAT10W OF HOME6TEAL� �;•a':;".,�� '"�
<br /> Pursuant to tho Farm Homostoad Protootlon Act,designation af homestaod ❑ in attnchad to thle deed of trust end made a part hn�ooi '� �•�
<br /> v:
<br /> � ❑ hes beon diLalnimod;the dis¢�elmer IS atteched to thia deed of trust ond mada q pnrt heroaf. � �
<br /> ,�- __ ';.;5;.
<br /> SIQNATIDR�S:By slyntny 6Aow, Borrow�r�grw to the terms and coven�nt�cont�inod in ffila deed o4 wst,IncludfnD thoss on pag�2,end in `� � '�= .
<br /> sny rid�n dac �bo b row�r. � (� ',�
<br />_.._____ _ ____ '� /���C'=S%� w,�fr+n �- . _
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<br /> �� ACKNOWLEDOMEPIT:STATE OF NEBRASKA, I�RAN[] IS7,�IDr uA��—--___ County ss: � '
<br /> The fo�egoing instrument was acknowledped betoro me on this aTU dUy Of �PRTT�� �99Z—
<br /> bY_ ------ --- ---
<br /> �rn�akll
<br /> i Capont�a 'J— _--�� -'�— INam�olCorpuaponaPUtnnshpl
<br /> .. � P�nrwrtND U}- ----- -�-'-- - ..
<br /> IAc►nowiedpmm� 8 1AyC01nR Etp.pKly,ZQO� ___ .,_ on bohalf of tho corporat�on or partnorshlp.
<br /> My commiasion oxpfroe: �o_ I�. �� y y� �
<br /> � ISNII �Y`"��`"�' ^ . /� -V,!'� OlotorYPubhtl
<br /> Thls f�strument wae prepared by cuR7c L ur+eKIg ___ ___ __ ____—____._�...,c:.w-�,}j�_�,����� •
<br /> Q1986��IKERSSVSTEMS.INC..ST.CLOVD.MN6830117�E00•397�23411FORMOCP�MTG�NE61�9�81 APPL# d6030993 lpeqe iOl?I ��p�]y,qA
<br /> ' I CCD# OOOOOGOOI?0 �
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