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�� :.! . :.'l' \:. . ... . _ .._ . <br /> .. ��l . 1;j1A� I��.� . . : .. '. - ...1...�.._..: . .. a... .�.. ._.. <br /> .�. _�, .�..��...��-�-.-.__.-._...__.�. . <br /> 9��..,�.t)93'�:3 -- <br /> 17.7Y�nsTcr of thc lYopetiy or a Hcnef(del Interest(n Bt�rcowcr.lf nl�or any p3n of�hc Propcny or any intcres�in i� <br /> is sold or transforrcd(or if a beneLdat Inurrst in Oarcower Is sold or transkrr�d and Borrowcr Is not a namr�i perwN wiihaui <br /> I.endtls pdor wducn conxat. Lender may, ni fu oplon, requlrc fmr�xdlatc paynunt in fuli of ail sunu x�sund by this <br /> Sccudty In5tn7n}enl.Ifowever,�his uptlon shnll nm lw exerc�sed by 4ender if ezercise is prohiMtal by feGeral law as of�he date <br /> of thls Svcurity insuumcm. �'---- <br /> !f Lcnder exerclses�his option,I.endtt slmll gfvu Dorrower no�in:of accclera�lon.71ic nnilw shall irovide a{x:dod o(no� <br /> icu than 30 dnys Gnm tho da�e tAe notice is Aelteu�d or mallcd wt�hln�rhich Dnrm�vcr must pay n1I sumi secund Uy this —_ <br /> &curUy hnhlimenl.If Iforrowcr fails�o p�y�hese sunu pflor�o thc cxpirr.�ion of�hix pedod.I.cndcr may invoke any rcmalics r.;v-°-- <br /> pemii�tal by this Secudty lnstrunxnt whlrou�Nntxr noiiro or demand on Oorrowcr. �'`- <br /> 1R. Borro�scr's Rtglrt to Rclnstete, If 1lurcower mtt�s ana{m m�dhlons, Dono�vcr shall havc �hc dght to I�nvo j,-c�_.,��„�., <br /> en(orcenxnt of Ihis Securily Ins�mment diunniinucd a�any tim�:prior m thu a�rlier oL• (+i)S Jnys(or �uch other perial as �;.."'__�_-;_-�- <br /> opplicFble Inw may sPectfy for rcins�ntemenq beforo saie of�ho Pro�cny punnam In nny powcr af snto mmolnM in this � ;_� _� <br /> Sttnr(ry Instnim�nl;or(6)enlry af i Judgment enforctng tlds Sccuri�y Instiwnem.Thou sondatans are ihat 6orto�ecr.(nl pays -. �- <br /> Lender all sums�vhich then would 6e due under this Security Instmnr.nt and cl�e Note as if r.o a�eelemUan had ex�curcal:(b) �� -i�,7� � <br /> cures nny defnuh of nny other mvenants or agnements; (e)pays all expeas� (r.curred irt enCorcmg dds Security Instrumer.t. *•�,J.� �,• � <br /> indnding,hut not Itndted ro,rpwnabte attome�n fecs;and(d)lakts such�tion as Lender may rcuonably rcqulre�o assure ;, , �.Y •. -: <br /> Iha1 tho Ifen o[thts Secvrity Inxtmmuu, lenb:r s dghts in Ihe i'�openy�nd�orrmrei s aSligation ro p�y the s��ms:.ecurtci by ��t_ �:.,_ _. <br />- Ihis Securiry Gutrum:nt shAl �votinxe ur.r.ttiengtd. Upon reins�erement by Bonuwxr, this Securny Instmmem ar.d thc <br /> oh�igations v.xvrtd h�ereby shall uneain fulty effeaQvo as if no nceeleracian t�xt ocavrrtd. F4o��eve�.ehis right m reinstare sl��l , � � <br /> nat appty tn tke casc oF aa�icr,n;wn mxlcr{�rvgroph 17. `:���-'�,4�� <br /> i9. SaS2 c8 Piote; Cam;ge oT I.aan Scrrlrea Thc ho�e or a panial interesl in ihc Notc (mgcthcr�vith ihis Sccuri�y y`�;3,�<.y°�±:__.. <br /> Inclmmem)may be sotd one or n�o:c timrs without pdor nolice lo Oorco+rer.A sate ns�y msuh In a ohange tn�hc enti�y(krAw7� -�r:.