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cr,.�.�� ?��ry�.xia'�''�.�.Gu�.a�.'-`i�-�m�'r.�----. ...w,.e.:.,.a___ _ . . _.. _�. _ . <br />_..--�s.. - <br /> $2.�.�.09�a2 . <br /> � <br /> � 720128 �'LANN�11� UNI'P DI3'VBI..OPM�3NT RID��`i nui�r�-siso-i <br /> ' THIS PLANN6D UNIT DGVHIAPMpNT�IU&R Is nudc thts 23RA day o( pG7pllCCt <br /> • �qg2 a�vl is(ncorporatcd Into and sAill t�dz.nx+d to am.�nd nnd supplcnxvt thc Mong�gr. Ikcd ot - <br /> Trust or S��curfty Dctd (ihc "Stt�urity Intitrunxnt") ot the sanw da�c, givcn by ihc unJanig�xxl (thc - <br /> ••tWrrou�cr")to secure Corca�azr's Nac to kO;t�F.f3T MOR7QRQE, Iki:. <br /> . €: <br /> pht^t.cnder'7 - <br /> of th: sanr; due ard core�iqg ilr:E'ropny descrit�l in the Securi�y InuNmene and Ic�caud ai: °_ <br /> ih24 fi7A0F.Ci1lIC1{ ftf�;AD� GRRkD I£3l.AND� tJ,�: 6EiEl0i . <br /> (Fh�p+ry Addnul <br /> - The N�ty irclacks.bu�is iwt Ilmited ro.a paml of Ixed impro�•ecl�vLh a d�rdling,togeth:t wiih aher such - <br /> pirtels aad cwtato mmRwn areas azrl fx�ilitlts,at d:,crikr,d In BY-IAHS AND}�e`ti�ECB��.�B ACRB6TIIINTS IN - <br /> Ci1CUHCNI Y0. 77-001305, 84-001147, 87«101671> 87-10678�EB�S� (lTse Dxlaration'q. - <br /> Thc Ptoperty Is a put of a plann:d anll devd�nrnt known as - <br /> RIV�RHIAE £STATE& 110:ffi0'dtIHN�A9PUCI�u�I��„opmmi7 - <br /> (tho "PUD'7. 77:a Proxrty alm irsludes Eorrower's intercst in the hn�xrowners auociatlon or equfvalrnc -• <br /> enti�y owning or nunaging�F.c mmmon emas a�d tacilitla of�he PUD(tfx�"Owners Associxtlon")and the uses. _ <br /> bcnefi�s and pronrls of Dorrowcr's Intcrest. _ <br />_ PUD COVENAIVI'S� in addition �o the mvenanu ar.d ngreemtms made In �he Sccurity InsWmmt, - <br /> 13orrowcr and Lcndcr funhcr covcnant and agr.r as follows: ' <br /> ' A.PUD Ob:lgations� Borcower shail perFonn nll of 6orrow•er's nbligmions under lF.e PUD's Constiwent _ <br />-- - Daunxms.The"Ccns�imcnt Docunxnts"act ihe:(I)Dtclr.rn�ion;(ii)nrdcics of ir.corporatfon,mnt insuunMm _ <br /> oc any Mulvalcnc docunxnt which crcatce thc Owners Associnttun; and (iii) any by-Iaws or othar tulcs or = <br /> - regulations of�hc Owncrs Assoclalion Dorrower shall promptl��pay.xfien duc,aii ducs«m u�w��r^u��ujµ��+ -- <br /> ` pursuant m�he Conuiucnt Documenu. - <br /> - H. ilpzard )r.sma�e. So long as�Iw Onixrs Associa�ion maimains, wiih a gencrally an�eptod insurun�: ..