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+�c�ilR��+i'ITI1l�DRt-i�'.di.uT�un(�.�n�. .. m���, - •� . <br /> _ . , <br /> . 92��a���� <br /> � S. I(otsM or I�roperly Insurnna� Rorrower shr,ll keep tho Improvements now existing or hercaRer tnsxad or� r,hr. <br /> Propctry insurcd againsl lots by flro, hnrnrds Inciudecl widdn thc icmi 'exienACo mvcrngc'and any mher haz:uds,imhr�ing <br /> ilnods or OaxIInE� fnr whlcL 1.cndcr rc�ulrcs insurnnco.7'his insurenco sitell bo mnimninal in tho amnun�5 and for tho pcArdc <br /> • thnt Lcnder nx�alres. T1�c tnsumnco carder providing the insunnoe shnll bc chnsen by Ilormrvcr subjttt to i.ender's approval <br /> wliicl�shall no�hn nnreasonnbly withheid. If ISorcowm fnils to maintnfn cover�ge described nbnve, t.ender may, u� f.ender's <br /> optlon,obtn(n mvcmao to pmi�I.ender's rights In�hc Propcny in accordana wi�h parngrnp4 7• <br /> All-Insurance policies nnd rc+xwals shall bo ncecplab:o lo I.endcr nnd shnll inciude a smndarA mongago clause. l.cnder <br /> shnll imvo q�o dgW to hotd�I�o palicles and rcncwnls.if l.endcr re9uires.Iforrower sh�ll prompily givo lo l.ender ell rccCip�s of <br /> � pa1J premlums nnd rrnosvai�ho evem of loss,IIorrower s6nll yire prompi noliee lo lho insumnec carrier und i.ender. <br /> l.cnda may maka pronf af Insx if not mndo pmmpily By 13orcnwcr. <br /> Unlcss I.endor an�t Dorro�ti•cr mhcnvisa n�rw In wriiins, insurnnco prococds shall bc npplicd to resmmilon or repale of tlm <br /> Propeny danuged,If Ih0 rtslurulfon or rtpair is eeonomicnlly fensfhlo and I.enJer's securlty Is not lessuned.If Ihe teslora�lon or <br /> repalr Is nnt eco�wmlcaliy feaaibl.or l,cider's sceuri�y woulA tw Icsunal,tha Insura�xc procccds shall be applicd to�hc sums <br /> securc�f by Ihis&wri�y InstrunKm, whe�hcr or not U�cn duo, whh nny c�cccss paid to Barrowcr. tf Oorrower abandons the - <br /> Propeny,or das�at answtr wlihin:i0 dtys a nalce trom I.ender thm tho Insuranac carrier ha�offcrcd m�culc a claim,thcn <br /> t.endcr may mllat the insuranco procetds. I.endor may uso tho pracads m rrp�ir m rcsmro ihc Propeny or to pny sums <br /> � smircd uy t61s Scsur(ly initrunxm,whcihcr or rat thcn due.Tho 30•dny pericxi wlll bcgin when�hc noiicc is gfvcn. <br /> Unlcss I.cncicr nnd Bnrroxxr olhtrwisc ngrw in wrl�ing, nny npplicatlon ot pramds to pdncipal shall not extend or <br /> past�rono iho duo dato of il�o monihly paymcros rcfcrrcd io in paragnphs 1 nnd 2 or clmngc tho nmonm of thc pnymrn�s. If - <br /> under paragraph 21 ihe Propeny is ncqulrW by i.endco Ronower'a dght to nny Insumnco�alicfes and procxds resulting from <br /> dnmago to the Ptopetly pdor to ihe acqntst�lon sSall pass m Lender m tho ex�em of�ho sums secured by ihis Secud�y Imtrunxm - <br /> ImmWlately prinr�o�ho ecqnisltlon. -- <br /> 6.