�;f3:;`f-�- <br />. as thc'Loan Scmicer')tha�mllttts montNy payments duc undcr�hc Notc ar.d this 5:curity Inswmcnl.Thcrc also may Lc ort ,o�;y�,.::__ _ <br /> or more change>utthe Inan Senicer unattv3 ro a saie of�he Nme.If tF.rre is a eh:uige of i6e Loan Servicer,6orco�ver wili te }�F�, . <br />� given wduen ixaice of�he ch.ang�in accoN:r.r�z�vi�h paragraph la alxive snd law.The�mtice a�lll aia�e lhe nanw an+. ;t e�-�-� __ <br /> address of�he new Loan Serci�.ec e�.A tlx ad�irsss lo which paynxms should be nr,ePe_7rie no�ice will alm mnialn any mher �-t�f�, � _ <br /> Intonnatlon rcquired by applicrN:la"�. �;r;;:g�rs -- <br /> 20. }lazerdous Subslanots.Bomener shall not cause ar permll tl:e presenca_ ux, dispos�l, stonge,a r.^2ease o!nny ���;�L_,;:_,_,,,__. <br /> Ilamrdous Substances on or ia 2h: �P:a4.riy. 13orrower shall noi du, nor nilow anynne elx to do, ony�hi:r� :a7ec�ing �he -{j''t�yn . <br />- Property t6a1 is In vlolailon oP n�y�:rn+mnr.�;n�al Law.Thc praeding �xro scntences shall not�ypC> �o tl�e prta2rxr, usc, or ;��i! r - <br />_ slorage o��he Property of sinn3 m�antities ni liarardous Su6s�anece tfin xre generally recogniz� h nppropriate�o normrt •tit�}�CX2F<<4�:=-�- <br /> residcmlal uscs,nd lo maimu�ancr n(thc Pcop.ny. ��•"��;'ig'�� �� <br /> Oorrower shall pronlpily gi��e l.�nd:r�vrit�en naice of any investigailon, clatm,demand, lawsui�ar o�hrr nction by u�ry �;;,tt:;t�cT._ <br /> o �mmemal or re ulaio n�.n or priv�ie an involvin die Pro rc and an Hnzardous Subs�vnce or GndranmGVal Luw �" -`��'--� <br /> o(whlch Dorrowc ghas.wal knoR�lcd_ge.i[Dorrower leams,or is o�ifni by any govcmmenwl er rcgulatory nulhori�y, �hat ;+fS'�j:`;;c:__� <br /> xny�removal or o:Mr rcmcdialion of ar�y Efncardous Subs�ancc ana�in�ch;Propeny is ncccssary. Qurrower shall proinplly lak; �:����r K;�';: <br /> all reccrsary nncdlal ac�fons In xxordaerr ulq�GnviromncNal Iaw. -`"tL�i�+!''(zi=-� <br /> As uud in�his amcru�?�]0. "33aracdous Subs�nnccs' arc thou suSsianns�kfincd as�oxic or hararJous subslancca o a�t�'��Ylu'.. <br /> p 5 ..,5..;t�5.;:.c.. <br /> Enciromnental Law and ih. f44hiainp suhqnnces: gasolinc, kcrosene, oiher 4n��muble or loxic pctrolcum svmJucis, �u�i: �}�r`��Y.=�r;s:�_--. <br /> pesiicides and herhfcides, voLnfle sMreixs.mmerials comaining nsbesms ur tommA!eh9de,nnd radiox�ive matuia�s.Ax useJ in �`°`'�;""'__ <br /> ?.,.._. <br /> this paragmph :0. 'Cnvironmcnml Lfl•�' means federal laws o�d laws uf�he Juriulio�ion where Ihe Propeny i. located ih:r. :�.rif��:'::-�C_� � <br /> relate to hcalth,safc�y or cnvironmenttd pr,:etllon. 8n'���++f� -•_ <br /> NON•UNII'ORM COV GNAM1TS. 6urruwcr and Lcndcr(unhcr cn��cnam and ngrcc ns follna�s: �F�Jti t�i ::. <br /> 21.Atccicrallnn;Remeclin.t.cnder shali gire nolice to Dorroacr prlar lo acceierntion Qoi9u�ring Borro�ser's brench �,_-.t __._ - <br /> of nny corenant ar ngmirnaze in this Securi�y LGStmment lbul nut prlor In ncmlcrntlan under �aroBrnPL l7 miless �:""�;;'��:'-; <br /> npp�icable taw provides utfccr��Gx). Th:notice shnll s{xclf�: (n)Ihe defnul�; (b)the nclbn rcqnirc�to cure 9he defaullt ;�`�t�'�f�-•��'• <br /> a�v�7•��-'va:�;�:�- <br /> (c)a Jofe,not tas tLnn 30 dsqs fmm the date�he noilce Is gl��en to Dorro���er, by xhieh the dePouit miul be eurcvl;nnd �,�„;...u:,;)4_, <br /> (d) tl�ul fallure lo cure Ihe defnull on ar bePore ihe date s ili�vl ?a the natlee mn• rault In accelerotion ot the sums � "=-"•- <br /> {� > ;itc:�itir:;4,:=; <br /> accurcd by Ihts Security I�4slivment nnd snle ot the Pro�xny.7'hc amtire shali fnrlhcr Inform Rorro�ser of thc righl tn _�f,.,�>..