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<br /> 'N �A4 i'� ' ,, '�� ���y��� �r;�r,�� �� `' '-'rYw-r.ir� �
<br /> .. ' f �,h�.... . . � ...., _.�,.n,a..M YI�IAr111�R�!MS'M1MMi�iilpyltsKncii_.,�ri ry,�-"x.-ravw���+x.+''7�,..m�._.�_ _
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<br />. „ : F ..,� , . J��1i��:'�'�5
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<br /> � and(d)Bor�or�er takas such e�cllon ae l.ender may reasonably requlra to assur�the,t eh�Iimn��thls Deed af 7�us1,L.ender'e �
<br /> � � In4erost In the i'roparty t�nd Borrav►+er'�abll�atlan to pa�l the sums secured by thtg Deed�af'ii��►�t ahall contlnue unlmpsired. �.
<br /> � . Upon such paynent and curo�y f3orro•rv�e,this f�oed of nust und tho obll�atlean9 s�earm�l h�t�•4►by eha0 remaln In full torce and �,,
<br /> ' offect ao If no acceferetlor�had occurrQd. __
<br /> � 18. AsilQnm�nt of R�nts;Appoh�tme�t of Receiver;L+snder In Pass�ss{tm.A�cte'�d41in��1 securlry heroundar,k3orr4wnr -
<br /> � hereby asslgn�to Lendc�r the rants of thA Property,providsd thai Borresv,�r shall,prlas ta Rcs�!�t�'at'.'�san undsr paragraph 17 heraaf
<br /> _' • , � or abando�ment of the Properry,havo the ripht to collect and retaln such rents as th�y b�a�r���+due and payable.
<br /> Upon acceteratfan under parag►nph 17 hAroof or abandonment of the P�operty,I.�snder,Irn�rmn,by agent or by Judlclally
<br /> ° eppoi�ted receiver ahaU k�e er+iltlec�toentar upon,tak�pu:,s�:..^,lon of a�d manr.g�th�Proy�prtg�a������r,�ilact th�rente of the _
<br /> -��`�� Properry including those paet du�.Illl►ents collected by Lender or the recelver sh�ll tay o�pfim:l tirr�:Bt�p2ym�nt of the coats
<br /> of managemont of th�Property and colloction of rents,Including,but not limitod ta,rE►coiv��r's t�s,pr�tmlums on recelver'e
<br />- ,���� bonds and reasonable attorneys'feas,and then to the eums secured by this Deod o}Trusx.LmndwT 9.nd the raceivor shall be -
<br />_ • Ilablo to account only tor thase rents actually received.
<br /> ; 20. Rec�rweyance.Upon paymont of all sums securod by this Deed of nuat,Lendec she�!r�►qi+tr,t Trustee to reconvey _
<br /> •� % the Pro!�rtyan�sP��f►it�rrei�darthis Daed�f Trust and all r�os ovldencing tn�lsb4e�re�e33 e�tecur�ncl ttytti.�tJ�ad of T�u�t to Ttusteo.
<br /> '` i 1Fustee ehail reconvey ihe Property►with�ut warranry and wtthcut charge to 1he p�r;�on ar pe[PAr�s�la�al(y entitled thereto.Such _
<br /> n parson or per�ona shall pay tzll c�sts of recordation, If any.
<br /> � 21. SuhRtltut�Th�atse.Lender,at Lender's option,may from time to time r�move Trust�a An�l n�polnt a successor tructoe
<br /> to any Trustea appalntad hare�ndpr by an instrument recorded In the county in which this Doa�i u11'rust is recoraied.Without
<br /> ��.� ��t° � conveyance of tho PropRrty,the successor trust�e shail�ucceed to all the title,p�wer and dutE��s oaniarred upon the 1Fustee
<br /> �r herein and by a{�plicablp law.