-. <br /> carder,a^mut.P'or"Dlanket"politp intnting iha Propeny�vhich is miis(nctory w Lender and�vhici�provides <br /> insurnce rnL•cregc in the smounts. Pot ihr�rind�,and ngainst Ihe hararAa I.eMtr rtquins, inclnding liro a� _ <br /> hazards lncludcd whhin da�enn^extend<d co��crngc:'then: _. <br />.. (p Lci�lar wah�r.s the provision in Unifomi Cnrcnam 2 for ihc monthly paynxm �o Lcndcr of __ <br />-- onMx'cl�h of thc ycndy ptcmium Inctallm:ms fur ha�ard insurance on thc Property;and _ <br /> - pf) Botrower's ohiiga�lon nndcr Unifomi Covenam 5 ta mainlatn harard Insurxncv mvengcon _ <br />�,� �he Prop�:hy is d.emtd saOsOcd m t6e ex�em tha�tht rcquind ruverage is provided by�he Owners Associa�lon - <br /> _ policy. -. <br /> - Ilorro�i'cr shall gire Lendcr prompl noil�;of any lapu in rcqulrcd harnrd Insumnco mvcrago provided by _ <br /> �hc mastcr or blankc� pullcy. ' <br /> - In d�e event of n Aistd6ution af h�earA lnsumnce proce.Js in Ilcu of ra�oration or rcpair follawing a loss ro <br /> = thc Fropeny, or tn mmnwn nrcac nM faclli�ics nf thc PUD, nny procceJs paynblc lu Borro��'.r nrc hcrcby - <br /> = assignod ond shall Ix paid to Le�v.lcr. IAnder shall appty �hc pta�ceds tn the sums stturcd by ihc Secud�y _ <br /> = InvmmcnL wi�h nny cxcess paid�o Dorrowcr. _. <br /> - C. 1'ublic LIabllitg 6uurenca Dorcowcr shnli �akc xuch actioro ns may bc rwsonable to Insure �ha� ihc .. <br /> ' Owncrs Association miimains a public linbility tnwmncc policy a.ceptablu in torm, amount, nnd extcnt of <br />--- covcragc ro Lcnder. . <br /> ii _ <br /> MULTIBTATE PUD f11DE11•Sin9�a Pem:W. Fannle Maaffmddh Mne UNIfOBM IRSTIiUMENi Form 3160 9190 _ <br /> n.y.��� <br /> ��NIdFL3160CUimm� vuvuomencerom�sr��L:ve�oo �eoo,servx�� sa:r,_� _ <br /> Lz <br /> 4_+l <br /> i� C 6N"' % "C �t� �rr . .reai retr 9�ir`l'��yr - .�;,r=� <br /> -� t s �*� }l, 'i� "�'1 1�.�a sr_ j, !' ':��ti}� r _ � ���,�f�`ct�7da> 5 <br /> '(�' JC,c_ ,e- 'p� ¢'�r•�'I't -1 - ' Y .� -�{ -r. _ . . <br /> �� �11rf �i.�_ � - C � �-ILp . _ r��1 i ��i <br /> t;�,:t, - ti , � �t� , �;y;til. <br /> �"a: YL'���.- 1. l l�' ....` t . <br /> r �3LVY f !�r r ' s _ � ' f 'rw . <br /> � � <br /> 5 _ � t �f4 , r . . : � ' r . r . <br /> �.�.� �J'�t �� . �J � . ..� . i - <br /> '* ! _ �d' . <br /> ��' 1 ( �� �' ��i � � / l •, . <br /> - > JI�� . � ) � ,�� � <br /> � a4'C�yL ,3 _ .� � ti , :. ;; . <br /> ,l' �i , , <br /> , �- <br /> � �. ' , , <br /> ' i y 3 �� Ft< �, � >. > > � <br /> � .? -.1l n _ 2 . ' t�ty i . . . � - : <br /> � .` t .r �` a � e r�� � -� t . s ` �_ � S ._ .. <br /> t S <br /> fr it llfh-: �� t. ! .r�{ < 4 : 5�r� � r 1 � �-- �:l "Y��'�y.�"�}-_1.}-, s�{�,{.�l �. . <br /> � w- t'r j� r] � � _ il�N��Fi2 i . <br /> t l�.jt . � iFl t t��_ .t � 1`l`l� r�if�i_ ' f�. - <br /> � �-_ sIL�3 . ._��_ .. —_ .� u._.u.-...1._ ... . .. _. _. . _ . , . ..�4:. iWGO � _ o�.��._ _. . .... . <br />