(kcupmcy,Prescrvallon,Maintenance nnd Prottttion of ti�e Propertyi Borro�rer's I.oan Appltratlom,I.eastholds. " <br /> 6onower shall occupy, esiaUlish�3MI USC lI1C PfOrCtlY PS BOROWC��S(1fI11CI�1,I resldenco�vittdn sixty days aIIer the execullon of <br /> iLfs Secud�y instmment and shall continuo�o occupy tho Propeny us Donower's pdncipal residencv for.t t� one year aficr -� <br /> thc da�o of occupancy, unicss Lcndcr o�hcrwiw egrces in wrlling,�vhich cronunt shall not 6c unra•..sor.sDty witH.h Id,or unleu __ <br /> extennsting ctrcums�ances ealat which aro beyond 6orrower's comrol. 6ortower shall no1 desttoy, Aamage or imp�ir thx <br /> Propzny, xlWw et.e Propeny �o detcdoreto, or mmm0.wacic on �ho Propeny. Dortower shall be in dafa�;c if any forfeimre - <br /> ac�ion or procceding, wFxther civil or edminal,Is begon�hat in Lender's goal faith judgmem coaid ren;tt in sorfe(mre of�he - <br /> Property or mherwise ma:edally impstr�he Ifen cceattR Ly Ihfs Sccudiy Ins�mmrnt or I.ender's securi�y i�ue.cs;.Bono�ver may --- <br /> - curo such a defxult nnd rzinstate,m providcd in pnvagrap6 18, by cxusing the x�iun or yroc.�lieg t�Ue dis�iivtd wi�h a ruling <br /> U�a6 In Lender's gaoci t:(th determin:aion. pr<clu:irs forfelmrc of�he Dorro�t�er's intrrcs� In ehe P;openy ot oiher matedal - <br /> � impaimien!of Ihe Ifen crra[ed by Ihis se:urity insmimenl or Lender'x securily interesl. pono��rr sha!!also be in defeull if � <br /> � Aorrower,during the Iaan applicailon proccss,gme nm�dally fnlse or fnaceun>.c a�?vrmx�ion or s�atemeR io Lender(or faited ` <br /> m provide Lendcr widi any malerial Intormntlon)in con.xclion wfth�he!wn ceiaexcd by Ihe No�e,incluii1e,bn no�Iimitcd - <br /> �n,repressma�ions conceming Dormwer's occupancy of ihe Proprny as a pmecip:J rcddenca II'Ihis Securi�y fn>trument Is on a - <br /> Ira:thold. Bortoirer sh^!I coneply �rl�h nll the p:osisicas o( �h: :a�sc. If Oarrohxr uiyUlfLS ka Utla to ihr Pio���y. the �-:-. <br />�� Ieaschold m��he fcc4i:lc sha11 no1 mcrgc untess 4ender ngrees to thc irarger ia�crf�ing. _'. <br /> 7.ProlCCtlmi ni Q.endri's Rlghis In Ihe Pn}srrry�.It 6orrmver fnfls lo pecibrm�he covenaNS and agrcciums comalncd In !'�' <br />_ �his Secud�y Inslrum¢n6 or iherc Is n Icgal prncecdi2e �hat may significmnly a;k�ci Lcudcr's rigMs in Oie P<aprny (such os e <br />. praeeading fn bankruptc��.pmlute, tor condemn�vion or forfciwre ar to enforce laws or regulatlons), fhen Isrder may do and ;*'� <br />, pay for whatever is nece�mry to prcceci the vnlue o!the Propeny and Lender's righ�s in ike Proxny.Isnder's acUons m.ry <br />_- include paying any sum�secured b�� n licn which hus pflorily over Ihfs Security Imtn�aen:, nppenring In coun, �aytng ` <br /> rtasonable attomcyi fe.s,nd cmering on the Propeny to makc repalrs. Al�hough