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<br /> 161, Etorrov�r Ndt Rel�a�ed;Forbet�rance By Lender Not a Waiver.Extenslon ot the tlme for payment or moditicatlon
<br /> of ame�rtla_atlon of the sume secured by thls Deod of 1Fust grAnted by Lender zo any successor in Interest of Borrovre�shtall not _ �__
<br /> op�rT.t�to relpase,In any mann�r,the Ileblllty of the original Borrowsr and Borrower's succossors in interost.Londer ehall not �_
<br /> bo r2�ulred to commence proceedings agalnst such successor or retuse to exten�time for payment or othenvlse rnadify �.
<br /> i amc�rtlzatlon of Ihe eums soc�red by this�eed of hust by reason of any demand made by the origlnal Borrower and B arrower's �v_
<br /> aucc+�ssora In Intera�t. Any torbearanc�by Landor in exerclsing any right or remody hereundor,or othenlls�aflorded by
<br /> I ap�ll�wnble law,shall not be a waivor of or prectude the exorcise of any such right or remedy. _
<br /> 11, gt�c�e��t�►t�an�A�elflns Bound;Jotnt and Several Llabllity;Co-slflnere.The covenants and agreemonts hereln
<br /> c�r�t4�ined ehall bind,and the rights hereunder shatl Inure to,the respeative successors and asstgns of Lender and �orrower, -.
<br /> suh�j�ct to the provlslons of paragraph 16 hereof.All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall 6e Joint and several.Any
<br /> Elcrrower who co•sfgns 4hls Deed of Trust,but does not execute the Note,(a)is cn-slgning this Deed of'IFust on lylo grant and _
<br /> ' convsy that Borrower's interest In the F�roperty to Trustee under the terme of this�eed of 1Fust,(b)Is not personelly Ilable on
<br /> tNr:+Note or under this Deed of Trust,and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Bor�ower herounder may agree to axten d,madify, _
<br /> . ; tarhoar,or mt�ko any other accommodatlGns with regard to the terms of this qeed of Trust or the Note,w(thout thetBorrowe��'s
<br /> � conscnt snd wlthout releasing that Borrower or modi(ying this Decad of Trust as to that Borrower's intere�t in the Property. _ . . _._. _.. _
<br /> 1�. Notice.Exceptioranynoticerequfredunderapplicablelawtabegiveninanothermar.ner,(a)anynoticetoBorrower �.. --
<br /> pr•rv��idod for in this Deed of Trust shall bs givan by delivering ft or by maf ling such notice by certifled mall addrossetlto Bor�ower , �;t.;�1.�,�'
<br /> � at+tF�e Property Address or at such ather address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided here in,and(b) �,�.,�;_-_,
<br /> any notice to Lender shall be glven by cortified mail to Lender's address stated herein orto such othor address aslander may �_�,`,_v�`�„-,.
<br /> c1�►slgnate by notice ta�orrower as provided herein.Any notice provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be deemedro tinve bean �,r,��
<br /> c�ivon to Dorrower ar Londor when given in the manner designated hereln. --_— _ __
<br /> 13. Gov�emtng(.a�v;Severebll(ty.The state and local Iaws applicable to this Deed of Trust shall be the lawsof the j urisdictlon � � r�:�+��
<br /> ivi whlch the Property is located.The foregofng sentence shall not limft the applicability of Federal law to this Dead of ltust. ���.s�,tiu�s�r
<br /> �;•. ��`�,-=�_4.
<br /> In the event that any provision or clause oi this Deeci of Trus4 or the No te con f l ic t s w i t h app l i c a b l e l a w,s u c h c o n�l c t s h a l l n o t �,�'�i;;�
<br /> • �flect other provfsions of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given etfect without the conflicting provision,and to thfs `i=
<br /> �.', -=.
<br /> ond tho provislons of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be severable.As used h�reir�,"costs","axpenses"and . . ��•4 , ,�'"_�
<br /> • "attorneys'fees"include all sums to the extent not prohibited by applicable law or Ilenited horein. ,-,. �
<br /> � ; 14. Borrower'e Copy.Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of the No2e and of this Deed of Trust et the time of
<br /> ' execution or aiter recordation horaof. �
<br /> � 15. Rehebllltatlon Loan Agreement.Qorrower shall fulfill all of Borrower's obligations under any homa rehabllitatfon, �;
<br /> � , (mprovement,repair,or other loan agrsement which Borrower enters intowith Lender.Lender,at Lender's optlon,rreayrequlre ;'. ,,� :
<br /> - - - - @cn�::�ss ta s::e�uis en���nvar to Lender;In a form acceptable to Lender,an assignment of any rights,clsirnsor defenses ,,��;;,
<br /> ^ ` which Borrower may have against parties whn suppiy labor,materials orservices in connection with improve�nentsmade to ,,', —
<br /> s�, the Property. ;:: � �
<br /> ,:.;;;} 18. 7Yenafer of Property or a Beneflcial Interest in Borrower.If all or eny part of the F'roperty or any interest in it is sold �,,,�.. � _
<br /> ' �' �''.�� or iransferred(or If a benefic(al interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natu ral person)witfaut lender's :;�,{s `�
<br /> � � � prior wr(tten consent,Lender may,at its optfon,require Immediate payment In full of all sums secured by ihis Deed of 1�ust. y �:`
<br /> � '� � Hawever,this option shall noi be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal taw as oit�e dato ofthi s Daed ot TFust. � .