�;:,;� <br /> rchutete nfMr acmlerellmi nnd Ihe right to bring n court nclion la ncarrt the non•exisience af a defnull or any other ti:�•:�kv�':_'� <br /> i {I�,.�-a :,.,, <br /> defensc ot Borto«er to nacCera�lon and salc. If thc defnult Is nof curcd on or beforc�he Jnte slxclfleA lu thc noticc, r.�E_�;�rf�_�§p;: <br /> Lender,nt ils ap�lon, m�?� ne:�uirc Inunedlute payment in hdl of nll smns ucur«I by this Secud�y Lutrument �riq�aut . �y=.'e:1..F•-;_�. <br /> tuNl�cr dcmand and may imoke Ihc �wncr uf stic m�d any ulhcr rcmrdics�xivnitted by nppllcnl�le Iax�.Lcndcr shall 6c 'r�.;s•;.;�s�`-i.-.. <br /> en111letl la cu".Crri vll ez xnses irsnrrci!In ursnin,the remedles imxidcd lu Ihlx ra�rii h 2t.IncluJln ,6ut nol IluilECd .tifS�,�'�".��:.`� <br /> 1 P P I � 6 P R . ,,,t � � : <br /> lo,rensoitable vtlorneys'tecs sud c��+'ts�:�i�le c�idence. .-+�.: �, <br />- if Ihe �wi+cr ot snle Ix dmnke�l, 9tu}iee shnli record n nolice of defnult !n rarh enmct+ �n ishlch miy part of the �a.�`,.`_,�� <br /> nroyerq•Is ocnted m�d shxfF inaiS ropla of such uotlee 6�the manner prascribrA by nppllniblr inw to 6orro��er nnd lo '�f�Y�_;°��§�-� <br /> the o�lier petsons prescriheeR hy appllcnUle Inx�.After Ihe lime rryulreJ by npptfaibie Im�,T�vslm shnll gRe public notlm .:_ tr�`F.- <br /> ot sale lo Ihc perso�u m�d Le�F.r mmwer pracribeel Al'npplirn6ic Imr.Truslce. ��hhoul drmm�d on Oorro���cr.shnll ull at:�: - <br /> �he Properly at pu611c nuctian ro Ihe hlghest 6ldder nt�he tl�ue nnd ptacc nnd under tl�c�enus deslgnated In the nollce of "''R"'"'?-'-' <br /> � . z ,. <br /> sale In one ur nmre parccis and In nny orJcr Trustee dMenninc�. Truslm nmy�w}ipone snie of nll or un�� !�nrcei ut the t=f'' '�' ",-. <br /> Propeny by publk mmounecmenl nt Ihe time mid pince af nnc prcduusly schtvluicd xnle. Lcnder ar i�s cicsignec mr.. z_�G.r'�_,'=� <br /> �cfchase�hc Pmper�y m am �ulc. _�r.';;r„`;<•�•. <br /> -itf.'e:'a,�:� <br />. tSt•:if��':l:-. <br /> iY;c�t*"�':.:, <br />.. _ ..2.f:"r,_;..::.: <br /> Fnm3020 �Jr9J �Y�`T3�ti+Y::`::� <br /> Pye 5 0�6 \} . <br /> :.:t'viL".`.-I-��. <br /> \���'yV1ry 1���:. <br /> C,.`yJ�Jl�('l:i..,J--: <br /> l"C11j�(�_5��1i'' <br /> t ti- � L b iSi1 Tfr f - S-Rfr.-- i:birt�l:s...::.�-...z�.r.�>.,^.t.�:' -_Cl'.n �+%iS 'f'� �}S l� .�• "i�-" �y 1`� Z• ;'u ; ��J ,` t �1 4 <br /> ` S{ <br /> i� ._ �l�i t` _ k s'7 � � al1 ?�i` 5 .J�n .,... _ � ' V � ` <br /> F� t _ , � l�� t/ '' � ." <br /> v2�`.�li�i����' � ' _'l��lriF`,�. � _ . r, ��f_.....�r�ri� (-.. <br /> �_ _;.:— '� --- - --- --_-- - <br /> iC - '•i ..` _:'. . . _ _ . _ . <br /> i a r .-� f S;•� . . . . -- <br /> - r : .} �. v. . <br /> .��ytr _ - �, . ' : <br /> 9 Sr.rT� ; - . . . . _ . . . . . . <br /> ;+� � �a�t% `'' , . . . . <br /> - _ i; y: - . .+ t t _ :�: . . - . - _ .. i <br /> .�. -. � t�-- �e. '.. ' _' . . . . ' - <br /> 1 <br /> e_/ '.L �i .'j � �_ . . .. ' �l. _ . ,. <br /> / � � I :.- { � _ f • _ _ . _ <br /> 1_ 1-f .t�. a <br /> j , . . . 1� _ _ - � - . <br /> [ -". - 1 �-4` > 1 . � i� i . . , <br /> r <br /> )b -� . : q 1 � M-rw� ; " 1 . <br /> +F h t ✓- �>1 -. . i . �' : -_it�t "`T'�{'� � <br /> - � r�- � � u�4j � �,� ts - - - . � °_ ' 3 _#� t . .. :G �". <br /> f ., - . "� . F�,°,�. . �.��'l77 t�'�' . . .. - . . _ _ ., i" �. u.l_{!.. ,.. . � � .._. <br />