Lender m�y mkc oc�ios un�er�his parugraph '-�- <br /> 7.Lcndcr docs nm have�o do so. <br /> Any amoums disbw�ed by Lcndcr nr.der �his paragrzph 7 shall bemme addiiional dcSt of Borrmccr uv�tA 6y U�is - <br /> Scwri�y Insnumem. Unlcss Darron•er:md Le�ulrr iigrec m o�hcr tcrms nf paymrn�,thae nmoun:a aha.l bc.r imeTrst fmm�hc �=.; <br /> da�e of dlsbursement nl tF.e Nole rate �md shnll he pay�able, with in�cresL ugwn noiice Gom Leider io itorrower rcqucs�ing ;>.�. <br /> payment. <br /> 8.Motlgage Ianirnnce.if Lender«quired morcgage insunnce as n coreli�i,m of making the lou�recurcd 6y lhis Securily <br /> Inswmcm, [torzowcr shall pay �hc prcmSumc mquired to mainmin �hc mortgagc Insurnncc in e(ftc�. It, for nny rcason, thc - <br />- mongage Insuranee mveragc rcquired by Lender la{Kes or ce.vses�o be in e(fec4 6orrower shall pay�he prcmiwra requlred�o - <br />-- obtaln wvemge subsmmially equivalent to�hr mnngage insurance previously in effec�, at a cos�subsdmiially equivalem to ihe - <br /> mst to Dorrowcr of�hc nwngage Insnrancc pm�ioasl��in cffec�, frmm �n ahcrnate nwne3ge insurcr .pprored by Lcnder. If <br /> subqantinily equiveient mongage insirzar.ce coecmge i..�vt axails!de,Oorrmscr shall P�S m Ler.der cach�roat6 a sum cqual�o <br />�_ ono-nvcl�h of thc ywdy mongagc inwrauce prcmium hring paiA M1y Oorro+rcr whcn�Fr insnnnce rnvengc lapsid or�racal io •i.. <br />- bc in c(fcc�.Lcndcr will zatpt,ust ar.d cetain�h:se pa}��renu a .�lou rescn�e m h.0 of n:ongagc insnrancc. I.n�c rescnro `�� <br /> Form 3020 B180 <br /> r.�.�oi a <br /> s ri rr'i. � S l"� '.] )1c �i,`(:,:?i:47us "-:i . . _ 'S: i.-alrc�•, i r 1 rn�x r: � .. - -t <br /> �'. t\ �;_ F_• + ` ' ��A � 11Aa _]' <br /> it 'l'; ti�jl7[� , _ _ _ � _ > � �_-r -._ `:Jr t t - .�. <br /> } � . �.n. _..i i�-' �i=. . <br /> :+..' tt�, -. - � . - _� - � - - - -- -- - - — -. r- _- � 7�.. <br /> � ;t. r <br /> '�¢�'Yt,6ji�.�� i n. s,� . _ . . - . - ' . _ ' _ ... <br /> a ti 1i <br /> � � �Y � k L - �F�(��� i1� f . ��'r� - �� � - �� ' <br /> !N 'A 3� i :� - �1 ` f n --, l 1 � � � <br /> s�r I���lt � _ -��7 ' F�rr � _ _ I" fr�1f � �-,.� �{x -j �i1'�rs* � . � . !� r' <br /> 5 hl���y L -.` <br /> }�r` E ,r� ;f,li��Y'f q��f}� f ; � � r c1t�� . <i,.� ';�f{ �s . <br /> S/J I� ? -Ti - '�- � �7� 4�? } � -i i ' It� }� -I <y )iYx. . - ���f7� . <br /> 0 1t � F Y ? l, t o '� a - � � <br /> 31��� k.l}�`?Z..��iS�,ify�E rt� 1 � - \�-- .i. � ��y ( i� 1 ts�♦t{' . . � _ �S . <br /> ai t �-n k i < < r' i�.1.Yy �F •� �V -y . < .> ` � t ,t�s tt 3'\"'.yl�S)x.ti�1� r:��.m- .Nl';i1•l�i <br /> ' % � " eJ �-. sk} }n ,. . i . � 5- _ - i�7\ : trr �k � . _� <br /> � - x �- _ �i - S `«f. -p ./ � h.y\�s�- :� -. t J J � <br /> .. .. , -. � , . _ , si,e:. 2 q.r<.. . r - ._ . .... .�.. _ ..a. , .Hb 1 :�.f ... .. .J:Ya t_ ._. <br />