<br /> If Lender exercfses this optlon,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceler�tion.'('he notice shall prmvide a p�arlod oi not � :•:
<br /> d less than 30 days firom the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Bo�rower must pay all sums socuredbythls Deed
<br /> :, oi Trust.It Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this perlod,Lender may invoke any remedies pe�mitted � _
<br /> • by this Deed of Trust without further notice or demar�d on Borrower. •■�---
<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANI'S.Borrower and Lender further covenant and a�ree as tollows: ��;_�
<br /> � 17. Acceleratlon;Remedles.ExcApt es provide�l in paragraph 18 hereof,upon Borrower's brsech o*m�covenant _��.
<br /> �° or agreement va�orrowar In thts Deed ot'tFust,including Borrower's fatiure to pay,by the end of 10 calenda�deys after -5�m
<br /> � they ere du�a,eny sums secured by thls Deed of 1i�ust,Lender prlor to acceleratton sha8 give notice to8orrower ns �°•y=__
<br /> ;� � provlded In paregreph 12 heroof specitying:(1)the breach;(2)the acttor��qulred to curo such breach;(3)a date,not :
<br /> � lesa the�n 20 daya trom the a�ate the notice is maited tm 8orrmwer,by whlch such breach muat be cured;and�ly ahat talluro
<br /> " � � to curo such breach on or betore the de4e specliled In the notice may reauit In�cceleretlon of the sums secu�ed by thla ��ti..
<br /> rejie:�t�.d�.�
<br /> � � '� Deed of 7tuat and sale of the Property.The notico shelt further info�m Born�wer of ti��rightta relnstate eftereecel�retion Fa=_-T�=�-_.-
<br /> k� � and the right to bring e court actton to asse�t the nonexistence of e defa�alt or any ether defenae o}Borrower!o -,� '
<br /> � � ecceler�+tlon end sele.If the breach Is not cured on or befomthe dete specitie�8n the notice,Lender,atLendar's opUon, °
<br /> , � may deGiere eN of the sums secured by this Deed of 7hust to be Immediatety c]u�and peyable without furtber demand �,;fi'�.�:;:_�
<br /> " 1�`'<?>!¢'�'pa:,.
<br /> � and mey invake the pawer oT sate end eny other rernedles permttted by,^.ppllcable Iewo.Lender shall be entitledto collect rt; t�;;,.,.•k
<br /> � ' , sll reesonable�aats end expenses incur�ed in pursuing the reene�lies provided tn this p�ra�►aph 17,Including,bu8 n�t ��'�. �f.•:�t �``��
<br /> . ..-•�.�!'3r��
<br /> � Ilmlted to,r�easonsbte attorneys'fees. �� � `�`°�{�r �
<br /> ,��:
<br /> � If the powor ot sale is Invoked,"t1vstee shalt reco�d a notice of dotault In eaah county In which the Pv+opee�tyor am�oe :.��� �. ��+����s,
<br /> { `,.';irc.,- .
<br /> p�rttheroof ia lacated and s�haii mail copies of such notice In the manner prescribed by applicable law Q�B�rrower and ,�;��„ ,. :,,,.,, ; ,
<br /> ' ta the other persons pres�7�bed by app0icable lew.Aiter the lapse ot sucts time as may bs requlred by appL�icable lar�, •`'f
<br /> 7tustee shall givo pubila notice of sale tm 40�g persona and in the��nner prescribed by erypllcable law.Truatee,withm�i �:••�°`
<br /> demand on Borrow�r�shail sell the Property at public auctlon to the highest biddor ot ttae tlme end place and under
<br /> ' t�ne terms deslgneted In tbe notice ot sate irs one or more parcels and In such oMer as 7Yastee may detarmine.7tustee '�;:��
<br /> , � mo�,�poatpone sale of all mr�ny parcel of the Property by publ ic a�nounceme�t at the time and ptace o�any previoualy
<br /> � �cfieduled sale.Lender�r�.ender's designee may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> „ llpon r+eceipt of payment of the price Esid,T1vsRee shall deliver to the purchaser 1Fustee's daed conveying the
<br /> _ —__.____ -� Pronertv sold.The recftals In the'�tustee's deed shait be pNma facie evicfence of tho truth of the statementsmade ther+eln. „
<br /> ------ - • - _
<br /> - -
<br /> � Ttust�ae ahalt apply 4he proceeds of the sale in the following anier:(a)to all reasonabte c�osts ana expenaes vrtne ea�e, �
<br /> '� la�aluding,but not Iimited 4,m,itustee's fees ectually incurred of nat more thnn 4�0 oi 4i�e gtoss�saEe�trE��,
<br /> reaaaoneble ettorneys'fees and costa ot title evidence;(b)to all suma secuc�ed by this Deed of 7Fus4;and(c)!he exceao,
<br /> If any,to the person or persons legally entitled thereto. '
<br /> 18. 8oreower's Right to Reinstate.Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by th isDeed of Trust,
<br /> due to 8orrower's breach,Borrower shall have the right to have any proceedings begun by Lender to enforce t his Deed of 1Yust
<br /> discontinued at any time prfor to the earli9r to occur of(i)tho fifth day before sale of the Property pursuant to the power of sale
<br /> contafned in this Dead of Trust or(if)entry ot a Judgment enforcfng this Deed of'�i�ust If:(a)Borrower pays Lenderall sum3 which f
<br /> would be then due under this Deed of Trust and the Note had no acceleration occurred;(b)Borrower cures al I breachos oi any I
<br /> other covenants or agreements of Borrower contained in this Deed of Trust;(c)Borrower pays aIi reasonableexpenses i�curi�d f
<br /> by Lender and Trustee in enforaing the covenants and agreement�oi Borrower contained in this Deed of Trust.and inenforcing
<br /> Lender's and Trustee's remedies as provided in paragraph 17 hereof.including,but not Ilmfted to,reasonebie aitorneys'fees;
<br /> PAUE 3
<br /> � -
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