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_ ,,,�...�..... . ._. �... . <br /> _ q,�pia9�6�-- <br /> plyments m�Y�w longa bo rtqulrai,at tlw optian of[.�ndcr,If nw�tgngo insumnco covcr,Eo pn�ho antnunt nnd(or�ho perlad <br /> tltft i�c(dqr rxqt�lrvs)provldcd by an t�suttr approval by lxndcr r�nin bccom�s nvnllnblo nnd is obtalncd.Dorro�ecr shnll pny <br /> -tlbpmniunurcqu�red_to mnlNnln motlgngo InsurnncD In ofRcL ot in provlda a loss rasorvo,nNli ihc rupdremcN for mo0gnge <br /> Insmm�co ands in�ccanlenco wiih nny wdurn agtcement Uonvccn IIarrowor nnd I.endor or nppllcnbia lnw. <br /> 9. Tn�poMfnm I.ender m fts ageN may mnka rensonnblo cmdcs u�wn nrcJ Inspcctlons nf�he Propcny. I.cndcr s6nll give <br /> RormWCt nollcu al tho timo of or pdor to nn inspcalon specitying rcasonzhlo auw for�ho Inspcclinn. <br /> ' 10rCajikoro�llon, 71w pmcccds ot nny mv�rd or c1elro for d�nugas,dkcs�or cmtixqucntlal, In connreilon wlil�sny <br /> wndcmnaiton ot other thking of any pan of�ho Propcny,or for convcyaixv;ln Ilcn of condcmnatlon, ora hccehy aulgntd anJ <br /> sAall Dc pald to t.cnd:r. - <br /> tn ths evcnt ota tMel nking of tM Pro�ny,tho procatds shall be�ppllcd to the sums stcurcd by tlils Sccurity lnstrunxnt, <br /> whelher or not then dne, wlth ony cxccss pald ro 13orrower. In�ho evcnt ot a panlnl�aking ot thc Pro�xny In whlch�ho fatr __ <br /> nurkei v�1uD of�ho Propeny Imnwdlntcly bcforo Iho tnklqg Is equnl tn or grcaltr Ihnn tho anwunt of�hc swns sccurcd by ihls <br /> Secnri�y Tnsuumcnt(mmedlmcly bcforo tho tnklnE,unless ftnrrowcr nnd I.cndcr oihciwlso agrcc In wdting,tho sums sanrcd by _ <br /> Ihle Secudly fnstmmeN shnll bo rcduxd 6y Uio nmonnt of tho procetCs mul�Iplled by tl�o tollowing fr,.ctlon: (a) lhc mtnl — <br /> nmonnt af t6o snms suured Immcdintcty�eforo tho tnklnp,Jlvlded by(b) tho fnlr markct vatuo of thc Propeny Inmicdlatcly � <br /> bctaro Il�o iel:ing. Any balana shall bc pald to Rorrowcr. In tho cvrn�of a panlnl iaktng ot ilw Propeny in whlch ihc falr <br /> nwrktl vnlue of Iho Propeny ImmrAiatcly beforo�ho tnking Is less Ihan�hc amounl of the suns savrod irmr,alla�cly befoR tho <br /> laking,untus IIorcowcr nnd Lender o�henvlso agrca In wrlting or milas appllwblo law oehcrxiv�provida. �ho promds shall <br /> be applled to the sums secured by thls Secudty Instmmem whc�6cr or noi�ho sums are then dca __ <br /> If the Property Is abar✓ by Bortowcr,or if,nfler nollcc by I.cndcr to Oorroxxr that thu mndenmor offcts to make an <br /> awazd or setde a cIa[m far dzm�ecs.Frvnm�xr faUs to respond ro Lender within 3D days afrer t�e date tho nalee Is glven, : <br /> Lendtr is z.VLAriza!to cel[ec12rr3 nyp:y il� Its opilon,elther to[uroratlon or repalr of tha P�cperty or to tFa sums ° <br /> sseccurzd 6y rhLs Sxudty]nstnmxr<t,�vhetber er r.o:tEen daz. - <br /> UnM,-,s/.ecsli:r and ihrmv.rr.