<br /> , 2�, ERequest 1or Notioea.Borro+nser reque�fhat capies of tF►e notice o1 de9ault����no�lw-�of r,�la b�ssn4 to Borro�ePe -
<br />:: _,,',�� addresswhich Is the PropertyAddress.
<br />`x'' �'" REQ4.9�$T FOR NOTICE OF DEFAULT
<br /> .�yr ��`"�'� MORTGAGES OR DEEDS OF TRU'3T
<br /> W=,�:�,;,,:5,., '
<br />�:��;. �
<br /> .;�_;�,�.'��,
<br />.�:, , L3orrowdr artd lender req uesi the halder of any mortgage,deed of trust or other en�umlprs�nce w(th a lien whlch iv-a��rioriry
<br /> a 3 '� '• � over thls Deed of'Ti�i�at to give Notiaeto Londor,a�lend�r's address set torth on page onF af¢his Deed et Trust,of any default
<br />�:�:'�`..,�.
<br /> - under tha superi�r enoumbr�ncp and of any sat�or other forectosura actlon.
<br />�-�:�,� �.. rt
<br />--== ':a+�-��� IN W9TNE6S WF i�HtUt=,norrowor nas execui "i��iu Gaexi i,� � �.
<br />'°-:'- ,.;;:'
<br />'"'�,a�`�,,v:y'� •eorrorra
<br />��'�!°° �� Gary J yers
<br /> ,��,�.
<br />�L.'Y.Id,'�S�!�� �
<br />—=x�rr,yr.� •Botrower
<br /> E_�..�����.,� inda J Mey s
<br /> —__� r.
<br />���fi`°'� STATE OF NEBRAS{CA, , Hai� _County ss:
<br /> ,�,;c: :-��
<br /> ���`�� , 19_9.7 betora�me,thfl underslgnod,a Notary Public duly
<br /> �_-.� On this Zth dny of ,A�ril
<br /> ---°---�-�°-- commisstaned and quallfiod lor seld county, personally came rg � T �� v�rr�,g��,,f,t1f1A -T Mev�,�ra�
<br /> Husband and W3, e ,to me known to be the Identical per:son�w�+ni�o�e name(s)are subscribed to the
<br /> �-�--T---- foregoing instrumont and�cknowledgod the oxa�ution thereof to be *he+r voluntary act and deed.
<br /> �- — WITNESS my hAnd and notarlal seat at.�,Land__Ial�nd ,In said counry,the
<br /> — d�te atoresafd.
<br />----��_�;,{:;,,� , /
<br />-_ _____,-� My Comml�ton exgirea; b����� �GjjL,/y�„�,-� ��i_ _i(
<br /> _—�—a�rn�v �/�—'� �
<br /> —._...__ . -- Notary Pubib
<br /> ---a� - GENERAt NOIARY•Sial�of Nebtsk�
<br /> —— I KARMIN M11UL
<br /> ----'_°�'� MrCo:nm.hPloee24�10�0
<br /> ��.`;�,� REQUEST FOR FiECONV�YAP�CE
<br /> �-'`--��'�" T�0 TRUSTE�:
<br /> �fw,�'�� The undersignad is the holder ot the noto a7 r�o4os socured by thl3 De�t a9'ff•ust.Said note or notes,together with all other
<br />—"��-���� Indebtadness secured by this Doed of Trust,have been pald(n t��ll.Yo±�ar�haraby dtrected to cancel sald note or notea and
<br /> - , �''°���` this Deer�oiTru�t.whtch are delivered heroby,and to roconvsy,without�varranty,ali the es?ato now held by you under this Deed _
<br /> __ �' � of TPust to the person or persons legally vntitlr�J thereto.
<br /> . �`-.
<br /> - , r Date:
<br /> _: ' (SpflCt+8elo+n This Una Reserved For Lender and Recardgr)
<br /> -.m9�'� x.
<br />— -__ _;.�•��
<br /> -- .i.•. ,
<br /> •,
<br /> PApE♦ -
<br />