�VFSrnise agree i� iviiting, any applicatlon of ptocCects to priir.fp.�l shal! not extrnd or =- <br /> pavpwz the Ger_dx.e of ihi m.cae9k.��i�mcnts za(emYl to in paregwphs I nnd 2 or cT�uge�Ae amoum of such payments. _ <br /> - 7!.Borrorrar ti,t Rz7znse�!;Forbranmm Ay ienrhx Not a�Valver.Cztensian c-f�'*.x tlma for pa�n�r.i or rzdiftcatlon =�- <br /> of amortl7ation of ehe s4m�k�SS:tc:?Gy a:�1.s Scccriry Inslrument granted by Lender ro xny sa,;e�x in'um:rest of lbrrower shall "=�� <br /> not operate to rcleue ihe Itab��r:c c�x>:.�cigin,l Borrower or 6orro�ver's saccesso.s in��saesc.l.en;l:r shall not br,rarylred ro = <br /> commence procuAings pgahut aRy sux.xso:irt intercst or refuse ro ex[end Gmt for p�<<��m�m or o[h.rtvlse modlfy anmrtlzvlon ;;_;: <br /> of tho sums sccurtd hy this Security 9ne.mmtnt 6y rcron of any dtmand v�dr.++; ehe original Oorrower or Rorcowcr's - <br /> suceessors In Imeus�. Any fo� by Lender In exercising any right or ren:eRy shatl r.ot 6e e waiver of or preclude�he - <br /> CattClw of nny dghl or rcmcAy. _'- <br /> 12. Suttrssors nnd Asslgus 8ound� Jahtt and Severnl I.In6f111y; Coalgneie. 77�e mve�4�ntx nnA ngrccmems oP ihis -- <br /> Sccurlry 1nslrumcnl shall bind anA bcnefit the succcssors nnd nulgns o!Lendcr ar,d Aorrower, subjec� io �he provlslons of -._. <br /> paragrap6 17. Aorrower's covenants and ogrtemems shall 6e Julm end sevttul. Any Dovmver who co•s(giu this Securily <br /> Insltument but does not execule�he Role: (n) Is m•signing thls Security InsWnteN only to nwrtgage, grant and camey that <br />- OorrowePS InMrcst In the Prnperty undcr iFc tcrnu of�his Security hnlrmnenl:N)is no� persm�ally obllgated to pay Iht su�is = <br /> securcd by Ihls Security(nslmmenl;nnd(c)ngrecs Ihnt l.ender and eny other Oorrou•er may egru to extend,modi(y,forbcar o� _ <br /> make any nwommodatlons wl�h regnrd m�he lemu of�his Sewrf�y Instmment or Iho Roic without�hr.t Dorrmver's conxm. __ <br /> 13. Losn Charges.If the loan secural by�hls Sauriry Invrument Is subJat to a I�a•whlch uu mazlmum loxn charges, - <br /> end that law Is Onally INerpm�cd so�hat Ihe Imerat or mher loan charges mllce�ecl nr to be collec�cd Im m�ncctfon wilh�ho - <br /> loan execed d�e penniued limits,ihen:(n)nny such ban charge shall be reducttl by pre mnmmt r.ecessary to reduw�he dmrgo = <br /> lo iLc pctnilltal IimiC nnd (b)nny snms nlready rnll�r�cd from Qorron•cr whlch cxcceded pemil�tcd Ilmhs wlll be rcfundttl lo =. <br /> Dorrower. LenJer may choose io nuke �hls rePond hy teducing U�e pdnclp�l ox�ed unAer the No�e or by making a dlrctl <br /> payment �o Dorrower. If n refund ruluces princlpal, thc reducilon wlll be treamd ns o panial prcpaymeN wiihoW any �- <br /> prepaymem chnrge nnder the No�c. _ <br /> 14.fiollces�Any notice ro 6orrowcr provldeJ for in�hfs Sccurity Inswmcnt shall 6c giren by dcll�•edng i�or by malling _ <br /> It by Itrst clus mall unlcss nypllrnble Inw rcquira uso ut nno�hcr mc�hod. Thc notla shall ba dlrcctcd 10�hc Properly Address - <br /> or nny o�her nddrcss Omrower destgnnles hy nmfee m Lender. Any nmtce lo Lender shall be glven by Om� cl.uc mall to = <br /> I.cndcr's nddruu s�s�cd hereln or nny o�hcr addtess Lcnder designates by noilm w Onrrow�cr. Any notiw provlAcd for L�Ihls = <br /> Sccurity Insuumcnt shnll bc deemed lo have been ghen to Uotrou�cr or I.endcr wlien Firen m p�ovideJ in thls pnrngraph. - <br /> 15.Gm'erning; Sc��ernblllly. 'fhis Scenrity Insuumcnt shall 6c govcrr.ed hy fe.ianl Inw and the law of�hc = <br /> jurisdk�lon in �vhich�he Property is located. In�he eveN d�nt any proefsion or clnu.a nf ihis Security Ins�mmem or�he Note = <br /> con0ins�vitl�npplica6lc law,such con0ic�shall no�affcc�othcr prm�isions of ihis Sauriiy Insuun:cm ot thc Noic which can bc :_ <br /> glcen efTa��ellltoul lhe tnnflicting pmeision.To this end the prm•isions o(thia Securiry• Inammem nrxl ihe Nme arc declared _ <br /> �o bc sevcrablc. <br /> 16.6arrox�cr's Copy.�nrro�eer shall hc given anc mnformcJ mpy of thc Nmc and nf ihis Securiry Insuumem. -- <br />-- Fmm ao20 BIOO - <br /> rn��016 <br /> f"^-..l _ 'v(���I�Y��{LL - s" _s r—�jl �-- �..-'39.^':r�j�'�,�s:f'r�rt�{'J'�,yf�..f . ;9x�Yi°tj•^4�r:-T -.r� I"'iy4.{u�. <br /> ji. <br /> `.> r -; � - � t r i� � l' _ ' e.� -t t . � . r <br /> -� ' - C � :. - ',r - . � '�� -i� �+ 'f� <br /> - lF 7', ❑ F n _ �i-:� :� '`� l ,. .•y�' •_ <br /> . i . -1': -p \. �� +i , �.�.� -.l \:::�. <br /> ^rS <br /> l� lf_�„. 't,',; `- --' — r� _ 1 -� � ' y t . <br /> i A�"tlf � ei �t-.1 i ' v ) --> . F ff + t <br /> � 1 �. �(�.� i, s , �' �� �, _ f� _ � .i 17� _ <br /> .�. r i - : C � . ,! <br /> ti5 _ o , t 4 3"1"-� ) _} f . _ . <br /> � �i, ._. _ � - y -.�} ��� -�"• . <br /> ��� �ti� yv � r1 ; } 5 � 1.� 1 . ` � <br /> (� +:ar�f; t - /y�i �lS'i {o '_ yT tY _, �' . '' , *� <br /> 1 �(��jF�� n � i �- 4 •�nV�f�� t �',� i 5 � . V <br /> � t Z�-• i F. �, � �#� t�t�.. _� t � '�ilv� � } '��i : <br /> � }ilr . .' �� t �" n . . � 1� �7(�. ��� : �i e$�" j )�� f � � -.. � � <br /> �R r � l7�y�+�- �, 5S .- •l�f` r . � �e�.�hr � I y <br /> ��j �� . .;Il'Y�i r ��>ct`tr fh . t i� 1 \�_ .t�l i iA�{ �7f�•�.+q'Xf. 2Y+i � � <br /> `if'� <br /> ,�T�. . , i1 . � ... .I� �r� �.�` c�,..�(,1�! - �.fi 4.� . ..�1:1i..ltieT. ..,.. ,..� -.-fft3ti �¢:�li��S� .'. . ,. . i':. <br />